public ActionResult <DeleteScheduleResponse> Post(DeleteSchedule request)
     //Remove mapping.
     if (request.AttributeIds != null && request.ScheduleIds != null)
         for (int pos = 0; pos != request.AttributeIds.Length; ++pos)
             GXDeleteArgs arg = GXDeleteArgs.Delete <GXScheduleToAttribute>(q => request.ScheduleIds[pos] == q.ScheduleId);
             arg.Where.And <GXScheduleToAttribute>(q => request.AttributeIds[pos] == q.AttributeId);
         host.SetChange(TargetType.Schedule, DateTime.Now);
     else if (request.ScheduleIds != null)
         GXSelectArgs      arg  = GXSelectArgs.Select <GXSchedule>(a => a.Id, q => request.ScheduleIds.Contains(q.Id));
         List <GXSchedule> list = host.Connection.Select <GXSchedule>(arg);
         DateTime          now  = DateTime.Now;
         foreach (GXSchedule it in list)
             it.Removed = now;
             host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(it, q => q.Removed));
         host.SetChange(TargetType.Schedule, now);
     return(new DeleteScheduleResponse());
Exemple #2
 public ActionResult <AttributeTemplateDeleteResponse> Post(AttributeTemplateDelete request)
     if (request.Ids != null)
         foreach (UInt64 id in  request.Ids)
             if (id == 0)
                 return(BadRequest("Attribute template ID is invalid."));
         GXSelectArgs arg = GXSelectArgs.Select <GXAttributeTemplate>(a => a.Id, q => request.Ids.Contains(q.Id));
         List <GXAttributeTemplate> list = host.Connection.Select <GXAttributeTemplate>(arg);
         if (list.Count != 0)
             DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
             foreach (GXAttributeTemplate it in list)
                 it.Removed = now;
                 host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(it, q => q.Removed));
             host.SetChange(TargetType.AttributeTemplate, DateTime.Now);
         return(BadRequest("Attribute template ID is invalid."));
     return(new AttributeTemplateDeleteResponse());
        public ActionResult <AddValueResponse> Post(AddValue request)
            AddValueResponse ret = new AddValueResponse();
            GXUpdateArgs     arg;

            if (request.Items != null)
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                foreach (GXValue it in request.Items)
                    if (it.Read == DateTime.MinValue)
                        it.Read = now;
                    GXAttribute value = new GXAttribute();
                    value.Id    = it.AttributeId;
                    value.Value = it.Value;
                    value.Read  = it.Read;
                    arg         = GXUpdateArgs.Update <GXAttribute>(value, q => new { q.Value, q.Read });
                host.SetChange(TargetType.Value, now);
Exemple #4
        public ActionResult <AddReaderResponse> Post(AddReader request)
            GXSelectArgs arg = GXSelectArgs.SelectAll <GXReaderInfo>();

            arg.Where.And <GXReaderInfo>(q => q.Guid == request.Reader.Guid);
            GXReaderInfo i = host.Connection.SingleOrDefault <GXReaderInfo>(arg);

            if (i == null)
                request.Reader.Detected = request.Reader.Generation = DateTime.Now;
            else if (i.Name != request.Reader.Name && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Reader.Name))
                //Update reader name.
                i.Detected = DateTime.Now;
                host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(i, u => new { u.Detected, u.Name }));
                i.Detected = DateTime.Now;
                host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(i, u => u.Detected));
            host.SetChange(TargetType.Readers, DateTime.Now);
            return(new AddReaderResponse());
        public ActionResult <UpdateScheduleExecutionTimeResponse> Post(UpdateScheduleExecutionTime request)
            GXSchedule s = host.Connection.SelectById <GXSchedule>(request.Id);

            s.ExecutionTime = request.Time;
            host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(s, c => c.ExecutionTime));
            host.SetChange(TargetType.Schedule, DateTime.Now);
            return(new UpdateScheduleExecutionTimeResponse());
Exemple #6
        public void UpdateTest()
            TestClass t = new TestClass();

            t.Id   = 2;
            t.Time = DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2014, 1, 2), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            GXUpdateArgs args = GXUpdateArgs.Update(t, x => new { x.Id, x.Guid, x.Time });

            Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE TestClass SET `ID` = 2, `Guid` = '00000000000000000000000000000000', `Time` = '2014-01-02 00:00:00' WHERE `ID` = 2", args.ToString());
        public ActionResult <GetNextTaskResponse> Post(GetNextTask request)
            GetNextTaskResponse ret = new GetNextTaskResponse();

            lock (host)
                GXSelectArgs arg = GXSelectArgs.Select <GXTask>(c => c.Id, q => q.Start == DateTime.MinValue);
                arg.Joins.AddInnerJoin <GXTask, GXObject>(a => a.Object, b => b.Id);
                arg.Joins.AddInnerJoin <GXObject, GXDevice>(a => a.DeviceId, b => b.Id);
                //Don't get meters that are mapped to other readers.
                arg.Joins.AddLeftJoin <GXDevice, GXDeviceToReader>(a => a.Id, b => b.DeviceId);
                if (request.DeviceId != 0)
                    arg.Where.And <GXDevice>(q => q.Id == request.DeviceId);
                if (!request.Listener)
                    arg.Where.And <GXDevice>(q => q.Dynamic == false);
                arg.OrderBy.Add <GXTask>(q => q.Id);
                GXSelectArgs onProgress = GXSelectArgs.Select <GXObject>(c => c.DeviceId, q => q.Removed == DateTime.MinValue);
                onProgress.Joins.AddInnerJoin <GXTask, GXObject>(a => a.Object, b => b.Id);
                onProgress.Where.And <GXTask>(q => q.Start != DateTime.MinValue && q.End == DateTime.MinValue);
                arg.Where.And <GXObject>(q => !GXSql.Exists <GXObject, GXDevice>(a => a.DeviceId, b => b.Id, onProgress));
                GXTask task = host.Connection.SingleOrDefault <GXTask>(arg);
                if (task != null)
                    //Get task device ID and creation time.
                    arg = GXSelectArgs.SelectAll <GXTask>(q => q.Id == task.Id);
                    arg.Columns.Add <GXObject>();
                    arg.Joins.AddInnerJoin <GXTask, GXObject>(a => a.Object, b => b.Id);
                    arg.Joins.AddInnerJoin <GXObject, GXDevice>(a => a.DeviceId, b => b.Id);
                    task = host.Connection.SingleOrDefault <GXTask>(arg);
                    //Get all tasks that are created at the same time for same meter.
                    arg = GXSelectArgs.SelectAll <GXTask>(q => q.Generation == task.Generation);
                    arg.Where.And <GXDevice>(q => q.Id == task.Object.DeviceId);
                    arg.Where.And <GXObject>(q => q.Removed == DateTime.MinValue);
                    arg.Columns.Add <GXObject>();
                    arg.Columns.Add <GXDevice>();
                    arg.Columns.Add <GXAttribute>();
                    arg.Joins.AddInnerJoin <GXTask, GXObject>(a => a.Object, b => b.Id);
                    arg.Joins.AddInnerJoin <GXObject, GXDevice>(a => a.DeviceId, b => b.Id);
                    arg.Joins.AddInnerJoin <GXObject, GXAttribute>(a => a.Id, b => b.ObjectId);
                    ret.Tasks = host.Connection.Select <GXTask>(arg).ToArray();
                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    foreach (GXTask it in ret.Tasks)
                        it.Start = now;
                        host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(it, q => q.Start));
                    host.SetChange(TargetType.Tasks, DateTime.Now);
Exemple #8
        public void CultureUpdateTest()
            GXLanguage item = new GXLanguage()
                Id = "fi", EnglishName = "Finland",
            GXUpdateArgs args = GXUpdateArgs.Update(item);

