private void createTestDevicesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { GXDeviceTemplate[] templates = ami.templates; GXDeviceTemplate target = null; if (TemplatesView.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { target = (GXDeviceTemplate)TemplatesView.SelectedItems[0].Tag; } TestDevicesDlg dlg = new TestDevicesDlg(target, templates); if (dlg.ShowDialog(panel1.Parent) == DialogResult.OK) { GXDevice dev = new GXDevice(); GXDevice.Copy(dev,; dev.TemplateId =; dev.Manufacturer =; ami.AddTestDevices(dev, dlg.Index, dlg.Count); MessageBox.Show(panel1.Parent, "Test devices added.", "GXDLMSDirector", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(panel1.Parent, Ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the IEC62056DeviceModeWizardDlg class. /// </summary> public IEC62056DeviceModeWizardDlg(GXDevice device) { InitializeComponent(); typeCb.Items.Add(Protocol.ModeA); typeCb.Items.Add(Protocol.ModeC); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; UpdateResources(); m_Device = (GXIEC62056Device)device; this.TopLevel = false; this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; }
public static async void AddDevice(GXDevice dev) { UpdateDevice gw = new UpdateDevice(); gw.Device = dev; using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(ServerAddress + "/api/device/UpdateDevice", gw)) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); UpdateDeviceResponse r = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <UpdateDeviceResponse>(); dev.Id = r.DeviceId; } } }
private void Readout(object sender, GXPacket packet) { GXDevice dev = null; if (sender is GXDevice) { dev = sender as GXDevice; } else if (sender is GXTable) { dev = (sender as GXTable).Device; } else if (sender is GXCategory) { dev = (sender as GXCategory).Device; } else if (sender is GXProperty) { dev = (sender as GXProperty).Device; } else { throw new Exception("Readout failed. Unknown sender: " + sender.ToString()); } /* TODO: Readout * List<byte> readoutBytes = Handshake(sender, packet, true); * List<Parser.IECDataObject> items = Parser.IEC62056Parser.ParseReadout(readoutBytes); * foreach (Parser.IECDataObject it in items) * { * if (!it.Address.Contains("*")) * { * List<object> results = new List<object>(); * dev.FindByPropertyValue("OBISCode", it.Address, results); * if (results.Count > 0) * { * GXProperty prop = results[0] as GXProperty; * prop.ReadTime = DateTime.Now; * prop.SetValue(it.Value, false, PropertyStates.ValueChangedByDevice); * } * } * } * */ }
private void TemplatesAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.Multiselect = false; dlg.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); dlg.Filter = Properties.Resources.FilterTxt; dlg.DefaultExt = ".gdr"; dlg.ValidateNames = true; if (dlg.ShowDialog(panel1.Parent) == DialogResult.OK) { if (File.Exists(dlg.FileName)) { List <GXDLMSDevice> devices; using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(dlg.FileName)) { List <Type> types = new List <Type>(Gurux.DLMS.GXDLMSClient.GetObjectTypes()); types.Add(typeof(GXDLMSAttributeSettings)); types.Add(typeof(GXDLMSAttribute)); //Version is added to namespace. XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <GXDLMSDevice>), null, types.ToArray(), null, "Gurux1"); if (!x.CanDeserialize(reader)) { x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <GXDLMSDevice>), types.ToArray()); } devices = (List <GXDLMSDevice>)x.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); } GXDeviceTemplate m = new GXDeviceTemplate(); List <GXDeviceTemplate> templates = new List <GXDeviceTemplate>(); foreach (GXDLMSDevice it in devices) { GXDeviceTemplate t = new GXDeviceTemplate(); GXDevice.Copy(t, it); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Password)) { t.Password = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(CryptHelper.Decrypt(it.Password, Password.Key)); } else if (it.HexPassword != null) { t.Password = GXDLMSTranslator.ToHex(CryptHelper.Decrypt(it.HexPassword, Password.Key)); } List <GXObjectTemplate> list = new List <GXObjectTemplate>(); foreach (GXDLMSObject value in