public override Builder set(string propertyName, object newValue)
                switch (propertyName.GetHashCode())
                case 1005147787:         // currencyPair
                    this.currencyPair = (CurrencyPair)newValue;

                case -1499624221:         // fxRateProvider
                    this.fxRateProvider = (FxRateProvider)newValue;

                case 1151357473:         // baseCurrencyDiscountFactors
                    this.baseCurrencyDiscountFactors = (DiscountFactors)newValue;

                case -453959018:         // counterCurrencyDiscountFactors
                    this.counterCurrencyDiscountFactors = (DiscountFactors)newValue;

                    throw new NoSuchElementException("Unknown property: " + propertyName);
Exemple #2
        public virtual void test_convertedTo_rateProvider()
            FxRateProvider provider = (ccy1, ccy2) => 2.5d;

            assertEquals(CCY_AMOUNT.convertedTo(CCY2, provider), CurrencyAmount.of(CCY2, AMT1 * 2.5d));
            assertEquals(CCY_AMOUNT.convertedTo(CCY1, provider), CCY_AMOUNT);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @ImmutableConstructor private DiscountFxForwardRates(com.opengamma.strata.basics.currency.CurrencyPair currencyPair, com.opengamma.strata.basics.currency.FxRateProvider fxRateProvider, com.opengamma.strata.pricer.DiscountFactors baseCurrencyDiscountFactors, com.opengamma.strata.pricer.DiscountFactors counterCurrencyDiscountFactors)
        private DiscountFxForwardRates(CurrencyPair currencyPair, FxRateProvider fxRateProvider, DiscountFactors baseCurrencyDiscountFactors, DiscountFactors counterCurrencyDiscountFactors)
            JodaBeanUtils.notNull(currencyPair, "currencyPair");
            JodaBeanUtils.notNull(fxRateProvider, "fxRateProvider");
            JodaBeanUtils.notNull(baseCurrencyDiscountFactors, "baseCurrencyDiscountFactors");
            JodaBeanUtils.notNull(counterCurrencyDiscountFactors, "counterCurrencyDiscountFactors");
            if (!baseCurrencyDiscountFactors.Currency.Equals(currencyPair.Base))
                throw new System.ArgumentException(Messages.format("Index base currency {} did not match discount factor base currency {}", currencyPair.Base, baseCurrencyDiscountFactors.Currency));
            if (!counterCurrencyDiscountFactors.Currency.Equals(currencyPair.Counter))
                throw new System.ArgumentException(Messages.format("Index counter currency {} did not match discount factor counter currency {}", currencyPair.Counter, counterCurrencyDiscountFactors.Currency));
            if (!baseCurrencyDiscountFactors.ValuationDate.Equals(counterCurrencyDiscountFactors.ValuationDate))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Curves must have the same valuation date");
            this.currencyPair   = currencyPair;
            this.fxRateProvider = fxRateProvider;
            this.baseCurrencyDiscountFactors    = baseCurrencyDiscountFactors;
            this.counterCurrencyDiscountFactors = counterCurrencyDiscountFactors;
            this.valuationDate = baseCurrencyDiscountFactors.ValuationDate;
            this.paramCombiner = ParameterizedDataCombiner.of(baseCurrencyDiscountFactors, counterCurrencyDiscountFactors);
Exemple #4
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testConvertedToWithRateProvider() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
        public virtual void testConvertedToWithRateProvider()
            FxRateProvider provider = (ccy1, ccy2) => 2.5d;

            assertEquals(Money.of(Currency.RON, 250.30), MONEY_100_AUD.convertedTo(CCY_RON, provider));
            assertEquals(Money.of(Currency.RON, 200.23), MONEY_200_RON.convertedTo(CCY_RON, provider));
        public LegAmounts convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java stream collectors are not converted by Java to C# Converter:
            IList <LegAmount> convertedAmounts = amounts.Select(amount => amount.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider)).collect(toImmutableList());