            args.Exclude <GXLanguage>(e => e.EnglishName);
            Assert.AreEqual("Mikko", args.ToString());
Exemple #9
        public void UpdateUserTest()
            GXUser user = new GXUser();

            user.Id       = "1";
            user.UserName = "******";
            GXUpdateArgs arg2 = GXUpdateArgs.Update(user);

            arg2.Exclude <GXUser>(q => new { q.PasswordHash, q.SecurityStamp, q.CreationTime });
            Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE [GXUser] SET [UserName] = 'Gurux', [NormalizedUserName] = NULL, [Email] = NULL, [NormalizedEmail] = NULL, [EmailConfirmed] = 0, [ConcurrencyStamp] = NULL, [PhoneNumber] = NULL, [PhoneNumberConfirmed] = 0, [TwoFactorEnabled] = 0, [LockoutEnd] = '00010101 00:00:00 +00:00', [LockoutEnabled] = 0, [AccessFailedCount] = 0, [Updated] = '00010101 00:00:00', [Detected] = '00010101 00:00:00', [Removed] = '00010101 00:00:00', [DateOfBirth] = NULL WHERE [ID] = '1'", arg2.ToString());
Exemple #10
        public void UpdateTest()
            string    format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
            DateTime  dt     = DateTime.ParseExact("2014-01-02 00:00:00", format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            TestClass t      = new TestClass();

            t.Id   = 2;
            t.Time = DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2014, 1, 2), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            GXUpdateArgs args = GXUpdateArgs.Update(t, x => new { x.Id, x.Guid, x.Time });

            Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE TestClass SET `ID` = 2, `Guid` = '00000000000000000000000000000000', `Time` = '" + dt.ToString(format) + "' WHERE `ID` = 2", args.ToString());
Exemple #11
        public void EpochTimeFormatTest()
            TestClass t = new TestClass();

            t.Time = DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2014, 1, 2), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            t.Id   = 1;
            GXUpdateArgs args = GXUpdateArgs.Update(t);

            args.Settings.UseEpochTimeFormat = true;
            args.Add <TestClass>(t, x => x.Time);
            Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE TestClass SET `Time` = 1388620800 WHERE `ID` = 1", args.ToString());
Exemple #12
        public void ExcludeUpdateTest()
            string    format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
            DateTime  dt     = DateTime.ParseExact("2014-01-02 00:00:00", format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            TestClass t      = new TestClass();

            t.Id   = 2;
            t.Time = DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2014, 1, 2), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            GXUpdateArgs args = GXUpdateArgs.Update(t, x => new { x.Id, x.Guid, x.Time });

            args.Exclude <TestClass>(x => new { x.Text, x.Text2, x.Text3, x.Text4, x.BooleanTest, x.IntTest, x.DoubleTest, x.FloatTest, x.Span, x.Object, x.Status });
            Assert.AreEqual("UPDATE TestClass SET `ID` = 2, `Guid` = '00000000000000000000000000000000', `Time` = '" + dt.ToString(format) + "' WHERE `ID` = 2", args.ToString());
 public ActionResult <UpdateDatatypeResponse> Post(UpdateDatatype request)
     if (request.Items != null && request.Items.Length != 0)
         DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
         foreach (GXAttribute it in request.Items)
             it.Updated = now;
         host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.UpdateRange(request.Items, c => new { c.DataType, c.Updated }));
         host.SetChange(TargetType.Object, now);
     return(new UpdateDatatypeResponse());
Exemple #14
        public void RemoveUsersTest()
            RemoveUser req = new RemoveUser();

            req.Ids = new string[] { Guid.Empty.ToString(), Guid.Empty.ToString() };
            //Set removed time for all the removed users.
            GXUser u = new GXUser()
                Removed = DateTime.Now
            GXUpdateArgs update = GXUpdateArgs.Update(u, q => q.Removed);

