private FileContents ReadFile(FullPath fullName)
            try {
            var fileInfo = new SlimFileInfo(fullName);
            const int trailingByteCount = 2;
            var block = NativeFile.ReadFileNulTerminated(fileInfo, trailingByteCount);
            var contentsByteCount = (int)block.ByteLength - trailingByteCount; // Padding added by ReadFileNulTerminated
            var kind = NativeMethods.Text_GetKind(block.Pointer, contentsByteCount);

            switch (kind) {
              case NativeMethods.TextKind.Ascii:
            return new AsciiFileContents(new FileContentsMemory(block, 0, contentsByteCount), fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc);

              case NativeMethods.TextKind.AsciiWithUtf8Bom:
            const int utf8BomSize = 3;
            return new AsciiFileContents(new FileContentsMemory(block, utf8BomSize, contentsByteCount - utf8BomSize), fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc);

              case NativeMethods.TextKind.Utf8WithBom:
            var utf16Block = Conversion.UTF8ToUnicode(block);
            return new UTF16FileContents(new FileContentsMemory(utf16Block, 0, utf16Block.ByteLength), fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc);

              case NativeMethods.TextKind.Unknown:
            // TODO(rpaquay): Figure out a better way to detect encoding.
            //Logger.Log("Text Encoding of file \"{0}\" is not recognized.", fullName);
            return new AsciiFileContents(new FileContentsMemory(block, 0, contentsByteCount), fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc);
            //throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Text Encoding of file \"{0}\" is not recognized.", fullName));
              catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.LogException(e, "Error reading content of text file \"{0}\", skipping file.", fullName);
            return StringFileContents.Empty;
    public DirectorySnapshot FindRootDirectory(FullPath rootPath) {
      var index = SortedArrayHelpers.BinarySearch(_snapshot.ProjectRoots, rootPath, ProjectRootComparer);
      if (index >= 0)
        return _snapshot.ProjectRoots[index].Directory;

      return null;
    public DirectoryName CreateAbsoluteDirectoryName(FullPath rootPath) {
      var rootdirectory = FindRootDirectory(rootPath);
      if (rootdirectory != null)
        return rootdirectory.DirectoryName;

      return _previous.CreateAbsoluteDirectoryName(rootPath);
    private void AddDirectory(FullPath directory) {
      FileSystemWatcher watcher;
      lock (_watchersLock) {
        if (_pollingThread == null) {
          _pollingThread = new Thread(ThreadLoop) { IsBackground = true };
        if (_watchers.TryGetValue(directory, out watcher))

        watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
        _watchers.Add(directory, watcher);

      Logger.LogInfo("Starting monitoring directory \"{0}\" for change notifications.", directory);
      watcher.Path = directory.Value;
      watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName | NotifyFilters.FileName;
      watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true;
      watcher.InternalBufferSize = 50 * 1024; // 50KB sounds more reasonable than 8KB
      watcher.Changed += WatcherOnChanged;
      watcher.Created += WatcherOnCreated;
      watcher.Deleted += WatcherOnDeleted;
      watcher.Renamed += WatcherOnRenamed;
      watcher.Error += WatcherOnError;
      watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
    private bool FetchRunningDocumentTable() {
      var rdt = new RunningDocumentTable(_serviceProvider);
      foreach (var info in rdt) {
        // Get doc data
        if (!FullPath.IsValid(info.Moniker))

        var path = new FullPath(info.Moniker);
        if (_openDocuments.ContainsKey(path))

        // Get vs buffer
        IVsTextBuffer docData = null;
        try {
          docData = info.DocData as IVsTextBuffer;
        catch (Exception e) {
          Logger.LogWarning(e, "Error getting IVsTextBuffer for document {0}, skipping document", path);
        if (docData == null)

        // Get ITextDocument
        var textBuffer = _vsEditorAdaptersFactoryService.GetDocumentBuffer(docData);
        if (textBuffer == null)

        ITextDocument document;
        if (!_textDocumentFactoryService.TryGetTextDocument(textBuffer, out document))

        _openDocuments[path] = document;
      return true;
 public PathChangeKind GetPathChangeKind(FullPath path) {
   PathChangeKind result;
   if (!_map.Value.TryGetValue(path, out result)) {
     result = PathChangeKind.None;
   return result;
Exemple #7
 public Options(FullPath fullPath)
     Path = fullPath.RelativePath;
     Url = fullPath.Root.Url;
     ThumbnailsUrl = fullPath.Root.TmbUrl;
 public FileWithSections(IFileSystem fileSystem, FullPath filename) {
   _fileSystem = fileSystem;
   _filename = filename;
   _fileLines = new Lazy<IList<string>>(ReadFileLines);
   _hash = new Lazy<string>(ComputeHash);
   _sections = new Lazy<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>(ReadFile);
 public IProject GetProjectFromRootPath(FullPath projectRootPath)
     var name = projectRootPath;
       lock (_lock) {
     return _knownProjectRootDirectories.Get(name);
    public void LoadProcesses() {
      List<ChromiumProcess> chromes = new List<ChromiumProcess>();
      HashSet<int> chromePids = new HashSet<int>();
      foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses()) {
        // System.Diagnostics.Process uses a naive implementation that is unable to deal with many
        // types of processes (such as those already under a debugger, or those with a high
        // privilege level), so use NtProcess instead.
        NtProcess ntproc = new NtProcess(p.Id);
        if (!ntproc.IsValid)