it.Objects) { string[] names = ((IGXDLMSBase)value).GetNames(); GXObjectTemplate obj = new GXObjectTemplate(); obj.LogicalName = value.LogicalName; obj.ObjectType = (int)value.ObjectType; obj.Name = value.Description; obj.Version = value.Version; obj.ShortName = value.ShortName; list.Add(obj); for (int pos = 2; pos <= ((IGXDLMSBase)value).GetAttributeCount(); ++pos) { GXAttributeTemplate a = new GXAttributeTemplate(); a.Index = pos; a.AccessLevel = (int)value.GetAccess(pos); a.DataType = (int)((IGXDLMSBase)value).GetDataType(pos); a.UIDataType = (int)((GXDLMSObject)value).GetUIDataType(pos); if (value.GetStatic(pos)) { a.ExpirationTime = 0xFFFFFFFF; } //Profile generic capture object read is not allowed. if (value is GXDLMSProfileGeneric && pos == 3) { a.ExpirationTime = 0xFFFFFFFF; } obj.Attributes.Add(a); } t.Objects = list; } templates.Add(t); } DBDevicePropertiesForm dlg2 = new DBDevicePropertiesForm(templates.ToArray(), m); if (dlg2.ShowDialog(panel1.Parent) == DialogResult.OK) { { ami.AddDeviceTemplates(new GXDLMSMeterBase[] { m }); ListViewItem li = TemplatesView.Items.Add(m.Name); li.Tag = m; li.Selected = true; } } } } } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(panel1.Parent, Ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Read data from the meter. /// </summary> private static void ReadMeter(object parameter) { GXDLMSReader reader = null; System.Net.Http.HttpClient httpClient = Helpers.client; using (GXNet media = (GXNet)parameter) { try { var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true) .Build(); ListenerOptions listener = config.GetSection("Listener").Get <ListenerOptions>(); GXDLMSObjectCollection objects = new GXDLMSObjectCollection(); GXDLMSSecureClient client = new GXDLMSSecureClient(listener.UseLogicalNameReferencing, listener.ClientAddress, listener.ServerAddress, (Authentication)listener.Authentication, listener.Password, (InterfaceType)listener.Interface); reader = new GXDLMSReader(client, media, _logger); GXDLMSData ldn = new GXDLMSData(""); ldn.SetUIDataType(2, DataType.String); reader.InitializeConnection(); reader.Read(ldn, 2); Console.WriteLine("Meter connected: " + ldn.Value); //Find device. GXDevice dev = null; ListDevicesResponse devs = null; { using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/device/ListDevices", new ListDevices() { Name = (string)ldn.Value }).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); devs = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ListDevicesResponse>().Result; } //If device is unknown. if (devs.Devices.Length == 0) { if (listener.DefaultDeviceTemplate == 0) { string str = "Unknown Meter try to connect to the Gurux.DLMS.AMI server: " + ldn.Value; Console.WriteLine(str); AddSystemError info = new AddSystemError(); info.Error = new GXSystemError() { Error = str }; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/SystemError/AddSystemError", info).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } return; } ListDeviceTemplates lt = new ListDeviceTemplates() { Ids = new UInt64[] { listener.DefaultDeviceTemplate } }; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/template/ListDeviceTemplates", lt).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); ListDeviceTemplatesResponse ret = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ListDeviceTemplatesResponse>().Result; if (ret.Devices.Length != 1) { throw new Exception("DefaultDeviceTemplate value is invalid: " + listener.DefaultDeviceTemplate); } dev = new GXDevice(); GXDevice.Copy(dev, ret.Devices[0]); dev.Name = Convert.ToString(ldn.Value); dev.TemplateId = listener.DefaultDeviceTemplate; dev.Manufacturer = ret.Devices[0].Name; } dev.Dynamic = true; UpdateDevice update = new UpdateDevice(); update.Device = dev; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/device/UpdateDevice", update).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); UpdateDeviceResponse r = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <UpdateDeviceResponse>().Result; dev.Id = r.DeviceId; } using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/device/ListDevices", new ListDevices() { Ids = new UInt64[] { dev.Id } }).