public override void AddToDatabase(FdoCache cache)

            if (m_fInDatabase)
                return;                 // It's already in the database, so nothing more can be done.
            m_featDefn = FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(cache, m_node);
        /// <summary>
        /// figure out if the feature represented by the node is already in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">database cache</param>
        public override void DetermineInDatabase(FdoCache cache)

            XmlNode item = m_node.SelectSingleNode(".");
            string  sId  = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(item, "id");

            if (m_eKind == GlossListTreeView.ImageKind.closedFolder || m_eKind == GlossListTreeView.ImageKind.openFolder)
                m_fInDatabase = false;
            if (KindCanBeInDatabase())
                switch (m_eKind)
                case                         // fall through
                case GlossListTreeView.ImageKind.radioSelected:                 // fall through
                case GlossListTreeView.ImageKind.checkBox:                      // fall through
                case GlossListTreeView.ImageKind.checkedBox:
                    // these are all feature values
                    m_fInDatabase = FsFeatureSystem.HasSymbolicValue(cache, sId);

                case GlossListTreeView.ImageKind.complex:
                    m_fInDatabase = FsFeatureSystem.HasComplexFeature(cache, sId);

                case GlossListTreeView.ImageKind.userChoice:                         // closed feature
                    string sStatus = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(m_node, "status");
                    if (sStatus == "proxy")
                        XmlNode xnType = this.m_node.SelectSingleNode("ancestor::item[@type='fsType']/@id");
                        if (xnType != null)
                            m_fInDatabase = FsFeatureSystem.FsFeatStrucTypeHasFeature(cache, xnType.InnerText, sId) &&
                                            FsFeatureSystem.HasClosedFeature(cache, sId);
                            m_fInDatabase = FsFeatureSystem.HasClosedFeature(cache, sId);
                        m_fInDatabase = FsFeatureSystem.HasClosedFeature(cache, sId);
        /// <summary>
        /// figure out if the feature represented by the node is already in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">database cache</param>
        public override void DetermineInDatabase(FdoCache cache)

            //XmlNode item = m_node.SelectSingleNode(".");
            string sId = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(m_node, "id");

            if (IsAGroup())
                m_fInDatabase = false;
                m_fInDatabase = FsFeatureSystem.HasClosedFeature(cache, sId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively builds the feature structure based on contents of treeview node path.
        /// It recurses back up the treeview node path to the top and then builds the feature structure
        /// as it goes back down.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="fs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void BuildFeatureStructure(FeatureTreeNode node, ref IFsFeatStruc fs, ref IFsFeatureSpecification val)
            if (node.Parent != null)
                BuildFeatureStructure((FeatureTreeNode)node.Parent, ref fs, ref val);
            switch (node.Kind)
            case FeatureTreeNodeInfo.NodeKind.Complex:
                IFsComplexValue complex = fs.FindOrCreateComplexValue(node.Hvo);
                val = complex as FsComplexValue;
                val.FeatureRAHvo = node.Hvo;
                if (fs.TypeRA == null)
                    // this is the type which contains the complex feature
                    fs.TypeRAHvo = FsFeatureSystem.GetTypeFromFsComplexFeature(m_cache, node.Hvo);
                fs = (IFsFeatStruc)complex.ValueOA;
                if (fs.TypeRA == null)
                    // this is the type of what's being embedded in the fs
                    IFsComplexFeature cf = val.FeatureRA as IFsComplexFeature;
                    if (cf != null)
                        fs.TypeRA = cf.TypeRA;

            case FeatureTreeNodeInfo.NodeKind.Closed:
                val = (IFsClosedValue)fs.FindOrCreateClosedValue(node.Hvo);
                val.FeatureRAHvo = node.Hvo;

            case FeatureTreeNodeInfo.NodeKind.SymFeatValue:
                IFsClosedValue closed = val as IFsClosedValue;
                if (closed != null)
                    closed.ValueRAHvo = node.Hvo;

                break;                         // do nothing
Exemple #5
        private ILangProject CreateFeatureSystem(out IFsFeatStruc featStruct)
            featStruct = null;
            ILangProject lp = Cache.LangProject;