        FullPath processPath = new FullPath(ntproc.Win32ProcessImagePath);
        if (processPath.StartsWith(_installationData.InstallationPath)) {
          chromes.Add(new ChromiumProcess(ntproc, _installationData));

      foreach (ChromiumProcess chrome in chromes) {
        // Only insert root processes at this level, child processes will be children of one of
        // these processes.
        if (!chromePids.Contains(chrome.ParentPid)) {
          ChromeProcessViewModel viewModel = new ChromeProcessViewModel(_root, chrome);
 private IEnumerable<FullPath> EnumerateParents(FullPath path)
     var directory = path.Parent;
       for (var parent = directory; parent != default(FullPath); parent = parent.Parent) {
     yield return parent;
 public FileWithSections(IFileSystem fileSystem, FullPath filename)
     _fileSystem = fileSystem;
       _filename = filename;
       _fileUpdateVolatileToken = new FileUpdateVolatileToken(_fileSystem, filename);
       _sections = new Lazy<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>(ReadFile);
    private void CreateEntries(DirectoryEntry searchResults) {
      if (!_enabled)

      using (new TimeElapsedLogger("Creating document tracking entries for search results")) {
        foreach (DirectoryEntry projectRoot in searchResults.Entries) {
          var rootPath = new FullPath(projectRoot.Name);
          foreach (FileEntry fileEntry in projectRoot.Entries) {
            var path = rootPath.Combine(new RelativePath(fileEntry.Name));
            var spans = fileEntry.Data as FilePositionsData;
            if (spans != null) {
              _searchResults[path] = spans;

              // If the document is open, create the tracking spans now.
              var document = _textDocumentTable.GetOpenDocument(path);
              if (document != null) {
                var entry = new DocumentChangeTrackingEntry(spans);
                _trackingEntries[path] = entry;
 public IProject GetProject(FullPath filename) {
   return _providers
     .Select(t => t.GetProjectFromAnyPath(filename))
     .Where(project => project != null)
     .OrderByDescending(p => p.RootPath.Value.Length)
Exemple #15
 public Project(IConfigurationSectionProvider configurationSectionProvider, FullPath rootPath)
     _rootPath = rootPath;
       _configurationToken = configurationSectionProvider.WhenUpdated();
       _directoryFilter = new DirectoryFilter(configurationSectionProvider);
       _fileFilter = new FileFilter(configurationSectionProvider);
       _searchableFilesFilter = new SearchableFilesFilter(configurationSectionProvider);
    public bool ApplyCodingStyle(string filename) {
      var path = new FullPath(filename);
      var root = _chromiumDiscoveryProvider.GetEnlistmentRootFromFilename(path, x => x);
      if (root == default(FullPath))
        return false;

      return _applyCodingStyleResults.GetOrAdd(filename, (key) => ApplyCodingStyleWorker(root, key));
    public FullPath GetEnlistmentRoot(FullPath filename) {
      var directory = filename.Parent;
      if (!_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(directory))
        return default(FullPath);

      return EnumerateParents(filename)
        .FirstOrDefault(x => IsChromiumSourceDirectory(x, _chromiumEnlistmentFilePatterns));
 public static bool IsChromiumSourceDirectory(FullPath path, IPathPatternsFile chromiumEnlistmentPatterns)
     // We need to ensure that all pattern lines are covered by at least one file/directory of |path|.
       IList<string> directories;
       IList<string> files;
       NativeFile.GetDirectoryEntries(path.Value, out directories, out files);
       return chromiumEnlistmentPatterns.GetPathMatcherLines()
     .All(item => MatchFileOrDirectory(item, directories, files));
Exemple #19
		public PhpSourceFile(FullPath root, FullPath fullPath)

			this.fullPath = fullPath;
			this.relativePath = RelativePath.Empty;
			this.root = root;
 public static DateTime GetFileLastWriteTimeUtc(this IFileSystem fileSystem, FullPath path) {
   var fileInfo = fileSystem.GetFileInfoSnapshot(path);
   if (!fileInfo.Exists) {
     throw new IOException(string.Format("File \"{0}\" does not exist", path.Value));
   if (!fileInfo.IsFile) {
     throw new IOException(string.Format("File system entry \"{0}\" is not a file", path.Value));
   return fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc;
 public FileContents ReadFileContents(FullPath path) {
   try {
     var fileInfo = _fileSystem.GetFileInfoSnapshot(path);
     return ReadFileContentsWorker(fileInfo);
   catch (Exception e) {
     Logger.LogWarning(e, "Error reading content of text file \"{0}\", skipping file.", path);
     return BinaryFileContents.Empty;
 private Project CreateProject(FullPath rootPath) {
   var configurationProvider = _configurationSectionProvider;
   var section1 = ConfigurationSectionContents.Create(configurationProvider, ConfigurationSectionNames.SourceExplorerIgnoreObsolete);
   var section2 = ConfigurationSectionContents.Create(configurationProvider, ConfigurationSectionNames.SearchableFilesIgnore);
   var section3 = ConfigurationSectionContents.Create(configurationProvider, ConfigurationSectionNames.SearchableFilesInclude);
   var fileFilter = new FileFilter(section1);
   var directoryFilter = new DirectoryFilter(section1);
   var searchableFilesFilter = new SearchableFilesFilter(section2, section3);
   var hash = MD5Hash.CreateHash(section1.Contents.Concat(section2.Contents).Concat(section3.Contents));
   return new Project(rootPath, fileFilter, directoryFilter, searchableFilesFilter, hash);
Exemple #23
 public Project(
   FullPath rootPath,
   IFileFilter fileFilter,
   IDirectoryFilter directoryFilter,
   ISearchableFilesFilter searchableFilesFilter,
   string hash) {
   _rootPath = rootPath;
   _directoryFilter = directoryFilter;
   _fileFilter = fileFilter;
   _searchableFilesFilter = searchableFilesFilter;
   _hash = hash;
    private bool ApplyCodingStyleWorker(FullPath root, string filename) {
      var relativePath = filename.Substring(root.Value.Length);
      if (relativePath.Length == 0)
        return false;

