Exemple #1
        public FsmNavGraph SetNavGraph(NavGraph go)
            FsmNavGraph doo = new FsmNavGraph();

            doo.Value = go;
Exemple #2
         *      public Int3 v3i3(UnityEngine.Vector3 go,Node doo ){
         *              float prf = Int3.PrecisionFactor;
         *              return (new Int3((go.x/prf) as int,(go.y/prf) as int,(go.z/prf)));
         *      }
         *      public List<Pathfinding.Nodes.GridNode> GridNodeToList(Pathfinding.Nodes.GridNode[] go){
         *              List<Pathfinding.Nodes.GridNode> outo;
         *              var x = 0;
         *              while (x<go.Length)
         *              {
         *                      outo[x] = go[x];
         *                      x++;
         *              }
         *              return outo;
         *      }
 *              public void FsmGetTypeOf(go) {
 *                      if(go){
 *                              var doo = (go as FsmPathfindingBase).Value;
 *                              return typeof(doo.Value);
 *                      }
 *              }
 *              public void GetAnything(go) {
 *                      var typo = FsmGetTypeOf(go);
 *                      if (typo == Node) { //Node
 *                              return GetNode(go);
 *                      }
 *                      if (typo == Nodes.GridNode) { //GridNode
 *                              return GetGridNode(go);
 *                      }
 *                      return null;
 *              }
 *              public void GetAnythingShallow(mo) {
 *                      var go = mo as FsmObject;
 *                      var typo = typeof(go.Value);
 *                      if (typo == FsmNode) { //Node
 *                              //Debug.Log(typo);
 *                              return GetNode(go) as Node;
 *                      }
 *                      else if (typo == FsmGridNode) { //GridNode
 *                              //Debug.Log("GridNode");
 *                              return GetGridNode(go) as Nodes.GridNode;
 *                      }
 *                      else if (typo == FsmNodes) { //Node[]
 *                              //Debug.Log("Nodes");
 *                              return GetNodes(go) as Node[];
 *                      }
 *                      else if (typo == FsmGridNodes) { //GridNode[]
 *                              //Debug.Log("GridNodes");
 *                              return GetGridNodes(go) as Nodes.GridNode[];
 *                      }
 *                      else if (typo == FsmPath) { //Path
 *                              //Debug.Log("Path");
 *                              return GetPath(go) as Path;
 *                      }
 *                      else if (typo == FsmABPath) { //ABPath
 *                              //Debug.Log("ABPath");
 *                              return GetPath(go) as ABPath;
 *                      }
 *                      else if (typo == FsmPointGraph) { //PointGraph
 *                              //Debug.Log("PointGraph");
 *                              return GetPointGraph(go) as PointGraph;
 *                      }
 *                      else if (typo == FsmPointGraphs) { //PointGraphs
 *                              //Debug.Log("PointGraphs");
 *                              return GetPointGraphs(go) as PointGraph[];
 *                      }
 *                      return null;
 *              }
 *              public void SetAnything(go) {
 *                      var typo = FsmGetTypeOf(go);
 *                      if (typo == Node) { //Node
 *                              //Debug.Log(typo);
 *                              return GetNode(go);
 *                      }
 *                      if (typo == Nodes.GridNode) { //GridNode
 *                              //Debug.Log("GridNode");
 *                              return GetGridNode(go);
 *                      }
 *                      if (typo == List.<Node>) { //Nodes
 *                              //Debug.Log(typo);
 *                              return GetNodes(go);
 *                      }
 *                      if (typo == typeof(Nodes.GridNode[])) { //GridNodes
 *                              //Debug.Log("GridNodes");
 *                              return GetGridNodes(go);
 *                      }
 *                      if (typo == PointGraph) { //PointGraph
 *                              //Debug.Log(typo);
 *                              return GetPointGraph(go);
 *                      }
 *                      if (typo == typeof(PointGraph[])) { //PointGraphs
 *                              //Debug.Log(typo);
 *                              return GetPointGraphs(go);
 *                      }
 *                      return null;
 *              }
 * // AstarPath
 *              public AstarPath GetAstarPath( FsmObject go){ //Turns the action input directly into an AstarPath
 *                      var doo = FsmAstarPath();
 *                      doo = go.Value;
 *                      AstarPath foo = doo.Value as AstarPath;
 *                      return foo;
 *              }
 *              public FsmAstarPath SetAstarPath(AstarPath go){ //Uses FsmAstarPath as input and returns AstarData
 *                      FsmAstarPath doo = FsmAstarPath();
 *                      doo.Value = go;
 *                      return doo;
 *              }
 * // AstarData
 *              public AstarData GetAstarData(FsmObject go){ //Uses FsmAstarData as input and returns AstarData
 *                      FsmAstarData doo = go.Value;
 *                      AstarData foo = doo.Value;
 *                      return foo;
 *              }
 *              public FsmAstarData SetAstarData(AstarData go){ //Uses FsmAstarData as input and returns AstarData
 *                      FsmAstarData doo = FsmAstarData();
 *                      doo.Value = go;
 *                      return doo;
 *              }
 * // NavGraphs
 *              public NavGraph[] GetNavGraphs(FsmObject go){
 *                      FsmNavGraphs doo = go.Value;
 *                      NavGraph[] foo = doo.Value;
 *                      return foo;
 *              }
 *              public FsmNavGraphs SetNavGraphs(NavGraph[] go){
 *                      FsmNavGraphs doo = FsmNavGraphs();
 *                      doo.Value = go;
 *                      return doo;
 *              }
// NavGraph
        public NavGraph GetNavGraph(FsmObject go)
            FsmNavGraph doo = go.Value as FsmNavGraph;
            NavGraph    foo = doo.Value;