Exemple #6
        public virtual void test_convertedTo_rateProvider()
            Payment        test     = Payment.ofReceive(GBP_P1000, DATE_2015_06_30);
            FxRateProvider provider = (ccy1, ccy2) => 1.6d;

            assertEquals(test.convertedTo(EUR, provider), Payment.ofReceive(EUR_P1600, DATE_2015_06_30));
            assertEquals(test.convertedTo(GBP, provider), test);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts this payment to an equivalent payment in the specified currency.
 /// <para>
 /// The result will be expressed in terms of the given currency.
 /// If conversion is needed, the provider will be used to supply the FX rate.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resultCurrency">  the currency of the result </param>
 /// <param name="rateProvider">  the provider of FX rates </param>
 /// <returns> the converted instance, in the specified currency </returns>
 /// <exception cref="RuntimeException"> if no FX rate could be found </exception>
 public Payment convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
     if (Currency.Equals(resultCurrency))
     return(Payment.of(value.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider), date));
        public virtual void cross_counter()
            IDictionary <FxRateId, FxRate> marketDataMap = ImmutableMap.of(FxRateId.of(EUR, USD), FxRate.of(EUR, USD, EUR_USD), FxRateId.of(EUR, BEF), FxRate.of(EUR, BEF, EUR_BEF));
            MarketData     marketData = ImmutableMarketData.of(VAL_DATE, marketDataMap);
            FxRateProvider fx         = MarketDataFxRateProvider.of(marketData);

            assertEquals(fx.fxRate(USD, BEF), EUR_BEF / EUR_USD, 1.0E-10);
            assertEquals(fx.fxRate(BEF, USD), EUR_USD / EUR_BEF, 1.0E-10);
        public virtual void emptyMatrixCanHandleTrivialRate()
            FxRateProvider test = (ccy1, ccy2) =>

            assertThat(test.fxRate(CurrencyPair.of(GBP, USD))).isEqualTo(2.5d);
        public virtual void cross_base()
            IDictionary <FxRateId, FxRate> marketDataMap = ImmutableMap.of(FxRateId.of(EUR, USD), FxRate.of(EUR, USD, EUR_USD), FxRateId.of(GBP, USD), FxRate.of(GBP, USD, GBP_USD));
            MarketData     marketData = ImmutableMarketData.of(VAL_DATE, marketDataMap);
            FxRateProvider fx         = MarketDataFxRateProvider.of(marketData);

            assertEquals(fx.fxRate(GBP, EUR), GBP_USD / EUR_USD, 1.0E-10);
            assertEquals(fx.fxRate(EUR, GBP), EUR_USD / GBP_USD, 1.0E-10);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this amount to an equivalent amount in the specified currency.
        /// <para>
        /// The result will be expressed in terms of the given currency.
        /// If conversion is needed, the provider will be used to supply the FX rate.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultCurrency">  the currency of the result </param>
        /// <param name="rateProvider">  the provider of FX rates </param>
        /// <returns> the converted instance, in the specified currency </returns>
        /// <exception cref="RuntimeException"> if no FX rate could be found </exception>
        public CurrencyAmount convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
            if (currency.Equals(resultCurrency))
            double converted = rateProvider.convert(amount, currency, resultCurrency);

            return(CurrencyAmount.of(resultCurrency, converted));
        public virtual void test_convertedTo_rateProvider_noConversionSize1()
            FxRateProvider provider = (ccy1, ccy2) =>
                throw new System.ArgumentException();
            MultiCurrencyAmount test = MultiCurrencyAmount.of(CA2);

            assertEquals(test.convertedTo(CCY2, provider), CA2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this sensitivity to an equivalent in the specified currency.
        /// <para>
        /// Any FX conversion that is required will use rates from the provider.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultCurrency">  the currency of the result </param>
        /// <param name="rateProvider">  the provider of FX rates </param>
        /// <returns> the sensitivity object expressed in terms of the result currency </returns>
        /// <exception cref="RuntimeException"> if no FX rate could be found </exception>
        public CrossGammaParameterSensitivity convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
            if (currency.Equals(resultCurrency))
            double fxRate = rateProvider.fxRate(currency, resultCurrency);