            // Set up the xml fs description
            XmlDocument doc      = new XmlDocument();
            string      sFileDir = Path.Combine(SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Utils.DirectoryFinder.FwSourceDirectory, @"FDO\FDOTests\TestData");
            string      sFile    = Path.Combine(sFileDir, "FeatureSystem2.xml");

            XmlNode itemNeut = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='vNeut']");

            // Add the feature for first time
            FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(Cache, itemNeut);
            IFsFeatureSystem msfs = lp.MsFeatureSystemOA;
            // Now add a feature that differs only in value
            XmlNode itemFem = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='vFem']");

            FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(Cache, itemFem);

            // now add to feature structure
            IPartOfSpeech pos = (IPartOfSpeech)lp.PartsOfSpeechOA.PossibilitiesOS.FirstItem;

            pos.DefaultFeaturesOA = new FsFeatStruc();
            featStruct            = pos.DefaultFeaturesOA;

            // Add the first feature
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemNeut);
            // Now add a feature that differs only in value; it should override the old one
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemFem);
            // Now add another feature
            XmlNode item1st = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='v1']");

            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, item1st);
            // Update inflectable features on pos
            XmlNode subjAgr = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='cSubjAgr']");

            pos.AddInflectableFeatsFromXml(Cache, subjAgr);
            pos.AddInflectableFeatsFromXml(Cache, itemNeut);

        public override void AddToDatabase(FdoCache cache)

            if (m_fInDatabase)
                return;                 // It's already in the database, so nothing more can be done.
            string sType = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(m_node, "type");

            if (sType == "feature")
                ILangProject     lp      = cache.LangProject;
                IFsFeatureSystem featsys = lp.PhFeatureSystemOA as IFsFeatureSystem;
                // Since phonological features in the chooser only have features and no values,
                // we need to create the positive and negative value nodes
                string       sName     = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(m_node, "id");
                const string sTemplate =
                    "<item id='v{0}Positive' type='value'><abbrev ws='en'>+</abbrev><term ws='en'>positive</term>" +
                    "<fs id='v{0}PositiveFS' type='Phon'><f name='{0}'><sym value='+'/></f></fs></item>" +
                    "<item id='v{0}Negative' type='value'><abbrev ws='en'>-</abbrev><term ws='en'>negative</term>" +
                    "<fs id='v{0}NegativeFS' type='Phon'><f name='{0}'><sym value='-'/></f></fs></item>";
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendFormat(sTemplate, sName.Substring(1));
                m_node.InnerXml += sb.ToString();
                // have to use a ndw document or, for some odd reason, it keeps on using an old value and not the new one...
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                // add positive value; note that the FsFeatDefn will be the same for both
                XmlNode valueNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[contains(@id,'Positive')]");
                m_featDefn = FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(cache, featsys, valueNode);
                // add negative value
                valueNode  = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[contains(@id,'Negative')]");
                m_featDefn = FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(cache, featsys, valueNode);
Exemple #7
        public void AddClosedFeaturesToFeatureSystemAndThenToAFeatureStructure()
            ILangProject lp = Cache.LangProject;

            // Set up the xml fs description
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNode itemNeut = doc.SelectSingleNode("/item/item[3]");

            // Add the feature for first time
            FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(Cache, itemNeut);
            IFsFeatureSystem msfs = lp.MsFeatureSystemOA;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, msfs.TypesOC.Count, "should have one type");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, msfs.FeaturesOC.Count, "should have one feature");
            foreach (IFsFeatStrucType type in msfs.TypesOC)
                Assert.AreEqual("Agr", type.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have Agr type");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, type.FeaturesRS.Count, "Expect to have one feature in the type");
                IFsClosedFeature closed = (IFsClosedFeature)type.FeaturesRS.FirstItem;
                Assert.AreEqual("gender", closed.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect name of gender");
            foreach (IFsClosedFeature closed in msfs.FeaturesOC)
                Assert.AreEqual("gender", closed.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have gender feature");
                foreach (IFsSymFeatVal value in closed.ValuesOC)
                    Assert.AreEqual("neuter gender", value.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect neuter value");
            // Now add a feature that differs only in value
            XmlNode itemFem = doc.SelectSingleNode("/item/item[2]");

            FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(Cache, itemFem);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, msfs.TypesOC.Count, "should have one type");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, msfs.FeaturesOC.Count, "should have one feature");
            foreach (IFsFeatStrucType type in msfs.TypesOC)
                Assert.AreEqual("Agr", type.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have Agr type");
            foreach (IFsClosedFeature closed in msfs.FeaturesOC)
                Assert.AreEqual("gender", closed.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have gender feature");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, closed.ValuesOC.Count, "should have two values");
                foreach (IFsSymFeatVal cv in closed.ValuesOC)
                    if (cv.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem != "neuter gender" &&
                        cv.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem != "feminine gender")
                        Assert.Fail("Unexpected value found: {0}", cv.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem);

            // now add to feature structure
            IPartOfSpeech pos = (IPartOfSpeech)lp.PartsOfSpeechOA.PossibilitiesOS.FirstItem;

            pos.DefaultFeaturesOA = new FsFeatStruc();
            IFsFeatStruc featStruct = pos.DefaultFeaturesOA;

            // Add the first feature
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemNeut);
            Assert.AreEqual("Agr", featStruct.TypeRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect type Agr");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC.Count, "should have one feature spec");
            foreach (IFsClosedValue cv in featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC)
                Assert.AreEqual("Gen", cv.FeatureRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have Gen feature name");
                Assert.AreEqual("Neut", cv.ValueRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have Neut feature value");
            // Now add a feature that differs only in value; it should override the old one
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemFem);
            Assert.AreEqual("Agr", featStruct.TypeRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect type Agr");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC.Count, "should have one feature spec");
            foreach (IFsClosedValue cv in featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC)
                if (cv.FeatureRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem != "gender" ||
                    cv.ValueRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem != "feminine gender")
                    Assert.Fail("Unexpected value found: {0}:{1}", cv.FeatureRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem,
            // Update inflectable features on pos
            pos.AddInflectableFeatsFromXml(Cache, itemNeut);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, pos.InflectableFeatsRC.Count, "should have 1 inflectable feature in pos");
            foreach (IFsClosedFeature closed in pos.InflectableFeatsRC)
                Assert.AreEqual("gender", closed.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "expect to find gender in pos inflectable features");
            // Check for correct ShortName string in closed
            Assert.AreEqual("Fem", featStruct.ShortName, "Incorrect ShortName for closed");
            // Check for correct LongName string in complex
            Assert.AreEqual("[Gen:Fem]", featStruct.LongName, "Incorrect LongName for closed");
Exemple #8
        public void AddComplexFeaturesToFeatureSystemAndThenToAFeatureStructure()
            ILangProject lp = Cache.LangProject;

            Assert.IsNotNull(lp.MsFeatureSystemOA, "Expect a feature system to be present");

            // Set up the xml fs description
            XmlDocument doc      = new XmlDocument();
            string      sFileDir = Path.Combine(SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Utils.DirectoryFinder.FwSourceDirectory, @"FDO\FDOTests\TestData");
            string      sFile    = Path.Combine(sFileDir, "FeatureSystem2.xml");

            XmlNode itemNeut = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='vNeut']");

            // Add the feature for first time
            FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(Cache, itemNeut);
            IFsFeatureSystem msfs = lp.MsFeatureSystemOA;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, msfs.TypesOC.Count, "should have two types");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, msfs.FeaturesOC.Count, "should have two features");
            foreach (IFsFeatStrucType type in msfs.TypesOC)
                string sName = type.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem;
                if (sName != "Subject agreement")
                    Assert.Fail("Unexpected fs type found: {0}", sName);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, type.FeaturesRS.Count, "Expect to have one feature in the type");
                IFsFeatDefn defn = (IFsFeatDefn)type.FeaturesRS.FirstItem;
                Assert.IsNotNull(defn, "first feature in type {0} is not null", sName);
                IFsComplexFeature complex = defn as IFsComplexFeature;
                if (complex != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual("subject agreement", complex.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect name of subject agreement");
                IFsClosedFeature closed = defn as IFsClosedFeature;
                if (closed != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual("gender", closed.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have gender feature");
                    foreach (IFsSymFeatVal value in closed.ValuesOC)
                        Assert.AreEqual("neuter gender", value.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect neuter value");
            foreach (IFsFeatDefn defn in msfs.FeaturesOC)
                IFsComplexFeature complex = defn as IFsComplexFeature;
                if (complex != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual("subject agreement", complex.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have subject agreement feature");
                IFsClosedFeature closed = defn as IFsClosedFeature;
                if (closed != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual("gender", closed.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have gender feature");
                    foreach (IFsSymFeatVal value in closed.ValuesOC)
                        Assert.AreEqual("neuter gender", value.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect neuter value");
            // Now add a feature that differs only in value
            XmlNode itemFem = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='vFem']");

            FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(Cache, itemFem);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, msfs.TypesOC.Count, "should have two types");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, msfs.FeaturesOC.Count, "should have two features");
            foreach (IFsFeatStrucType type in msfs.TypesOC)
                string sName = type.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem;
                if (sName != "Subject agreement")
                    Assert.Fail("Unexpected fs type found: {0}", sName);
            foreach (IFsFeatDefn defn in msfs.FeaturesOC)
                IFsComplexFeature complex = defn as IFsComplexFeature;
                if (complex != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual("subject agreement", complex.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have subject agreement feature");
                IFsClosedFeature closed = defn as IFsClosedFeature;
                if (closed != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual("gender", closed.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have gender feature");
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, closed.ValuesOC.Count, "should have two values");
                    foreach (IFsSymFeatVal cv in closed.ValuesOC)
                        if (cv.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem != "neuter gender" &&
                            cv.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem != "feminine gender")
                            Assert.Fail("Unexpected value found: {0}", cv.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem);

            // now add to feature structure
            IPartOfSpeech pos = (IPartOfSpeech)lp.PartsOfSpeechOA.PossibilitiesOS.FirstItem;

            Assert.IsNotNull(pos, "Need one non-null pos");

            pos.DefaultFeaturesOA = new FsFeatStruc();
            IFsFeatStruc featStruct = pos.DefaultFeaturesOA;

            // Add the first feature
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemNeut);
            Assert.AreEqual("sbj", featStruct.TypeRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect type sbj");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC.Count, "should have one feature spec");
            foreach (IFsFeatureSpecification fspec in featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC)
                IFsComplexValue complex = fspec as IFsComplexValue;
                Assert.IsNotNull(complex, "Should have non-null complex feature value");
                IFsFeatStruc nestedFs = (IFsFeatStruc)complex.ValueOA;
                Assert.IsNotNull(nestedFs, "Should have non-null nested fs");
                foreach (IFsClosedValue cv in nestedFs.FeatureSpecsOC)
                    Assert.AreEqual("gen", cv.FeatureRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have gen feature name");
                    Assert.AreEqual("n", cv.ValueRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect to have 'n' feature value");
            // Now add a feature that differs only in value; it should override the old one
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemFem);
            Assert.AreEqual("sbj", featStruct.TypeRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect type sbj");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC.Count, "should have one feature spec");
            foreach (IFsFeatureSpecification fspec in featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC)
                IFsComplexValue complex = fspec as IFsComplexValue;
                Assert.IsNotNull(complex, "Should have non-null complex feature value");
                IFsFeatStruc nestedFs = (IFsFeatStruc)complex.ValueOA;
                Assert.IsNotNull(nestedFs, "Should have non-null nested fs");
                foreach (IFsClosedValue cv in nestedFs.FeatureSpecsOC)
                    if (cv.FeatureRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem != "gender" &&
                        cv.ValueRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem != "feminine gender")
                        Assert.Fail("Unexpected value found: {0}:{1}", cv.FeatureRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem,
            // Now add another feature
            XmlNode item1st = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='v1']");

