Exemple #1
     * Gets the most relevant goal at the moment
     * GOAPGoal GetMostRelevantGoal(bool recalculate)
     * {
     * GOAPGoal maxGoal = null;
     * float highestRelevancy = 0.0f;
     * float currentTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
     * float nextEvalTime;
     * float goalRelevance = 0.0f;
     * for (int i = 0; i < m_GoalSet.Count; i++)
     * {	//First check for timing checks?!
     *  //Don't recalculate the goal relevancy if not asked to do so
     *  if (recalculate)
     *  {
     *      nextEvalTime = m_GoalSet[i].NextEvaluationTime;
     *      if (currentTime < nextEvalTime)
     *      { //clear relevancy , we dont want to select these goals
     *          m_GoalSet[i].ClearGoalRelevancy();
     *      }
     *      else if (!m_GoalSet[i].GetReEvalOnSatisfication() && m_GoalSet[i].IsWSSatisfied(Ai.GetWorldState()))
     *      {
     *          m_GoalSet[i].ClearGoalRelevancy();
     *      }
     *      else
     *      {// recalculate goal relevancy !!!!
     *          m_GoalSet[i].CalculateGoalRelevancy();
     *          //m_GoalSet[i].SetNewEvaluationTime();
     *          //set new timing check time?!
     *      }
     *  }
     *  // check all goal relevancy
     *  goalRelevance = m_GoalSet[i].GoalRelevancy;
     *  if (goalRelevance > highestRelevancy)
     *  {
     *      highestRelevancy = goalRelevance;
     *      maxGoal = m_GoalSet[i];
     *  }
     * }
     * return maxGoal;
     * }*/
     * Builds a new plan for this agent
     * @param the agent to build the plan for
     * @return true if the plan builds successfully, false otherwise

    public GOAPPlan BuildPlan(GOAPGoal goal)
        if (goal == null)

        //if (Owner.debugGOAP) Debug.Log(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + " " + goal.ToString() + " - build plan");

        //initialize shit
        Goal.Initialise(Owner, Map, goal);


        AStar.End = -1;

        AStarNode currNode = AStar.CurrentNode;

        if (currNode == null || currNode.NodeID == -1)
            Debug.LogError(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + " " + goal.ToString() + " - FAILED , no node ");
            return(null);                       //Building of plan failed

        GOAPPlan plan = new GOAPPlan();          //create a new plan

        GOAPAction action;

         * We need to push each new plan step onto the list of steps until we reach the last action
         * Which is going to be the goal node and of no use

        //if (Owner.debugGOAP) Debug.Log(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + " " + goal.ToString() + " current node id :" + currNode.NodeID);

        while (currNode.NodeID != -1)
            action = Map.GetAction(currNode.NodeID);

            if (action == null)              //If we tried to cast an node to an action that can't be done, quit out
                Debug.LogError(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + " " + goal.ToString() + ": canot find action (" + currNode.NodeID + ")");

            currNode = currNode.Parent;

        //Finally tell the ai what its plan is
        if (plan.IsDone())
            Debug.LogError(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + " " + goal.ToString() + ": plan is already  done !!! (" + plan.CurrentStepIndex + "," + plan.NumberOfSteps + ")");

Exemple #2
 public bool IsPlanFinished()
     return(Plan == null ? true : Plan.IsDone());