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); devs = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ListDevicesResponse>().Result; } } else if (devs.Devices.Length != 1) { throw new Exception("There are multiple devices with same name: " + ldn.Value); } else { dev = devs.Devices[0]; if (dev.Security != Security.None) { Console.WriteLine("Reading frame counter."); GXDLMSData fc = new GXDLMSData(listener.InvocationCounter); reader.Read(fc, 2); dev.InvocationCounter = 1 + Convert.ToUInt32(fc.Value); Console.WriteLine("Device ID: " + dev.Id + " LDN: " + (string)ldn.Value); Console.WriteLine("Frame counter: " + dev.FrameCounter); } GetNextTaskResponse ret; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/task/GetNextTask", new GetNextTask() { Listener = true, DeviceId = dev.Id }).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); ret = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <GetNextTaskResponse>().Result; } if (ret.Tasks == null || ret.Tasks.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No tasks to execute"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Task count: " + ret.Tasks.Length); if (client.ClientAddress != dev.ClientAddress || dev.Security != Security.None) { reader.Release(); reader.Disconnect(); client = new GXDLMSSecureClient(dev.UseLogicalNameReferencing, dev.ClientAddress, dev.PhysicalAddress, (Authentication)dev.Authentication, dev.Password, dev.InterfaceType); client.UtcTimeZone = dev.UtcTimeZone; client.Standard = (Standard)dev.Standard; if (dev.Conformance != 0) { client.ProposedConformance = (Conformance)dev.Conformance; } client.Priority = dev.Priority; client.ServiceClass = dev.ServiceClass; client.Ciphering.SystemTitle = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.ClientSystemTitle); client.Ciphering.BlockCipherKey = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.BlockCipherKey); client.Ciphering.AuthenticationKey = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.AuthenticationKey); client.ServerSystemTitle = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.DeviceSystemTitle); client.Ciphering.InvocationCounter = dev.InvocationCounter; client.Ciphering.Security = (Security)dev.Security; reader = new GXDLMSReader(client, media, _logger); reader.InitializeConnection(); } List <GXValue> values = new List <GXValue>(); foreach (GXTask task in ret.Tasks) { GXDLMSObject obj = GXDLMSClient.CreateObject((ObjectType)task.Object.ObjectType); obj.LogicalName = task.Object.LogicalName; try { if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Write) { if (obj.LogicalName == "" && task.Index == 2) { client.UpdateValue(obj, task.Index, GXDateTime.ToUnixTime(DateTime.UtcNow)); } else { client.UpdateValue(obj, task.Index, GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(task.Data)); } reader.Write(obj, task.Index); } else if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Action) { reader.Method(obj, task.Index, GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(task.Data), DataType.None); } else if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Read) { Reader.Reader.Read(null, httpClient, reader, task, media, obj); } } catch (Exception ex) { task.Result = ex.Message; AddError error = new AddError(); error.Error = new GXError() { DeviceId = dev.Id, Error = "Failed to " + task.TaskType + " " + task.Object.LogicalName + ":" + task.Index + ". " + ex.Message }; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/error/AddError", error).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); response.Content.ReadAsAsync <AddErrorResponse>(); } } using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/task/TaskReady", new TaskReady() { Tasks = new GXTask[] { task } }).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { AddSystemError info = new AddSystemError(); info.Error = new GXSystemError() { Error = ex.Message }; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/SystemError/AddSystemError", info).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } } catch (Exception ex2) { } } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. Initializes the dialog and populates the tree. /// </summary> public GXDataIOSourceDialog(GXDataIOSource dataIOSource, GXDataIOSourceAttribute sourceAttributes, GXDevice device) { InitializeComponent(); PopulateTree(dataIOSource, sourceAttributes, device); }