      if (relativePath[0] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
        relativePath = relativePath.Substring(1);

      if (relativePath.Length == 0)
        return false;

      return !_chromiumCodingStyleFilePatterns.AnyPathMatcher.MatchFileName(new RelativePath(relativePath), SystemPathComparer.Instance);
Exemple #25
        public void TestPaths()
            FullPath root;
            FullPath full;
            RelativePath rel;
            string str1, str2;

            string[,] cases = 
          // root:        // full:          // full canonical:    // relative canonical:
        { @"C:\a/b/c/",   @"D:\a/b/",       @"D:\a\b\",           @"D:\a\b\" },
        { @"C:\a\b\c",    @"C:\a\b\c",      @"C:\a\b\c",          @"" },
        { @"C:\a\b\c",    @"C:\a\b\c\",     @"C:\a\b\c\",         @"" },
        { @"C:\a\b\c\",   @"C:\a\b\c",      @"C:\a\b\c",          @"" },
        { @"C:\a\b\c\",   @"C:\a\b\c\",     @"C:\a\b\c\",         @"" },
        { @"C:\a\b\c",    @"C:\a\b",        @"C:\a\b",            @".." },
        { @"C:\a\b\c\",   @"C:\a\b",        @"C:\a\b",            @".." },
        { @"C:\a\b\c",    @"C:\",           @"C:\",                @"..\..\.." },
        { @"C:\a\b\c\",   @"C:\",           @"C:\",                @"..\..\.." },
        { @"C:\a\b\c\",   @"C:\a\b\x\y\z",  @"C:\a\b\x\y\z",      @"..\x\y\z" },
        { @"C:\a\b\cd\",  @"C:\a\b\c",      @"C:\a\b\c",          @"..\c" },
        { @"C:\a\b\cd",   @"C:\a\b\c",      @"C:\a\b\c",          @"..\c" },
        { @"C:\a\b\cd\",  @"C:\a\b\c\d",    @"C:\a\b\c\d",          @"..\c\d" },
        { @"C:\a\b\cd",   @"C:\a\b\c\d",    @"C:\a\b\c\d",          @"..\c\d" },

            for (int i = 0; i < cases.GetLength(0); i++)
                root = new FullPath(cases[i, 0]);
                full = new FullPath(cases[i, 1]);
                rel = new RelativePath(root, full);

                Assert.AreEqual(full.ToString(), cases[i, 2]);

                Assert.AreEqual(rel.ToString(), cases[i, 3]);

                str1 = full;
                if (str1[str1.Length - 1] == '\\') str1 = str1.Substring(0, str1.Length - 1);

                str2 = rel.ToFullPath(root);
                if (str2[str2.Length - 1] == '\\') str2 = str2.Substring(0, str2.Length - 1);

                Assert.AreEqual(str1, str2);

                Assert.AreEqual(RelativePath.ParseCanonical(cases[i, 3]).ToString(), cases[i, 3]);
 public static InstallationData Create(NtProcess proc) {
   InstallationEnumerator enumerator = new InstallationEnumerator();
   foreach (InstallationData data in enumerator) {
     FullPath fullPath = new FullPath(proc.Win32ProcessImagePath);
     if (fullPath.StartsWith(data.InstallationPath))
       return data;
   return new InstallationData(
       "Developer Chrome", 
    private void TextDocumentOnFileActionOccurred(object sender, TextDocumentFileActionEventArgs args) {
      if (args.FileActionType.HasFlag(FileActionTypes.DocumentRenamed)) {
        var document = (ITextDocument)sender;

        if (FullPath.IsValid(args.FilePath)) {
          var newPath = new FullPath(args.FilePath);
          _openDocuments[newPath] = document;

        if (FullPath.IsValid(document.FilePath)) {
          var oldPath = new FullPath(document.FilePath);
    public Span? TranslateSpan(string filePath, Span? span) {
      if (!_enabled)
        return span;

      if (span == null)
        return null;

      var path = new FullPath(filePath);

      var entry = _trackingEntries.GetValue(path);
      if (entry == null)
        return span;

      return entry.TranslateSpan(span.Value);
    private IProject GetProjectWorker(FullPath filepath) {
      var directory = filepath.Parent;
      if (_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(directory)) {
        var project = filepath
          .FirstOrDefault(x => x != null);
        if (project != null) {
          _knownProjectRootDirectories.Add(project.RootPath, project);
          return project;

      // No one in the parent chain is a Chromium directory.
      filepath.EnumerateParents().ForAll(x => _knownNonProjectDirectories.Add(x, null));
      return null;
    public InstallationData(string exePath, InstallationLevel level, int iconIndex, string name, string version) {
      string location = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath);

