protected override void OnUpdate()
        //Debug.Log("ACTIVE_CAMERA:" + ActiveCamera + " STATIC_CAMERA:" + HyperposStaticReferences.MainCamera);
        if (ActiveCameras[0] == null)
            ActiveCameras[0] = HyperposStaticReferences.MainCamera;
            ActiveCameras[1] = HyperposStaticReferences.HyperdistCamera;
            m_Planes = new FrustumPlanes(ActiveCameras[0]);





Exemple #2
        public void FrustumFromCamera_PlaneDistance(float zPosition)
            var gameObject = new GameObject();
            var camera     = gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>();

            var nearClipPlane = 0.3f;
            var farClipPlane  = 1000f;

            camera.nearClipPlane = nearClipPlane;
            camera.farClipPlane  = farClipPlane;

            gameObject.transform.position = new float3(0, 0, zPosition);

            using (var planes = new NativeArray <float4>(6, Allocator.Temp))
                FrustumPlanes.FromCamera(camera, planes);

                var nearPlane = planes[4];
                var farPlane  = planes[5];

                Assert.That(nearPlane.w, Is.EqualTo(-nearClipPlane - zPosition).Within(1e-3f));
                Assert.That(farPlane.w, Is.EqualTo(farClipPlane + zPosition).Within(1e-3f));

Exemple #3
 public static void DrawFrustum(FrustumPlanes frustum)
     if (frustum.zFar <= 0)
     var p0 = new Vector3(frustum.left,, frustum.zFar);
     var p1 = new Vector3(frustum.right,, frustum.zFar);
     var p2 = new Vector3(frustum.right, frustum.bottom, frustum.zFar);
     var p3 = new Vector3(frustum.left, frustum.bottom, frustum.zFar);
     Gizmos.DrawLine(p0, p1);
     Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2);
     Gizmos.DrawLine(p2, p3);
     Gizmos.DrawLine(p3, p0);
     var f = frustum.zNear > 0 && frustum.zNear < frustum.zFar ? frustum.zNear / frustum.zFar : 0;
     f = 1 - f;
     Gizmos.DrawRay(p0, -p0 * f);
     Gizmos.DrawRay(p1, -p1 * f);
     Gizmos.DrawRay(p2, -p2 * f);
     Gizmos.DrawRay(p3, -p3 * f);
     f = 1 - f;
     if(f > 0)
         p0 *= f;
         p1 *= f;
         p2 *= f;
         p3 *= f;
         Gizmos.DrawLine(p0, p1);
         Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2);
         Gizmos.DrawLine(p2, p3);
         Gizmos.DrawLine(p3, p0);
Exemple #4
            public static void DrawFrustum(FrustumPlanes frustum, bool orthographic, Matrix4x4 transform)
                var verts = new Vector3[]
                    new Vector3(frustum.left, frustum.bottom, frustum.zNear),
                    new Vector3(frustum.right, frustum.bottom, frustum.zNear),
                    new Vector3(frustum.right,, frustum.zNear),
                    new Vector3(frustum.left,, frustum.zNear),
                    new Vector3(frustum.left, frustum.bottom, frustum.zNear),

                if (orthographic)
                    var extend = Vector3.forward * (frustum.zFar - frustum.zNear);
                    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        Debug.DrawLine(transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i]), transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i + 1]), Color.yellow);
                        Debug.DrawLine(transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i]), transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i] + extend),;
                        Debug.DrawLine(transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i] + extend), transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i + 1] + extend),;
                    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        Debug.DrawLine(transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i]), transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i + 1]), Color.yellow);
                        Debug.DrawLine(transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i]), transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i] * frustum.zFar / frustum.zNear),;
                        Debug.DrawLine(transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i] * frustum.zFar / frustum.zNear), transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i + 1] * frustum.zFar / frustum.zNear),;
Exemple #5
        public static bool IsInFrustum(Vector3 p, FrustumPlanes frustum)
            if (p.z <= frustum.zNear || p.z >= frustum.zFar)
            var nor = TopNormalDir(frustum);

            if (Vector3.Dot(p, nor) >= 0)
            nor = DownNormalDir(frustum);
            if (Vector3.Dot(p, nor) >= 0)
            nor = RightNormalDir(frustum);
            if (Vector3.Dot(p, nor) >= 0)
            nor = LeftNormalDir(frustum);
            if (Vector3.Dot(p, nor) >= 0)
    private void OnPreCull()
        if (-1 != viosoID)
            Vector3   pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3   rot = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Matrix4x4 mV  = Matrix4x4.identity;

