private static void LoadModAssemblies() { Log("Identifying Gadget Mods"); nonGadgetMods = new List <string>(); disabledMods = new List <string>(); incompatibleMods = new List <string>(); List <string> libNames = Directory.GetFiles(UMFData.LibrariesPath).Select(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x)).ToList(); List <string> verifiedMods = new List <string>(); List <string> verifiedLibs = new List <string>(); foreach (string modName in UMFData.ModNames) { if (libNames.Contains(modName)) { verifiedLibs.Add(modName); } else { verifiedMods.Add(modName); } } GadgetCoreAPI.ModNames = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection <string>(verifiedMods); GadgetCoreAPI.LibNames = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection <string>(verifiedLibs); List <string> modNames = verifiedMods; int[] currentVersionNums = GadgetCoreAPI.VERSION.Split('.').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray(); if (currentVersionNums.Length != 4) { Array.Resize(ref currentVersionNums, 4); } for (int i = 0; i < modNames.Count; i++) { Assembly assembly = UMFMod.GetMod(modNames[i]); if (assembly != null) { bool foundGadgetMod = false; foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes()) { GadgetModAttribute attribute = (GadgetModAttribute)type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GadgetModAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault(); if (attribute != null && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GadgetMod))) { foundGadgetMod = true; int[] targetVersionNums = attribute.TargetGCVersion.Split('.').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray(); if (targetVersionNums.Length != 4) { Array.Resize(ref targetVersionNums, 4); } if ((attribute.GadgetVersionSpecificity == VersionSpecificity.MAJOR && currentVersionNums[0] == targetVersionNums[0] && (currentVersionNums[1] > targetVersionNums[1] || (currentVersionNums[1] == targetVersionNums[1] && (currentVersionNums[2] > targetVersionNums[2] || (currentVersionNums[2] == targetVersionNums[2] && currentVersionNums[3] >= targetVersionNums[3]))))) || (attribute.GadgetVersionSpecificity == VersionSpecificity.MINOR && currentVersionNums[0] == targetVersionNums[0] && currentVersionNums[1] == targetVersionNums[1] && (currentVersionNums[2] > targetVersionNums[2] || (currentVersionNums[2] == targetVersionNums[2] && currentVersionNums[3] >= targetVersionNums[3]))) || (attribute.GadgetVersionSpecificity == VersionSpecificity.NONBREAKING && currentVersionNums[0] == targetVersionNums[0] && currentVersionNums[1] == targetVersionNums[1] && currentVersionNums[2] == targetVersionNums[2] && currentVersionNums[3] >= targetVersionNums[3]) || (attribute.GadgetVersionSpecificity == VersionSpecificity.BUGFIX && currentVersionNums[0] == targetVersionNums[0] && currentVersionNums[1] == targetVersionNums[1] && currentVersionNums[2] == targetVersionNums[2] && currentVersionNums[3] == targetVersionNums[3])) { GadgetMod mod = null; try { mod = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as GadgetMod; if (mod != null) { Log("Found Gadget Mod to load: " + attribute.Name + ", in assembly: {" + assembly.FullName + "}"); GadgetMods.RegisterMod(new GadgetModInfo(mod, assembly, attribute, modNames[i])); } } catch (Exception) { } finally { if (mod == null) { Log("Found Gadget Mod without a parameterless constructor: " + attribute.Name + ", in assembly: {" + assembly.FullName + "}"); } } } else { incompatibleMods.Add(assembly.GetName().Name); int rD = (int)attribute.GadgetVersionSpecificity; Log("Found Gadget Mod with an incompatible version: " + attribute.Name + ", in assembly: {" + assembly.FullName + "}. Requires version: " + new string(attribute.TargetGCVersion.TakeWhile(x => (x == '.' ? --rD : rD) > 0).ToArray())); } } } if (!foundGadgetMod) { nonGadgetMods.Add(modNames[i]); } } else { disabledMods.Add(modNames[i]); } } GadgetMods.SortMods(); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "PackedMods"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "PackedMods")); } packedMods = Directory.GetFiles(UMFData.ModsPath, "*.zip").Where(x => !UMFData.Mods.Select(y => y.GetName().Name).Any(y => y == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x).Split('_')[0])).Union(Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "PackedMods"), "*.zip").Where(x => !UMFData.Mods.Select(y => y.GetName().Name).Any(y => y == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x).Split('_')[0]))).ToList(); dependencies = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); Assembly[] allMods = GadgetMods.ListAllModInfos().Select(x => x.Assembly).Concat(nonGadgetMods.Select(x => UMFMod.GetMod(x))).Concat(incompatibleMods.Select(x => UMFMod.GetMod(x))).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < allMods.Length; i++) { Assembly mod = allMods[i]; List <string> dependencies = new List <string>(); if (i < GadgetMods.CountMods()) { GadgetModInfo gadgetMod = GadgetMods.GetModInfo(i); int rD = (int)gadgetMod.Attribute.GadgetVersionSpecificity; dependencies.Add("GadgetCore v" + new string(gadgetMod.Attribute.TargetGCVersion.TakeWhile(x => (x == '.' ? --rD : rD) > 0).ToArray())); } dependencies.AddRange(mod.GetReferencedAssemblies().Where(x => !x.Name.Equals("GadgetCore") && allMods.Select(a => a.GetName().Name).Contains(x.Name)).Select(x => x.Name + " v" + x.Version)); if (dependencies.Count > 0) { GadgetCore.dependencies.Add(mod.GetName().Name, dependencies.ToList()); } } foreach (GadgetModInfo mod in GadgetMods.ListAllModInfos()) { foreach (string dependency in mod.Attribute.Dependencies) { string[] splitDependency = dependency.Split(' '); if (!dependencies[mod.UMFName].Select(x => { string[] split = x.Split(' '); return(string.Join("", split.Take(split.Length - 1).ToArray())); }).Contains(string.Join("", splitDependency.Take(splitDependency.Length - 1).ToArray()))) { dependencies[mod.UMFName].Add(dependency); } } } Log("Finished Identifying Gadget Mods, to load: " + GadgetMods.CountMods()); }