      Distribution = DistributionType.Canary;
      Architecture = ProcessUtility.GetMachineType(exePath);
      Level = level;
      InstallationPath = new FullPath(location);
      if (InstallationPath.HasComponent("Chrome SxS"))
        Distribution = DistributionType.Canary;
      else if (InstallationPath.HasComponent("Chrome"))
        Distribution = DistributionType.Chrome;
        Distribution = DistributionType.Chromium;

      IconIndex = iconIndex;
      Name = name;
      Version = version;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the name of the directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The name of the directory.</returns>
        public string GetDirectoryName()
            var index = FullPath.IndexOfReverse(DirectorySeparatorChar);

            return(index >= 0 ? FullPath.Substring(index + 1) : "");
Exemple #32
 public void UnregisterFile(FullPath path)
     Logger.LogInfo("Unregister path \"{0}\"", path);
     _pendingFileRegistrations.Enqueue(FileRegistrationKind.Unregister, path);
     _taskQueue.Enqueue(FlushFileRegistrationQueueTaskId, FlushFileRegistrationQueueTask);
 public FileRegistrationEntry(FullPath path, FileRegistrationKind kind)
     _path = path;
     _kind = kind;
Exemple #34
        public async Task <JsonResult> UploadAsync(FullPath path, IEnumerable <IFormFile> files, bool?overwrite, IEnumerable <FullPath> uploadPaths, IEnumerable <string> renames, string suffix)
            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            if (path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize.HasValue)
                foreach (var file in files)
                    if (file.Length > path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize.Value)

            foreach (string rename in renames)
                var    fileInfo    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(path.Directory.FullName, rename));
                string destination = Path.Combine(path.Directory.FullName, $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rename)}{suffix}{Path.GetExtension(rename)}");
                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new FileSystemFile(destination), path.RootVolume));

            foreach (var uploadPath in uploadPaths)
                var directory = uploadPath.Directory;
                while (directory.FullName != path.RootVolume.RootDirectory)
                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new FileSystemDirectory(directory.FullName), path.RootVolume));
                    directory = directory.Parent;

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var file in files)
                string destination = uploadPaths.Count() > i?uploadPaths.ElementAt(i).Directory.FullName : path.Directory.FullName;

                var fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(destination, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)));

                if (fileInfo.Exists)
                    if (overwrite ?? path.RootVolume.UploadOverwrite)
                        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Create))
                            await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
                        response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new FileSystemFile(fileInfo.FullName), path.RootVolume));
                        string newName = CreateNameForCopy(fileInfo, suffix);
                        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, newName), FileMode.Create))
                            await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
                        response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new FileSystemFile(newName), path.RootVolume));
                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Create))
                        await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new FileSystemFile(fileInfo.FullName), path.RootVolume));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemple #35
        public async Task <JsonResult> ExtractAsync(FullPath fullPath, bool newFolder)
            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            if (fullPath.IsDirectory || fullPath.File.Extension.ToLower() != ".zip")
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only .zip files are currently supported.");

            string rootPath = fullPath.File.Directory.FullName;

            if (newFolder)
                rootPath = Path.Combine(rootPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath.File.Name));
                var rootDir = new FileSystemDirectory(rootPath);
                if (!await rootDir.ExistsAsync)
                    await rootDir.CreateAsync();
                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(rootDir, fullPath.RootVolume));

            using (var archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(fullPath.File.FullName))
                string separator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();
                foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)
                        //Replce zip entry path separator by system path separator
                        string file = Path.Combine(rootPath, entry.FullName)
                                      .Replace("/", separator).Replace("\\", separator);

                        if (file.EndsWith(separator)) //directory
                            var dir = new FileSystemDirectory(file);

                            if (!await dir.ExistsAsync)
                                await dir.CreateAsync();
                            if (!newFolder)
                                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(dir, fullPath.RootVolume));
                            entry.ExtractToFile(file, true);
                            if (!newFolder)
                                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new FileSystemFile(file), fullPath.RootVolume));
                    catch //(Exception ex)
                        //throw new Exception(entry.FullName, ex);

            return(await Json(response));
 public IProject GetProjectFromRootPath(FullPath projectRootPath)
            .Select(t => t.GetProjectFromRootPath(projectRootPath))
            .FirstOrDefault(project => project != null));
Exemple #37
        /// <summary>
        ///     使用OsuBeatmap初始化Beatmap对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="beatmap"></param>
        /// <param name="getStars"></param>
        public Beatmap(OsuBeatmap beatmap, bool getStars = true)
            var info = new OsuInfo();