            Matrix4x4     mP = new Matrix4x4();
            FrustumPlanes pl = new FrustumPlanes();
            if (ERROR.NONE == GetViewClip(viosoID, ref pos, ref rot, ref mV, ref pl))
                mV = mV.transpose;
                Quaternion q = mV.rotation;
                Vector3    p = mV.GetColumn(3);
                cam.transform.localRotation = orig_rot * q;
                cam.transform.localPosition = orig_pos + p;

                mP = Matrix4x4.Frustum(pl);
                cam.projectionMatrix = mP;
                Debug.Log("Failed to get initialized camera. Stoping warper. For detailed information see VIOSOWarpBlend.log");
                viosoID = -1;
        // Modify the pointer location and orientation to point along the shortest rotation,
        // toward tergetPosition, keeping the pointer confined inside the frustum defined by
        // planes.
        private void UpdatePointerTransform(Camera camera, Plane[] planes, Vector3 targetPosition)
            // Use the camera information to create the new bounding volume

            // Start by assuming the pointer should be placed at the target position.
            Vector3 indicatorPosition = cameraPosition + Depth * (targetPosition - cameraPosition).normalized;

            // Test the target position with the frustum planes except the "far" plane since
            // far away objects should be considered in view.
            bool pointNotInsideIndicatorField = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                float dot = Vector3.Dot(planes[i].normal, (targetPosition - cameraPosition).normalized);
                if (dot <= 0.0f)
                    pointNotInsideIndicatorField = true;

            // if the target object appears outside the indicator area...
            if (pointNotInsideIndicatorField)
                // ...then we need to do some geometry calculations to lock it to the edge.

                // used to determine which edge of the screen the indicator vector
                // would exit through.
                FrustumPlanes exitPlane = GetExitPlane(targetPosition, camera);

                Ray r;
                if (TryGetIndicatorPosition(targetPosition, planes[(int)exitPlane], out r))
                    indicatorPosition = cameraPosition + Depth * r.direction.normalized;

            this.transform.position = indicatorPosition;

            // The pointer's direction should always appear pointing away from the user's center
            // of view. Thus we find the center point of the user's view in world space.

            // But the pointer should also appear perpendicular to the viewer so we find the
            // center position of the view that is on the same plane as the pointer position.
            // We do this by projecting the vector from the pointer to the camera onto the
            // the camera's forward vector.
            Vector3 indicatorFieldOffset = indicatorPosition - cameraPosition;

            indicatorFieldOffset = Vector3.Dot(indicatorFieldOffset, cameraForward) * cameraForward;

            Vector3 indicatorFieldCenter = cameraPosition + indicatorFieldOffset;
            Vector3 pointerDirection     = (indicatorPosition - indicatorFieldCenter).normalized;

            // allign this object's up vector with the pointerDirection
            this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(cameraForward, pointerDirection);
Exemple #8
 public void MultiPlaneTest(int planeCount)
     using (var par = CreatePlanes(planeCount))
         using (var soap = FrustumPlanes.BuildSOAPlanePackets(par, Allocator.Temp))
             foreach (var box in boxes)
                 Assert.AreEqual(ReferenceTest(par, box), FrustumPlanes.Intersect2(soap, box));
        public static Matrix4x4 GenerateJitteredProjectionMatrixFromOriginal(PostProcessRenderContext context, Matrix4x4 origProj, Vector2 jitter)
            FrustumPlanes decomposeProjection = origProj.decomposeProjection;
            float         num    = Math.Abs( + Math.Abs(decomposeProjection.bottom);
            float         num2   = Math.Abs(decomposeProjection.left) + Math.Abs(decomposeProjection.right);
            Vector2       vector = new Vector2(jitter.x * num2 / (float)context.screenWidth, jitter.y * num / (float)context.screenHeight);

            decomposeProjection.left   += vector.x;
            decomposeProjection.right  += vector.x;
      += vector.y;
            decomposeProjection.bottom += vector.y;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the ZFrustumBounds struct to Unity's corresponding
        /// FrustumPlanes struct.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// FrustumPlanes initialized based on the current state of the
        /// ZFrustumBounds.
        /// </returns>
        public FrustumPlanes ToFrustumPlanes()
            FrustumPlanes frustumPlanes = new FrustumPlanes();

            frustumPlanes.left   = this.left;
            frustumPlanes.right  = this.right;
            frustumPlanes.bottom = this.bottom;
            frustumPlanes.zNear  = this.nearClip;
            frustumPlanes.zFar   = this.farClip;