            return(mapSensitivity(s => s * fxRate, resultCurrency));
        public virtual void cross_specified()
            IDictionary <FxRateId, FxRate> marketDataMap = ImmutableMap.of(FxRateId.of(EUR, CHF), FxRate.of(EUR, CHF, EUR_CHF), FxRateId.of(GBP, CHF), FxRate.of(GBP, CHF, GBP_CHF));
            MarketData     marketData = ImmutableMarketData.of(VAL_DATE, marketDataMap);
            FxRateProvider fx         = MarketDataFxRateProvider.of(marketData, ObservableSource.NONE, CHF);

            assertEquals(fx.fxRate(GBP, EUR), GBP_CHF / EUR_CHF, 1.0E-10);
            assertEquals(fx.fxRate(EUR, GBP), EUR_CHF / GBP_CHF, 1.0E-10);
            assertThrows(() => fx.fxRate(EUR, USD), typeof(MarketDataNotFoundException));
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this amount to an equivalent amount in the specified currency.
        /// <para>
        /// The result will be expressed in terms of the given currency.
        /// If conversion is needed, the provider will be used to supply the FX rate.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultCurrency">  the currency of the result </param>
        /// <param name="rateProvider">  the provider of FX rates </param>
        /// <returns> the converted instance, in the specified currency </returns>
        /// <exception cref="RuntimeException"> if no FX rate could be found </exception>
        public virtual Money convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
            if (currency.Equals(resultCurrency))
            double converted = rateProvider.convert(amount.doubleValue(), currency, resultCurrency);

            return(Money.of(resultCurrency, converted));
        public PointSensitivities convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
            IList <PointSensitivity> mutable = new List <PointSensitivity>();

            foreach (PointSensitivity sensi in sensitivities)
                insert(mutable, sensi.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider));
            return(new PointSensitivities(mutable));
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this cash flow to an equivalent amount in the specified currency.
        /// <para>
        /// The result will have both the present and forecast value expressed in terms of the given currency.
        /// If conversion is needed, the provider will be used to supply the FX rate.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultCurrency">  the currency of the result </param>
        /// <param name="rateProvider">  the provider of FX rates </param>
        /// <returns> the converted instance, in the specified currency </returns>
        /// <exception cref="RuntimeException"> if no FX rate could be found </exception>
        public CashFlow convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
            if (presentValue.Currency.Equals(resultCurrency) && forecastValue.Currency.Equals(resultCurrency))
            CurrencyAmount pv = presentValue.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider);
            CurrencyAmount fv = forecastValue.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider);

            return(new CashFlow(paymentDate, pv, fv, discountFactor));
        public JumpToDefault convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
            IDictionary <StandardId, double> mutable = new Dictionary <StandardId, double>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <StandardId, double> entry in amounts.entrySet())
                double converted = rateProvider.convert(entry.Value, currency, resultCurrency);
                mutable[entry.Key] = converted;
            return(JumpToDefault.of(resultCurrency, mutable));
        public CurrencyAmountArray convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider fxRateProvider)
            if (currency.Equals(resultCurrency))
            double      fxRate          = fxRateProvider.fxRate(currency, resultCurrency);
            DoubleArray convertedValues = values.multipliedBy(fxRate);

            return(new CurrencyAmountArray(resultCurrency, convertedValues));
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Combines a number of rates providers.
        /// <para>
        /// If the two providers have curves or time series for the same currency or index,
        /// an <seealso cref="IllegalAccessException"/> is thrown.
        /// The FxRateProviders is not populated with the given provider; no attempt is done on merging the embedded FX providers.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fx">  the FX provider for the resulting rate provider </param>
        /// <param name="providers">  the rates providers to be merged </param>
        /// <returns> the combined rates provider </returns>
        public static ImmutableRatesProvider combined(FxRateProvider fx, params ImmutableRatesProvider[] providers)
            ArgChecker.isTrue(providers.Length > 0, "at least one provider requested");
            ImmutableRatesProvider merged = ImmutableRatesProvider.builder(providers[0].ValuationDate).build();

