Exemple #1
        private bool DoShallowContact(out ContactData contact)
            Vector3 closestA, closestB;

            //RigidTransform transform = RigidTransform.Identity;
            //Vector3 closestAnew, closestBnew;
            //CachedSimplex cachedTest = cachedSimplex;
            //bool intersecting = GJKToolbox.GetClosestPoints(informationA.Shape, informationB.Shape, ref informationA.worldTransform, ref informationB.worldTransform, ref cachedTest, out closestAnew, out closestBnew);

            ////bool otherIntersecting = OldGJKVerifier.GetClosestPointsBetweenObjects(informationA.Shape, informationB.Shape, ref informationA.worldTransform, ref informationB.worldTransform, 0, 0, out closestA, out closestB);
            //bool otherIntersecting = GJKToolbox.GetClosestPoints(informationA.Shape, informationB.Shape, ref informationA.worldTransform, ref informationB.worldTransform, out closestA, out closestB);

            //Vector3 closestAold, closestBold;
            //bool oldIntersecting = OldGJKVerifier.GetClosestPointsBetweenObjects(informationA.Shape, informationB.Shape, ref informationA.worldTransform, ref informationB.worldTransform, 0, 0, out closestAold, out closestBold);

            //if (otherIntersecting != intersecting || (!otherIntersecting && !intersecting &&
            //    Vector3.DistanceSquared(closestAnew, closestBnew) - Vector3.DistanceSquared(closestA, closestB) > .0001f &&
            //    (Vector3.DistanceSquared(closestA, closestAnew) > .0001f ||
            //    Vector3.DistanceSquared(closestB, closestBnew) > .0001f)))// ||
            //    //Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(closestB - closestA, closestBnew - closestAnew) - Vector3.Dot(closestB - closestA, closestB - closestA)) > Toolbox.Epsilon)))
            //    Debug.WriteLine("Break.");

            //Vector3 sub;
            //Vector3.Subtract(ref closestA, ref closestB, out sub);
            //if (sub.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.Epsilon)

            if (UseSimplexCaching)
                GJKToolbox.GetClosestPoints(collidableA.Shape, collidableB.Shape, ref collidableA.worldTransform, ref collidableB.worldTransform, ref cachedSimplex, out closestA, out closestB);
                //The initialization of the pair creates a pretty decent simplex to start from.
                //Just don't try to update it.
                CachedSimplex preInitializedSimplex = cachedSimplex;
                GJKToolbox.GetClosestPoints(collidableA.Shape, collidableB.Shape, ref collidableA.worldTransform, ref collidableB.worldTransform, ref preInitializedSimplex, out closestA, out closestB);

            Vector3 displacement;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref closestB, ref closestA, out displacement);
            float distanceSquared = displacement.LengthSquared();

            if (distanceSquared < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                state = CollisionState.DeepContact;
                return(DoDeepContact(out contact));

            localDirection = displacement; //Use this as the direction for future deep contacts.
            float margin = collidableA.Shape.collisionMargin + collidableB.Shape.collisionMargin;

            if (distanceSquared < margin * margin)
                //Generate a contact.
                contact = new ContactData();
                //Displacement is from A to B.  point = A + t * AB, where t = marginA / margin.
                if (margin > Toolbox.Epsilon)                                                                             //Avoid a NaN!
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref displacement, collidableA.Shape.collisionMargin / margin, out contact.Position); //t * AB
                    contact.Position = new Vector3();

                Vector3.Add(ref closestA, ref contact.Position, out contact.Position); //A + t * AB.

                contact.Normal = displacement;
                float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
                Vector3.Divide(ref contact.Normal, distance, out contact.Normal);
                contact.PenetrationDepth = margin - distance;
            //Too shallow to make a contact- move back to separation.
            state   = CollisionState.Separated;
            contact = new ContactData();
Exemple #2
        private bool DoExternalNear(TriangleShape triangle, out TinyStructList <ContactData> contactList)
            Vector3 closestA, closestB;

            //Don't bother trying to do any clever caching.  The continually transforming simplex makes it very rarely useful.
            //TODO: Initialize the simplex of the GJK method using the 'true' center of the triangle.
            //If left unmodified, the simplex that is used in GJK will just be a point at 0,0,0, which of course is at the origin.
            //This causes an instant-out, always.  Not good!
            //By giving the contributing simplex the average centroid, it has a better guess.
            Vector3 triangleCentroid;

