public void CompareWithNullArguments() { ISortDefinition definition = new MutableSortDefinition("Nails", false, true); Funk one = new Funk(1, "long"); PropertyComparator cmp = new PropertyComparator(definition); Assert.AreEqual(0, cmp.Compare(null, null)); // nulls are always last (i.e. greater than) Assert.AreEqual(1, cmp.Compare(null, one)); // any non-null instance comes before null (i.e. less than). Assert.AreEqual(-1, cmp.Compare(one, null)); }
/// <summary> /// записывает данные функции в файла на промежутке от a до b с шагом h /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Имя файла</param> /// <param name="F">Ф-ция</param> /// <param name="a">нижняя граница промежутка</param> /// <param name="b">верхняя граница промежутка</param> /// <param name="h">шаг</param> static void SaveFunc(string fileName, Funk F, double a, double b, double h) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); double x = a; while (x <= b) { bw.Write(F(x)); x += h; } bw.Close(); fs.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Меню выбора функции к заданию 2 /// </summary> static void Menu() { int ans; double a, b, h, min; string filename = "data.txt"; Console.WriteLine("Выберите ф-цию для нахождения минимума(введите номер): \n1)х^2\n2)sin(x)\n3)x^3\n4)2x-x^4"); do { Console.WriteLine("Введите номер от 1 до 4"); ans = My_methods.GetValueInt("Введите номер числом"); } while (ans > 4 || ans < 1); GetParam(out a, out b, out h); Funk[] f = new Funk[4]; f[0] = delegate(double x) { return(x * x); }; f[1] = delegate(double x) { return(Math.Sin(x)); }; f[2] = delegate(double x) { return(x * x * x); }; f[3] = delegate(double x) { return(2 * x - x * x * x * x); }; switch (ans) { case 1: SaveFunc(filename, f[0], a, b, h); break; case 2: SaveFunc(filename, f[1], a, b, h); break; case 3: SaveFunc(filename, f[2], a, b, h); break; case 4: SaveFunc(filename, f[3], a, b, h); break; } ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list = Load(filename, out min); foreach (var v in list) { Console.WriteLine(v); } Console.WriteLine("Минимальное значение: " + min); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an eventhandler for the specified event info /// </summary> /// <param name="delegateType">the event information for the subscribed event</param> /// <returns>a delegate that raises a generic event providing all required information used to distribute the event to clients</returns> public Delegate CreateDelegate(Type delegateType) { Funk d = Invoke; Type method = delegateType; MethodInfo minf = method.GetMethod("Invoke"); ParameterInfo[] methodParameters = minf.GetParameters(); List <string> names = new List <string>(); int a = 0; ParameterExpression[] parameters = methodParameters.Select(n => Expression.Parameter(n.ParameterType, string.Format("arg{0}", a++))) .ToArray(); names.AddRange(parameters.Select(n => n.Name)); NewArrayExpression array = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), parameters.Select(n => Expression.Convert(n, typeof(object)))); List <Expression> xps = new List <Expression>(); var callExp = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(d), d.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"), array); //xps.Add(lambda); if (minf.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { xps.Add(callExp); xps.Add(Expression.Empty()); } else { xps.Add(Expression.Convert(callExp, minf.ReturnType)); } BlockExpression block = Expression.Block(xps); LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(block, parameters); Delegate tmp = lambda.Compile(); return(Delegate.CreateDelegate(method, tmp, "Invoke", false)); }
public void Save(string path) { using (DocumentWriter dw = new DocumentWriter(path)) { dw.WriteLine($"VERSION {Version}"); dw.WriteLine("// Version 1 : New crush data"); if (Version > 1) { dw.WriteLine("// 2 : New windscreen spec"); } dw.WriteLine($"{(FemaleDriver ? "GIRL" : "")}"); dw.WriteLine($"{Name}", "Name of car"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{SoftnessFactor}", "softness_factor"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{DriversHeadOffset.X},{DriversHeadOffset.Y},{DriversHeadOffset.Z}", "Offset of driver's head in 3D space"); dw.WriteLine($"{DriversHeadTurnAngles.X},{DriversHeadTurnAngles.Y}", "Angles to turn to make head go left and right"); dw.WriteLine($"{MirrorCamera.X},{MirrorCamera.Y},{MirrorCamera.Z},{MirrorCamera.W}", "Offset of 'mirror camera' in 3D space, viewing angle of mirror"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", PratcamBorders)}", "Pratcam border names (left, top, right, bottom)"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("END OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",",EngineNoises)}", "Engine noise (normal, enclosed space, underwater)"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{(Stealworthy ? "stealworthy" : "")}", "Can be stolen"); dw.WriteLine(); foreach (ImpactSpec impactSpec in new List <ImpactSpec> { ImpactTop, ImpactBottom, ImpactLeft, ImpactRight, ImpactFront, ImpactBack }) { dw.WriteLine($"// Damage info for {impactSpec.Description} impacts"); dw.WriteLine($"{impactSpec.Clauses.Count}", "Number of clauses"); dw.IncreaseIndent(); foreach (ImpactSpecClause clause in impactSpec.Clauses) { dw.WriteLine($"{clause.Clause}", "Condition"); dw.WriteLine($"{clause.Systems.Count}", "Systems count"); dw.IncreaseIndent(); foreach (ImpactSpecClauseSystem system in clause.Systems) { dw.WriteLine($"{system.Part},{system.Damage:F1}", "Damage"); } dw.DecreaseIndent(); } dw.DecreaseIndent(); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", GridImages)}", "Grid image (opponent, frank, annie)"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{ExtraLevelsOfDetail.Count}", "Number of extra levels of detail"); foreach (int extraLevelOfDetail in ExtraLevelsOfDetail) { dw.WriteLine($"{extraLevelOfDetail}", "min_dist_squared"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{WAM}", "crush data file (will be incorporated into this file)"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{ReflectiveScreenMaterial}", "Name of reflective screen material (or none if non-reflective)"); dw.WriteLine($"{TransparencyOfWindscreen}", "Percentage transparency of windscreen"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{SteerableWheels.Count}", "Number of steerable wheels"); foreach (int steerableWheel in SteerableWheels) { dw.WriteLine($"{steerableWheel}", "GroovyFunkRef of nth steerable wheel"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", LeftFrontSuspension)}", "Left-front suspension parts GroovyFunkRef"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", RightFrontSuspension)}", "Right-front suspension parts GroovyFunkRef"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", LeftRearSuspension)}", "Left-rear suspension parts GroovyFunkRef"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", RightRearSuspension)}", "Right-rear suspension parts GroovyFunkRef"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", DrivenWheels)}", "Driven wheels GroovyFunkRefs (for spinning) - MUST BE 4 ITEMS"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", NonDrivenWheels)}", "Non-driven wheels GroovyFunkRefs (for spinning) - MUST BE 4 ITEMS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{DrivenWheelDiameter}", "Driven wheels diameter"); dw.WriteLine($"{NonDrivenWheelDiameter}", "Non-driven wheels diameter"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF FUNK"); dw.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < Funks.Count; i++) { Funk funk = Funks[i]; dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Material}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Mode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.MatrixModType}"); if (funk.MatrixModType != FunkMatrixMode.