            Title             = beatmap.Title;
            TitleUnicode      = beatmap.TitleUnicode;
            Artist            = beatmap.Artist;
            ArtistUnicode     = beatmap.ArtistUnicode;
            Creator           = beatmap.Creator;
            Difficulty        = beatmap.Difficulty;
            Version           = Difficulty;
            FileName          = beatmap.FileName;
            FullPath          = Path.Combine(info.BeatmapDirectory, beatmap.FolderName, beatmap.FileName);
            DownloadLink      = $"{beatmap.BeatmapId}";
            Source            = beatmap.Source;
            Tags              = beatmap.Tags;
            Maker             = "";
            Md5               = new MD5String(beatmap.Md5);
            FullAudioFileName = Path.Combine(info.BeatmapDirectory, beatmap.FolderName, beatmap.AudioFileName);
            FullVideoFileName = "";
            OverallDifficulty = beatmap.OverallDifficulty;
            HpDrain           = beatmap.HpDrain;
            ApproachRate      = beatmap.ApproachRate;
            CircleSize        = beatmap.CircleSize;
            BeatmapSetId      = beatmap.BeatmapSetId;
            AudioFileName     = beatmap.AudioFileName;
            Mode              = beatmap.Mode;
            if (getStars)
                double.TryParse(beatmap.Stars.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out var stars);
                Stars = stars;
                Stars = 0;
            if (FullPath == "" || !File.Exists(FullPath))
            var alllines = File.ReadAllLines(FullPath);

            if (!alllines[0].Contains("osu file format"))
                NotValid = true;

                throw new InvalidBeatmapFileException($"文件{FullPath}不是谱面文件。");

            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var c in alllines[0])
                if (char.IsDigit(c))
            BeatmapVersion = int.Parse(b.ToString());
            foreach (var line in alllines)
                var temparr = line.Split(':');
                if (temparr[0].StartsWith("0,0,\""))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BackgroundFileName))
                        BackgroundFileName = temparr[0].Split(',')[2].Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                    FullBackgroundFileName = Path.Combine(BeatmapFolder, BackgroundFileName);

                if (temparr[0].StartsWith("Video,"))
                    VideoFileName     = temparr[0].Split(',')[2].Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                    FullVideoFileName = Path.Combine(BeatmapFolder, FullVideoFileName);
                    HasVideo          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(VideoFileName);

                FullVideoFileName = FullPath.Replace(FileName, VideoFileName);
                if (line.Contains("TimingPoints"))

            BeatmapId = beatmap.BeatmapId;
Exemple #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares this to other.</summary>
 public int CompareTo(CustomFileSystemResourceFolder other)
Exemple #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains hash code</summary>
 /// <returns>Hash code</returns>
 public override int GetHashCode()
Exemple #40
 /// <summary> </summary>
 public Options(FullPath fullPath)
     path   = fullPath.RelativePath;
     url    = fullPath.Root.Url;
     tmbUrl = fullPath.Root.TmbUrl;
        public void MoveTo(String destDirName)
            if (destDirName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("destDirName");
            if (destDirName.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyFileName"), "destDirName");

            FileSecurityState sourceState = new FileSecurityState(FileSecurityStateAccess.Write | FileSecurityStateAccess.Read, DisplayPath, Directory.GetDemandDir(FullPath, true));
            new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write | FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, demandDir, false, false).Demand();
            String fullDestDirName = Path.GetFullPathInternal(destDirName);
            String demandPath;
            if (!fullDestDirName.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                fullDestDirName = fullDestDirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            demandPath = fullDestDirName + '.';

            // Demand read & write permission to destination.  The reason is
            // we hand back a DirectoryInfo to the destination that would allow
            // you to read a directory listing from that directory.  Sure, you
            // had the ability to read the file contents in the old location,
            // but you technically also need read permissions to the new
            // location as well, and write is not a true superset of read.
            FileSecurityState destState = new FileSecurityState(FileSecurityStateAccess.Write, destDirName, demandPath);
            new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write | FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, demandPath).Demand();

            String fullSourcePath;
            if (FullPath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                fullSourcePath = FullPath;
                fullSourcePath = FullPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            if (String.Compare(fullSourcePath, fullDestDirName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_SourceDestMustBeDifferent"));

            String sourceRoot      = Path.GetPathRoot(fullSourcePath);
            String destinationRoot = Path.GetPathRoot(fullDestDirName);

            if (String.Compare(sourceRoot, destinationRoot, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_SourceDestMustHaveSameRoot"));

            if (!Win32Native.MoveFile(FullPath, destDirName))
                int hr = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (hr == Win32Native.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) // A dubious error code
                    hr = Win32Native.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND;
                    __Error.WinIOError(hr, DisplayPath);

                if (hr == Win32Native.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) // We did this for Win9x. We can't change it for backcomp.
                    throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_Path", DisplayPath));

                __Error.WinIOError(hr, String.Empty);
            FullPath     = fullDestDirName;
            OriginalPath = destDirName;
            DisplayPath  = GetDisplayName(OriginalPath, FullPath);
            demandDir    = new String[] { Directory.GetDemandDir(FullPath, true) };

            // Flush any cached information about the directory.
            _dataInitialised = -1;
Exemple #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NormalizedPath" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="providerAndPath">The provider and path as a Tuple so it can
        /// be passed from both of the other constructors.</param>
        /// <param name="fullySpecified">If set to <c>true</c> indicates that this constructor was
        /// called from one where the provider and path were fully specified (as opposed to being inferred).</param>
        /// <param name="pathKind">Specifies whether the path is relative, absolute, or indeterminate.</param>
        private NormalizedPath(Tuple <Uri, string> providerAndPath, bool fullySpecified, PathKind pathKind)
            if (providerAndPath.Item2 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(providerAndPath.Item2))
                throw new ArgumentException("Path cannot be empty");

            // Leave spaces since they're valid path chars
            FullPath = providerAndPath.Item2.Replace('\\', '/').Trim('\r', '\n', '\t');

            // Remove relative part of a path, but only if it's not the only part
            if (FullPath.StartsWith("./", StringComparison.Ordinal) && FullPath.Length > 2)
                FullPath = FullPath.Substring(2);