Exemple #11
        private FrustumPlanes.IntersectResult ReferenceTest(NativeArray <Plane> par, AABB box)
            FrustumPlanes.IntersectResult result;
            var temp = new NativeArray <float4>(par.Length, Allocator.Temp);

            for (int i = 0; i < par.Length; ++i)
                temp[i] = new float4(par[i].normal, par[i].distance);

            result = FrustumPlanes.Intersect(temp, box);

Exemple #12
        public static FrustumPlanes BestfitFrustum(bool orthographic, Matrix4x4 transform, params Vector3[] verts)
            FrustumPlanes frustum = new FrustumPlanes()
                left   = float.MaxValue,
                right  = float.MinValue,
                bottom = float.MaxValue,
                top    = float.MinValue,
                zNear  = float.MaxValue,
                zFar   = float.MinValue,

            if (orthographic)
                for (var i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                    var transformedP = transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i]);
                    frustum.left   = Mathf.Min(frustum.left, transformedP.x);
                    frustum.bottom = Mathf.Min(frustum.bottom, transformedP.y);
                    frustum.zNear  = Mathf.Min(frustum.zNear, transformedP.z);
                    frustum.right  = Mathf.Max(frustum.right, transformedP.x);
              = Mathf.Max(, transformedP.y);
                    frustum.zFar   = Mathf.Max(frustum.zFar, transformedP.z);
                for (var i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                    var transformedP = transform.MultiplyPoint(verts[i]);
                    frustum.left   = Mathf.Min(frustum.left, transformedP.x / transformedP.z);
                    frustum.right  = Mathf.Max(frustum.right, transformedP.x / transformedP.z);
                    frustum.bottom = Mathf.Min(frustum.bottom, transformedP.y / transformedP.z);
              = Mathf.Max(, transformedP.y / transformedP.z);
                    frustum.zNear  = Mathf.Min(frustum.zNear, transformedP.z);
                    frustum.zFar   = Mathf.Max(frustum.zFar, transformedP.z);

                //单位框 缩放 near
                frustum.left   *= frustum.zNear;
                frustum.right  *= frustum.zNear;
                frustum.bottom *= frustum.zNear;
          *= frustum.zNear;

    public static int constructor(IntPtr l)
        int result;

            FrustumPlanes frustumPlanes = default(FrustumPlanes);
            LuaObject.pushValue(l, true);
            LuaObject.pushValue(l, frustumPlanes);
            result = 2;
        catch (Exception e)
            result = LuaObject.error(l, e);
        public static void UpdateProjection(Camera cam, List <Vector3> posList)
            var nearPosList = posList
                              .Select(wPos => WorldPosToNearPos(cam, wPos))

            var xList = nearPosList.Select(p => p.x);
            var yList = nearPosList.Select(p => p.y);

            var frustum = new FrustumPlanes()
                left   = xList.Min(),
                right  = xList.Max(),
                bottom = yList.Min(),
                top    = yList.Max(),
                zNear  = cam.nearClipPlane,
                zFar   = cam.farClipPlane

            // rect のはみ出てる部分は自動的に範囲内に収まるようなのでfrustrumでクリップする
            var rect = cam.rect;

            if (rect.xMin < 0f)
                frustum.left *= 0.5f / Mathf.Abs(rect.xMin - 0.5f);
            if (rect.xMax > 1f)
                frustum.right *= 0.5f / Mathf.Abs(rect.xMax - 0.5f);
            if (rect.yMin < 0f)
                frustum.bottom *= 0.5f / Mathf.Abs(rect.yMin - 0.5f);
            if (rect.yMax > 1f)
       *= 0.5f / Mathf.Abs(rect.yMax - 0.5f);

            cam.projectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.Frustum(frustum);
 public DeferredTiler(int tilePixelWidth, int tilePixelHeight, int avgLightPerTile, int tilerLevel)
     m_TilePixelWidth  = tilePixelWidth;
     m_TilePixelHeight = tilePixelHeight;
     m_TileXCount      = 0;
     m_TileYCount      = 0;
     // Finest tiler (at index 0) computes extra tile data stored into the header, so it requires more space. See CullFinalLights() vs CullIntermediateLights().
     // Finest tiler: lightListOffset, lightCount, listDepthRange, listBitMask
     // Coarse tilers: lightListOffset, lightCount
     m_TileHeaderSize  = tilerLevel == 0 ? 4 : 2;
     m_AvgLightPerTile = avgLightPerTile;
     m_TilerLevel      = tilerLevel;
     m_FrustumPlanes   = new FrustumPlanes {
         left = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0, top = 0, zNear = 0, zFar = 0
     m_IsOrthographic = false;
     m_Counters       = new NativeArray <int>();
     m_TileData       = new NativeArray <ushort>();
     m_TileHeaders    = new NativeArray <uint>();
     m_PreTiles       = new NativeArray <PreTile>();
Exemple #16
    private void OnPreCull()
        if (-1 != viosoID)
            Vector3   pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3   rot = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Matrix4x4 mV  = Matrix4x4.identity;

