public void CreateObjects(GLItemsList items, GLRenderProgramSortedList rObjects, GalacticMapping galmap, GLStorageBlock findbufferresults, bool depthtest) { this.galmap = galmap; // first gets the images and make a 2d array texture for them Bitmap[] images = galmap.RenderableMapTypes.Select(x => x.Image as Bitmap).ToArray(); // 256 is defined normal size var objtex = new GLTexture2DArray(images, bmpmipmaplevels: 1, wantedmipmaplevels: 3, texturesize: new Size(256, 256), internalformat: OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8, alignment: ContentAlignment.BottomCenter); IGLTexture texarray = items.Add(objtex, "GalObjTex"); // now build the shaders const int texbindingpoint = 1; var vert = new GLPLVertexScaleLookat(rotatetoviewer: dorotate, rotateelevation: doelevation, // a look at vertex shader autoscale: 500, autoscalemin: 1f, autoscalemax: 20f); // below 500, 1f, above 500, scale up to 20x var tcs = new GLPLTesselationControl(40f); tes = new GLPLTesselationEvaluateSinewave(1f, 2f); // this uses the world position from the vertex scaler to position the image, w controls image + animation (b16) var frag = new GLPLFragmentShaderTexture2DDiscard(texbindingpoint); // binding - takes image pos from tes. imagepos < 0 means discard objectshader = new GLShaderPipeline(vert, tcs, tes, null, frag); items.Add(objectshader); objectshader.StartAction += (s, m) => { texarray.Bind(texbindingpoint); // bind tex array to, matching above }; // now the RenderControl for the objects GLRenderState rt = GLRenderState.Patches(4); rt.DepthTest = depthtest; // create a quad and all entries of the renderable map objects, zero at this point, with a zero instance count. UpdateEnables will fill it in later // but we need to give it the maximum buffer length at this point const float objsize = 10.0f; // size of object on screen ridisplay = GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Vector4(items, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType.Patches, rt, GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateQuadTriStrip(objsize, objsize), // quad2 4 vertexts new Vector4[galmap.RenderableMapObjects.Length], // world positions ic: 0, seconddivisor: 1); modelworldbuffer = items.LastBuffer(); int modelpos = modelworldbuffer.Positions[0]; worldpos = modelworldbuffer.Positions[1]; rObjects.Add(objectshader, "galmapobj", ridisplay); // add a find shader to look them up var geofind = new GLPLGeoShaderFindTriangles(findbufferresults, 16); findshader = items.NewShaderPipeline(null, vert, tcs, tes, geofind, null, null, null); // hook to modelworldbuffer, at modelpos and worldpos. UpdateEnables will fill in instance count rifind = GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Vector4(items, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType.Patches, GLRenderState.Patches(4), modelworldbuffer, modelpos, ridisplay.DrawCount, modelworldbuffer, worldpos, null, ic: 0, seconddivisor: 1); GLStatics.Check(); // Text renderer for the labels textrenderer = new GLBitmaps("bm-galmapobjects", rObjects, new Size(128, 40), depthtest: depthtest, cullface: false, textureformat: OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8); items.Add(textrenderer); // now make the text up for all the objects above using (Font fnt = new Font("Arial", 8.5F)) { using (StringFormat fmt = new StringFormat()) { fmt.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; var renderablegalmapobjects = galmap.RenderableMapObjects; // list of enabled entries List <Vector3> posset = new List <Vector3>(); float offscale = objsize * (0.5f + (float)textrenderer.BitmapSize.Height / (float)textrenderer.BitmapSize.Width / 2); // this is the nominal centre of the text bitmap, offset in Y to the object for (int i = 0; i < renderablegalmapobjects.Length; i++) { var o = renderablegalmapobjects[i]; float offset = -offscale; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) // look up previous ones and see if we labeled it before { var d1 = new Vector3(o.points[0].X, o.points[0].Y + offset, o.points[0].Z); var d2 = posset[j]; // where it was placed. var diff = d1 - d2; if (diff.Length < offscale) // close { if (offset > 0) // if offset is positive, flip below and increase again { offset = -offset - offscale; } else { offset *= -1; // flip over top } // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"close {renderablegalmapobjects[i].name} {d1} to {renderablegalmapobjects[j].name} {d2} {diff} select {offset}"); } } Vector3 pos = new Vector3(o.points[0].X, o.points[0].Y + offset, o.points[0].Z); posset.Add(pos); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{renderablegalmapobjects[i].name} at {pos} {offset}"); textrenderer.Add(,, fnt, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0, 255), pos, new Vector3(objsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), textformat: fmt, rotatetoviewer: dorotate, rotateelevation: doelevation, alphafadescalar: -100, alphafadepos: 500); // fade in, alpha = 0 at >500, 1 at 400 } } } UpdateEnables(); // fill in worldpos's and update instance count, taking into }