public OptionList(GCSVTable csv, Func<IData, Options, string> getDefault, Func<string, Options> getList, Utilities.VariableBin var, Func<IData, bool> selector)
            Var = var;
            Options = new List<Option>();

            foreach (var line in csv)
                if (!selector(line))

                var o = new Option();
                o.Parent = this;
                o.Caption = line["caption"];
                o.ID = line["id"];
                o.Active = line["active"].ToBool();
                var l = getList(line["list"]);
                o.Values = l.ToList();
                o.Default = getDefault(line, o.Values);

                if (!var.Str.ContainsKey(o.ID))
                    var.Str[o.ID] = o.Default;

                if (var.Str.ContainsKey(o.ID))
                    o.ComboBox.SelectedIndex = o.Values.FindIndex(p => p.Key == var.Str[o.ID]);

        public OptionList(GCSVTable csv, IGCSVCollection csvs, Utilities.VariableBin var, Func<IData,bool> selector)
            Var = var;
            Options = new List<Option>();

            foreach (var line in csv)
                if (!selector(line))

                var o = new Option();
                o.Parent = this;
                o.Caption = line["caption"];
                o.ID = line["id"];
                o.Active = line["active"].ToBool();

                o.Default = line["default"];
                var l = csvs[line["list"]];
                o.Values = l.Where(m => !m.ContainsKey("active") || m["active"].ToBool()).Select(m => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(m[line["value"]], m[line["text"]])).ToList();

                if (!var.Str.ContainsKey(o.ID) || !o.Active) // set defaults if variable is not set or option is not active
                    var.Str[o.ID] = o.Default;

                if (var.Str.ContainsKey(o.ID))
                    o.ComboBox.SelectedIndex = o.Values.FindIndex(p => p.Key == var.Str[o.ID]);

Exemple #3
 void WriteToStream(StreamWriter writer, GCSVTable gcsv)
     WriteHeaderLine(writer, gcsv);
     foreach (var line in gcsv)
Exemple #4
 private void StartGCSV()
     m_headerLine = m_headerLine.Where(key => key != string.Empty).ToArray();
     m_header = GCSVMain.CreateHeader(m_headerLine);
     m_gcsv = new GCSVTable(m_name, m_header);
     m_started = true;
     m_headerLine = null;
     m_name = null;
Exemple #5
        public GCSVTable ReadGCSVFromLines(List<string[]> lines, ref int position)
            m_gcsv = null;
            m_name = null;
            m_headerLine = null;
            m_started = false;

            for (; position < lines.Count; position++)
                string[] line = lines[position];

                // If this is the start of a gcsv
                if (line[0][0] == GCSVMain.InitialCharacter)
                    // If we had already started a gcsv, this must be the next one,
                    // so we return the one we were filling up.
                    if (m_started == true)
                        return m_gcsv;

                    m_name = line[0].Substring(1);

                    // If the gcsv header is defined on the same line as the name
                    // the line will have multiple delimited values and the second
                    // value, which is the first field name in the header, will
                    // not be empty.
                    if (line.Length > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line[1]))
                        m_headerLine = new string[line.Length - 1];
                        Array.Copy(line, 1, m_headerLine, 0, line.Length - 1);

                // If we've started the gcsv, we can add this line to it.
                if (m_started)
                    // If the line is not long enough, create a new line
                    // with empty strings to pad the end.
                    if (line.Length != m_header.Length)
                        string[] newLine = new string[m_header.Length];
                        Array.Copy(line, newLine, Math.Min(newLine.Length, line.Length));
                        for (int i = line.Length; i < newLine.Length; i++)
                            newLine[i] = string.Empty;
                        line = newLine;

                    m_gcsv.Add(new GCSVLine(m_header, line));

                    // If we've read the name of the gcsv, but not the header
                    // then this line is the header.
                    if (m_name != null)
                        m_headerLine = line;

            GCSVTable result = m_gcsv;
            m_gcsv = null;
            return result;
Exemple #6
 public static void WriteToFile(string path, GCSVTable gcsv)
     WriteToFile(path, new[]{gcsv});
Exemple #7
 void WriteHeaderLine(StreamWriter writer, GCSVTable gcsv)
     writer.WriteLine(GCSVMain.InitialCharacter + gcsv.Name + Environment.NewLine + gcsv.Header.Keys.Implode(m_delimiter));