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{funk.MatrixModMode}"); } switch (funk.MatrixModType) { case FunkMatrixMode.roll: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.RollPeriods.X},{funk.RollPeriods.Y}"); break; case FunkMatrixMode.slither: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SlitherSpeed.X},{funk.SlitherSpeed.Y}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SlitherAmount.X},{funk.SlitherAmount.Y}"); break; case FunkMatrixMode.spin: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SpinPeriod}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{funk.LightingMode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.AnimationType}"); switch (funk.AnimationType) { case FunkAnimationType.frames: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Framerate}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.FrameMode}"); switch (funk.FrameMode) { case FrameType.texturebits: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.TextureBitMode}"); break; case FrameType.continuous: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.FrameSpeed}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Frames.Count}"); foreach (string frame in funk.Frames) { dw.WriteLine($"{frame}"); } break; } if (i + 1 != Funks.Count) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("NEXT FUNK"); dw.WriteLine(); } } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("END OF FUNK"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF GROOVE"); dw.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < Grooves.Count; i++) { Groove groove = Grooves[i]; dw.WriteLine($"{groove.Part}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.LollipopMode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.Mode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathType}"); if (groove.PathType != GroovePathNames.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathMode}"); } switch (groove.PathType) { case GroovePathNames.straight: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathCentre.X},{groove.PathCentre.Y},{groove.PathCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathDelta.X},{groove.PathDelta.Y},{groove.PathDelta.Z}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationType}"); if (groove.AnimationType != GrooveAnimation.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationMode}"); } switch (groove.AnimationType) { case GrooveAnimation.rock: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationAxis}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.RockMaxAngle}"); break; case GrooveAnimation.shear: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.ShearPeriod.X},{groove.ShearPeriod.Y},{groove.ShearPeriod.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.ShearMagnitude.X},{groove.ShearMagnitude.Y},{groove.ShearMagnitude.Z}"); break; case GrooveAnimation.spin: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationAxis}"); break; } if (i + 1 != Grooves.Count) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("NEXT GROOVE"); dw.WriteLine(); } } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("END OF GROOVE"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// END OF CRUSH DATA"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF MECHANICS STUFF version 1"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{MinimumTurningCircle:F6}", "Minimum turning circle."); dw.WriteLine($"{BrakeMultiplier:F6}", "Brake multiplier."); dw.WriteLine($"{BrakingStrengthMultiplier:F6}", "Braking strength multiplier."); dw.WriteLine($"{NumberOfGears}", "Number of gears."); dw.WriteLine($"{TopGearRedlineSpeed:F4}", "Speed at red line in highest gear."); dw.WriteLine($"{TopGearAcceleration:F6}", "Acceleration in highest gear (m/s^2) i.e. engine strength."); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// Sub member: Root part"); dw.WriteLine($"{RootPartType}", "Type"); dw.WriteLine($"{RootPartIdentifier}", "Identifier"); dw.WriteLine($"{RootPartActor}", "Actor"); dw.WriteLine("// Sub member: Joint data"); dw.WriteLine($"{SubPartType}", "Type"); dw.WriteLine($"{CentreOfMass.X:F6},{CentreOfMass.Y:F6},{CentreOfMass.Z:F6}", "Centre of mass"); dw.WriteLine($"{Mass}", "Mass"); dw.WriteLine($"{AngularMomentumProportions.X:F6},{AngularMomentumProportions.Y:F6},{AngularMomentumProportions.Z:F6}", "Angular momentum proportions"); dw.WriteLine($"{DownforceToWeightBalanceSpeed:F6}", "Downforce-to-weight balance speed"); dw.WriteLine($"{Wheels.Count}", "Number of 'Wheels' entries."); for (int i = 0; i < Wheels.Count; i++) { Wheel wheel = Wheels[i]; dw.WriteLine($"// Wheels entry #{i + 1}"); dw.WriteLine($"{(int)wheel.Type}", "Type"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.Identifier}", "Identifier"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.Actor}", "Actor"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.Position.X},{wheel.Position.Y},{wheel.Position.Z}", "Position"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.SteerableFlags}", "Steerable flags"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.DrivenFlags}", "Driven flags"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.SuspensionGive:F6}", "Suspension give"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.DampingFactor:F6}", "Damping factor"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.SlipFrictionReductionFraction:F6}", "Fractional reduction in friction when slipping"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.FrictionAngles.X:F6},{wheel.FrictionAngles.Y:F6}", "Friction angles"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.TractionFractionalMultiplier:F6}", "Traction fractional multiplier"); dw.WriteLine($"{wheel.RollingResistance:F6}", "Rolling resistance"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{BoundingShapes.Count}", "Number of 'Bounding shapes' entries."); for (int i = 0; i < BoundingShapes.Count; i++) { BoundingShape shape = BoundingShapes[i]; dw.WriteLine($"// Bounding shapes entry #{i + 1}"); dw.WriteLine($"{shape.Type}", "Type"); dw.WriteLine($"{shape.Points.Count}"); foreach (Vector3 point in shape.Points) { dw.WriteLine($"{point.X:F2},{point.Y:F2},{point.Z:F2}"); } } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{SubParts.Count}", "Number of sub-parts."); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("END OF MECHANICS STUFF"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// Materials for shrapnel"); dw.WriteLine($"{Shrapnel.Count}", "number of materials"); foreach (string shrapnel in Shrapnel) { dw.WriteLine($"{shrapnel}"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("//damage vertices fire points"); foreach (int point in FirePoints) { dw.WriteLine($"{point}"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// start of keyword stuff"); foreach (Keyword keyword in Keywords) { keyword.Write(dw); } dw.WriteLine("// End of keyword stuff"); dw.WriteLine("END"); } }
public static Car Load(string path) { DocumentParser file = new DocumentParser(path); Car car = new Car(); string version = file.ReadLine(); if (!version.StartsWith("VERSION")) { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon 2 car .txt file"); return(null); } car.Version = version.Replace("VERSION ", "").ToInt(); if (file.PeekLine() == "GIRL") { car.FemaleDriver = true; file.ReadLine(); } car.Name = file.ReadLine(); car.SoftnessFactor = file.ReadSingle(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF DRIVABLE STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); return(null); } car.DriversHeadOffset = file.ReadVector3(); car.DriversHeadTurnAngles = file.ReadVector2(); car.MirrorCamera = file.ReadVector4(); car.PratcamBorders = file.ReadStrings(); if (file.ReadLine() != "END OF DRIVABLE STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "END OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); return(null); } car.EngineNoises = file.ReadInts(); car.Stealworthy = file.ReadLine().ToLower() == "stealworthy"; car.ImpactTop = ImpactSpec.Load("top", file); car.ImpactBottom = ImpactSpec.Load("bottom", file); car.ImpactLeft = ImpactSpec.Load("left", file); car.ImpactRight = ImpactSpec.Load("right", file); car.ImpactFront = ImpactSpec.Load("front", file); car.ImpactBack = ImpactSpec.Load("rear", file); car.GridImages = file.ReadStrings(); int extraLevelsOfDetail = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < extraLevelsOfDetail; j++) { car.ExtraLevelsOfDetail.Add(file.ReadInt()); } car.WAM = file.ReadLine(); car.ReflectiveScreenMaterial = file.ReadLine(); car.TransparencyOfWindscreen = file.ReadSingle(); int steerableWheelsCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < steerableWheelsCount; j++) { car.SteerableWheels.Add(file.ReadInt()); } car.LeftFrontSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.RightFrontSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.LeftRearSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.RightRearSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.DrivenWheels = file.ReadInts(); car.NonDrivenWheels = file.ReadInts(); car.DrivenWheelDiameter = file.ReadSingle(); car.NonDrivenWheelDiameter = file.ReadSingle(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF FUNK") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF FUNK"); return(null); } while (file.PeekLine() != "END OF FUNK") { car.Funks.Add(Funk.Load(file)); if (file.PeekLine() == "NEXT FUNK") { file.ReadLine(); } } file.ReadLine(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF GROOVE") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF GROOVE"); return(null); } while (file.PeekLine() != "END OF GROOVE") { car.Grooves.Add(Groove.Load(file)); if (file.PeekLine() == "NEXT GROOVE") { file.ReadLine(); } } file.ReadLine(); int _ = file.ReadLine().Replace("START OF MECHANICS STUFF version ", "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToInt(); car.MinimumTurningCircle = file.ReadSingle(); car.BrakeMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); car.BrakingStrengthMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); car.NumberOfGears = file.ReadSingle(); car.TopGearRedlineSpeed = file.ReadSingle(); car.TopGearAcceleration = file.ReadSingle(); car.RootPartType = file.ReadEnum <PartType>(); car.RootPartIdentifier = file.ReadLine(); car.RootPartActor = file.ReadLine(); car.SubPartType = file.ReadEnum <PartType>(); car.CentreOfMass = file.ReadVector3(); car.Mass = file.ReadSingle(); car.AngularMomentumProportions = file.ReadVector3(); car.DownforceToWeightBalanceSpeed = file.ReadSingle(); int numberOfWheels = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < numberOfWheels; j++) { Wheel wheel = new Wheel { Type = file.ReadEnum <Wheel.WheelType>(), Identifier = file.ReadLine(), Actor = file.ReadLine(), Position = file.ReadVector3(), SteerableFlags = file.ReadInt(), DrivenFlags = file.ReadInt(), SuspensionGive = file.ReadSingle(), DampingFactor = file.ReadSingle(), SlipFrictionReductionFraction = file.ReadSingle(), FrictionAngles = file.ReadVector2(), TractionFractionalMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(), RollingResistance = file.ReadSingle() }; car.Wheels.Add(wheel); } int boundingShapes = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < boundingShapes; j++) { BoundingShape shape = new BoundingShape { Type = file.ReadEnum <BoundingShape.BoundingShapeType>() }; int shapePoints = file.ReadInt(); for (int k = 0; k < shapePoints; k++) { shape.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } car.BoundingShapes.Add(shape); } int subParts = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < subParts; j++) { throw new NotImplementedException("subparts?!"); } if (file.ReadLine() != "END OF MECHANICS STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "END OF MECHANICS STUFF"); return(null); } int shrapnelCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < shrapnelCount; i++) { car.Shrapnel.Add(file.ReadLine()); } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { car.FirePoints.Add(file.ReadInt()); } while (file.PeekLine() != "END") { string keyWord = file.ReadLine(); switch (keyWord) { case "CAMERA_POSITIONS": car.Keywords.Add(new CameraPosition { BumperPosition = file.ReadVector3(), CockpitPosition = file.ReadVector3() }); break; case "CAMERA_TURN_OFF_MATERIALS": { CameraTurnOffMaterials ctom = new CameraTurnOffMaterials(); int materialCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) { CameraTurnOffMaterialEntry ctomEntry = new CameraTurnOffMaterialEntry { MaterialName = file.ReadLine() }; int entryCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < entryCount; j++) { ctomEntry.Materials.Add(file.ReadLine()); } ctom.Entries.Add(ctomEntry); } car.Keywords.Add(ctom); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"{keyWord} not supported!"); } } return(car); }
public void Save(string path) { using (DocumentWriter dw = new DocumentWriter(path)) { dw.WriteLine($"{Name}", "Name of car"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); dw.WriteLine($"{DriversHeadOffset.X},{DriversHeadOffset.Y},{DriversHeadOffset.Z}", "Offset of driver's head in 3D space"); dw.WriteLine($"{DriversHeadTurnAngles.X},{DriversHeadTurnAngles.Y}", "Angles to turn to make head go left and right"); dw.WriteLine($"{MirrorCamera.X},{MirrorCamera.Y},{MirrorCamera.Z},{MirrorCamera.W}", "Offset of 'mirror camera' in 3D space, viewing angle of mirror"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", PratcamBorders)}", "Pratcam border names (left, top, right, bottom)"); dw.WriteLine("END OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", EngineNoises)}", "Engine noise (normal, enclosed space, underwater)"); dw.WriteLine($"{(Stealworthy ? "stealworthy" : "")}", "Can be stolen"); dw.WriteLine(); foreach (ImpactSpec impactSpec in new List <ImpactSpec> { ImpactTop, ImpactBottom, ImpactLeft, ImpactRight, ImpactFront, ImpactBack }) { dw.WriteLine($"// Damage info for {impactSpec.Description} impacts"); dw.WriteLine($"{impactSpec.Clauses.Count}", "Number of clauses"); foreach (ImpactSpecClause clause in impactSpec.Clauses) { dw.WriteLine($"{clause.Clause}", "Condition"); dw.WriteLine($"{clause.Systems.Count}", "Systems count"); foreach (ImpactSpecClauseSystem system in clause.Systems) { dw.WriteLine($"{system.Part},{system.Damage:F1}", "Damage"); } } } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", GridImages)}", "Grid image (opponent, frank, annie)"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{PixelmapsLoMem.Count}", "Number of pixelmap files for this car"); foreach (string pixelmap in PixelmapsLoMem) { dw.WriteLine($"{pixelmap}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{PixelmapsLoRes.Count}", "Number of pixelmap files for this car"); foreach (string pixelmap in PixelmapsLoRes) { dw.WriteLine($"{pixelmap}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{PixelmapsHiRes.Count}", "Number of pixelmap files for this car"); foreach (string pixelmap in PixelmapsHiRes) { dw.WriteLine($"{pixelmap}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{ShadeTables.Count}", "Number of shadetable files for this car"); foreach (string shadetable in ShadeTables) { dw.WriteLine($"{shadetable}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{MaterialsLoMem.Count}", "Number of material files for this car"); foreach (string material in MaterialsLoMem) { dw.WriteLine($"{material}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{MaterialsLoRes.Count}", "Number of material files for this car"); foreach (string material in MaterialsLoRes) { dw.WriteLine($"{material}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{MaterialsHiRes.Count}", "Number of material files for this car"); foreach (string material in MaterialsHiRes) { dw.WriteLine($"{material}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{Models.Count}", "Number of model files for this car"); foreach (string model in Models) { dw.WriteLine($"{model}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{Actors.Count}", "Number of alternative actors"); for (int i = 0; i < Actors.Count; i++) { dw.WriteLine($"{ActorLODs[i]},{Actors[i]}", "Minimum distance away, actor name"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{ReflectiveScreenMaterial}", "Name of reflective screen material (or none if non-reflective)"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{SteerableWheels.Count}", "Number of steerable wheels"); foreach (int steerableWheel in SteerableWheels) { dw.WriteLine($"{steerableWheel}", "GroovyFunkRef of nth steerable wheel"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", LeftFrontSuspension)}", "Left-front