private async void UpladFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var button = (Button)sender; //button.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; UploadProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DirFileInfo.IsEnabled = false; FileList.IsEnabled = false; var ftpItmListM = (FtpListItemModel)button.DataContext; OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Multiselect = true; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this)) == true) { var list = openFileDialog.FileNames; var ftpHelper = new FtpHelper(); Progress <FtpProgress> progress = new Progress <FtpProgress>(p => { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { if (p.Progress == 100 && p.FileCount - 1 == p.FileIndex) { ftpHelper.Progress = 100; //button.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UploadProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { ftpHelper.TransMessage = $"Upload from {p.LocalPath} to {p.RemotePath}"; ftpHelper.Progress = Math.Round(p.Progress, 1); ftpHelper.FileCount = p.FileCount; ftpHelper.FileIndex = p.FileIndex + 1; ftpHelper.TransferSpeed = p.TransferSpeed; ftpHelper.EAT = p.ETA.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss", null); ftpHelper.TransferredBytes = p.TransferredBytes; ftpHelper.TransferSpeedString = p.TransferSpeedToString(); } }); }); UploadProgress.DataContext = ftpHelper; DirFileInfo.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); await ftpHelper.UploadFilesAsync(list, ftpItmListM.FullName, progress, cancellationTokenSource.Token); DirFileInfo.IsEnabled = true; FileList.IsEnabled = true; var holeDamThing = (StartViewModel)FileList.DataContext; var path = ftpItmListM.FullName; var dt = await holeDamThing.FindItemByPathAsync(ftpItmListM.FullName); if (dt != null) { //var dt2 = await holeDamThing.FindItemByPathAsync(dt.ParentPath); //await holeDamThing.GetFtpChildItems(dt2); await holeDamThing.GetFtpListItems(dt.Items, dt.FullName, true); } } }
private void btnUpdateEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Naam mag niet leeg zijn"); return; } if (dtpStartDate.Value >= dtpEndDate.Value) { MessageBox.Show("Einddatum moet later zijn dan de startdatum"); return; } if (_ev != null) { var guestCount = LogicCollection.GuestLogic.GetGuestCountByEvent(_ev); if (numCapacity.Value < guestCount) { MessageBox.Show("De capaciteit van evenement is minder dan het huidige aantal ingeschreven gasten"); return; } _ev.Name = txtName.Text; _ev.Location = txtLocation.Text; _ev.StartDate = dtpStartDate.Value; _ev.EndDate = dtpEndDate.Value; _ev.MaxCapacity = (int)numCapacity.Value; if (LogicCollection.EventLogic.UpdateEvent(_ev)) { OnEventSuccessfullyModified(); } ; } else { _ev = LogicCollection.EventLogic.AddEvent(new Event(0, txtName.Text, dtpStartDate.Value, dtpEndDate.Value, txtLocation.Text, maxCap: (int)numCapacity.Value )); if (_ev == null) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Er is iets misgegaan."); return; } FtpHelper.CreateDirectory(_ev.ID.ToString()); OnEventSuccessfullyModified(); RefreshUserControl(); MessageBox.Show("Evenement succesvol aangemaakt!"); } }
public DisplayLabel() { FocusVisualStyle = null; Margin = new Thickness(-4, -4, 0, -4); Padding = new Thickness(0); FontSize = 12; MouseEnter += delegate { if (_dbSource != null) { if (FtpHelper.HasBeenMapped()) { ToolTip = DbPathLocator.DetectPath(_dbSource); } else { ToolTip = "Directory has not been mapped yet. Load the database first."; } } if (ToolTip == null) { ToolTip = "File not found. This database will be disabled."; } }; SizeChanged += delegate { if (!_isLoaded) { Grid presenter = WpfUtilities.FindParentControl <Grid>(this); TextBox box = (TextBox)presenter.Children[2]; if (box.Text == "Visible") { Foreground = _stateBrush; } else { Foreground = _stateInactiveBrush; } box.TextChanged += delegate { if (box.Text == "Visible") { Foreground = _stateBrush; } else { Foreground = _stateInactiveBrush; } }; _isLoaded = true; } }; }
