public FQEntry(FunctionEdge e, BU.ICopyable p) { Edge = e; P = p; }
     * Implements the EdgeListener function to 
     * create edges of this type.
    public override void CreateEdgeTo(TransportAddress ta,
                                      EdgeCreationCallback ecb)
      if( !IsStarted )
        // it should return null and not throw an exception
        // for graceful disconnect and preventing others to
        // connect to us after we've disconnected.
        ecb(false, null, new EdgeException("Not started"));

      foreach (TransportAddress local_ta in LocalTAs) {
	Console.Error.WriteLine("Create edge local: {0} <-> remote {1}.", local_ta, ta);

      if( ta.TransportAddressType != this.TAType ) {
        //Can't make an edge of this type
	Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't make edge of this type.");
        ecb(false, null, new EdgeException("Can't make edge of this type"));
      if( _ta_auth.Authorize(ta) == TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny ) {
        //Not authorized.  Can't make this edge:
	Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't make edge. Remote TA {0} is not authorized locally.", ta);
        ecb(false, null,
            new EdgeException( ta.ToString() + " is not authorized") );
      int remote_id = ((IPTransportAddress) ta).Port;
      //Get the edgelistener: 

      //Outbound edge:
      FunctionEdge fe_l = new FunctionEdge(this, _listener_id,
					   remote_id, false);
      lock( _listener_map ) { 
	FunctionEdgeListener remote
	  = (FunctionEdgeListener) _listener_map[remote_id];
	if( remote != null ) {
	  // Make sure that the remote listener does not deny 
	  // our TAs.

	  foreach (TransportAddress ta_local in LocalTAs) {
	    if (remote.TAAuth.Authorize(ta_local) == TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny ) {
	      //Not authorized.  Can't make this edge:
	      Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't make edge. local TA {0} is not authorized remotely by {1}.", ta_local, ta);
	      ecb(false, null,
		  new EdgeException( ta_local.ToString() + " is not authorized by remote node.") );

	  FunctionEdge fe_r = new FunctionEdge(remote, remote_id,
					       _listener_id, true);
	  fe_l.Partner = fe_r;
	  fe_r.Partner = fe_l;
	else {
	  //There is no other edge, for now, we use "udp-like"
	  //behavior of just making an edge that goes nowhere.
        ecb(true, fe_l, null);