Exemple #1
    // Save the game and world data
    public void Save(ref Game.SaveDataPacket saveData)
        Vector2Int mapSize      = mMapGenerationPayload.size;
        int        mapTileCount = mapSize.x * mapSize.y;

        // World dimensions
        saveData.WorldWidth  = mapSize.x;
        saveData.WorldHeight = mapSize.y;

        saveData.WaterMap = new bool[mapTileCount];
        // Loop through and save the water map
        for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; y++)
                saveData.WaterMap[x + (y * mapSize.x)] = mWaterMap[x, y];
        saveData.TileData = new Game.TileSaveData[mapTileCount];
        // Loop and save the tile data
        for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; y++)
                if (!mWaterMap[x, y] && mMap[x][y] != null)
                    saveData.TileData[x + (y * mapSize.x)] = new Game.TileSaveData(mMap[x][y].TileName, mMap[x][y].Rotation);
                    saveData.TileData[x + (y * mapSize.x)] = new Game.TileSaveData("", 0);
Exemple #2
    // Generate the world using the save data
    private void Generate(Game.SaveDataPacket saveData)
        Vector2Int Size = mMapGenerationPayload.size;

        mMap = new EnvironmentTile[Size.x][];

        // Loop through for each tile coordinate
        for (int x = 0; x < Size.x; ++x)
            mMap[x] = new EnvironmentTile[Size.y];
            for (int y = 0; y < Size.y; ++y)
                bool isWater = mWaterMap[x, y];

                EnvironmentTile tile = null;

                Vector3 position = GetRawPosition(x, y);

                // Check to see if the tile should be a water tile or not
                if (isWater)
                    AddWaterTile(position, ref tile, mMapGenerationPayload.size, x, y);
                    Game.TileSaveData saveInstance = saveData.TileData[x + (y * Size.x)];

                    AddLandTile(position, ref tile, mMapGenerationPayload.size, x, y, saveInstance.N, saveInstance.R);
Exemple #3
    private void GenerateWaterMap(Game.SaveDataPacket saveData)
        // Generate a water map that represents what tiles of the map should be water and what ones wont be
        mWaterMap = new bool[saveData.WorldWidth, saveData.WorldHeight];

        for (int x = 0; x < saveData.WorldWidth; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < saveData.WorldHeight; y++)
                mWaterMap[x, y] = saveData.WaterMap[x + (y * saveData.WorldWidth)];
Exemple #4
    // Generate a new world using the save data
    public void GenerateWorld(Character Character, GenerationPayload generationPayload, Game.SaveDataPacket saveData)
        mMapGenerationPayload = generationPayload;
        // Load the world save data

        // Move the player to there last position
        MovePlayerToStart(Character, mMap[saveData.PlayerX][saveData.PlayerY]);
        mCharacter = Character;

        // Load all entities
        for (int i = 0; i < saveData.Entities.Length; i++)
            foreach (Entity e in EntityInstances)
                if (saveData.Entities[i].N == e.entityName)
                    EnvironmentTile tile = mMap[saveData.Entities[i].X][saveData.Entities[i].Y];
                    Entity          ent  = GameObject.Instantiate(e, Environment.instance.transform);
                    ent.transform.position = tile.Position;
                    ent.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                    ent.CurrentPosition    = tile;