            foreach (ImmutableRatesProvider provider in providers)
                merged = merged.combinedWith(provider, fx);
        public virtual void test_fxProvider()
            RatesMarketDataLookup test    = RatesMarketDataLookup.of(ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableMap.of());
            LocalDate             valDate = date(2015, 6, 30);
            FxRateId       gbpUsdId       = FxRateId.of(GBP, USD);
            FxRate         gbpUsdRate     = FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.6);
            MarketData     md             = ImmutableMarketData.of(valDate, ImmutableMap.of(gbpUsdId, gbpUsdRate));
            FxRateProvider fxProvider     = test.fxRateProvider(md);

            assertEquals(fxProvider.fxRate(GBP, USD), 1.6);
            assertEquals(test.marketDataView(md).fxRateProvider().fxRate(GBP, USD), 1.6);
            assertThrows(() => fxProvider.fxRate(EUR, USD), typeof(MarketDataNotFoundException));
        public virtual void test_convertedTo_rateProvider_conversionSize1()
            FxRateProvider provider = (ccy1, ccy2) =>
                if (ccy1.Equals(CCY1) && ccy2.Equals(CCY2))
                throw new System.ArgumentException();
            MultiCurrencyAmount test = MultiCurrencyAmount.of(CA1);

            assertEquals(test.convertedTo(CCY2, provider), CurrencyAmount.of(CCY2, AMT1 * 2.5d));
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this amount to an equivalent amount the specified currency.
        /// <para>
        /// The result will be expressed in terms of the given currency.
        /// If conversion is needed, the provider will be used to supply the FX rate.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultCurrency">  the currency of the result </param>
        /// <param name="rateProvider">  the provider of FX rates </param>
        /// <returns> the converted instance, which should be expressed in the specified currency </returns>
        /// <exception cref="RuntimeException"> if no FX rate could be found </exception>
        public CurrencyAmount convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
            if (amounts.size() == 1)
                return(amounts.first().convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider));
            double total = 0d;

            foreach (CurrencyAmount amount in amounts)
                total += rateProvider.convert(amount.Amount, amount.Currency, resultCurrency);
            return(CurrencyAmount.of(resultCurrency, total));
Exemple #24
 public CurrencyAmountArray convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider fxRateProvider)
     double[] singleCurrencyValues = new double[size_Renamed];
     foreach (KeyValuePair <Currency, DoubleArray> entry in values.entrySet())
         Currency    currency       = entry.Key;
         DoubleArray currencyValues = entry.Value;
         for (int i = 0; i < size_Renamed; i++)
             singleCurrencyValues[i] += currencyValues.get(i) * fxRateProvider.fxRate(currency, resultCurrency);
     return(CurrencyAmountArray.of(resultCurrency, DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(singleCurrencyValues)));
 public override DummyPointSensitivity convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
     return((DummyPointSensitivity)PointSensitivity.this.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider));
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the FX rate provider.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fxRateProvider">  the rate provider </param>
 /// <returns> this, for chaining </returns>
 public ImmutableRatesProviderBuilder fxRateProvider(FxRateProvider fxRateProvider)
     this.fxRateProvider_Renamed = ArgChecker.notNull(fxRateProvider, "fxRateProvider");
 public override BondFutureOptionSensitivity convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
     return((BondFutureOptionSensitivity)PointSensitivity.this.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider));
        public override SwapLegAmount convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
            CurrencyAmount convertedAmount = amount.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider);

Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this collection of cash flows to an equivalent amount in the specified currency.
        /// <para>
        /// This ensures that the result will have all currency amounts expressed in terms of the given currency.
        /// If conversion is needed, the provider will be used to supply the FX rate.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultCurrency">  the currency of the result </param>
        /// <param name="rateProvider">  the provider of FX rates </param>
        /// <returns> the converted instance, in the specified currency </returns>
        /// <exception cref="RuntimeException"> if no FX rate could be found </exception>
        public CashFlows convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java stream collectors are not converted by Java to C# Converter:
            return(CashFlows.of(cashFlows.Select(cf => cf.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider)).collect(toImmutableList())));
 public override SwaptionSabrSensitivity convertedTo(Currency resultCurrency, FxRateProvider rateProvider)
     return((SwaptionSabrSensitivity)PointSensitivity.this.convertedTo(resultCurrency, rateProvider));