            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, item1st);
            Assert.AreEqual("sbj", featStruct.TypeRA.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Expect type sbj");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC.Count, "should have one feature spec at top feature structure");
            foreach (IFsFeatureSpecification fspec in featStruct.FeatureSpecsOC)
                IFsComplexValue complex = fspec as IFsComplexValue;
                Assert.IsNotNull(complex, "Should have non-null complex feature value");
                IFsFeatStruc nestedFs = (IFsFeatStruc)complex.ValueOA;
                Assert.IsNotNull(nestedFs, "Should have non-null nested fs");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, nestedFs.FeatureSpecsOC.Count, "should have two feature specs in nested feature structure");
                foreach (IFsClosedValue cv in nestedFs.FeatureSpecsOC)
                    if (!(((cv.FeatureRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem == "gender") &&
                           (cv.ValueRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem == "feminine gender")) ||
                          ((cv.FeatureRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem == "person") &&
                           (cv.ValueRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem == "first person"))))
                        Assert.Fail("Unexpected value found: {0}:{1}", cv.FeatureRA.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem,
            // Update inflectable features on pos
            pos.AddInflectableFeatsFromXml(Cache, itemNeut);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, pos.InflectableFeatsRC.Count, "should have 1 inflectable feature in pos");
            foreach (IFsFeatDefn defn in pos.InflectableFeatsRC)
                IFsComplexFeature complex = defn as IFsComplexFeature;
                if (complex != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual("subject agreement", complex.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "expect to find subject agreement in pos inflectable features");
            // Check for correct ShortName string in complex
            Assert.AreEqual("1 f", featStruct.ShortName, "Incorrect ShortName for complex");
            // Check for correct LongName string in complex
            Assert.AreEqual("[sbj:[pers:1 gen:f]]", featStruct.LongName, "Incorrect LongName for complex");
            // Now add a closed feature not at the same level
            sFile = Path.Combine(sFileDir, "FeatureSystem3.xml");
            doc   = null;
            doc   = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNode itemAorist = doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='xAor']");

            FsFeatureSystem.AddFeatureAsXml(Cache, itemAorist);
            pos.AddInflectableFeatsFromXml(Cache, itemAorist);
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemAorist);
            // Check for correct LongName
            Assert.AreEqual("[asp:aor sbj:[pers:1 gen:f]]", featStruct.LongName, "Incorrect LongName for complex and closed");
            // Now add the features in the featurs struct in a different order
            pos.DefaultFeaturesOA = null;
            pos.DefaultFeaturesOA = new FsFeatStruc();
            featStruct            = pos.DefaultFeaturesOA;
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemAorist);
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, item1st);
            featStruct.AddFeatureFromXml(Cache, itemFem);
            // check for correct short name
            Assert.AreEqual("f 1 aor", featStruct.ShortName, "Incorrect ShortName for complex");
            // Check for correct LongName
            Assert.AreEqual("[sbj:[gen:f pers:1] asp:aor]", featStruct.LongName, "Incorrect LongName for complex and closed");
 protected virtual void HandleCheckBoxNodes(TreeView tv, TreeNode tn)
     if (m_fTerminalsUseCheckBoxes)
         if (IsTerminalNode(tn))
             MasterInflectionFeature mif = tn.Tag as MasterInflectionFeature;
             if (tn.Checked)
                 if (mif == null || !mif.InDatabase)
                     tn.Checked    = false;
                     tn.ImageIndex = tn.SelectedImageIndex = (int)ImageKind.checkBox;
                 tn.Checked    = true;
                 tn.ImageIndex = tn.SelectedImageIndex = (int)ImageKind.checkedBox;
                 if (mif != null)
                     string sId = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(mif.Node, "id");
                     if (FsFeatureSystem.HasSymbolicValue(m_cache, sId))
                         // we want to set all other sisters that are in the database
                         TreeNode sibling = tn.Parent.FirstNode;
                         while (sibling != null)
                             if (IsTerminalNode(sibling) && sibling != tn)
                                 mif = sibling.Tag as MasterInflectionFeature;
                                 if (mif != null)
                                     sId = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(mif.Node, "id");
                                     if (FsFeatureSystem.HasSymbolicValue(m_cache, sId))
                                         sibling.Checked                = true;
                                         sibling.ImageIndex             =
                                             sibling.SelectedImageIndex = (int)ImageKind.checkedBox;
                             sibling = sibling.NextNode;
         if (IsTerminalNode(tn))
             tn.Checked    = true;
             tn.ImageIndex = tn.SelectedImageIndex = (int)ImageKind.radioSelected;
             if (tn.Parent != null)
                 TreeNode sibling = tn.Parent.FirstNode;
                 while (sibling != null)
                     if (IsTerminalNode(sibling) && sibling != tn)
                         sibling.Checked    = false;
                         sibling.ImageIndex = sibling.SelectedImageIndex = (int);
                     sibling = sibling.NextNode;
         m_lastSelectedTreeNode = tn;