            // Remove trailing slashes (as long as this isn't just a slash)
            if (FullPath.Length > 1)
                FullPath = FullPath.TrimEnd('/');

            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) && FullPath.EndsWith(":", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                FullPath = string.Concat(FullPath, "/");

            // Absolute path?
            switch (pathKind)
            case PathKind.RelativeOrAbsolute:
                IsAbsolute = System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(FullPath);

            case PathKind.Absolute:
                IsAbsolute = true;

            case PathKind.Relative:
                IsAbsolute = false;

            // Set provider (but only if absolute)
            if (IsRelative && providerAndPath.Item1 != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can not specify provider for relative paths");
            if (providerAndPath.Item1 == null && IsAbsolute && !fullySpecified)
                FileProvider = DefaultFileProvider;
            else if (providerAndPath.Item1?.IsAbsoluteUri == false)
                throw new ArgumentException("The provider URI must always be absolute");
                FileProvider = providerAndPath.Item1;

            // Extract path segments.
            Segments = FullPath.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Exemple #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="string" /> that represents this path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="string" /> that represents this instance.
        /// </returns>
        public override string ToString()
            if (IsRelative || FileProvider == null)
            string rightPart = GetRightPart(FileProvider);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rightPart) || rightPart == "/")
                // Remove the proceeding slash from FullPath if the provider already has one
                return(FileProvider + (rightPart == "/" && FullPath.StartsWith("/") ? FullPath.Substring(1) : FullPath));
            return(FileProvider + FileProviderDelimiter + FullPath);
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(FullPath != null ? FullPath.GetHashCode() : 0);
 public override int GetHashCode() => FullPath.GetHashCode() ^ Visible.GetHashCode();
Exemple #46
        private List <FileFullPath> RemoveDuplicateFiles(List <FileFullPath> filesToZip, FullPath baseDir)
            ZipMetadata         metadata = new ZipMetadata();
            List <FileFullPath> list     = new List <FileFullPath>();

            while (filesToZip.Count > 0)
                FileFullPath current       = filesToZip[filesToZip.Count - 1];
                var          currentDebase = current.ToFullPath().DebasePath(baseDir);

                filesToZip.RemoveAt(filesToZip.Count - 1);
                ZipMetadataItem metaItem = new ZipMetadataItem {
                    FileName = currentDebase

                byte[]   firstHash   = CalculateHash(current.ToString());
                FileInfo currentInfo = new FileInfo(current.ToString());

                for (int i = filesToZip.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    FileFullPath tmp = filesToZip[i];

                    if (tmp.FileName != current.FileName)

                    FileInfo tmpInfo = new FileInfo(tmp.ToString());

                    if (tmpInfo.Length != currentInfo.Length)

                    byte[] secondHash = CalculateHash(tmp.ToString());

                    if (!HashEqual(firstHash, secondHash))


            string metadataFile = Path.Combine(baseDir.ToString(), MetadataFileName);

            File.WriteAllText(metadataFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metadata));
            list.Add(new FileFullPath(metadataFile));
Exemple #47
        private static void TargetNuGet(ITaskContext context, string nugetId)
            FullPath packagesDir = new FullPath(context.Properties.Get(BuildProps.ProductRootDir, "."));

            packagesDir = packagesDir.CombineWith(context.Properties.Get <string>(BuildProps.BuildDir));

            string sourceNuspecFile = string.Format(
            FileFullPath destNuspecFile = packagesDir.AddFileName("{0}.nuspec", nugetId);

            context.WriteInfo("Preparing the {0} file", destNuspecFile);
            ExpandPropertiesTask task = new ExpandPropertiesTask(

            task.AddPropertyToExpand("version", context.Properties.Get <Version>(BuildProps.BuildVersion).ToString());

            // package it
            context.WriteInfo("Creating a NuGet package file");
            RunProgramTask progTask = new RunProgramTask(@"lib\NuGet\NuGet.exe");


            string nupkgFileName = string.Format(
                context.Properties.Get <Version>(BuildProps.BuildVersion));

            context.WriteInfo("NuGet package file {0} created", nupkgFileName);

            string apiKeyFileName = "NuGet API key.txt";

            if (!File.Exists(apiKeyFileName))
                context.WriteInfo("'NuGet API key.txt' does not exist, cannot publish the package.");

            string apiKey = File.ReadAllText(apiKeyFileName);

            // publish the package file
            context.WriteInfo("Pushing the NuGet package to the repository");

            progTask = new RunProgramTask(@"lib\NuGet\NuGet.exe");
 // Force a file to be resolved to a specific path regardless of conflicts.
 internal void ForceFile(Utf8GamePath path, FullPath fullPath)
 => _cache !.ResolvedFiles[path] = new ModPath(Mod.ForcedFiles, fullPath);
Exemple #49
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int zadach;