            Matrix4x4     mP = new Matrix4x4();
            FrustumPlanes pl = new FrustumPlanes();
            if (ERROR.NONE == GetViewClip(viosoID, ref pos, ref rot, ref mV, ref pl))
                mV = mV.transpose;
                Quaternion q = mV.rotation;
                Vector3    p = mV.GetColumn(3);
                cam.transform.localRotation = orig_rot * q;
                cam.transform.localPosition = orig_pos + p;

                mP = Matrix4x4.Frustum(pl);
                cam.projectionMatrix = mP;
Exemple #17
 public static Vector3 LeftNormalDir(FrustumPlanes frustum)
     return(new Vector3(frustum.zFar * frustum.bottom - frustum.zFar *,
                        frustum.left * - frustum.left * frustum.bottom));
Exemple #18
 public static Vector3 RightNormalDir(FrustumPlanes frustum)
     return(new Vector3(frustum.zFar * - frustum.zFar * frustum.bottom,
                        frustum.right * frustum.bottom - frustum.right *;
Exemple #19
 public static Vector3 DownNormalDir(FrustumPlanes frustum)
     return(new Vector3(0,
                        frustum.zFar * frustum.left - frustum.zFar * frustum.right,
                        frustum.right * frustum.bottom - frustum.left * frustum.bottom));
Exemple #20
 // not normalized
 public static Vector3 TopNormalDir(FrustumPlanes frustum)
     return(new Vector3(0,
                        frustum.zFar * frustum.right - frustum.zFar * frustum.left,
                        frustum.left * - frustum.right *;
        public void PrecomputeTiles(Matrix4x4 proj, bool isOrthographic, int renderWidth, int renderHeight)
            m_TileXCount = (renderWidth + m_TilePixelWidth - 1) / m_TilePixelWidth;
            m_TileYCount = (renderHeight + m_TilePixelHeight - 1) / m_TilePixelHeight;

            m_PreTiles = DeferredShaderData.instance.GetPreTiles(m_TilerLevel, m_TileXCount * m_TileYCount);

            // Adjust render width and height to account for tile size expanding over the screen (tiles have a fixed pixel size).
            int adjustedRenderWidth  = Align(renderWidth, m_TilePixelWidth);
            int adjustedRenderHeight = Align(renderHeight, m_TilePixelHeight);

            // Now adjust the right and bottom clipping planes.
            m_FrustumPlanes        = proj.decomposeProjection;
            m_FrustumPlanes.right  = m_FrustumPlanes.left + (m_FrustumPlanes.right - m_FrustumPlanes.left) * (adjustedRenderWidth / (float)renderWidth);
            m_FrustumPlanes.bottom = + (m_FrustumPlanes.bottom - * (adjustedRenderHeight / (float)renderHeight);
            m_IsOrthographic       = isOrthographic;

            // Tile size in world units.
            float tileWidthWS  = (m_FrustumPlanes.right - m_FrustumPlanes.left) / m_TileXCount;
            float tileHeightWS = ( - m_FrustumPlanes.bottom) / m_TileYCount;

            if (!isOrthographic) // perspective
                for (int j = 0; j < m_TileYCount; ++j)
                    float tileTop    = - tileHeightWS * j;
                    float tileBottom = tileTop - tileHeightWS;

                    for (int i = 0; i < m_TileXCount; ++i)
                        float tileLeft  = m_FrustumPlanes.left + tileWidthWS * i;
                        float tileRight = tileLeft + tileWidthWS;

                        // Camera view space is always OpenGL RH coordinates system.
                        // In view space with perspective projection, all planes pass by (0,0,0).
                        PreTile preTile;
                        preTile.planeLeft   = MakePlane(new float3(tileLeft, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear), new float3(tileLeft, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear));
                        preTile.planeRight  = MakePlane(new float3(tileRight, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear), new float3(tileRight, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear));
                        preTile.planeBottom = MakePlane(new float3(tileRight, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear), new float3(tileLeft, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear));
                        preTile.planeTop    = MakePlane(new float3(tileLeft, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear), new float3(tileRight, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear));

