// Token: 0x0600040D RID: 1037 RVA: 0x0103ADDC File Offset: 0x01038FDC public static void smethod_0() { string text2; IntPtr intptr_; for (;;) { string text = string.Empty; text2 = string.Format("\\\\{0}\\pipe\\{1}", ".", "IHPipe"); IntPtr intPtr = IntPtr.Zero; GStruct1 gstruct = default(GStruct1); GStruct0 structure; GClass2.InitializeSecurityDescriptor(out structure, 1); GClass2.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(ref structure, true, IntPtr.Zero, false); gstruct.intptr_0 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GStruct0))); Marshal.StructureToPtr <GStruct0>(structure, gstruct.intptr_0, false); gstruct.bool_0 = false; gstruct.int_0 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GStruct1)); intPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(gstruct.int_0); Marshal.StructureToPtr <GStruct1>(gstruct, intPtr, false); intptr_ = GClass1.CreateNamedPipe(text2, GEnum3.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, (GEnum4)6u, 255u, 4096u, 4096u, 0u, intPtr); if (intptr_.ToInt32() == -1) { break; } Console.WriteLine("The named pipe, {0}, is created.", text2); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the client's connection..."); if (!GClass1.ConnectNamedPipe(intptr_, IntPtr.Zero) && (ulong)GClass1.GetLastError() != 535UL) { goto IL_28F; } byte[] array = new byte[4096]; Thread.Sleep(1000); uint num; if (!GClass1.ReadFile(intptr_, array, 4096u, out num, IntPtr.Zero) || num == 0u) { Console.WriteLine("Read Failed or Finished!"); } string text3 = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(array).TrimEnd(new char[1]); Console.WriteLine("Receives {0} bytes; Message: \"{1}\"", num, text3); if (!text3.Contains("Initialize")) { if (text3.Contains("GetPath")) { text = "\\DosDevices\\C:\\PUBG\\steamapps\\common\\PUBG\\TslGame\\Content\\Paks\\pakchunk5500-WindowsNoEditor_sound.pak"; } else if (!text3.Contains("Injector")) { if (text3.Contains("GetData")) { Class22.bool_0 = true; text = "l1l11llll1ll1l11llll1ll11ll1"; } else if (text3.Contains("lnitialize")) { Class22.bool_2 = true; text = "l am stIll the only true gayceptor"; } } else { text = "l1l11lllllllll11llllllllllll"; } } else { Class22.bool_0 = true; text = "I am the only true gayceptor"; } if (text != string.Empty) { byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(text); uint num2 = (uint)bytes.Length; uint num3; if (!GClass1.WriteFile(intptr_, bytes, num2, out num3, IntPtr.Zero) || num2 != num3) { Console.WriteLine("WriteFile failed w/err 0x{0:X}", GClass1.GetLastError()); } Console.WriteLine("Sends {0} bytes; Message: \"{1}\"", num3, text.TrimEnd(new char[1])); Thread.Sleep(500); } GClass1.FlushFileBuffers(intptr_); GClass1.DisconnectNamedPipe(intptr_); GClass1.CloseHandle(intptr_); } Console.WriteLine("Unable to create named pipe {0} w/err 0x{1:X}", text2, GClass1.GetLastError()); return; IL_28F: Console.WriteLine("Error occurred while connecting to the client: 0x{0:X}", GClass1.GetLastError()); GClass1.CloseHandle(intptr_); }
// Token: 0x060003BD RID: 957 RVA: 0x0103A420 File Offset: 0x01038620 public void method_1() { string text = string.Format("\\\\{0}\\pipe\\{1}", ".", "IHMHPipe"); while (!Class17.bool_0) { Thread.Sleep(100); } IntPtr intPtr = IntPtr.Zero; GStruct1 gstruct = default(GStruct1); GStruct0 structure; GClass2.InitializeSecurityDescriptor(out structure, 1); GClass2.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(ref structure, true, IntPtr.Zero, false); gstruct.intptr_0 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GStruct0))); Marshal.StructureToPtr <GStruct0>(structure, gstruct.intptr_0, false); gstruct.bool_0 = false; gstruct.int_0 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GStruct1)); intPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(gstruct.int_0); Marshal.StructureToPtr <GStruct1>(gstruct, intPtr, false); IntPtr intptr_ = GClass1.CreateNamedPipe(text, GEnum3.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, (GEnum4)6u, 255u, 4096u, 4096u, 0u, intPtr); if (intptr_.ToInt32() == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to create named pipe {0} w/err 0x{1:X}", text, GClass1.GetLastError()); return; } Console.WriteLine("The named pipe, {0}, is created.", text); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the client's connection..."); if (!GClass1.ConnectNamedPipe(intptr_, IntPtr.Zero) && (ulong)GClass1.GetLastError() != 535UL) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred while connecting to the client: 0x{0:X}", GClass1.GetLastError()); GClass1.CloseHandle(intptr_); return; } byte[] array = new byte[4096]; Thread.Sleep(1000); uint num; if (!GClass1.ReadFile(intptr_, array, 4096u, out num, IntPtr.Zero) || num == 0u) { Console.WriteLine("Read Failed or Finished!"); } string text2 = Encoding.Default.GetString(array).TrimEnd(new char[1]); Console.WriteLine("Receives {0} bytes; Message: \"{1}\"", num, text2); if (text2.Contains(Class17.List_1[0])) { string text3 = Class17.List_0[1]; byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text3); uint num2 = (uint)bytes.Length; Thread.Sleep(5000); uint num3; if (!GClass1.WriteFile(intptr_, bytes, num2, out num3, IntPtr.Zero) || num2 != num3) { Console.WriteLine("WriteFile failed w/err 0x{0:X}", GClass1.GetLastError()); } Console.WriteLine("Sends {0} bytes; Message: \"{1}\"", num3, text3.TrimEnd(new char[1])); Thread.Sleep(1000); GClass1.FlushFileBuffers(intptr_); GClass1.DisconnectNamedPipe(intptr_); GClass1.CloseHandle(intptr_); } }