            Console.WriteLine("\nВведите номер задачи:\n");
            zadach = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            if (zadach == 1)
                char[] s;
                Console.Write("Введите строку: ");
                s = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();
                int k = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                    if ((s[i] == ' ') && (s[i - 1] != ' '))
            if (zadach == 2)
                string s;
                Console.Write("Введите строку: ");
                s = Console.ReadLine();
                var word = from min in s.Split(' ')
                           orderby min.Length
                           select min;
                string minword = word.First();
            if (zadach == 3)
                char[] s;
                char   c;
                Console.Write("Введите строку: ");
                s = Console.ReadLine().ToArray();
                c = s[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < s.Length; i++)
                    if (s[i] == c)
                        s[i] = '.';
            if (zadach == 4)
                string s;
                char[] glas = { 'А', 'а', 'Е', 'е', 'Ё', 'ё', 'И', 'и', 'О', 'о', 'У', 'у', 'ы', 'Э', 'э', 'Ю', 'ю', 'Я', 'я' };
                Console.Write("Введите строку: ");
                s = Console.ReadLine();
                int k = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < glas.Length; j++)
                        if (s[i] == glas[j])
            if (zadach == 5)
                string FullPath;
                Console.Write("Введите полный путь к файлу: ");
                FullPath = Console.ReadLine();
            if (zadach == 6)
                string FullPath;
                Console.Write("Введите полный путь к файлу: ");
                FullPath = Console.ReadLine();
                if ((char)(FullPath.Split('\\').Length) > 2)
                    Console.WriteLine(FullPath.Split('\\')[FullPath.Split('\\').Length - 2]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\\ ");
            if (zadach == 7)
                string s;
                Console.Write("Введите строку: ");
                s = Console.ReadLine();
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                    if (i % 2 != 0)
                for (int i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
Exemple #50
 public SlimFileInfo(FullPath path, WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data, int win32Error)
     _path       = path;
     _data       = data;
     _win32Error = win32Error;
        public async Task <JsonResult> UploadAsync(FullPath path, IEnumerable <IFormFile> files)
            int fileCount = files.Count();

            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            if (path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize.HasValue)
                for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
                    IFormFile file = files.ElementAt(i);
                    if (file.Length > path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize.Value)
            foreach (var file in files)
                var p = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(path.Directory.FullName, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)));

                if (p.Exists)
                    if (path.RootVolume.UploadOverwrite)
                        //if file already exist we rename the current file,
                        //and if upload is succesfully delete temp file, in otherwise we restore old file
                        string tmpPath  = p.FullName + Guid.NewGuid();
                        bool   uploaded = false;
                            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(tmpPath, FileMode.Create))
                                await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

                            uploaded = true;
                        catch { }
                            if (uploaded)
                                File.Move(tmpPath, p.FullName);
                        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(p.DirectoryName, Utils.GetDuplicatedName(p)), FileMode.Create))
                            await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(p.FullName, FileMode.Create))
                        await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
                response.Added.Add((FileModel)await BaseModel.Create(this, new FileSystemFile(p.FullName), path.RootVolume));
            return(await Json(response));
        void recursivePathDive(Library lib, string dirPath)
            string[] Directories = Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath, @"*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            string[] Files       = Directory.GetFiles(dirPath, @"*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            foreach (string FullPath in Files)
                string SubPath             = FullPath.Substring(lib.Path.Length).TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar);
                Alexandria.Models.File tmp = MusicContext.Files.Where(dr => dr.Library.Equals(lib) && dr.Path == SubPath).FirstOrDefault();
                if (tmp == null)
                    // do we want to track this file?
                    string FileExtension = ExtensionsToMonitor.Where(dr => Path.GetFileName(FullPath).EndsWith(dr)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (FileExtension == null)
                        ConsoleColor tmpConCol = Console.ForegroundColor;
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Skip\t{lib.Path} | {SubPath}");
                        Console.ForegroundColor = tmpConCol;

                        ConsoleColor tmpConCol = Console.ForegroundColor;
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                        Console.WriteLine($"New\t{lib.Path} | {SubPath}");
                        Console.ForegroundColor = tmpConCol;

                    // gather file data
                    // add to db
                    Alexandria.Models.File newFile = new Alexandria.Models.File()
                        Library      = lib,
                        Archival     = false,
                        FileModified = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(FullPath),
                        RecordAdded  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Path         = SubPath,
                        Tags         = new List <TagAssociation>()
                    //TagAdder tagAdderRecord = new TagAdder() { Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, User = systemAccount };
                    //TagAssociation newTagAssoc = new TagAssociation() { Tag = unTaggedTag, Added = new List<TagAdder>() };

                    newFile.AddTag(unTaggedTag, systemAccount);


                     * // skip file unless modified date has changed
                     * // do we want to track this file?
                     * string FileExtension = ExtensionsToMonitor.Where(dr => Path.GetFileName(FullPath).EndsWith(dr)).FirstOrDefault();
                     * if (FileExtension == null) continue;
                     * DateTime FileModDate = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(FullPath);
                     * if(FileModDate > tmp.Modified)
                     * {
                     *  Console.WriteLine($"Changed\t{lib.Path} | {SubPath}");
                     * }
                        ConsoleColor tmpConCol = Console.ForegroundColor;
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Known\t{lib.Path} | {SubPath}");
                        Console.ForegroundColor = tmpConCol;

            foreach (string Directory in Directories)
                recursivePathDive(lib, Directory);
Exemple #53
        public async Task <JsonResult> InitAsync(FullPath path, IEnumerable <string> mimeTypes)
            if (path == null)
                var root = Roots.FirstOrDefault(r => r.StartDirectory != null);
                if (root == null)
                    root = Roots.First();

                if (Directory.Exists(root.StartDirectory))
                    path = new FullPath(root, new FileSystemDirectory(root.StartDirectory), null);

