private void gamePath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GOGGame game = (GOGGame)this.gamesList.SelectedValue; if (game == null) { return; } Process.Start(game.Path); }
public LaunchingForm(String gameid) { InitializeComponent(); GOGGame game = GOGRegistry.Game(gameid); this.gameName.Text = game?.Name; this.gameIcon.ImageLocation = game?.Icon; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => GOGGalaxy.launch(gameid, this.Exit))).Start(); }
private void gamesList_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { GOGGame game = (GOGGame)this.gamesList.SelectedValue; if (game == null) { return; } this.gameName.Text = game.Name; this.gameID.Text = game.ID; this.gameIcon.ImageLocation = game.Icon; this.gamePath.Text = game.Path; }
private void gameSteamShortcut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GOGGame game = (GOGGame)this.gamesList.SelectedValue; if (game == null) { return; } this.gameSteamShortcut.Enabled = false; try { string[] users = SteamUtils.GetUsers(); VDFEntry shortcut = new VDFEntry() { AppName = game.Name, Exe = $"\"{Application.ExecutablePath}\" {game.ID} -e", StartDir = $"\"{game.Path}\"", Icon = game.Icon, ShortcutPath = "", IsHidden = 0, AllowDesktopConfig = 1, OpenVR = 0, Tags = new string[] { "" }, Index = 0 }; foreach (string user in users) { List <VDFEntry> shortcuts = new List <VDFEntry>(SteamUtils.ReadShortcuts(user)); shortcuts.Add(shortcut); SteamUtils.WriteShortcuts(shortcuts.ToArray(), user); } MessageBox.Show("You may need to restart Steam to use new shortcut", "Steam shortcut added", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Steam shortcut add failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } this.gameSteamShortcut.Enabled = true; }
private void gameLaunchBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GOGGame game = (GOGGame)this.gamesList.SelectedValue; new LaunchingForm(game.ID).ShowDialog(); }
private void gameGalaxyBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GOGGame game = (GOGGame)this.gamesList.SelectedValue;; }