private static void CreateDeviceNode(GXDevice device, object target, long UsedDataSources, out TreeNode deviceNode, ref TreeNode selNode) { deviceNode = new TreeNode(GXDeviceList.DeviceProfiles.Find(device.ProfileGuid).Name, 0, 0); deviceNode.Tag = device; if (target == device) { selNode = deviceNode; } if ((UsedDataSources & (long)GXDataIOSourceType.Category) != 0 || (UsedDataSources & (long)GXDataIOSourceType.Property) != 0) { foreach (GXCategory cat in device.Categories) { TreeNode catNode = new TreeNode(cat.DisplayName, 1, 1); catNode.Tag = cat; if (target == cat) { selNode = catNode; } if ((UsedDataSources & (long)GXDataIOSourceType.Category) != 0 || cat.Properties.Count != 0) { deviceNode.Nodes.Add(catNode); } if ((UsedDataSources & (long)GXDataIOSourceType.Property) != 0) { foreach (GXProperty prop in cat.Properties) { TreeNode propNode = new TreeNode(prop.DisplayName, 3, 3); propNode.Tag = prop; catNode.Nodes.Add(propNode); if (target == prop) { selNode = propNode; } } } } } if ((UsedDataSources & (long)GXDataIOSourceType.Table) != 0) { foreach (GXTable table in device.Tables) { TreeNode tableNode = new TreeNode(table.DisplayName, 2, 2); tableNode.Tag = table; if (target == table) { selNode = tableNode; } deviceNode.Nodes.Add(tableNode); } } }
/// <summary> /// Exports a device from GXDeviceEditor to a .gxz file. /// </summary> /// <param name="device">exported device.</param> /// <param name="path">Path to the file, where to export.</param> public static void Export(GXDevice device, string path) { device.Save(path, false); List<string> filenames = new List<string>(); filenames.Add(device.ProfilePath); string DevFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(device.ProfilePath); if (!Directory.Exists(DevFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(DevFolder); } using (ZipOutputStream s = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(path))) { s.SetLevel(9); // 0 - store only to 9 - means best compression //Save device files foreach (string file in filenames) { using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(fi.Name); s.PutNextEntry(entry); s.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } } //Save Dll file string DLLFile = device.m_AddIn.GetType().Assembly.Location; FileStream DLLFS = File.OpenRead(DLLFile); byte[] DLLBuffer = new byte[DLLFS.Length]; DLLFS.Read(DLLBuffer, 0, DLLBuffer.Length); FileInfo fi2 = new FileInfo(DLLFile); ZipEntry DLLEntry = new ZipEntry(fi2.Name); s.PutNextEntry(DLLEntry); s.Write(DLLBuffer, 0, DLLBuffer.Length); ////////////////////////////////// //Add referenced assemblies from the same directory // Create an Application Domain: string pathToDll = typeof(GXZip).Assembly.CodeBase; AppDomainSetup domainSetup = new AppDomainSetup { PrivateBinPath = pathToDll }; System.AppDomain td = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AddInReferencesDomain", null, domainSetup); try { GXProxyClass pc = (GXProxyClass)(td.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(pathToDll, typeof(GXProxyClass).FullName)); path = string.Empty; List<string> medias = new List<string>(); pc.FindAddInReferences(DLLFile); foreach (string asmPath in pc.Assemblies) { Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(asmPath); //Save Dll file DLLFile = asm.Location; DLLFS = File.OpenRead(DLLFile); DLLBuffer = new byte[DLLFS.Length]; DLLFS.Read(DLLBuffer, 0, DLLBuffer.Length); fi2 = new FileInfo(DLLFile); DLLEntry = new ZipEntry(fi2.Name); s.PutNextEntry(DLLEntry); s.Write(DLLBuffer, 0, DLLBuffer.Length); } } finally { System.AppDomain.Unload(td); } } }
public PropertyDlg(GXDevice GXDevice1, GXProperty GXProperty1, bool Edit) { m_GXProperty1 = GXProperty1; m_GXDevice1 = GXDevice1; m_edit = Edit; m_Types = CreateTypeTable(); // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); PropertyDlgBase DlgBase = new PropertyDlgBase(); DlgBase.SortTabOrder(GeneralGB); DlgBase.SortTabOrder(Common2Tab); }