                if (path == null || path.Directory.GetReadFlag(root) == 0)
                    path = new FullPath(root, new FileSystemDirectory(root.RootDirectory), null);

            var response = new InitResponseModel(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(path.Directory, path.RootVolume), new Options(path));

            foreach (var item in await path.Directory.GetFilesAsync(mimeTypes))
                if (!item.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                    response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(item, path.RootVolume));
            foreach (var item in await path.Directory.GetDirectoriesAsync())
                if (!item.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                    response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(item, path.RootVolume));

            foreach (var item in Roots)
                response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new FileSystemDirectory(item.RootDirectory), item));

            if (path.RootVolume.RootDirectory != path.Directory.FullName)
                var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path.RootVolume.RootDirectory);
                foreach (var item in dirInfo.GetDirectories())
                    var attributes = item.Attributes;
                    if (!attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                        response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new FileSystemDirectory(item), path.RootVolume));

            if (path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize.HasValue)
                response.Options.UploadMaxSize = $"{path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSizeInKb.Value}K";
            return(await Json(response));
 public IEnumerable <Utf8GamePath> ReverseResolvePath(FullPath path)
 => _cache?.ReverseResolvePath(path) ?? Array.Empty <Utf8GamePath>();
Exemple #55
 public int GetLevel()
Exemple #56
 public void TestInitialize()
     // Create a new root folder every time to avoid mixing state between tests.
     this.root = new FullPath(@".\fstest\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n"));
Exemple #57
 public IProject GetProjectFromAnyPath(FullPath path)
     return(_chromiumDiscovery.GetEnlistmentRootFromAnyPath(path, CreateProject));
Exemple #58
        protected override int DoExecute(ITaskContextInternal context)
            if (_sourcePackagingInfos.Count == 0)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_destinationRootDir))
                _destinationRootDir = context.Properties.GetOutputDir();

            FullPath df     = new FullPath(_destinationRootDir);
            ICopier  copier = new Copier(context, _logFiles);
            IZipper  zipper = new Zipper(context);
            IDirectoryFilesLister directoryFilesLister = new DirectoryFilesLister();
            StandardPackageDef    packageDef           = new StandardPackageDef();

            CopyProcessor copyProcessor = new CopyProcessor(context, copier, df, _logFiles);

            List <string> sourceIds = new List <string>();

            foreach (var sourceToPackage in _sourcePackagingInfos)
                string sourceId;
                if (sourceToPackage.SourceType == SourceType.Directory)
                    var sourceFullPath = new FullPath(sourceToPackage.SourcePath);
                    sourceId = sourceFullPath.GetHashCode().ToString();
                    DirectorySource directorySource = new DirectorySource(context, directoryFilesLister, sourceId, sourceFullPath, sourceToPackage.Recursive, sourceToPackage.DirectoryFilters, _logFiles);
                    var fileFullPath = new FileFullPath(sourceToPackage.SourcePath);
                    sourceId = fileFullPath.GetHashCode().ToString();
                    SingleFileSource fileSource = new SingleFileSource(sourceId, fileFullPath);

                copyProcessor.AddTransformation(sourceId, sourceToPackage.DestinationPath);

            IPackageDef copiedPackageDef = copyProcessor.Process(packageDef);

            if (ShouldPackageBeZipped)
                string zipFile = _zipFileName;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipFile))
                    zipFile = _zipPrefix;
                    _addVersionAsPostFixToZipFileName = true;
                    _versionFieldCount = 3;

                if (zipFile.EndsWith(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    zipFile = zipFile.Substring(0, zipFile.Length - 4);

                string tmp = _addVersionAsPostFixToZipFileName
                    ? $"{zipFile}_{context.Properties.GetBuildVersion().Version.ToString(_versionFieldCount)}.zip"
                    : $"{zipFile}.zip";

                zipFile = Path.Combine(_destinationRootDir, tmp);

                DoLogInfo($"Creating zip file {zipFile}");

                ZipProcessor zipProcessor = new ZipProcessor(context, zipper, new FileFullPath(zipFile), df, _optimizeZip, sourceIds, _logFiles);

Exemple #59
        public DirectoryInfo CreateSubdirectory(string path)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
            if (PathInternal.IsEffectivelyEmpty(path.AsSpan()))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_PathEmpty, nameof(path));
            if (Path.IsPathRooted(path))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_Path2IsRooted, nameof(path));

            string newPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(FullPath, path));

            ReadOnlySpan <char> trimmedNewPath     = Path.TrimEndingDirectorySeparator(newPath.AsSpan());
            ReadOnlySpan <char> trimmedCurrentPath = Path.TrimEndingDirectorySeparator(FullPath.AsSpan());

            // We want to make sure the requested directory is actually under the subdirectory.
            if (trimmedNewPath.StartsWith(trimmedCurrentPath, PathInternal.StringComparison)
                // Allow the exact same path, but prevent allowing "..\FooBar" through when the directory is "Foo"
                && ((trimmedNewPath.Length == trimmedCurrentPath.Length) || PathInternal.IsDirectorySeparator(newPath[trimmedCurrentPath.Length])))
                return(new DirectoryInfo(newPath));

            // We weren't nested
            throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidSubPath, path, FullPath), nameof(path));
Exemple #60
 public OpenResponse(DTOBase currentWorkingDirectory, FullPath fullPath)
     : base(currentWorkingDirectory)
     Options = new Options(fullPath);