private void initGUI()
            GUIEnvironment gui = device.GUIEnvironment;

            foreach (GUIDefaultColor c in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GUIDefaultColor)))
                Color l = gui.Skin.GetColor(c);
                l.Alpha = 255;
                gui.Skin.SetColor(l, c);

            Recti v = device.VideoDriver.ViewPort;

            GUITabControl tc = gui.AddTabControl(new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 20, v.Height - 70));

            GUITab t1 = tc.AddTab("Setup");

            gui.AddStaticText("Driver", new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 60, 40), false, false, t1);
            guiDriverType = gui.AddComboBox(new Recti(20, 40, v.Width - 60, 60), t1);
            foreach (DriverType t in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DriverType)))
                if (t == DriverType.Null)

                int i = guiDriverType.AddItem(t.ToString(), (int)t);

                if (t == driverType)
                    guiDriverType.SelectedIndex = i;

            gui.AddStaticText("Resolution", new Recti(20, 70, v.Width - 60, 90), false, false, t1);
            guiResolution = gui.AddComboBox(new Recti(20, 90, v.Width - 60, 110), t1);
            foreach (VideoMode m in device.VideoModeList.ModeList)
                int i = guiResolution.AddItem(m.ToString());

                if (m.Resolution == videoMode.Resolution && m.Depth == videoMode.Depth)
                    guiResolution.SelectedIndex = i;

            guiFullscreen = gui.AddCheckBox(fullscreen, new Recti(20, 130, v.Width - 60, 150), "Fullscreen", t1);

            GUITab t2 = tc.AddTab("About");

            gui.AddStaticText(aboutText, new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 60, 180), false, true, t2);

            guiButtonRun  = gui.AddButton(new Recti(v.Width - 190, v.Height - 50, v.Width - 110, v.Height - 20), null, -1, "Run");
            guiButtonExit = gui.AddButton(new Recti(v.Width - 100, v.Height - 50, v.Width - 20, v.Height - 20), null, -1, "Exit");
Exemple #2
        static void createToolBox()
            GUIEnvironment env  = device.GUIEnvironment;
            GUIElement     root = env.RootElement;

            // remove tool box if already there
            GUIElement e = root.GetElementFromID((int)guiID.DialogRootWindow, true);

            if (e != null)

            // create the toolbox window
            GUIWindow w = env.AddWindow(new Recti(600, 45, 800, 480), false, "Toolset", null, (int)guiID.DialogRootWindow);

            // create tab control and tabs
            GUITabControl tab = env.AddTabControl(new Recti(2, 20, 800 - 602, 480 - 7), w, -1, true, true);

            GUITab t1 = tab.AddTab("Config");

            // add some edit boxes and a button to tab one
            env.AddStaticText("Scale:", new Recti(10, 20, 60, 45), false, false, t1);
            env.AddStaticText("X:", new Recti(22, 48, 40, 66), false, false, t1);
            env.AddEditBox("1.0", new Recti(40, 46, 130, 66), true, t1, (int)guiID.XScale);
            env.AddStaticText("Y:", new Recti(22, 78, 40, 96), false, false, t1);
            env.AddEditBox("1.0", new Recti(40, 76, 130, 96), true, t1, (int)guiID.YScale);
            env.AddStaticText("Z:", new Recti(22, 108, 40, 126), false, false, t1);
            env.AddEditBox("1.0", new Recti(40, 106, 130, 126), true, t1, (int)guiID.ZScale);

            env.AddButton(new Recti(10, 134, 85, 165), t1, (int)guiID.ButtonSetScale, "Set");

            // quick scale buttons
            env.AddButton(new Recti(65, 20, 95, 40), t1, (int)guiID.ButtonScaleMul10, "* 10");
            env.AddButton(new Recti(100, 20, 130, 40), t1, (int)guiID.ButtonScaleDiv10, "* 0.1");


            // add transparency control
            env.AddStaticText("GUI Transparency Control:", new Recti(10, 200, 150, 225), true, false, t1);
            GUIScrollBar b = env.AddScrollBar(true, new Recti(10, 225, 150, 240), t1, (int)guiID.SkinTransparency);

            b.MaxValue = 255;
            b.Position = 255;

            // add framerate control
            env.AddStaticText("Framerate:", new Recti(10, 240, 150, 265), true, false, t1);
            b          = env.AddScrollBar(true, new Recti(10, 265, 150, 280), t1, (int)guiID.SkinAnimationFPS);
            b.MaxValue = MaxFramerate;
            b.MinValue = -MaxFramerate;
            b.Position = DefaultFramerate;

            // bring irrlicht engine logo to front, because it now may be below the newly created toolbox
            root.BringToFront(root.GetElementFromID((int)guiID.Logo, true));