public FtpRemoteFileSystem(RemoteSystemSetting setting) { _serverDetails = FtpHelper.ServerDetails (setting.Host, setting.Port.ToString(), setting.UserName, setting.Type); FtpClient = new FtpClient(setting.Host); FtpClient.Credentials = null; //FtpClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(setting.UserName, setting.Password); FtpClient.Port = setting.Port; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ftp = new FtpHelper(kd_ftp_uri, kd_ftp_username, kd_ftp_psd); if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AutoRun"].ToString().Trim() == "Y") { AutoRun_Click(sender, e); this.Close(); } }
public override void Execute(object parameter) { ReportSaveModel reprotConfig = NetworkingViewModel.ReportSaveModel; if (reprotConfig.ReportSaveType == "文件夹") { try { string path = Path.Combine(reprotConfig.DirAddress, string.Format("test.{0}", reprotConfig.ImageExt)); var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); fs.Close(); File.Delete(path); } catch (IOException exception) { //ioex. MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); return; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error"); return; } MessageBox.Show("文件地址测试成功"); } else if (reprotConfig.ReportSaveType.ToUpper() == "FTP") { try { string filePath = string.Format("Test{0}.{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"), reprotConfig.ImageExt); var fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create); fs.Close(); var ftpHelper = new FtpHelper(reprotConfig.FtpAdresse, reprotConfig.FtpUser, reprotConfig.FtpPassword, 21); var currentDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(); ftpHelper.Upload(filePath, currentDateTime, filePath); if (ftpHelper.Delete(currentDateTime + "\\" + filePath, "DELE")) { ftpHelper.Delete(currentDateTime, "RMD"); MessageBox.Show("Ftp地址及用户测试通过!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error"); } } }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //获取Ftp文件夹列表 List <string> ls = FtpHelper.GetRemoteFiles("ftp://" + FtpHelper.IP + "/"); foreach (string item in ls) { comBox.Items.Add(Regex.Replace(item, @"^ftp://" + FtpHelper.IP + "/", "")); } }
private async void DownloadFolder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var button = (Button)sender; //button.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; var ftpItmListM = (FtpListItemModel)button.DataContext; var openFileDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); openFileDialog.ShowNewFolderButton = true; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { UploadProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DirFileInfo.IsEnabled = false; FileList.IsEnabled = false; var path = openFileDialog.SelectedPath; var ftpHelper = new FtpHelper(); Progress <FtpProgress> progress = new Progress <FtpProgress>(p => { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { if (p.Progress == 100 && p.FileCount - 1 == p.FileIndex) { ftpHelper.Progress = 100; //button.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UploadProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { ftpHelper.TransMessage = $"Upload from {p.RemotePath} to {p.LocalPath}"; ftpHelper.Progress = Math.Round(p.Progress, 1); ftpHelper.FileCount = p.FileCount; ftpHelper.FileIndex = p.FileIndex + 1; ftpHelper.TransferSpeed = p.TransferSpeed; ftpHelper.EAT = p.ETA.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss", null); ftpHelper.TransferredBytes = p.TransferredBytes; ftpHelper.TransferSpeedString = p.TransferSpeedToString(); } }); }); UploadProgress.DataContext = ftpHelper; cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var res = await ftpHelper.DownloadDirectoryAsync(ftpItmListM.FullName, path, cancellationTokenSource.Token, progress, FtpFolderSyncMode.Mirror); //button.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UploadProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; DirFileInfo.IsEnabled = true; FileList.IsEnabled = true; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { Arguments = path, FileName = "explorer.exe" }; Process.Start(startInfo); } }
