public List<Objects.Notification> TestForNotifications(List<Objects.Option> options)
            var notifications = new List<Objects.Notification>(options.Count);

            if (options.Count(x => x.Active) > 0)
                if (appClient == null)
                    var appAccessTokenLong = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("fbAppIdLong");
                    var appAccessToken = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("fbAppId");
                    appClient = new FacebookClient(appAccessTokenLong);

                    dynamic userResult = appClient.Post(string.Format("{0}/accounts/test-users", appAccessToken), new { installed = true, name = "Fritz Test", permissions = "manage_notifications" });
                    userClient = new FacebookClient((string)(userResult["access_token"]));
                    userId = userResult["id"];

                    DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
                    foreach (Objects.Option option in options.Where(x => x.Active))
                        switch ((FacebookOptionId)option.OptionId)
                            case FacebookOptionId.NewNotification:

                                DateTime ePoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
                                //var unixTimestampLastAccessed = System.Convert.ToInt64((option.LastAccessed - ePoch).TotalSeconds);
                                var unixTimestampLastAccessed = System.Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10) - ePoch).TotalSeconds);

                                //dynamic result = userClient.Get("fql", new { q = "SELECT author_id, body, source FROM message" });
                                dynamic result = userClient.Get("fql", new { q = "SELECT title_text, updated_time FROM notification WHERE recipient_id = " + userId });

                                if (result["data"].Count > 0)
                                    if (result["data"]["updated_time"] > unixTimestampLastAccessed.ToString())

                                        var newMessageNotification = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, 0, "New Facebook notification.", result["data"]["title_text"], currentDate);
                                        option.LastAccessed = currentDate;
                catch (System.Net.WebException wex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Facebook did not recognize the credentials. Response from Facebook: " + wex.Message);

            return notifications;
        public List<Objects.Notification> TestForNotifications(List<Objects.Option> options)
            var notifications = new List<Objects.Notification>(options.Count);

            //if (options.Count(x => x.Active) > 0)
                var auth = new LinqToTwitter.SingleUserAuthorizer
                    Credentials = new LinqToTwitter.SingleUserInMemoryCredentials
                        ConsumerKey = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("consumerKey"),
                        ConsumerSecret = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("consumerSecret"),
                        //AccessToken = "accessToken",
                        //AccessTokenSecret = "accessTokenSecret"
                        TwitterAccessToken = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("accessToken"),
                        TwitterAccessTokenSecret = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("accessTokenSecret")


                using (var ctx = new LinqToTwitter.TwitterContext(auth))

                    //    //Account account = accounts.SingleOrDefault();
                    //    Account account = ctx.Account.Single(acct => acct.Type == AccountType.VerifyCredentials && acct.SkipStatus == true);
                    //    //var account = twitterCtx.Account
                    //    //    .Where(t => t.Type == AccountType.VerifyCredentials)
                    //    //    .FirstOrDefault(t => t.SkipStatus == true);
                    //    User user = account.User;
                    //    Status tweet = user.Status ?? new Status();
                    //    Console.WriteLine("User (#" + user.Identifier.ID
                    //                        + "): " + user.Identifier.ScreenName
                    //                        + "\nTweet: " + tweet.Text
                    //                        + "\nTweet ID: " + tweet.StatusID + "\n");

                    //    Console.WriteLine("Account credentials are verified.");
                    //catch (System.Net.WebException wex)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("Twitter did not recognize the credentials. Response from Twitter: " + wex.Message);

                    var testMessageNotification = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, 0, "Test sender" + " sent message " + "message 1", "New message from " + "Test sender", DateTime.Now);
                    var testSimpleMessage = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, 0, "simple notification", null, DateTime.Now);

                    return notifications;

                        DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
                        foreach (Objects.Option option in options.Where(x => x.Active))
                            switch ((TwitterOptionId)option.OptionId)
                                case TwitterOptionId.TweetCount:
                                    // if enough time has passed since we last accessed this
                                    if ((currentDate - option.LastAccessed).TotalMinutes > option.Numerics[0])
                                    int tweetCount =
                                        (from tweet in ctx.Status
                                         where tweet.Type == StatusType.Home &&
                                         tweet.CreatedAt > option.LastAccessed
                                         select tweet).Count();