            update.Where.And <GXUser>(q => req.Ids.Contains(q.Id));
            Assert.AreEqual("", update.ToString());
        public ActionResult <UpdateScheduleResponse> Post(UpdateSchedule request)
            if (request.Schedules == null || request.Schedules.Count == 0)
                return(BadRequest("Schedules array is empty."));
            UpdateScheduleResponse       ret   = new UpdateScheduleResponse();
            List <UInt64>                list  = new List <UInt64>();
            List <GXScheduleToAttribute> list2 = new List <GXScheduleToAttribute>();

            foreach (var it in request.Schedules)
                List <GXObject> tmp = it.Objects;
                it.Objects = null;
                if (it.Id == 0)
                    if (tmp != null)
                        foreach (GXObject o in tmp)
                            if (o.Attributes != null)
                                foreach (GXAttribute a in o.Attributes)
                                    list2.Add(new GXScheduleToAttribute()
                                        ScheduleId = it.Id, AttributeId = a.Id
            ret.ScheduleIds = list.ToArray();
            host.SetChange(TargetType.Schedule, DateTime.Now);
 public ActionResult <ObjectDeleteResponse> Post(ObjectDelete request)
     if (request.Ids != null)
         GXSelectArgs    arg  = GXSelectArgs.Select <GXObject>(a => a.Id, q => request.Ids.Contains(q.Id));
         List <GXObject> list = host.Connection.Select <GXObject>(arg);
         if (list.Count != 0)
             foreach (GXObject it in list)
                 it.Removed = DateTime.Now;
             host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.UpdateRange(list, q => q.Removed));
             host.SetChange(TargetType.Object, DateTime.Now);
     return(new ObjectDeleteResponse());
Exemple #17
 public ActionResult <DeviceDeleteResponse> Post(DeviceDelete request)
     if (request.Ids != null)
         GXSelectArgs    arg  = GXSelectArgs.Select <GXDevice>(a => a.Id, q => request.Ids.Contains(q.Id));
         List <GXDevice> list = host.Connection.Select <GXDevice>(arg);
         if (list.Count != 0)
             DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
             foreach (GXDevice it in list)
                 it.Removed = now;
                 host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(it, q => q.Removed));
             host.SetChange(TargetType.Device, now);
     return(new DeviceDeleteResponse());
 public ActionResult <TaskReadyResponse> Post(TaskReady request)
     if (request.Tasks != null)
         foreach (GXTask it in request.Tasks)
             it.End = DateTime.Now;
             if (it.TaskType == TaskType.Read)
                 host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(it, q => new { q.End, q.Result, q.Data }));
                 host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.Update(it, q => new { q.End, q.Result }));
         host.Connection.Update(GXUpdateArgs.UpdateRange(request.Tasks, q => new { q.End, q.Result }));
         host.SetChange(TargetType.Tasks, DateTime.Now);
     return(new TaskReadyResponse());
Exemple #19
        public void UpdateConfigurationTest()
            List <GXConfigurationValue> list = new List <GXConfigurationValue>();

            list.Add(new GXConfigurationValue()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "SiteName",
            list.Add(new GXConfigurationValue()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Email",
            list.Add(new GXConfigurationValue()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Slogan",
            //            GXInsertArgs insert = GXInsertArgs.InsertRange(list, c => new { c.Id, c.Generation });
            GXUpdateArgs args = GXUpdateArgs.UpdateRange(list);

            args.Exclude <GXConfigurationValue>(e => e.Group);
            Assert.AreEqual("Mikko", args.ToString());
Exemple #20
        public ActionResult <UpdateDeviceResponse> Post(UpdateDevice request)
            if (request.Device.TemplateId == 0)
                return(BadRequest("Device template ID is unknown."));
            bool newDevice = request.Device.Id == 0;

            if (request.Device.DeviceSystemTitle != null)
                request.Device.DeviceSystemTitle = request.Device.DeviceSystemTitle.Replace(" ", "");
            if (request.Device.AuthenticationKey != null)
                request.Device.AuthenticationKey = request.Device.AuthenticationKey.Replace(" ", "");
            if (request.Device.BlockCipherKey != null)
                request.Device.BlockCipherKey = request.Device.BlockCipherKey.Replace(" ", "");
            if (newDevice)
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                request.Device.Generation = now;
                //Add new DC.
                List <GXObject> tmp = request.Device.Objects;
                request.Device.Objects    = null;
                request.Device.Generation = now;

