private void ProcessInput() { KeyCode KCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton0; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KCode)) { PlayerActions.Jump(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KCode + FXboxControllerButton.Button_X)) { GameObject WeaponGO = PlayerScript.GetWeapon(); if (WeaponGO == null) { float AttackDamage = PlayerScript.GetAttackDamage(); PlayerActions.Attack(AttackDamage); PlayerScript.ApplyAttackFatigue(); } } if (Input.GetKey(KCode + FXboxControllerButton.Button_X)) { GameObject WeaponGO = PlayerScript.GetWeapon(); if (WeaponGO != null) { GGun WeaponScript = WeaponGO.GetComponent <GGun>(); WeaponScript.Fire(); } } if (Input.GetKey(KCode + FXboxControllerButton.Button_B)) { PlayerActions.IncreaseGrenadeTrajectory(); } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KCode + FXboxControllerButton.Button_B)) { PlayerActions.ReleaseGrenade(); } float AxisX = Input.GetAxis("XboxP1_DPadHorizontal"); if (AxisX < -DeadZone) { if (!bTappedLeft) { bTappedLeft = true; } //TODO::The rest of the double tap impl. PlayerActions.MoveLeft(); } else if (AxisX > DeadZone) { PlayerActions.MoveRight(); } }
private void ProcessKeyboardInput() { /*Move Left*/ if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { PlayerActions.MoveLeft(); } /*Move right*/ else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { PlayerActions.MoveRight(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) { PlayerActions.Jump(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) { float AttackDamage = PlayerScript.GetAttackDamage(); PlayerActions.Attack(AttackDamage); PlayerScript.ApplyAttackFatigue(); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F)) { GameObject WeaponGO = PlayerScript.GetWeapon(); if (WeaponGO == null) { PlayerActions.IncreaseGrenadeTrajectory(); } } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.F)) { GameObject WeaponGO = PlayerScript.GetWeapon(); if (WeaponGO == null) { PlayerActions.ReleaseGrenade(); } } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F)) { GameObject WeaponGO = PlayerScript.GetWeapon(); if (WeaponGO != null) { GGun WeaponScript = WeaponGO.GetComponent <GGun>(); WeaponScript.Fire(); } } }