public override void ImportFromDevice(Control[] addinPages, GXDevice device, Gurux.Common.IGXMedia media) { GXIEC62056Device dev = (GXIEC62056Device)device; ImportSelectionDlg dlg = addinPages[1] as ImportSelectionDlg; string deviceSerialNumber = dlg.DeviceSerialNumber; int waittime = dev.WaitTime; media.Open(); try { string data = "/?" + deviceSerialNumber + "!\r\n"; byte[] reply = IEC62056Parser.Identify(media, data, '\0', waittime); if (reply[0] != '/') { throw new Exception("Invalid reply."); } char baudRate = (char)reply[4]; string CModeBauds = "0123456789"; string BModeBauds = "ABCDEFGHI"; Protocol mode; if (CModeBauds.IndexOf(baudRate) != -1) { mode = Protocol.ModeC; } else if (BModeBauds.IndexOf(baudRate) != -1) { mode = Protocol.ModeB; } else { mode = Protocol.ModeA; baudRate = '0'; } if (reply[0] != '/') { throw new Exception("Import failed. Invalid reply."); } //If mode is not given. if (dev.Mode == Protocol.None) { dev.Mode = mode; } data = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(reply.ToArray()); string manufacturer = new string(new char[] { (char)reply[1], (char)reply[2], (char)reply[3] }); if (dev.Mode == Protocol.ModeA) { data = (char)0x06 + "0" + baudRate + "0\r\n"; } else { data = (char)0x06 + "0" + baudRate + "1\r\n"; } //Note this sleep is in standard. Do not remove. if (media.MediaType == "Serial") { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); } reply = IEC62056Parser.ParseHandshake(media, data, baudRate, waittime); string header, frame; IEC62056Parser.GetPacket(new List <byte>(reply), true, out header, out frame); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(frame); if (header == "B0") { throw new Exception("Connection failed. Meter do not accept connection at the moment."); } //Password is asked. if (header == "P0") { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Password is asked."); } //Note this sleep is in standard. Do not remove. if (media.MediaType == "Serial") { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); } if (dev.Mode == Protocol.ModeA) { GXCategory defaultCategory = new GXIEC62056ReadoutCategory(); defaultCategory.Name = "Readout"; device.Categories.Add(defaultCategory); } else { GXCategory defaultCategory = null; defaultCategory = new GXIEC62056Category(); defaultCategory.Name = "Properties"; device.Categories.Add(defaultCategory); foreach (string it in IEC62056Parser.GetGeneralOBISCodes()) { try { //Note this sleep is in standard. Do not remove. if (media is Gurux.Serial.GXSerial) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); } if (!it.StartsWith("P.")) { string value = IEC62056Parser.ReadValue(media, waittime, it + "()", 2); if (!Convert.ToString(value).StartsWith("ER")) { GXIEC62056Property prop = new GXIEC62056Property(); prop.AccessMode = AccessMode.Read; prop.ReadMode = dev.ReadMode; prop.WriteMode = dev.WriteMode; prop.Name = IEC62056Parser.GetDescription(it); prop.Data = it; prop.DataType = IEC62056Parser.GetDataType(it); if (prop.DataType == DataType.DateTime || prop.DataType == DataType.Date || prop.DataType == DataType.Time) { prop.ValueType = typeof(DateTime); } defaultCategory.Properties.Add(prop); TraceLine("Property " + prop.Name + " added."); } } else { object[][] rows; //Try to read last hour first. TimeSpan add = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0); DateTime start = DateTime.Now.Add(-add); string[] columns = null; do { try { rows = IEC62056Parser.ReadTable(media, waittime, it, start, DateTime.Now, null, 5, 1, out columns); } catch { //If media is closed. if (!media.IsOpen) { break; } rows = new object[0][]; } if (rows.Length == 0) { if (add.TotalHours == 1) { //Try to read last day. add = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); start = DateTime.Now.Add(-add).Date; } else if (add.TotalHours == 24) { //Try to read last week. add = new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0); start = DateTime.Now.Add(-add).Date; } else if (add.TotalDays == 7) { //Try to read last