                        m_PreTiles[i + j * m_TileXCount] = preTile;
                for (int j = 0; j < m_TileYCount; ++j)
                    float tileTop    = - tileHeightWS * j;
                    float tileBottom = tileTop - tileHeightWS;

                    for (int i = 0; i < m_TileXCount; ++i)
                        float tileLeft  = m_FrustumPlanes.left + tileWidthWS * i;
                        float tileRight = tileLeft + tileWidthWS;

                        // Camera view space is always OpenGL RH coordinates system.
                        PreTile preTile;
                        preTile.planeLeft   = MakePlane(new float3(tileLeft, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear), new float3(tileLeft, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear - 1.0f), new float3(tileLeft, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear));
                        preTile.planeRight  = MakePlane(new float3(tileRight, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear), new float3(tileRight, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear - 1.0f), new float3(tileRight, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear));
                        preTile.planeBottom = MakePlane(new float3(tileRight, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear), new float3(tileRight, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear - 1.0f), new float3(tileLeft, tileBottom, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear));
                        preTile.planeTop    = MakePlane(new float3(tileLeft, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear), new float3(tileLeft, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear - 1.0f), new float3(tileRight, tileTop, -m_FrustumPlanes.zNear));

                        m_PreTiles[i + j * m_TileXCount] = preTile;
Exemple #22
        // Public Extension Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts Unity's FrustumPlanes data structure to the zSpace
        /// SDK's ZFrustumBounds data structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// ZFrustumBounds initialized based on the current state of
        /// the FrustumPlanes.
        /// </returns>
        public static ZFrustumBounds ToZFrustumBounds(this FrustumPlanes f)
            return(new ZFrustumBounds(
                       f.left, f.right, f.bottom,, f.zNear, f.zFar));
Exemple #23
 private static extern ERROR GetViewClip(int id, ref Vector3 pos, ref Vector3 rot, ref Matrix4x4 view, ref FrustumPlanes clip);
Exemple #24
        // Modify the pointer location and orientation to point along the shortest rotation,
        // toward tergetPosition, keeping the pointer confined inside the frustum defined by
        // planes.
        private void UpdatePointerTransform(Camera camera, Plane[] planes, Vector3 targetPosition)
            // Use the camera information to create the new bounding volume

            // Start by assuming the pointer should be placed at the target position.
            Vector3 indicatorPosition = cameraPosition + Depth * (targetPosition - cameraPosition).normalized;

            // Test the target position with the frustum planes except the "far" plane since
            // far away objects should be considered in view.
            bool pointNotInsideIndicatorField = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                float dot = Vector3.Dot(planes[i].normal, (targetPosition - cameraPosition).normalized);
                if (dot <= 0.0f)
                    pointNotInsideIndicatorField = true;

            // if the target object appears outside the Indicator area...
            if (pointNotInsideIndicatorField)
                // ...then we need to do some geometry calculations to lock it to the edge.

                // used to determine which edge of the screen the Indicator vector
                // would exit through.
                FrustumPlanes exitPlane = GetExitPlane(targetPosition, camera);

                Ray r;
                if (TryGetIndicatorPosition(targetPosition, planes[(int)exitPlane], out r))
                    indicatorPosition = cameraPosition + Depth * r.direction.normalized;

            this.transform.position = indicatorPosition;

            // The pointer's direction should always appear pointing away from the user's center
            // of view. Thus we find the center point of the user's view in world space.

            // But the pointer should also appear perpendicular to the viewer so we find the
            // center position of the view that is on the same plane as the pointer position.
            // We do this by projecting the vector from the pointer to the camera onto the
            // the camera's forward vector.
            Vector3 indicatorFieldOffset = indicatorPosition - cameraPosition;

            indicatorFieldOffset = Vector3.Dot(indicatorFieldOffset, cameraForward) * cameraForward;

            Vector3 indicatorFieldCenter = cameraPosition + indicatorFieldOffset;
            Vector3 pointerDirection     = (indicatorPosition - indicatorFieldCenter).normalized;

            // allign this object's up vector with the pointerDirection
            this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(cameraForward, pointerDirection);

            //ADDED FROM MYSELF !!!!!! --> This code shows the frustrum as pink plane if color of line renderer is white when second positions parameter is Indicator position
            GameObject line           = GameObject.Find("LineRenderer");
            GameObject cursor         = GameObject.Find("DefaultCursor");
            Vector3    cursorPosition = cursor.transform.position;

            Vector3[] positions = new[] { cursorPosition, indicatorPosition };
            line.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPositions(positions);
            //  Vector3 scalesOldArrow = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
            // this.transform.localScale = scalesOldArrow;
            // pointer2.transform.position = cursorPosition;