public void SpawnFirstFruits() { for (int i = 0; i < StartingGoodFruits; ++i) { GoodFruitSpawner.SpawnFruit(); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (curGameState == GameState.PRE_GAME) { countdown = countdown - Time.deltaTime; feedbackCanvas.UpdateCountdownText(countdown); Vector2 currentCoP = CoPtoCM(Wii.GetCenterOfBalance(0)); basket.GetComponent <Basket>().UpdatePosition(currentCoP); // Start game when countdown hits zero if (countdown < 0) { curGameState = GameState.GAME; fruitSpawner.SpawnFruit(); trialTime = 0; } } else if (curGameState == GameState.GAME) { // Update canvas for the user to see score and time remaining timeRemaining = timeRemaining - Time.deltaTime; feedbackCanvas.UpdateTimeText(timeRemaining); feedbackCanvas.UpdateScoreText(score); // Update COP and move basket Vector2 currentCoP = CoPtoCM(Wii.GetCenterOfBalance(0)); basket.GetComponent <Basket>().UpdatePosition(currentCoP); CheckBasketObstacle(); // tick up trial time and check if a new fruit should be spawned trialTime = trialTime + Time.deltaTime; if (trialTime > trialLength) { GetComponent <SoundEffectPlayer>().PlaySpawnSound(); fruitSpawner.SpawnFruit(); trialTime = 0f; } if (timeRemaining < 0f) { curGameState = GameState.GAME_OVER; feedbackCanvas.DisplayGameOverText(); } GetComponent <DataHandler>().recordContinuous(Time.time, currentCoP); } else { // Game is over if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Menu"); } } }
private void Update() { m_BadFruitTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (m_BadFruitTimer >= SpawnBadFruitTimer) { m_DelayBadFruitSpawn = BadFruitSpawner.GetAlive() >= MaxBadFruitsInScene; if (!m_DelayBadFruitSpawn) { SpawnBadFruit(); } } if (m_DelayBadFruitSpawn && BadFruitSpawner.GetAlive() < MaxBadFruitsInScene) { BadFruitSpawner.SpawnFruit(); } }