/// <summary> /// Reloads the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="progress">The progress object.</param> public void Reload(IProgress progress) { DbDebugHelper.OnUpdate("Reloading database..."); OnPreviewReloaded(); try { FtpHelper.SetupFileManager(); Commands.ClearCommands(); DbPathLocator.ClearStoredFiles(); ResetAllSettings(); var dbs = _dbs.Values.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < dbs.Count; i++) { dbs[i].Clear(); DbDebugHelper.OnCleared(dbs[i].DbSource, null, dbs[i]); } DbDebugHelper.OnUpdate("All database tables have been cleared."); for (int i = 0; i < dbs.Count; i++) { var db = dbs[i]; if (db.CanBeLoaded) { CLHelper.CStart(i); db.LoadDb(); if (progress != null) { progress.Progress = (i + 1f) / dbs.Count * 100f; //ErrorHandler.HandleException("Now at " + progress.Progress + "% done."); } CLHelper.CStopAndDisplay(db.DbSource.DisplayName, i); } if (progress != null) { AProgress.IsCancelling(progress); } } ClearCommands(); } finally { DbDebugHelper.OnUpdate("Database reloaded..."); } OnReloaded(); SdeEditor.Instance.Dispatch(p => p.OnSelectionChanged()); }
public static bool Upload(string fileUrl, string folder) { if (File.Exists(fileUrl)) { FtpHelper ftpClient = new FtpHelper(); string ftpUrl = ftpClient.Hostname + folder + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileUrl); FtpWebRequest ftp = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(ftpUrl); ftp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpClient.Username, ftpClient.Password); ftp.KeepAlive = true; ftp.UseBinary = true; ftp.Timeout = 3600000; ftp.KeepAlive = true; ftp.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile; const int bufferLength = 102400; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength]; int readBytes = 0; //open file for reading using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(fileUrl)) { //try { //open request to send using (Stream rs = ftp.GetRequestStream()) { do { readBytes = fs.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength); rs.Write(buffer, 0, readBytes); } while (!(readBytes < bufferLength)); rs.Close(); } } //catch (Exception) { //Optional Alert for Exeption To Application Layer //throw (new ApplicationException("بارگذاری فایل با خطا رو به رو شد")); } //finally { //ensure file closed //fs.Close(); } } ftp = null; return(true); } return(false); }
public static void dt_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // check flush FtpHelper ftp = new FtpHelper(); bool ok = ftp.httpRequest("GET", "", PackageSubVM.Instance.requestResult) == "True"; if (ok) { PackageSubVM.Instance.CheckFlushTimer.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show("刷新成功!"); } }
public QadInterface(string localRootPath, string localFromErp, string localToErp, string localBackup, string ftpServer, string ftpPort, string ftpUser, string ftpPassword, string ftpRootPath, string ftpFromErp, string ftpToErp) { _localRootPath = localRootPath; _localFromErp = localFromErp; _localToErp = localToErp; _localBackup = localBackup; _ftp = new FtpHelper(ftpServer, ftpPort, ftpRootPath, ftpUser, ftpPassword); _ftpFromErp = ftpFromErp; _ftpToErp = ftpToErp; InitBgw(); }
protected virtual string SaveUploadedFileToFtp(ColumnField field, string strFileName, string contentType, System.IO.Stream stream) { try { return(FtpHelper.SaveUploadedFileToFtp(field, strFileName)); } catch (Exception exception) { Map.Logger.Log(GetControllerNameForLog(this.ControllerContext), this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(), exception.Source, exception, 1, null); throw new Durados.DuradosException(Map.Database.Localizer.Translate("Operation failed" + ", " + exception.Message)); } }
public override void Start() { FtpHelper ftpHelperForWindows = new FtpHelper(); var fileInfo1 = ftpHelperForWindows.GetFileInfo(""); DisplayMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileInfo1)); FtpHelper ftpHelperForUnix = new FtpHelper(user, pwd); var fileInfo2 = ftpHelperForUnix.GetFileInfo(url); DisplayMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileInfo2)); }