            Vector3.Add(ref triangle.vA, ref triangle.vB, out triangleCentroid);
            Vector3.Add(ref triangleCentroid, ref triangle.vC, out triangleCentroid);
            Vector3.Multiply(ref triangleCentroid, .33333333f, out triangleCentroid);

            CachedSimplex initialSimplex = new CachedSimplex
                State = SimplexState.Point, LocalSimplexB = { A = triangleCentroid }

            if (GJKToolbox.GetClosestPoints(convex, triangle, ref Toolbox.RigidIdentity, ref Toolbox.RigidIdentity,
                                            ref initialSimplex, out closestA, out closestB))
                state = CollisionState.Deep;
                return(DoDeepContact(triangle, out contactList));

            Vector3 displacement;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref closestB, ref closestA, out displacement);
            float distanceSquared = displacement.LengthSquared();
            float margin          = convex.collisionMargin + triangle.collisionMargin;

            contactList = new TinyStructList <ContactData>();
            if (distanceSquared < margin * margin)
                //Try to generate a contact.
                ContactData contact = new ContactData();

                //Determine if the normal points in the appropriate direction given the sidedness of the triangle.
                if (triangle.sidedness != TriangleSidedness.DoubleSided)
                    Vector3 triangleNormal, ab, ac;
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vB, ref triangle.vA, out ab);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vC, ref triangle.vA, out ac);
                    Vector3.Cross(ref ab, ref ac, out triangleNormal);
                    float dot;
                    Vector3.Dot(ref triangleNormal, ref displacement, out dot);
                    if (triangle.sidedness == TriangleSidedness.Clockwise && dot > 0)

                    if (triangle.sidedness == TriangleSidedness.Counterclockwise && dot < 0)

                //Displacement is from A to B.  point = A + t * AB, where t = marginA / margin.
                if (margin > Toolbox.Epsilon)                                                                  //This can be zero! It would cause a NaN if unprotected.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref displacement, convex.collisionMargin / margin, out contact.Position); //t * AB
                    contact.Position = new Vector3();

                Vector3.Add(ref closestA, ref contact.Position, out contact.Position); //A + t * AB.

                contact.Normal = displacement;
                float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
                Vector3.Divide(ref contact.Normal, distance, out contact.Normal);
                contact.PenetrationDepth = margin - distance;

                contactList.Add(ref contact);
                TryToEscape(triangle, ref contact.Position);

            //Too far to make a contact- move back to separation.
            state = CollisionState.ExternalSeparated;
Exemple #3
        private bool DoShallowContact(out ContactData contact)
            Vector3 closestA, closestB;

            if (UseSimplexCaching)
                GJKToolbox.GetClosestPoints(collidableA.Shape, collidableB.Shape, ref collidableA.worldTransform,
                                            ref collidableB.worldTransform, ref cachedSimplex, out closestA, out closestB);
                //The initialization of the pair creates a pretty decent simplex to start from.
                //Just don't try to update it.
                CachedSimplex preInitializedSimplex = cachedSimplex;
                GJKToolbox.GetClosestPoints(collidableA.Shape, collidableB.Shape, ref collidableA.worldTransform,
                                            ref collidableB.worldTransform, ref preInitializedSimplex, out closestA, out closestB);

            Vector3 displacement;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref closestB, ref closestA, out displacement);
            float distanceSquared = displacement.LengthSquared();

            if (distanceSquared < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                state = CollisionState.DeepContact;
                return(DoDeepContact(out contact));

            localDirection = displacement; //Use this as the direction for future deep contacts.
            float margin = collidableA.Shape.collisionMargin + collidableB.Shape.collisionMargin;

            if (distanceSquared < margin * margin)
                //Generate a contact.
                contact = new ContactData();
                //Displacement is from A to B.  point = A + t * AB, where t = marginA / margin.
                if (margin > Toolbox.Epsilon) //Avoid a NaN!
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref displacement, collidableA.Shape.collisionMargin / margin,
                                     out contact.Position); //t * AB
                    contact.Position = new Vector3();

                Vector3.Add(ref closestA, ref contact.Position, out contact.Position); //A + t * AB.

                contact.Normal = displacement;
                float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
                Vector3.Divide(ref contact.Normal, distance, out contact.Normal);
                contact.PenetrationDepth = margin - distance;

            //Too shallow to make a contact- move back to separation.
            state   = CollisionState.Separated;
            contact = new ContactData();