Exemple #1
        }         //ActivatePlugins

        /// <summary>
        /// Init the plugin Manager.
        /// Scan the Application directory for all assemblies. Pass each assembly off and determine if any
        /// plugins are present. We also scan this assembly for plugins (the swi handler is one)
        /// Once all plugins are loaded, call the Load delegate to let all plugins know the load process is complete.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="boardControl"></param>
        /// <param name="outputView"></param>
        public void Init(GUI.Views.PluginsUIView pluginsUIView, GUI.Views.IOutputView outputView, PluginPreferences pluginPreferences)
            //make sure the static variables are initialized before initing the plugins.
            //some plugins add instructions and require this module initalized.
            // ArmAssembly.ArmInstructionTemplate.ForceInitialization();

            //save the boardview and outputview interface
            mPluginsUIView = pluginsUIView;
            _outputView    = outputView;

                //scan thru the dll's in the current directory and load each one. Then scan the loaded assembly and check
                //if any plugins of interest are in it.
                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "*.dll"))
                    ARMPluginInterfaces.Utils.OutputDebugString("Found plugin dll:" + file);
                    System.Reflection.Assembly pluginAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(file);

                //attempt to load any plugins defined in the running .exe

            catch (BadImageFormatException ex)
                ARMPluginInterfaces.Utils.OutputDebugString("Application attempted to load a incorrectly formatted DLL: " + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ARMPluginInterfaces.Utils.OutputDebugString("Application failed to load a plugin assembly: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the plugins.
 /// Find the plugins, load them calling their init method, then when all load call onLoad method
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="boardView">reference to BoardControlsView</param>
 /// <param name="outputView">reference to OutputView</param>
 public void InitPlugins(GUI.Views.PluginsUIView boardView, GUI.Views.IOutputView outputView)
     mPluginManager.Init(boardView, outputView, this.ARMPreferences.PluginPreferences);