public static void UpdateStoredFiles() { foreach (var pair in _storedFiles) { if (FtpHelper.Exists(pair.Key)) { if (FtpHelper.Delete(pair.Value)) { FtpHelper.Copy(pair.Key, pair.Value); } } } }
public ActionResult Upload() { string ID = Request["ID"]; data_Entity data = new data_Entity(); data = data_BLL.GetdataByID(ID); string fileName = data.dataName + ".txt"; string filePath = Server.MapPath("/") + data.data_Position + "\\" + fileName; FTPInformation_Entity ftpinfo = new FTPInformation_Entity(); ftpinfo = FTPInformation_BLL.GetFTPInfoByAgencyNo1(data.AgencyNo); FtpHelper ftp = new FtpHelper(ftpinfo.FTPAddress, ftpinfo.FTPUsername, ftpinfo.FTPPassword); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(filePath); bool i = ftp.Upload(file, fileName); if (i) { data.upload = "1"; data_BLL.Updatedata(data); logs_Entity logs = new logs_Entity(); logs.AgencyNo = data.AgencyNo; logs.inputTime = DateTime.Now; logs.logName = "上传密文:" + data.dataName; logs.log_No = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); logs.succeed = "1"; logs_BLL.Createlog(logs); var Person = new { code = 0, //0表示成功 msg = "上传成功!", //这个是失败返回的错误 }; return(Json(Person, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); //格式化为json } else { logs_Entity logs = new logs_Entity(); logs.AgencyNo = data.AgencyNo; logs.inputTime = DateTime.Now; logs.logName = "上传密文:" + data.dataName; logs.log_No = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); logs.succeed = "0"; logs_BLL.Createlog(logs); var Person = new { code = 1, //0表示成功 msg = "上传失败", //这个是失败返回的错误 }; return(Json(Person, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); //格式化为json } }
public MyBlogCommonResponse <List <object> > ImagePost(IFormCollection Files) { MyBlogCommonResponse <List <object> > response = new MyBlogCommonResponse <List <object> >(); try { //var form = Request.Form;//直接从表单里面获取文件名不需要参数 string ArticleType = Files["ImageType"]; var form = Files;//定义接收类型的参数 IFormFileCollection cols = Request.Form.Files; if (cols == null || cols.Count == 0) { response.code = 200; response.message = "没有上传文件"; return(response); } List <object> pathlist = new List <object>(); //定义图片数组后缀格式 string[] LimitPictureType = { ".JPG", ".JPEG", ".GIF", ".PNG", ".BMP" }; foreach (IFormFile file in cols) { //获取图片后缀是否存在数组中 string currentPictureExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToUpper(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPictureExtension)) { currentPictureExtension = "." + file.ContentType.Split('/').Last().ToUpper(); } if (LimitPictureType.Contains(currentPictureExtension)) { List <string> dicpathlist = new List <string>(); dicpathlist.Add(ArticleType); dicpathlist.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); var filexhttppath = new FtpHelper().UploadFie(file, dicpathlist, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + currentPictureExtension.ToLower()); pathlist.Add(new { path = filexhttppath }); } else { response.message = "存在不合法的图片格式;请替换"; response.code = 200; return(response); } } response.message = "上传成功"; response.success = true; = pathlist; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { response.code = 500; response.message = ex.Message.ToString(); return(response); } }
public override void Start() { FtpHelper ftpHelper = new FtpHelper(user, pwd); try { ftpHelper.Rename(url, "asd"); DisplayMessage("Remove file completed!"); } catch (Exception exception) { DisplayMessage(exception.ToExceptionContent().ToString()); } }
public LineStreamReader(String path, Encoding encoding, bool detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, int bufferSize) { // Don't open a Stream before checking for invalid arguments, // or we'll create a FileStream on disk and we won't close it until // the finalizer runs, causing problems for applications. if (path == null || encoding == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException((path == null ? "path" : "encoding")); } Stream stream = FtpHelper.IsSystemFile(path) ? new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, DefaultFileStreamBufferSize, FileOptions.SequentialScan) : FtpHelper.OpenRead(path); Init(stream, encoding, detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, bufferSize); }