month. add = new TimeSpan(31, 0, 0, 0); start = DateTime.Now.Add(-add).Date; } else if (add.TotalDays == 31) { //Read all. add = new TimeSpan(100, 0, 0, 0); start = DateTime.MinValue; } else { break; } //Note this sleep is in standard. Do not remove. if (media is Gurux.Serial.GXSerial) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); } } else { GXIEC62056Table table = new GXIEC62056Table(); table.Name = IEC62056Parser.GetDescription(it); table.AccessMode = AccessMode.Read; table.Data = it; table.ReadMode = 6; int index = -1; foreach (string col in columns) { GXIEC62056Property prop = new GXIEC62056Property(); prop.Name = col; //Mikko prop.Name = IEC62056Parser.GetDescription(col); prop.Data = col; prop.ValueType = rows[0][++index].GetType(); table.Columns.Add(prop); } device.Tables.Add(table); TraceLine("Property " + table.Name + " added."); break; } }while (rows.Length == 0); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } } finally { if (media.MediaType == "Serial" || media.MediaType == "Terminal") { IEC62056Parser.Disconnect(media, 2); } media.Close(); } }
public List <object[]> Import(string path, string target, out byte[] data, out string assemblyName, out string addInType) { data = null; TargetDirectory = target; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve); GXDeviceProfile type = GXZip.Import(null, path, target); GXDeviceList.Update(target); string filename = Path.Combine(target, type.DeviceGuid + ".gxp"); using (FileStream s = File.OpenRead(filename)) { long size = s.Length; size = 0; } GXDevice device = GXDevice.Load(filename); addInType = device.AddIn.ToString(); assemblyName = device.AddIn.GetType().Assembly.FullName; GXAmiDeviceProfile dt = new GXAmiDeviceProfile(); dt.Guid = device.Guid; dt.Protocol = device.ProtocolName; dt.Profile = device.DeviceProfile; dt.PresetName = device.PresetName; dt.Manufacturer = device.Manufacturer; dt.Model = device.Model; dt.Version = device.Version; dt.UpdateInterval = device.UpdateInterval; dt.WaitTime = device.WaitTime; dt.ResendCount = device.ResendCount; dt.Added = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); List <GXAmiMediaType> list = new List <GXAmiMediaType>(); List <string> medias = new List <string>(Gurux.Communication.GXClient.GetAvailableMedias()); foreach (GXMediaType it in device.AllowedMediaTypes) { GXAmiMediaType mt = new GXAmiMediaType(); mt.Name = it.Name; //If default media settings are not given, ask them from the parser. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.DefaultMediaSettings) && medias.Contains(it.Name)) { Gurux.Common.IGXMedia m = device.GXClient.SelectMedia(it.Name); mt.Settings = m.Settings; } else { mt.Settings = it.DefaultMediaSettings; } list.Add(mt); } dt.AllowedMediaTypes = list.ToArray(); List <object[]> items = new List <object[]>(); items.Add(new object[] { dt, dt }); ImportParameters(device, device.ID, dt, items); foreach (GXCategory cat in device.Categories) { GXAmiCategoryTemplate ct = new GXAmiCategoryTemplate(); items.Add(new object[] { dt, ct }); ct.Name = cat.Name; ct.Id = cat.ID; ImportParameters(cat, cat.ID, ct, items); foreach (GXProperty prop in cat.Properties) { GXAmiPropertyTemplate pt = new GXAmiPropertyTemplate(); pt.Id = prop.ID; pt.ParentID = cat.ID; pt.Name = prop.Name; pt.Unit = prop.Unit; if (prop.ValueType != null) { pt.TypeAsString = prop.ValueType.ToString(); } pt.AccessMode = prop.AccessMode; items.Add(new object[] { dt, pt }); ImportParameters(prop, prop.ID, pt, items); } } foreach (GXTable table in device.Tables) { GXAmiDataTableTemplate tt = new GXAmiDataTableTemplate(); items.Add(new object[] { dt, tt }); tt.Name = table.Name; tt.Id = table.ID; ImportParameters(table, table.ID, tt, items); foreach (GXProperty prop in table.Columns) { GXAmiPropertyTemplate pt = new GXAmiPropertyTemplate(); pt.Id = prop.ID; pt.ParentID = table.ID; pt.Name = prop.Name; pt.Unit = prop.Unit; if (prop.ValueType != null) { pt.TypeAsString = prop.ValueType.ToString(); } pt.AccessMode = prop.AccessMode; items.Add(new object[] { dt, pt }); ImportParameters(prop, prop.ID, pt, items); } } return(items); }