suspension parts GroovyFunkRef"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", RightFrontSuspension)}", "Right-front suspension parts GroovyFunkRef"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", LeftRearSuspension)}", "Left-rear suspension parts GroovyFunkRef"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", RightRearSuspension)}", "Right-rear suspension parts GroovyFunkRef"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", DrivenWheels)}", "Driven wheels GroovyFunkRefs (for spinning) - MUST BE 4 ITEMS"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", NonDrivenWheels)}", "Non-driven wheels GroovyFunkRefs (for spinning) - MUST BE 4 ITEMS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{DrivenWheelDiameter}", "Driven wheels diameter"); dw.WriteLine($"{NonDrivenWheelDiameter}", "Non-driven wheels diameter"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF FUNK"); for (int i = 0; i < Funks.Count; i++) { Funk funk = Funks[i]; dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Material}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Mode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.MatrixModType}"); if (funk.MatrixModType != FunkMatrixMode.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{funk.MatrixModMode}"); } switch (funk.MatrixModType) { case FunkMatrixMode.roll: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.RollPeriods.X},{funk.RollPeriods.Y}"); break; case FunkMatrixMode.slither: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SlitherSpeed.X},{funk.SlitherSpeed.Y}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SlitherAmount.X},{funk.SlitherAmount.Y}"); break; case FunkMatrixMode.spin: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SpinPeriod}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{funk.LightingMode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.AnimationType}"); switch (funk.AnimationType) { case FunkAnimationType.frames: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Framerate}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.FrameMode}"); switch (funk.FrameMode) { case FrameType.texturebits: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.TextureBitMode}"); break; case FrameType.continuous: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.FrameSpeed}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Frames.Count}"); foreach (string frame in funk.Frames) { dw.WriteLine($"{frame}"); } break; } if (i + 1 != Funks.Count) { dw.WriteLine("NEXT FUNK"); } } dw.WriteLine("END OF FUNK"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF GROOVE"); for (int i = 0; i < Grooves.Count; i++) { Groove groove = Grooves[i]; dw.WriteLine($"{groove.Part}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.LollipopMode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.Mode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathType}"); if (groove.PathType != GroovePathNames.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathMode}"); } switch (groove.PathType) { case GroovePathNames.straight: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathCentre.X},{groove.PathCentre.Y},{groove.PathCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathDelta.X},{groove.PathDelta.Y},{groove.PathDelta.Z}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationType}"); if (groove.AnimationType != GrooveAnimation.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationMode}"); } switch (groove.AnimationType) { case GrooveAnimation.rock: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationAxis}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.RockMaxAngle}"); break; case GrooveAnimation.shear: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.ShearPeriod.X},{groove.ShearPeriod.Y},{groove.ShearPeriod.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.ShearMagnitude.X},{groove.ShearMagnitude.Y},{groove.ShearMagnitude.Z}"); break; case GrooveAnimation.spin: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationAxis}"); break; } if (i + 1 != Grooves.Count) { dw.WriteLine("NEXT GROOVE"); } } dw.WriteLine("END OF GROOVE"); dw.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < Actors.Count; i++) { Crushes[i].Write(dw); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"START OF MECHANICS STUFF version {MechanicsVersion}"); dw.WriteLine($"{LRWheelPos.X:F3}, {LRWheelPos.Y:F3}, {LRWheelPos.Z:F3}", "left rear wheel position"); dw.WriteLine($"{RRWheelPos.X:F3}, {RRWheelPos.Y:F3}, {RRWheelPos.Z:F3}", "right rear"); dw.WriteLine($"{LFWheelPos.X:F3}, {LFWheelPos.Y:F3}, {LFWheelPos.Z:F3}", "left front wheel position"); dw.WriteLine($"{RFWheelPos.X:F3}, {RFWheelPos.Y:F3}, {RFWheelPos.Z:F3}", "right front"); dw.WriteLine($"{CentreOfMass.X}, {CentreOfMass.Y}, {CentreOfMass.Z}", "centre of mass position"); dw.WriteLine(); switch (MechanicsVersion) { case 2: dw.WriteLine($"{BoundingBoxes.Count}", "number of bounding boxes"); foreach (BoundingBox box in BoundingBoxes) { box.Write(dw); } break; case 3: case 4: foreach (BoundingBox box in BoundingBoxes) { box.Write(dw); } dw.WriteLine($"{AdditionalPoints.Count}", "number of extra points v. 3"); foreach (Vector3 point in AdditionalPoints) { dw.WriteLine($"{point.X},{point.Y},{point.Z}"); } break; } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{MinimumTurningCircle}", "min turning circle radius"); dw.WriteLine($"{SuspensionGive.X:F3}, {SuspensionGive.Y:F3}", "suspension give (forward, back)"); dw.WriteLine($"{RideHeight}", "ride height (must be more than miny in bounding box )"); dw.WriteLine($"{DampingFactor}", "damping factor"); dw.WriteLine($"{Mass}", "mass in tonnes"); dw.WriteLine($"{SlipFrictionReductionFraction}", "fractional reduction in friction when slipping"); dw.WriteLine($"{FrictionAngle.X}, {FrictionAngle.Y}{(MechanicsVersion == 4 ? $", {FrictionAngle.Z}" : null)}", "friction angle ( front and rear )"); dw.WriteLine($"{AngularMomentumProportions.X}, {AngularMomentumProportions.Y}, {AngularMomentumProportions.Z}", "width, height, length for angular momentum calculation"); dw.WriteLine($"{TractionFractionalMultiplier:F1}", "traction fractional multiplier v. 2"); dw.WriteLine($"{DownforceToWeightBalanceSpeed}", "speed at which down force = weight v. 2"); dw.WriteLine($"{BrakeMultiplier:F1}", "brake multiplier, 1 = nomral brakes v. 2"); dw.WriteLine($"{BrakingStrengthMultiplier:F1}", "increase in brakes per second 1 = normal v. 2"); dw.WriteLine($"{RollingResistance.X}, {RollingResistance.Y}", "rolling resistance front and back"); dw.WriteLine($"{NumberOfGears}", "number of gears"); dw.WriteLine($"{TopGearRedlineSpeed}", "speed at red line in highest gear"); dw.WriteLine($"{TopGearAcceleration}", "acceleration in highest gear m/s^2 (i.e. engine strength)"); dw.WriteLine("END OF MECHANICS STUFF"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// Materials for shrapnel"); dw.WriteLine($"{Shrapnel.Count}", "number of materials"); foreach (string shrapnel in Shrapnel) { dw.WriteLine($"{shrapnel}"); } if (FirePoints.Count > 0) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// damage vertices fire point"); foreach (int firepoint in FirePoints) { dw.WriteLine($"{firepoint}"); } } } }