                                    var newTweetCountNotification = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, 0, tweetCount.ToString() + " new tweets.", tweetCount.ToString() + " new tweets.", currentDate);
                                        option.LastAccessed = currentDate;
                                case TwitterOptionId.DirectMessage:
                                    var directMsgs =
                                        (from dm in ctx.DirectMessage
                                         where dm.Type == DirectMessageType.SentTo &&
                                         dm.CreatedAt > option.LastAccessed
                                         select dm).ToList();
                                    foreach (var directMsg in directMsgs)
                                        // handle appropriately
                                        var newDirectMessageNotification = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, 0, directMsg.Sender.Name + " sent message " + directMsg.Text, "New message from " + directMsg.Sender.Name, currentDate);
                                        option.LastAccessed = currentDate;

                    catch (System.Net.WebException wex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Twitter did not recognize the credentials. Response from Twitter: " + wex.Message);

            return notifications;
        public List<Objects.Notification> TestForNotifications(List<Objects.Option> options)
            var notifications = new List<Objects.Notification>(options.Count);

            if (options.Count(x => x.Active) > 0)
                DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
                foreach (Objects.Option option in options.Where(x => x.Active))
                    switch ((PrototypeOptionId)option.OptionId)
                        case PrototypeOptionId.CountOption:
                            // if enough time has passed since we last accessed this
                            if ((currentDate - option.LastAccessed).TotalMinutes > option.Numerics[0])
                                int count = sr.Next(51);

                                if (count > 0)
                                    var newTweetCountNotification = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, this.WebsiteOrProgramAddress, 0, count.ToString() + " special notifications.", count.ToString() + " special notifications.", currentDate);
                                    option.LastAccessed = currentDate;
                        case PrototypeOptionId.CheckedOnlyOption:

                            int messageCount = sr.Next(3); // between 0 and 2 possible messages
                            for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++)
                                string msg = string.Empty;

                                switch (sr.Next(3))
                                    case 0:
                                        msg = "Message 1 occurred.";
                                    case 1:
                                        msg = "Message 2 occurred.";
                                    case 2:
                                        msg = "Message 3 occurred.";

                                var newDirectMessageNotification = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, this.WebsiteOrProgramAddress, 0, msg, "Alert: " + msg, currentDate);
                                option.LastAccessed = currentDate;

                        case PrototypeOptionId.GestureOption:
                            if (sr.Next(5) < 3) // 3 out of 4 will make notification
                                string emotion = "(neutral)";
                                Plugins.Gesture gesture = Plugins.Gesture.Neutral;
                                switch (sr.Next(4))
                                    case 1:
                                        emotion = "Happy";
                                        gesture = Plugins.Gesture.Happy;
                                    case 2:
                                        emotion = "Awkward";
                                        gesture = Plugins.Gesture.Awkward;
                                    case 3:
                                        emotion = "Surprised";
                                        gesture = Plugins.Gesture.Surprised;
                                FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification newMessageNotification = null;
                                        newMessageNotification = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, this.WebsiteOrProgramAddress, (int) gesture, emotion + " gesture received", null, currentDate);
                                option.LastAccessed = currentDate;

            return notifications;
        public List<Objects.Notification> TestForNotifications(List<Objects.Option> options)
            var notifications = new List<Objects.Notification>(options.Count);
            if (options.Count(x => x.Active) > 0)
                if (appClient == null)
                    var appAccessTokenLong = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("fbAppIdLong");
                    var appAccessToken = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("fbAppId");
                    appClient = new FacebookClient(appAccessTokenLong);

                    dynamic userResult = appClient.Post(string.Format("{0}/accounts/test-users", appAccessToken), new { installed = true, name = "Fritz Test", permissions = "manage_notifications" });
                    userClient = new FacebookClient((string)(userResult["access_token"]));
                    userId = userResult["id"];

                    DateTime currentDateLocal = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime currentDate = currentDateLocal.ToUniversalTime();
                    //DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
                    foreach (Objects.Option option in options.Where(x => x.Active))
                        switch ((FacebookOptionId)option.OptionId)
                            case FacebookOptionId.NewNotification:

                                DateTime ePoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
                                // Unix timestamp is seconds past epoch

                                var unixTimestampLastAccessed = DateTimeConvertor.ToUnixTime(option.LastAccessed);

                                //dynamic result = userClient.Get("fql", new { q = "SELECT author_id, body, source FROM message" });
                                dynamic result = userClient.Get("fql", new { q = "SELECT title_text, updated_time FROM notification WHERE recipient_id = " + userId });

                                if (result["data"].Count > 0)
                                    int index = 0;
                                    foreach (dynamic data in result["data"])
                                        if (data["updated_time"] > unixTimestampLastAccessed)
                                            var newMessageNotification = new FritzNotifier.Objects.Notification(this.NotificationApplication, this.WebsiteOrProgramAddress, (int)option.Gestures[0], "New Facebook notification: " + data["title_text"], null, currentDateLocal);
                                            option.LastAccessed = currentDate;
                                            Console.WriteLine("Setting last {0}", option.LastAccessed);

                catch (System.Net.WebException wex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Facebook did not recognize the credentials. Response from Facebook: " + wex.Message);

            return notifications;