Exemple #1
    void Start()
        noteWidth = fireBallPrefab.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x;

        mappedSong = beatmapCreation.songMapping;

        timePerBeat = 60f / musicData.BPM;
Exemple #2
    // Do the mapping of the music level
    void Awake()
        TextAsset jsonTextfile = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(musicData.musicDataPath);
        MapsInfo  mapReading   = new MapsInfo();

        songMapping = mapReading.GetSongMapping();
    void Start()
        mappedSong = beatmapCreation.songMapping;

        timePerBeat = 60f / MusicData.BPM;

        lastTime = Time.deltaTime + 0.1f;
    // Do the mapping of the music level
    void Awake()
        Debug.Log("freebtp :" + musicData.musicDataPath + ".json");
        string   content    = File.ReadAllText(musicData.musicDataPath + ".json");
        MapsInfo mapReading = new MapsInfo();

        songMapping = mapReading.GetSongMapping();
    //Parse all the usefull information to create a beatmap
    public void InitLevelData(string levelPath)
        //		string content = File.ReadAllText(levelPath);
//		songMapping = JsonUtility.FromJson<Fst_SongMap>(content);
        songMapping = JsonUtility.FromJson <Fst_SongMap>(levelPath);