public void Execute(object parameter) { if (true || PackageSubVM.Instance.FlushCDNUrl != "") { FtpHelper ftp = new FtpHelper(); PackageSubVM.Instance.requestResult = ftp.httpRequest("POST", PackageSubVM.Instance.FlushCDNUrl, ""); //ftp.TencentCDNRequest("asldkfj"); } else { string url = ""; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url); } }
public override void Start() { FtpHelper ftpHelper = new FtpHelper(); ftpHelper.Upload(@"E:\Downloads\CentOS EV.txt", " EV.txt"); DisplayMessage("Upload completed!"); ftpHelper.UploadProgressChangedEvent = (object sender, UploadProgressChangedEventArgs e) => { DisplayMessage($"ProgressPercentage: {e.ProgressPercentage}, TotalBytesToReceive: {e.TotalBytesToReceive}, TotalBytesToSend: {e.TotalBytesToSend}, BytesReceived: {e.BytesReceived}, BytesSent: {e.BytesSent}"); }; ftpHelper.UploadAsync(@"E:\Downloads\VisualStudio2017_ProductLaunchPoster-1.png", ""); }
public static void DbDirectCopyWriter <TKey>(DbDebugItem <TKey> debug, AbstractDb <TKey> db) { try { if (debug.OldPath != debug.FilePath && !FtpHelper.SameFile(debug.OldPath, debug.FilePath)) { // Test their modified date FtpHelper.Delete(debug.FilePath); FtpHelper.Copy(debug.OldPath, debug.FilePath); } } catch (Exception err) { debug.ReportException(err); } }
public override void Start() { FtpHelper ftpHelperForWindows = new FtpHelper(); //ftpHelperForWindows.Download("", @"E:\Downloads\setup.exe"); //DisplayMessage("Download completed."); ftpHelperForWindows.DownloadProgressChangedEvent = (object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e) => { DisplayMessage($"BytesReceived: {e.BytesReceived}, ProgressPercentage: {e.ProgressPercentage}, TotalBytesToReceive: {e.TotalBytesToReceive}, UserState: {e.UserState}"); }; ftpHelperForWindows.DownloadAsync("", @"E:\Downloads\test.png"); }
public override void Start() { FtpHelper ftpHelper = new FtpHelper(user, pwd); try { ftpHelper.CreateDirectory(url); DisplayMessage("Create directory completed!"); } catch (Exception exception) { DisplayMessage(exception.ToExceptionContent().ToString()); } }
private async void Downloafile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var button = (Button)sender; //button.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; var ftpItmListM = (FtpListItemModel)button.DataContext; var openFileDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog(); openFileDialog.FileName = ftpItmListM.Name; openFileDialog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*"; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { UploadProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DirFileInfo.IsEnabled = false; FileList.IsEnabled = false; var path = openFileDialog.FileName; var ftpHelper = new FtpHelper(); Progress <FtpProgress> progress = new Progress <FtpProgress>(p => { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { if (p.Progress == 100) { ftpHelper.Progress = 100; //button.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UploadProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { ftpHelper.TransMessage = $"Upload from {p.LocalPath} to {p.RemotePath}"; ftpHelper.Progress = Math.Round(p.Progress, 1); ftpHelper.FileCount = p.FileCount; ftpHelper.FileIndex = p.FileIndex + 1; ftpHelper.TransferSpeed = p.TransferSpeed; ftpHelper.EAT = p.ETA.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss", null); ftpHelper.TransferredBytes = p.TransferredBytes; ftpHelper.TransferSpeedString = p.TransferSpeedToString(); } }); }); UploadProgress.DataContext = ftpHelper; cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var res = await ftpHelper.DownloadFileAsync(ftpItmListM.FullName, path, cancellationTokenSource.Token, progress); UploadProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; DirFileInfo.IsEnabled = true; FileList.IsEnabled = true; } }