public static Car Load(string path, bool suppressFolderCheck) { DocumentParser file = new DocumentParser(path); Car car = new Car { Name = file.ReadLine() }; if (!suppressFolderCheck) { if (string.Compare(Path.GetFileName(path).ToUpper(), car.Name) != 0) { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon car .txt file, expected {0} but found {1}", Path.GetFileName(path).ToUpper(), car.Name); return(null); } } if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF DRIVABLE STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); return(null); } car.DriversHeadOffset = file.ReadVector3(); car.DriversHeadTurnAngles = file.ReadVector2(); car.MirrorCamera = file.ReadVector4(); car.PratcamBorders = file.ReadStrings(); if (file.ReadLine() != "END OF DRIVABLE STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "END OF DRIVABLE STUFF"); return(null); } car.EngineNoises = file.ReadInts(); car.Stealworthy = file.ReadLine().ToLower() == "stealworthy"; car.ImpactTop = ImpactSpec.Load("top", file); car.ImpactBottom = ImpactSpec.Load("bottom", file); car.ImpactLeft = ImpactSpec.Load("left", file); car.ImpactRight = ImpactSpec.Load("right", file); car.ImpactFront = ImpactSpec.Load("front", file); car.ImpactBack = ImpactSpec.Load("rear", file); car.GridImages = file.ReadStrings(); int pixCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pixCount; i++) { car.PixelmapsLoMem.Add(file.ReadLine()); } pixCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pixCount; i++) { car.PixelmapsLoRes.Add(file.ReadLine()); } pixCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pixCount; i++) { car.PixelmapsHiRes.Add(file.ReadLine()); } int shadeCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < shadeCount; j++) { car.ShadeTables.Add(file.ReadLine()); } int matCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < matCount; i++) { car.MaterialsLoMem.Add(file.ReadLine()); } matCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < matCount; i++) { car.MaterialsLoRes.Add(file.ReadLine()); } matCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < matCount; i++) { car.MaterialsHiRes.Add(file.ReadLine()); } int modelCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < modelCount; j++) { car.Models.Add(file.ReadLine()); } int actorCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < actorCount; j++) { string[] s = file.ReadStrings(); car.ActorLODs.Add(s[0].ToInt()); car.Actors.Add(s[1]); } car.ReflectiveScreenMaterial = file.ReadLine(); int steerableWheelsCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < steerableWheelsCount; j++) { car.SteerableWheels.Add(file.ReadInt()); } car.LeftFrontSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.RightFrontSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.LeftRearSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.RightRearSuspension = file.ReadInts(); car.DrivenWheels = file.ReadInts(); car.NonDrivenWheels = file.ReadInts(); car.DrivenWheelDiameter = file.ReadSingle(); car.NonDrivenWheelDiameter = file.ReadSingle(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF FUNK") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF FUNK"); return(null); } while (file.PeekLine() != "END OF FUNK") { car.Funks.Add(Funk.Load(file)); if (file.PeekLine() == "NEXT FUNK") { file.ReadLine(); } } file.ReadLine(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF GROOVE") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "START OF GROOVE"); return(null); } while (file.PeekLine() != "END OF GROOVE") { car.Grooves.Add(Groove.Load(file)); if (file.PeekLine() == "NEXT GROOVE") { file.ReadLine(); } } file.ReadLine(); for (int i = 0; i < car.Actors.Count; i++) { car.Crushes.Add(Crush.Load(file)); } car.MechanicsVersion = file.ReadLine().Replace("START OF MECHANICS STUFF version ", "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToInt(); car.LRWheelPos = file.ReadVector3(); car.RRWheelPos = file.ReadVector3(); car.LFWheelPos = file.ReadVector3(); car.RFWheelPos = file.ReadVector3(); car.CentreOfMass = file.ReadVector3(); switch (car.MechanicsVersion) { case 2: int boundingBoxCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < boundingBoxCount; i++) { car.BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox { Min = file.ReadVector3(), Max = file.ReadVector3() }); } break; case 3: case 4: car.BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox { Min = file.ReadVector3(), Max = file.ReadVector3() }); int additionalPointsCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < additionalPointsCount; i++) { car.AdditionalPoints.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } break; } car.MinimumTurningCircle = file.ReadSingle(); car.SuspensionGive = file.ReadVector2(); car.RideHeight = file.ReadSingle(); car.DampingFactor = file.ReadSingle(); car.Mass = file.ReadSingle(); car.SlipFrictionReductionFraction = file.ReadSingle(); if (car.MechanicsVersion == 4) { car.FrictionAngle = file.ReadVector3(); } else { car.FrictionAngle = (Vector3)file.ReadVector2(); } car.AngularMomentumProportions = file.ReadVector3(); car.TractionFractionalMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); car.DownforceToWeightBalanceSpeed = file.ReadSingle(); car.BrakeMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); car.BrakingStrengthMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); car.RollingResistance = file.ReadVector2(); car.NumberOfGears = file.ReadInt(); car.TopGearRedlineSpeed = file.ReadInt(); car.TopGearAcceleration = file.ReadSingle(); if (file.ReadLine() != "END OF MECHANICS STUFF") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Car.TXT file?", "END OF MECHANICS STUFF"); return(null); } int shrapnelCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < shrapnelCount; i++) { car.Shrapnel.Add(file.ReadLine()); } if (!file.EOF) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { car.FirePoints.Add(file.ReadInt()); } } if (!file.EOF) { Console.WriteLine("Still data to parse in {0}", path); } return(car); }
public void Save(string path) { using (DocumentWriter dw = new DocumentWriter(path)) { dw.WriteLine($"VERSION {Version}", Version > 1 ? "V1 expects map checkpoint rectangles" : null); if (Version >= 2) { dw.WriteLine(null, "V2 and above expect map checkpoint points"); } if (Version >= 3) { dw.WriteLine(null, "V3 and above expect splash file stuff at the end"); } if (Version >= 4) { dw.WriteLine(null, "V4 and above expect two sets of PIX and MAT and ped substitution entry"); } dw.WriteLine(); if (Version == 1) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("//////////// GLOBAL LIGHTING DATA ///////////"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{LightColour.X},{LightColour.Y},{LightColour.Z}", "RGB for main directional light-source"); dw.WriteLine($"{DiffuseLight0.X:F1},{DiffuseLight0.Y:F1}", "Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says 0 }--- Neither of these have smooth lighting effecs applied"); dw.WriteLine($"{DiffuseLight1.X:F1},{DiffuseLight1.Y:F1}", "Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says 1 }"); dw.WriteLine($"{DiffuseLightOther.X:F1},{DiffuseLightOther.Y:F1}", "Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says anything else"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("/////////////////////////////////////////////"); dw.WriteLine(); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{GridPosition.X},{GridPosition.Y},{GridPosition.Z}", "Position of centre of start of grid"); dw.WriteLine($"{GridRotation}", "Direction that grid faces in"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// Laps, checkpoints etc"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{Checkpoints.Count}", "# checkpoints"); for (int i = 0; i < Checkpoints.Count; i++) { Checkpoint checkpoint = Checkpoints[i]; dw.WriteLine($"// Checkpoint #{i + 1}"); dw.WriteLine($"{checkpoint.TimerIncrements.X},{checkpoint.TimerIncrements.Y},{checkpoint.TimerIncrements.Z}", "Timer increment for each skill level (ped mode)"); dw.WriteLine($"{checkpoint.Points.Count / 4}", "# quads for this checkpoint"); for (int j = 0; j < checkpoint.Points.Count; j++) { Vector3 point = checkpoint.Points[j]; dw.WriteLine($"{point.X},{point.Y},{point.Z}", $"Point #{j}"); } } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// Smashable environment specs"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{Smashables.Count}", "Number of smash specs"); dw.WriteLine(); foreach (SmashData smash in Smashables) { dw.WriteLine("// Start of smashable item"); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.Flags}", "Flags"); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.Trigger}", "Name of trigger material"); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.TriggerMode}", "Mode"); switch (smash.TriggerMode) { case SmashData.SmashTriggerMode.nochange: case SmashData.SmashTriggerMode.remove: dw.WriteLine($"{smash.RemovalThreshold}", "Removal threshold"); dw.IncreaseIndent(); smash.Connotations.Write(dw); dw.DecreaseIndent(); break; case SmashData.SmashTriggerMode.replacemodel: dw.WriteLine($"{smash.RemovalThreshold}", "Removal threshold"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.IncreaseIndent(); smash.Connotations.Write(dw); dw.DecreaseIndent(); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.NewModel}", "new model"); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.ChanceOfFire}", "%chance fire"); if (smash.ChanceOfFire > 0) { dw.WriteLine($"{smash.NumFires}"); dw.