GetFittingTextLength() public méthode

public GetFittingTextLength ( string text, float space ) : int
text string
space float
Résultat int
Exemple #1
    public MultiContent(string text, DialoguePosition dp)
        this.font = DataHolder.Fonts().GetFont(;

        GUIStyle shadowStyle = new GUIStyle(;
        shadowStyle.normal.textColor = DataHolder.Color(1);
        GUIStyle textStyle = new GUIStyle(;
        textStyle.wordWrap = false;
        TextPosition textPosition = new TextPosition(dp.boxBounds, dp.boxPadding, dp.lineSpacing);
        textPosition.bounds.width -= (dp.boxPadding.x + dp.boxPadding.z);
        textPosition.bounds.height -= (dp.boxPadding.y + dp.boxPadding.w);

        this.originalText = text;
        this.label = new LabelContent[0];

        this.currentColor = 0;
        this.shadowColor = -1;
        int oldColor = 0;
        int oldShadowColor = -1;

        this.textPos = 0;
        int i = 0;
        int nl = 0;
        int fs = 0;
        int skip = 0;
        bool lineBreak = false;
        this.xPos = 0;
        this.yPos = 0;

        bool setNextX = false;
        bool setNextY = false;
        float nextX = 0;
        float nextY = 0;

        string addstring = "";
        bool addSpace = false;
        bool finished = false;

        Vector2 v =;
        Color tCol;
        Color sCol;

        Texture2D icon = null;
        GUIContent part = null;
        LabelContent nextLabel;

            skip = 0;
            lineBreak = false;
            oldColor = this.currentColor;
            oldShadowColor = this.shadowColor;
            icon = null;
            part = null;

            tCol = DataHolder.Color(this.currentColor);
            if(this.shadowColor == -1 || this.shadowColor >= DataHolder.Colors().GetDataCount())
                sCol = DataHolder.Color(1);
                sCol = DataHolder.Color(this.shadowColor);

            fs = text.IndexOf("#", this.textPos);
            nl = text.IndexOf("\n", this.textPos);

            if(fs != -1 && (nl == -1 || fs < nl))
                i = fs;
                i = nl;

            if(i == -1)
                i = text.Length - 1;
                finished = true;

                this.xPos = nextX;
                setNextX = false;
                this.yPos = nextY;
                setNextY = false;

                if (text[i].ToString() == "#")
                    if((text.Length - i) >= 1)
                        string nextChar = text[i+1].ToString();

                        if(nextChar == "c" || nextChar == "s")
                            // set text color for the next part
                            int nS = text.IndexOf("#", i+1);
                            if(nS != -1)
                                string sub = text.Substring(i, nS-i+1);
                                skip = sub.Length+1;

                                    if(nextChar == "c")
                                        this.currentColor = int.Parse(sub.Substring(2, sub.Length-3));
                                    else if(nextChar == "s")
                                        this.shadowColor = int.Parse(sub.Substring(2, sub.Length-3));
                                catch(System.Exception e)
                                    if(nextChar == "c")
                                        this.currentColor = 0;
                                    else if(nextChar == "s")
                                        this.shadowColor = -1;
                        else if(nextChar == "!")
                            this.currentColor = 0;
                            this.shadowColor = -1;
                            skip = 3;
                            if((text.Length - (i+skip-1)) >= 1 && (text.Substring(i+skip-1, 1) == "\n" || text.Substring(i+skip-1, 1) == "\r"))
                                lineBreak = true;
                                skip += 1;
                        else if(nextChar == "#")
                            skip = 2;
                        else if(nextChar == "p")
                            nextChar = text[i+2].ToString();

                            // set x or y position for the next text part
                            int nS = text.IndexOf("#", i+2);
                            if(nS != -1)
                                string sub = text.Substring(i, nS-i+1);
                                skip = sub.Length+1;