private void s(object arg) { System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(); timer.Interval = 1000; // int find_id=(int)arg; // ftpItem item = ftpItems.Find(finditem=>{ // if (finditem.ID == find_id) // { // return true; // } // return false; //}); ftpItem item = (ftpItem)arg; FtpHelper ftp = null; System.Uri compal_ftp_uri = new Uri("ftp://" + item.ADDRESS + ":21"); string compal_ftp_username = item.USERNAME; string compal_ftp_psd = item.PSWD; ftp = new FtpHelper(compal_ftp_uri, compal_ftp_username, compal_ftp_psd); timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => { System.Timers.Timer t = (System.Timers.Timer)sender;//当前的计时器 //进入先关闭 t.Stop(); i++; this.txt_templetename.Text = i.ToString(); if (!item.Statusflag)//标志是否关闭 { t.Stop(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort();//结束当前进程 //从list中移除关闭的 ftpItems.Remove(item); } else { //调用ftp程式 getFtpFile(item, ftp); } //结束再打开 t.Start(); }; timer.Start(); }
public void WriteFile(string path) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); string[] array = ToArray(); for (int index = 0; index < array.Length; index++) { string line = array[index]; builder.Append(line); builder.Append(_newLine); } FtpHelper.WriteAllText(path, builder.ToString()); }
private List <indexStockInfo> getDocumentFromFtp(string index) { FtpHelper ftp = new FtpHelper("", "index", "dfzq1234"); List <indexStockInfo> list = new List <indexStockInfo>(); string[] indexStr = index.Split('.'); string todayStr = date.Year.ToString(); string filename = getFileName(index, date, "weightnextday", "xls"); string original = "\\hs300\\" + filename; string target = "E:\\result\\stockBonusEstimate\\" + filename; ftp.Download(original, target); var set = DataTableExtension.getDataSetFromXLS(target); foreach (DataTable dt in set.Tables) { int num = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { num = num + 1; //去除表头 if (num <= 1) { continue; } indexStockInfo info = new indexStockInfo(); string code = Convert.ToString(dr[4]); string market = Convert.ToString(dr[7]); string secName = Convert.ToString(dr[5]); if (market == "Shanghai") { code = code + ".SH"; } else { code = code + ".SZ"; } double close = Convert.ToDouble(dr[12]); double weight = Convert.ToDouble(dr[16]); info.code = code; info.secName = secName; info.close = close; info.weight = weight; list.Add(info); } } return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="ap">The progress object.</param> /// <param name="progress"> </param> public virtual void Save(AsyncOperation ap, IProgress progress) { string dbPath = GrfPath.GetDirectoryName(ProjectConfiguration.DatabasePath); string subPath = ProjectConfiguration.DatabasePath.Replace(dbPath, "").TrimStart('\\', '/'); ServerType serverType = DbPathLocator.GetServerType(); DbDebugHelper.OnUpdate("Saving tables."); MetaGrf.Clear(); try { BackupEngine.Instance.Start(ProjectConfiguration.DatabasePath); var dbs = _dbs.Values.ToList(); FtpHelper.SetupFileManager(); for (int i = 0; i < dbs.Count; i++) { var db = dbs[i]; db.WriteDb(dbPath, subPath, serverType); if (progress != null) { progress.Progress = AProgress.LimitProgress((i + 1f) / dbs.Count * 100f); } } foreach (var db in dbs) { db.SaveCommandIndex(); } Commands.SaveCommandIndex(); } catch (Exception err) { ErrorHandler.HandleException(err); } finally { if (ap != null && progress != null) { progress.Progress = ap.ProgressBar.GetIntermediateState("Backup manager"); } BackupEngine.Instance.Stop(); DbDebugHelper.OnUpdate("Finished saving tables."); } }
public override void Start() { //FtpHelper ftpHelperForWindows = new FtpHelper(); //foreach (string line in ftpHelperForWindows.ListDetails("")) //{ // DisplayMessage(line); //} FtpHelper ftpHelperForUnix = new FtpHelper(user, pwd); foreach (string line in ftpHelperForUnix.ListDetails(url)) { DisplayMessage(line); } }