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", smash.SmokeLevel)}"); } break; case SmashData.SmashTriggerMode.texturechange: dw.WriteLine($"{smash.IntactMaterial}", "Intact pixelmap"); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.Levels.Count}", "Number of levels"); int j = 1; foreach (SmashDataTextureLevel textureLevel in smash.Levels) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{textureLevel.TriggerThreshold}", "Trigger threshold"); dw.WriteLine($"{textureLevel.Flags}", "Flags"); dw.WriteLine($"{textureLevel.CollisionType}", "Collision type"); dw.IncreaseIndent(); textureLevel.Connotations.Write(dw); dw.DecreaseIndent(); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{textureLevel.Pixelmaps.Count}", "Number of pixelmap"); foreach (string pixelmap in textureLevel.Pixelmaps) { dw.WriteLine($"{pixelmap}", $"Pixelmap"); } j++; } break; } dw.WriteLine($"{smash.Reserved1}", "reserved 1"); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.Reserved2}", "reserved 2"); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.Reserved3}", "reserved 3"); dw.WriteLine($"{smash.Reserved4}", "reserved 4"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// Ped specs"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{PedSpecs.Count}"); foreach (PedSpec pedspec in PedSpecs) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{pedspec.MaterialName}", "Material name"); dw.WriteLine($"{pedspec.MovementIndex}", "Movement index"); dw.WriteLine($"{pedspec.GroupIndex}", "Group index"); dw.WriteLine($"{pedspec.PedsPer100SquareMetres}", "Peds per 100 square metres"); dw.WriteLine($"{pedspec.ExclusionMaterials.Count}", "Number of exclusion materials"); foreach (PedExclusionMaterial pedExclusionMaterial in pedspec.ExclusionMaterials) { dw.WriteLine($"{pedExclusionMaterial.Flags}", "Exclusion flags (1 = OK when scared)"); dw.WriteLine($"{pedExclusionMaterial.Name}", "Exclusion material #1 name"); } dw.WriteLine($"{pedspec.ExceptionMaterials.Count}", "Number of exception materials"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{AdditionalActor}", "Additional actor"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// HORIZON STUFF"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{SkyPixelmap}", @"Name of sky texture pixelmap (or ""none"")"); dw.WriteLine($"{HorizontalRepetitions}", "Horizontal repetitions of sky texture"); dw.WriteLine($"{VerticalSize}", "Vertical size of sky texture (degrees)"); dw.WriteLine($"{PositionOfHorizon}", "Position of horizon (pixels below top)"); dw.WriteLine($"{DepthCueMode}", @"Depth cue mode (""none"", ""dark"" or ""fog"")"); dw.WriteLine($"{FogDarkness.X},{FogDarkness.Y}", "Degree of fog/darkness"); dw.WriteLine($"{DepthCueColour.X},{DepthCueColour.Y},{DepthCueColour.Z}", "Depth cue colour (red, green, blue )"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// DEFAULT ENGINE NOISE"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{DefaultEngineNoise}"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// SPECIAL EFFECTS VOLUMES"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{SpecialVolumes.Count}", "# special effects volumes"); foreach (SpecialEffectVolume volume in SpecialVolumes) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.Type}"); foreach (Vector3 corner in volume.Corners) { dw.WriteLine($"{corner.X:F3}, {corner.Y:F3}, {corner.Z:F3}"); } dw.WriteLine($"{volume.GravityMultiplier:F2}", "gravity multiplier"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.ViscosityMultiplier:F2}", "viscosity multiplier"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.CarDamagePerMillisecond:F2}", "Car damage per millisecond"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.PedDamagePerMillisecond:F2}", "Pedestrian damage per millisecond"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.CameraEffectIndex}", "camera effect index"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.SkyColour}", "sky colour"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.WindscreenMaterial}", "Windscreen texture to use"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.EntrySoundID}", "Sound ID of entry noise"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.ExitSoundID}", "Sound ID of exit noise"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.EngineNoiseIndex}", "Engine noise index"); dw.WriteLine($"{volume.MaterialIndex}", "material index"); if (volume.Type.ToUpper() == "BOX") { dw.WriteLine($"{volume.SoundType}", "Sound type"); if (volume.SoundType != SpecialEffectVolume.SpecVolSoundType.NONE) { volume.SoundSpec.Write(dw); } } } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// SOUND GENERATORS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{SoundGenerators.Count}", "Number of generators"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// REFLECTIVE WINDSCREEN SPECIFICATIONS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{MaterialDefault}", "Material to use for default screens"); dw.WriteLine($"{MaterialDarkness}", "Material to use for default screens during darkness"); dw.WriteLine($"{MaterialFog}", "Material to use for default screens during fog"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("0", "(ignore) # areas with different screens"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// MAP DETAILS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{MapPixelmap}", "Map pixelmap name"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{WorldMapTransform.M11,7:0.###},{WorldMapTransform.M12,11:0.###},{WorldMapTransform.M13,11:0.###}", "World->map transformation matrix"); dw.WriteLine($"{WorldMapTransform.M21,7:0.###},{WorldMapTransform.M22,11:0.###},{WorldMapTransform.M23,11:0.###}"); dw.WriteLine($"{WorldMapTransform.M31,7:0.###},{WorldMapTransform.M32,11:0.###},{WorldMapTransform.M33,11:0.###}"); dw.WriteLine($"{WorldMapTransform.M41,7:0.###},{WorldMapTransform.M42,11:0.###},{WorldMapTransform.M43,11:0.###}"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// ****** START OF FUNK AND GROOVE STUFF ******"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF FUNK"); dw.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < Funks.Count; i++) { Funk funk = Funks[i]; dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Material}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Mode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.MatrixModType}"); if (funk.MatrixModType != FunkMatrixMode.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{funk.MatrixModMode}"); } switch (funk.MatrixModType) { case FunkMatrixMode.roll: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.RollPeriods.X},{funk.RollPeriods.Y}"); break; case FunkMatrixMode.slither: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SlitherSpeed.X},{funk.SlitherSpeed.Y}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SlitherAmount.X},{funk.SlitherAmount.Y}"); break; case FunkMatrixMode.spin: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.SpinPeriod}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{funk.LightingMode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.AnimationType}"); switch (funk.AnimationType) { case FunkAnimationType.frames: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Framerate}"); dw.WriteLine($"{funk.FrameMode}"); switch (funk.FrameMode) { case FrameType.texturebits: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.TextureBitMode}"); break; case FrameType.continuous: dw.WriteLine($"{funk.FrameSpeed}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{funk.Frames.Count}"); foreach (string frame in funk.Frames) { dw.WriteLine($"{frame}"); } break; } if (i + 1 != Funks.Count) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("NEXT FUNK"); dw.WriteLine(); } } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("END OF FUNK"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF GROOVE"); dw.