                                    if(nextChar == "x")
                                        nextX = float.Parse(sub.Substring(3, sub.Length-4));
                                        setNextX = true;
                                    else if(nextChar == "y")
                                        nextY = float.Parse(sub.Substring(3, sub.Length-4));
                                        setNextY = true;
                                catch(System.Exception e)
                        else if(nextChar == "i" && text[i+2].ToString() == "q") // icons
                            int nS = text.IndexOf("#", i+4);
                            if(nS != -1)
                                string sub = text.Substring(i, nS-i+1);
                                skip = sub.Length+1;
                                sub = text.Substring(i+5, nS-(i+5));
                                int index = int.Parse(sub);
                                sub = text.Substring(i+3, 2);
                                if(sub == "sv") icon = DataHolder.StatusValues().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "se") icon = DataHolder.Effects().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "el") icon = DataHolder.Elements().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "st") icon = DataHolder.SkillTypes().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "sk") icon = DataHolder.Skills().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "it") icon = DataHolder.ItemTypes().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "im") icon = DataHolder.Items().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "ir") icon = DataHolder.ItemRecipes().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "ep") icon = DataHolder.EquipmentParts().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "wp") icon = DataHolder.Weapons().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "am") icon = DataHolder.Armors().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "cl") icon = DataHolder.Classes().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "ch") icon = DataHolder.Characters().GetIcon(index);
                                else if(sub == "en") icon = DataHolder.Enemies().GetIcon(index);
                                else icon = null;
                            skip = 2;
                        skip = 1;
                else if((text.Length - i) >= 1 && (text.Substring(i, 1) == "\n" || text.Substring(i, 1) == "\r"))
                    lineBreak = true;
                    skip = 2;

            if((i-this.textPos+1) > 0)
                if(addSpace) addstring = " "; else addstring = "";
                part = new GUIContent(addstring + text.Substring(this.textPos, i - this.textPos + 1));

                nextLabel = new LabelContent(part, this.xPos, this.yPos, tCol, sCol, font);
                v = new Vector2(nextLabel.bounds.width, nextLabel.bounds.height);

                if ((this.xPos+v.x) > textPosition.bounds.width)
                    i = this.textPos+font.GetFittingTextLength(part.text, textPosition.bounds.width-this.xPos);
                    lineBreak = true;
                    icon = null;
                    skip = 0;
                    int tmp = i;

                    part = new GUIContent(addstring + text.Substring(this.textPos, i - this.textPos + 1));
                    v = font.GetTextSize(part.text);

                    while (this.xPos+v.x > textPosition.bounds.width)
                        if((i-this.textPos+1) > 0)
                            part = new GUIContent(addstring + text.Substring(this.textPos, i - this.textPos + 1));
                            part = new GUIContent("");
                        v = font.GetTextSize(part.text);
                        tmp = i+1;

                    while(" " != text[i].ToString() && i>(this.textPos+1))
                    if((i-this.textPos+1) > 0 && " " == text[i].ToString())
                        part = new GUIContent(addstring + text.Substring(this.textPos, i - this.textPos + 1));
                        i = tmp;
                    nextLabel = new LabelContent(part, this.xPos, this.yPos, tCol, sCol, font);
                    v = new Vector2(nextLabel.bounds.width, nextLabel.bounds.height);
                    this.currentColor = oldColor;
                    this.shadowColor = oldShadowColor;
                    finished = false;
                this.label = ArrayHelper.Add(nextLabel, this.label);
                this.xPos += v.x;

                    addSpace = part.text[part.text.Length-1].ToString() == " ";
            if(icon != null)
                part = new GUIContent(icon);
                nextLabel = new LabelContent(part, this.xPos, this.yPos, tCol, sCol, font);
                v = new Vector2(nextLabel.bounds.width, nextLabel.bounds.height);
                //this.xPos += font.GetTextSize(".").x;
                if(this.xPos+v.x <= textPosition.bounds.width)
                    this.label = ArrayHelper.Add(nextLabel, this.label);
                    this.xPos += v.x;
                    addSpace = true;
                    icon = null;
                    lineBreak = true;
                this.xPos = 0;
                this.yPos += v.y + textPosition.lineSpacing;
                addSpace = false;

                if(i+skip < text.Length && " " == text[i+skip].ToString())
                if((this.yPos+v.y) > (textPosition.bounds.height) && !dp.scrollable)
                    finished = true;
                else if(icon != null)
                    part = new GUIContent(icon);
                    nextLabel = new LabelContent(part, this.xPos, this.yPos, tCol, sCol, font);
                    v = new Vector2(nextLabel.bounds.width, nextLabel.bounds.height);
                    //this.xPos += font.GetTextSize(".").x;
                    this.label = ArrayHelper.Add(nextLabel, this.label);
                    this.xPos += v.x;
                    addSpace = true;
                    icon = null;
            else if(finished)
                this.xPos = 0;
                this.yPos += v.y + textPosition.lineSpacing;

            this.textPos = i + skip;