protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Declare a variable for the input
            Line   line           = new Line();
            double springConstant = 0;

            // Use the DA object to retrieve the data inside the first input parameter.
            // If the retieval fails (for example if there is no data) we need to abort.
            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref line))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref springConstant))
            //        if (!DA.GetDataList<GHBarRelease>(2, releases)) { return; }
            //        if (!DA.GetDataList<GHBarGroup>(2, groups)) { return; }

            GH_Spring spring = new GH_Spring(line.From, line.To, springConstant);

            DA.SetData(0, spring);
        private void AppendCouplingInformation_SPR_Line(StringBuilder sb, GH_Spring spr)
            sb.AppendFormat(" SLNS");

            if (spr.GroupId > 0)
                sb.AppendFormat(" GRP {0}", spr.GroupId);

            sb.AppendFormat(" CA {0}", spr.Axial_stiffness);
            sb.AppendFormat(" CD {0}", spr.Rotational_stiffness);

            if (!spr.Direction.IsTiny())
                sb.AppendFormat(" DRX {0} DRY {1} DRZ {2}", spr.Direction.X, spr.Direction.Y, spr.Direction.Z);

Exemple #3
        public void Setup()
            model = new GH_Model(ModelType.Truss2D, new List <GH_Element>(), new List <GH_Load>(), new List <GH_Support>());

            springConstant = 10;
            force          = new Vector3d(0, 0, 10);
            moment         = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);

            point1     = new Point3d(0, 0, 0);
            point2     = new Point3d(0, 0, 10);
            point3     = new Point3d(0, 0, 20);
            spring1    = new GH_Spring(point1, point2, springConstant);
            spring2    = new GH_Spring(point2, point3, springConstant);
            nodalLoad1 = new GH_NodalLoad(point2, force, moment);
            nodalLoad2 = new GH_NodalLoad(point3, force, moment);

            nodeSupport1 = new GH_NodeSupport(point1, true, true, true, true, true, true);
            nodeSupport2 = new GH_NodeSupport(point2, true, true, false, true, true, true);
        private void AppendCouplingInformation_SPR_Point(StringBuilder sb, GH_Spring spr)
            sb.Append(" SPTS");

            //sb.Append(" TYP 'C'");

            sb.AppendFormat(" CP {0}", spr.Axial_stiffness);
            sb.AppendFormat(" CM {0}", spr.Rotational_stiffness);

            if (!spr.Direction.IsTiny())
                sb.AppendFormat(" DX {0} DY {1} DZ {2}", spr.Direction.X, spr.Direction.Y, spr.Direction.Z);

            if (spr.GroupId > 0)
                sb.AppendFormat(" GRP {0}", spr.GroupId);