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < Grooves.Count; i++) { Groove groove = Grooves[i]; dw.WriteLine($"{groove.Part}", "Actor name of moving part"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.LollipopMode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.Mode}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathType}"); if (groove.PathType != GroovePathNames.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathMode}"); } switch (groove.PathType) { case GroovePathNames.straight: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathCentre.X},{groove.PathCentre.Y},{groove.PathCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.PathDelta.X},{groove.PathDelta.Y},{groove.PathDelta.Z}"); break; } dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationType}"); if (groove.AnimationType != GrooveAnimation.None) { dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationMode}"); } switch (groove.AnimationType) { case GrooveAnimation.rock: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationAxis}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.RockMaxAngle}"); break; case GrooveAnimation.shear: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.ShearPeriod.X},{groove.ShearPeriod.Y},{groove.ShearPeriod.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.ShearMagnitude.X},{groove.ShearMagnitude.Y},{groove.ShearMagnitude.Z}"); break; case GrooveAnimation.spin: dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationPeriod}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationCentre.X},{groove.AnimationCentre.Y},{groove.AnimationCentre.Z}"); dw.WriteLine($"{groove.AnimationAxis}"); break; } if (i + 1 != Grooves.Count) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("NEXT GROOVE"); dw.WriteLine(); } } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("END OF GROOVE"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF OPPONENT PATHS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{Nodes.Count}", "Number of path nodes"); int n = 0; foreach (Vector3 node in Nodes) { dw.WriteLine($"{node.X,9:F3},{node.Y,9:F3},{node.Z,9:F3}", $"Node #{n}"); n++; } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{Paths.Count}", "Number of path sections"); n = 0; foreach (OpponentPathSection pathSection in Paths) { dw.WriteLine($"{pathSection.StartNode,4},{pathSection.EndNode,4},{pathSection.Unknown1,4},{pathSection.Unknown2,4},{pathSection.Unknown3,4},{pathSection.Unknown4,4},{pathSection.Width,7:F1},{pathSection.SectionType,5}", $"Section #{n}"); n++; } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{CopStartPoints.Count}", "Number of cop start points"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("END OF OPPONENT PATHS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("START OF DRONE PATHS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{DronePathVersion}", "version"); dw.WriteLine($"{DronePaths.Count}", "n_nodes"); for (int i = 0; i < DronePaths.Count; i++) { DronePathNode node = DronePaths[i]; dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"// {i}:"); dw.IncreaseIndent(); dw.WriteLine($"{node.Position.X:F3}, {node.Position.Y:F3}, {node.Position.Z:F3}"); dw.WriteLine($"{node.DroneName}"); dw.WriteLine($"{node.UnknownInt}"); dw.WriteLine($"{node.Destinations.Count}"); dw.IncreaseIndent(); foreach (string destination in node.Destinations) { dw.WriteLine($"{destination}"); } dw.DecreaseIndent(); dw.DecreaseIndent(); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("END OF DRONE PATHS"); dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{MaterialModifiers.Count}", "number of material modifiers"); for (int i = 0; i < MaterialModifiers.Count; i++) { dw.WriteLine($"// {(i == 0 ? "default material" : $"material '{i - 1}'")}"); MaterialModifier materialModifier = MaterialModifiers[i]; dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.CarWallFriction:0.0##}", "car wall friction"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.TyreRoadFriction:0.0##}", "tyre road friction"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.DownForce:0.0##}", "down force"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.Bumpiness:0.0##}", "bumpiness"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.TyreSoundIndex}", "tyre sound index"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.CrashSoundIndex}", "crash sound index"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.ScrapeNoiseIndex}", "scrape noise index"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.Sparkiness:0.0##}", "sparkiness"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.RoomForExpansion}", "room for expansion"); dw.WriteLine($"{materialModifier.SkidmarkMaterial}", "skid mark material"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine("// Non CarObjects"); dw.WriteLine($"{Noncars.Count}"); foreach (string noncar in Noncars) { dw.WriteLine($"{noncar}"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{ShadeTables.Count}", "number of dust shade tables"); foreach (ShadeTable shade in ShadeTables) { dw.WriteLine($"{shade.RGB.X}, {shade.RGB.Y}, {shade.RGB.Z}", "r g b values"); dw.WriteLine($"{shade.Strengths.X}, {shade.Strengths.Y}, {shade.Strengths.Z}", @"quarter, half and three quarter ""strength"""); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{NetworkStarts.Count}", "Number of network start points"); n = 0; foreach (NetworkStart start in NetworkStarts) { dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{start.Position.X:F3}, {start.Position.Y:F3}, {start.Position.Z:F3}", $"{n}"); dw.WriteLine($"{start.Rotation}"); n++; } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{SplashFiles.Count}", "number of splash files"); foreach (string splash in SplashFiles) { dw.WriteLine($"{splash}", "name of pixelmapfile for splashes"); } dw.WriteLine(); dw.WriteLine($"{TxtFiles.Count}"); foreach (string txt in TxtFiles) { dw.WriteLine($"{txt}"); } }
public static Map Load(string path) { DocumentParser file = new DocumentParser(path); Map map = new Map(); string version = file.ReadLine(); if (!version.StartsWith("VERSION")) { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon 2 race .txt file"); return(null); } map.Version = version.Replace("VERSION ", "").ToInt(); if (map.Version == 1) { // V1 has global lighting data map.LightColour = file.ReadVector3(); // RGB for main directional light-source map.DiffuseLight0 = file.ReadVector2(); // Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says 0 map.DiffuseLight1 = file.ReadVector2(); // Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says 1 map.DiffuseLightOther = file.ReadVector2(); // Ambient/Diffuse light to be used when plaything ambient says anything else } map.GridPosition = file.ReadVector3(); // Position of centre of start of grid map.GridRotation = file.ReadInt(); // Direction that grid faces in //string t = getNextLine(sr); //if (version == 8) //{ // // alpha and demo v8 files had an extra block here, we'll test if it // if (t.Contains(",")) // { // getNextLine(sr); // # laps // getNextLine(sr); // Race completed bonus (all laps raced) for each skill level // getNextLine(sr); // Race completed bonus (all peds killed) for each skill level // getNextLine(sr); // Race completed bonus (all oppos wasted) for each skill level // t = getNextLine(sr); // } //} int checkpointCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < checkpointCount; i++) { Checkpoint cp = new Checkpoint() { TimerIncrements = file.ReadVector3() }; int quadCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < quadCount; j++) { cp.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); cp.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); cp.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); cp.Points.