private GameListing GSListing; // The Stores the Game server list used by list view ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// STRUCTORS ////////////////////////////////// public WindowPortal(App app) { InitializeComponent(); Parent = app; GSSelection = null; GSListing = null; this.btnJoinServer.IsEnabled = false; }
public GameBase(int gameId, Player player, GameListing currentGame, int minPlayers, int maxPlayers) { if (player == null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } this.GameId = gameId; players.Add(player); _minPlayers = minPlayers; _maxPlayers = maxPlayers; CurrentGame = currentGame; }
/// <summary> /// Gets game server list from portal /// </summary> private void LoadGameServerListing() { try { GSListing = Parent.UPSConnection.QueryGameServers(Parent.Token); this.lvServerListing.ItemsSource = GSListing.GameServerDetailList; } catch (ServerConnectionException) { MessageBox.Show("Problem connecting to portal server, attempting to reconnect", "Error Loading Game Server List!"); Parent.UPSConnection.Reconnect(); } catch (PortalServerException) { MessageBox.Show("The portal server could not process your request at this time", "Error Loading Game Server List!"); } }
public GameListing QueryGameServers(string token, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; GameListing gsl = null; if (UserRegistry.IsClientRegistered(token)) { gsl = GenerateGameServerListing(); } else { ec = ECode.AuthenticationFail; } return(gsl); }
internal GameListing GenerateGameServerListing() { GameListing gsl = null; List <GameDetail> list = new List <GameDetail>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ClientSession> kvp in GameRegistry) { string name = kvp.Value.PUID; string address = kvp.Value.ClientAddress; List <string> registeredUsernames = new List <string>(((GameSession)kvp.Value).PlayerList.Keys); list.Add(new GameDetail(name, address, registeredUsernames)); } gsl = new GameListing(list); return(gsl); }
public void PopulateGames() { foreach (GameObject entry in entries) { Destroy(entry, 0); } entries.Clear(); scrollArea.sizeDelta = new Vector2(scrollArea.sizeDelta.x, (lobbyStorage.Length * 35) + 40); int i = 0; foreach (GameMatchmakingInfo info in lobbyStorage) { GameObject newListing = GameObject.Instantiate(GameEntryPrefab, scrollArea) as GameObject; entries.Add(newListing); RectTransform rt = newListing.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rt.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, -5 - (35 * i)); GameListing gl = newListing.GetComponent <GameListing>(); = info; gl.UpdateLabel(); i++; } }
public GameListing QueryGameServers(string token) { ECode ec = ECode.None; GameListing value = null; try { value = Server.QueryGameServers(token, out ec); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (CommunicationException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } if (ec != ECode.None) { throw new PortalServerException(ec, "Internal error occurred at: QueryGameServers()"); } return(value); }
public void SetMatch(GameListing desc) { nameText.text =; playersText.text = desc.count.ToString(); this.desc = desc; }
public void DeselectMatch() { selected = null; detailsDisableObject.SetActive(false); }
public void SelectMatch(GameListing desc) { selected = desc; detailsDisableObject.SetActive(true); worldDescription.text =; passwordObject.SetActive(desc.match != null && desc.match.isPrivate); passwordInput.text = ""; }
private IEnumerator RefreshList() { testLAN.Initialize(); //testLAN.StopBroadcast(); testLAN.StartAsClient(); bool test = false; testLAN.OnReceive += (ip, data) => { var listing = new GameListing { address = ip, }; lanGames[ip] = listing; ParseName(data, out, out listing.version, out listing.count); = "(LOCAL) " +; }; while (hostID == -1) { testLAN.broadcastData = hostedname + "!" + (int)version + "?" + clients.Count; var request = new ListMatchRequest(); request.nameFilter = ""; request.pageSize = 32; match.ListMatches(request, matches => { matchGames.Clear(); if (!matches.success) { newerVersionDisableObject.SetActive(false); noWorldsDisableObject.SetActive(false); cantConnectDisableObject.SetActive(true); RefreshListing(); return; } var list = matches.matches; var valid = list.Where(m => GetVersion(m) == (int)version); var newer = list.Where(m => GetVersion(m) > (int)version); newerVersionDisableObject.SetActive(newer.Any()); noWorldsDisableObject.SetActive(!newer.Any() && !valid.Any()); cantConnectDisableObject.SetActive(false); worlds.SetActive(valid.Select(m => ConvertListing(m))); matchGames.Clear(); matchGames.AddRange(valid.Select(m => ConvertListing(m))); if (selected != null && selected.match != null && !list.Any(m => m.networkId == selected.match.networkId)) { DeselectMatch(); } RefreshListing(); }); yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); } }
private GameListing ConvertListing(MatchDesc desc) { var listing = new GameListing(); ParseName(, out, out listing.version, out listing.count); listing.count = desc.currentSize; listing.match = desc; return listing; }
private void InitialiseWorld(GameListing desc, WorldPanel panel) { panel.SetMatch(desc); }