Exemple #1
 public Run6502FunctionalTest(
     //ILogger<Run6502FunctionalTest> logger,
     FunctionalTestCompiler functionalTestCompiler)
     //_logger = logger;
     _functionalTestCompiler = functionalTestCompiler;
Exemple #2
        public void Can_Run_6502_Functional_Test_Program_With_Decimal_Mode_Disabled_Successfully()
            // Arrange
            var functionalTestCompiler = new FunctionalTestCompiler(NullLogger <FunctionalTestCompiler> .Instance);
            var functionalTestBinary   = functionalTestCompiler.Get6502FunctionalTestBinary(disableDecimalTests: true);

            // There is no 2 byte header in the 6502_functional_test.bin file.
            // It's supposed to be loaded to memory at 0x0000, and started at 0x0400
            ushort loadAddress  = 0x000A;
            ushort startAddress = 0x0400;

            var mem = BinaryLoader.Load(
                out ushort loadedAtAddress,
                out int fileLength,
                forceLoadAddress: loadAddress);

            _output.WriteLine($"Data & code load  address: {loadAddress.ToHex(), 10} ({loadAddress})");
            _output.WriteLine($"Code+data length (bytes):  0x{fileLength, -8:X8} ({fileLength})");
            _output.WriteLine($"Code start address:        {startAddress.ToHex(), 10} ({startAddress})");

            var computerBuilder = new ComputerBuilder();

            .WithExecOptions(options =>
                // A successful run has about 26765880 instructions (the version that was run 2021-02-06, that may change)
                // We increase to almost double, and will exit if not finished then.
                options.MaxNumberOfInstructions             = 50000000;
                options.ExecuteUntilExecutedInstructionAtPC = 0x336d;
                options.UnknownInstructionThrowsException   = false;

            var computer = computerBuilder.Build();

            var execOptions = computer.DefaultExecOptions;

            _output.WriteLine($"If test logic succeeds, the test program will reach a specific memory location: {execOptions.ExecuteUntilExecutedInstructionAtPC.Value.ToHex()}, and the emulator will then stop processing.");
            _output.WriteLine($"If test logic fails, the test program will loop forever at the location the error was found. The emulator will try executing a maximum #instructions {execOptions.MaxNumberOfInstructions.Value} before giving up.");
            _output.WriteLine($"If unknown opcode is found, it's logged and ignored, and processing continues on next instruction.");

            // Act

            // Assert
            var cpu       = computer.CPU;
            var execState = cpu.ExecState;

            _output.WriteLine($"CPU last PC:                       {cpu.PC.ToHex()}");
            _output.WriteLine($"CPU last opcode:                   {execState.LastOpCode.Value.ToOpCodeId()} ({execState.LastOpCode.Value.ToHex()})");
            _output.WriteLine($"Total # CPU instructions executed: {execState.InstructionsExecutionCount}");
            _output.WriteLine($"Total # CPU cycles consumed:       {execState.CyclesConsumed}");

            if (cpu.PC == computer.DefaultExecOptions.ExecuteUntilExecutedInstructionAtPC.Value)
                _output.WriteLine($"Success. PC reached expected success memory location: {computer.DefaultExecOptions.ExecuteUntilExecutedInstructionAtPC.Value.ToHex()}");
                _output.WriteLine($"Probably failure. The emulator executer a maximum #instructions {computer.DefaultExecOptions.MaxNumberOfInstructions.Value}, and did not manage to get PC to the configured success location: {computer.DefaultExecOptions.ExecuteUntilExecutedInstructionAtPC.Value.ToHex()}");
                _output.WriteLine($"The functional test program would end in a forever-loop on the same memory location if it fails.");
                _output.WriteLine($"Verify the last PC location against the functional test program's .lst file to find out which logic test failed.");