                //Add default objects.
                GXSelectArgs arg = GXSelectArgs.SelectAll <GXObjectTemplate>(q => q.DeviceTemplateId == request.Device.TemplateId && q.Removed == DateTime.MinValue);
                arg.Columns.Add <GXAttributeTemplate>();
                arg.Joins.AddLeftJoin <GXObjectTemplate, GXAttributeTemplate>(o => o.Id, a => a.ObjectTemplateId);
                arg.Where.And <GXAttributeTemplate>(q => q.Removed == DateTime.MinValue);
                List <GXObjectTemplate> l = host.Connection.Select <GXObjectTemplate>(arg);
                foreach (GXObjectTemplate it in l)
                    GXObject obj = new GXObject()
                        TemplateId  = it.Id,
                        Generation  = now,
                        DeviceId    = request.Device.Id,
                        ObjectType  = it.ObjectType,
                        Name        = it.Name,
                        LogicalName = it.LogicalName,
                        ShortName   = it.ShortName,
                    foreach (GXAttributeTemplate ait in it.Attributes)
                        GXAttribute a = new GXAttribute();
                        a.ObjectId       = obj.Id;
                        a.Index          = ait.Index;
                        a.TemplateId     = ait.Id;
                        a.AccessLevel    = ait.AccessLevel;
                        a.DataType       = ait.DataType;
                        a.UIDataType     = ait.UIDataType;
                        a.Generation     = now;
                        a.ExpirationTime = ait.ExpirationTime;
                host.SetChange(TargetType.ObjectTemplate, DateTime.Now);
                request.Device.Updated = DateTime.Now;
                host.SetChange(TargetType.DeviceTemplate, DateTime.Now);
            return(new UpdateDeviceResponse()
                DeviceId = request.Device.Id
Exemple #21
        public ActionResult <UpdateDeviceTemplateResponse> Post(UpdateDeviceTemplate request)
            GXDeviceTemplate dev = request.Device;

            if (dev == null)
                return(BadRequest("Device is null."));
            bool newDevice = dev.Id == 0;

            if (dev.DeviceSystemTitle != null)
                dev.DeviceSystemTitle = dev.DeviceSystemTitle.Replace(" ", "");
            if (dev.AuthenticationKey != null)
                dev.AuthenticationKey = dev.AuthenticationKey.Replace(" ", "");
            if (dev.BlockCipherKey != null)
                dev.BlockCipherKey = dev.BlockCipherKey.Replace(" ", "");
            dev.Generation = DateTime.Now;
            if (newDevice)
                //Add new DC.
                List <GXObjectTemplate> tmp = dev.Objects;
                dev.Objects = null;
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                dev.Generation = now;
                if (tmp != null)
                    //Add default objects.
                    foreach (GXObjectTemplate it in tmp)
                        List <GXAttributeTemplate> tmp2 = it.Attributes;
                        it.Attributes       = null;
                        it.DeviceTemplateId = dev.Id;
                        it.Generation       = now;
                        if (it.Attributes != tmp2)
                            foreach (GXAttributeTemplate a in tmp2)
                                a.Generation       = now;
                                a.ObjectTemplateId = it.Id;
                host.SetChange(TargetType.Object, DateTime.Now);
                host.SetChange(TargetType.DeviceTemplate, DateTime.Now);
            return(new UpdateDeviceTemplateResponse()
                DeviceId = dev.Id