        // Use this for initialization
        public override void OnEnter()
            FsmNavGraph go = graph.Value as FsmNavGraph;

            if (go.Value as PointGraph == null)
                Finish(); return;
            g = go.Value as PointGraph;


            if (!everyFrame.Value)
Exemple #4
        public override void OnEnter()
            mo = graph.Value as FsmNavGraph;
            if ((mo == null) || (mo.Value == null) || alwaysNew.Value)
                g = FsmConverter.GetNavGraph(graph) as PointGraph;
                Debug.Log("Creating New Point Graph");

                graph.Value = FsmConverter.SetNavGraph(g as NavGraph);
                g = FsmConverter.GetNavGraph(graph) as PointGraph;

        public override void OnEnter()
            var go = graphs.Value as FsmNavGraphs;

            if ((go.Value == null) || !graph.UseVariable)
                Finish(); return;
            }                                                                            // it would continue for a frame without return

            var goo = FsmConverter.GetNavGraphs(graphs);
            var coo = new FsmNavGraph();

            if (index.Value >= goo.Length)          //check if the index exists

            coo.Value   = goo[index.Value];
            graph.Value = coo;
Exemple #6
        public void DoStuff()
            var doo = ((node as FsmObject).Value as FsmNode).Value as Node;

            nodeIndex.Value  = doo.GetNodeIndex();
            penalty.Value    = (int)doo.penalty;
            area.Value       = doo.area;
            tags.Value       = doo.tags;
            walkable.Value   = doo.walkable;
            graphIndex.Value = doo.graphIndex;
            position.Value   = new Vector3(doo.position.x, doo.position.y, doo.position.z);
            position.Value  *= Int3.PrecisionFactor;

            if (!connectedNodes.IsNone)
                (connectedNodes.Value as FsmNodes).Value = (List <Node>)FsmConverter.NodeListToArray(doo.connections);

            var loo = new FsmNavGraph();

            loo.Value   = AstarPath.active.graphs[doo.graphIndex];
            graph.Value = loo;