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } map.Checkpoints.Add(cp); } int smashSpecs = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < smashSpecs; i++) { SmashData smashable = new SmashData { Flags = file.ReadInt(), Trigger = file.ReadLine() }; if (smashable.Trigger.Length == 3 && smashable.Trigger.StartsWith("&")) { smashable.TriggerFlags = file.ReadInt(); } smashable.TriggerMode = file.ReadEnum <SmashData.SmashTriggerMode>(); switch (smashable.TriggerMode) { case SmashData.SmashTriggerMode.nochange: case SmashData.SmashTriggerMode.remove: smashable.RemovalThreshold = file.ReadSingle(); smashable.Connotations.Load(file); break; case SmashData.SmashTriggerMode.replacemodel: smashable.RemovalThreshold = file.ReadSingle(); smashable.Connotations.Load(file); smashable.NewModel = file.ReadLine(); smashable.ChanceOfFire = file.ReadInt(); if (smashable.ChanceOfFire > 0) { smashable.NumFires = file.ReadInt(); smashable.SmokeLevel = file.ReadInts(); } break; case SmashData.SmashTriggerMode.texturechange: smashable.IntactMaterial = file.ReadLine(); int textureLevels = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < textureLevels; j++) { SmashDataTextureLevel textureLevel = new SmashDataTextureLevel() { TriggerThreshold = file.ReadSingle(), Flags = file.ReadInt(), CollisionType = file.ReadEnum <SmashDataTextureLevel.TextureLevelCollisionType>() }; textureLevel.Connotations.Load(file); int pixelmaps = file.ReadInt(); for (int k = 0; k < pixelmaps; k++) { textureLevel.Pixelmaps.Add(file.ReadLine()); } smashable.Levels.Add(textureLevel); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"Unknown TriggerMode '{smashable.TriggerMode}'"); } smashable.Reserved1 = file.ReadInt(); smashable.Reserved2 = file.ReadInt(); smashable.Reserved3 = file.ReadInt(); smashable.Reserved4 = file.ReadInt(); map.Smashables.Add(smashable); } int pedSpecs = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pedSpecs; i++) { PedSpec ps = new PedSpec() { MaterialName = file.ReadLine(), MovementIndex = file.ReadInt(), GroupIndex = file.ReadInt(), PedsPer100SquareMetres = file.ReadSingle() }; int exclusionCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < exclusionCount; j++) { ps.ExclusionMaterials.Add(new PedExclusionMaterial { Flags = file.ReadInt(), Name = file.ReadLine() }); } int exceptionCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < exceptionCount; j++) { ps.ExceptionMaterials.Add(file.ReadLine()); } map.PedSpecs.Add(ps); } map.AdditionalActor = file.ReadLine(); map.SkyPixelmap = file.ReadLine(); map.HorizontalRepetitions = file.ReadInt(); map.VerticalSize = file.ReadInt(); map.PositionOfHorizon = file.ReadInt(); map.DepthCueMode = file.ReadLine(); map.FogDarkness = file.ReadVector2(); map.DepthCueColour = file.ReadVector3(); map.DefaultEngineNoise = file.ReadInt(); int specialEffectVolumeCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < specialEffectVolumeCount; i++) { SpecialEffectVolume sev = new SpecialEffectVolume { Type = file.ReadLine() }; if (sev.Type.ToUpper() == "BOX") { sev.Corners.Add(file.ReadVector3()); sev.Corners.Add(file.ReadVector3()); sev.Corners.Add(file.ReadVector3()); sev.Corners.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } sev.GravityMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); sev.ViscosityMultiplier = file.ReadSingle(); sev.CarDamagePerMillisecond = file.ReadSingle(); sev.PedDamagePerMillisecond = file.ReadSingle(); sev.CameraEffectIndex = file.ReadInt(); if (file.PeekLine().Contains(",")) { sev.SkyColourRGB = file.ReadVector3(); } else { sev.SkyColour = file.ReadInt(); } sev.WindscreenMaterial = file.ReadLine(); sev.EntrySoundID = file.ReadInt(); sev.ExitSoundID = file.ReadInt(); sev.EngineNoiseIndex = file.ReadInt(); sev.MaterialIndex = file.ReadInt(); if (sev.Type.ToUpper() == "BOX") { sev.SoundType = file.ReadEnum <SpecialEffectVolume.SpecVolSoundType>(); if (sev.SoundType != SpecialEffectVolume.SpecVolSoundType.NONE) { sev.SoundSpec = SoundSpec.Load(file); } } map.SpecialVolumes.Add(sev); } int soundGeneratorCount = file.ReadInt(); if (soundGeneratorCount > 0) { throw new NotImplementedException("Can't handle sound generators yet!"); } map.MaterialDefault = file.ReadLine(); map.MaterialDarkness = file.ReadLine(); map.MaterialFog = file.ReadLine(); file.ReadLine(); // (ignore) # areas with different screens map.MapPixelmap = file.ReadLine(); map.WorldMapTransform = new Matrix3D( file.ReadVector3(), file.ReadVector3(), file.ReadVector3(), file.ReadVector3() ); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF FUNK") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Map.TXT file?", "START OF FUNK"); return(null); } while (file.PeekLine() != "END OF FUNK") { map.Funks.Add(Funk.Load(file)); if (file.PeekLine() == "NEXT FUNK") { file.ReadLine(); } } file.ReadLine(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF GROOVE") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Expected \"{0}\", didn't get it. Are you sure this is a Map.TXT file?", "START OF GROOVE"); return(null); } while (file.PeekLine() != "END OF GROOVE") { map.Grooves.Add(Groove.Load(file)); if (file.PeekLine() == "NEXT GROOVE") { file.ReadLine(); } } file.ReadLine(); if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF OPPONENT PATHS") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon 2 race .txt file"); return(null); } int nodeCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { map.Nodes.Add(file.ReadVector3()); } int pathCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pathCount; i++) { string[] parts = file.ReadLine().Split(','); map.Paths.Add(new OpponentPathSection { StartNode = parts[0].ToInt(), EndNode = parts[1].ToInt(), Unknown1 = parts[2].ToInt(), Unknown2 = parts[3].ToInt(), Unknown3 = parts[4].ToInt(), Unknown4 = parts[5].ToInt(), Width = parts[6].ToSingle(), SectionType = parts[7].ToInt() }); } int copStartPoints = file.ReadInt(); if (copStartPoints > 0) { throw new NotImplementedException("Cop start points? Really?"); } if (file.ReadLine() != "END OF OPPONENT PATHS") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon 2 race .txt file"); return(null); } if (file.ReadLine() != "START OF DRONE PATHS") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon 2 race .txt file"); return(null); } map.DronePathVersion = file.ReadInt(); int dronepathNodeCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < dronepathNodeCount; i++) { DronePathNode node = new DronePathNode { Position = file.ReadVector3(), DroneName = file.ReadLine() }; if (map.DronePathVersion == 0) { node.UnknownVector = file.ReadVector3(); } else { node.UnknownInt = file.ReadInt(); } int nextNodeCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int j = 0; j < nextNodeCount; j++) { node.Destinations.Add(file.ReadLine()); } map.DronePaths.Add(node); } if (file.ReadLine() != "END OF DRONE PATHS") { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Error, "Not a valid Carmageddon 2 race .txt file"); return(null); } int materialModifierCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < materialModifierCount; i++) { map.MaterialModifiers.Add(new MaterialModifier { CarWallFriction = file.ReadSingle(), TyreRoadFriction = file.ReadSingle(), DownForce = file.ReadSingle(), Bumpiness = file.ReadSingle(), TyreSoundIndex = file.ReadInt(), CrashSoundIndex = file.ReadInt(), ScrapeNoiseIndex = file.ReadInt(), Sparkiness = file.ReadSingle(), RoomForExpansion = file.ReadInt(), SkidmarkMaterial = file.ReadLine() }); } int noncarCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < noncarCount; i++) { map.Noncars.Add(file.ReadLine()); } int shadetableCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < shadetableCount; i++) { map.ShadeTables.Add(new ShadeTable { RGB = file.ReadVector3(), Strengths = file.ReadVector3() }); } int networkStartCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < networkStartCount; i++) { map.NetworkStarts.Add(new NetworkStart { Position = file.ReadVector3(), Rotation = file.ReadInt() }); } int splashfileCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < splashfileCount; i++) { map.SplashFiles.Add(file.ReadLine()); } int txtfileCount = file.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < txtfileCount; i++) { map.TxtFiles.Add(file.ReadLine()); } return(map); }