Exemple #1
    // Called every frame while in playback to update the PlaybackFrisbee position
    void UpdatePositionFromList()
        if (animIndex < throwBuffer.Count - 1 && animIndex >= 0)
            if (throwBuffer[animIndex] != null)
                FrisbeeLocation location = throwBuffer[animIndex];

                frisbeeModel.transform.localRotation = location.rot;
                frisbeeModel.transform.localPosition = location.pos;
                //current = location;
            rateTimer += Time.deltaTime * speed;
            animIndex  = getListIndexFromTime(throwBuffer, rateTimer, animIndex);
            animIndex  = 1;
            rateTimer  = 0F;
            pauseUntil = Time.time + 1.0F;

        /*if (Time.frameCount % 100 == 0)
        *   Debug.Log("IDX: " + animIndex);*/
    // Handles the backtracking and saves the part of the throw that happened
    // before the detection occurred
    void HandleThrow()
        if (useOptitrackTimestamp)
            throwStartTime = OptitrackHiResTimer.Now().SecondsSince(customRB.zeroTime) - throwBacktrackingTime;
            throwStartTime = Time.time - throwBacktrackingTime;
        int firstThrowIndex = getBufferIndexFromTime(captureBuffer, throwStartTime);

        throwMode = 2;
        Debug.Log("Throw just began!");

        //get first FrisbeeLocation in throw
        FrisbeeLocation temp = captureBuffer.Get(firstThrowIndex);
        FrisbeeLocation prev = null;

        throwStartPos  = temp.pos;
        throwStartTime = temp.time;

        //reinitialize throwBuffer to empty list
        throwBuffer = new List <FrisbeeLocation>();

        //Transfer previous throwBacktrackingTime seconds of data to throwBuffer
        //to make sure that the beginning of the throw is not lost
        //TODO: maybe add a more sophisticated backtracking algorithm that is based on velocity
        for (int i = firstThrowIndex; i < captureBuffer.Count; i++)
            temp = captureBuffer.Get(i);
            //manually initialize first timestamp to zero
            if (i == firstThrowIndex)
                throwBuffer.Add(new FrisbeeLocation(temp.rot, temp.pos, 0F, 0F, 0F, temp.wasSeen));
                if (i - firstThrowIndex >= 2)
                    prev = throwBuffer[throwBuffer.Count - 2];
                    prev = throwBuffer[throwBuffer.Count - 1];
                float currentThrowTime = temp.time - throwStartTime; //rest of the timestamps will increment from zero
                //add backtracked points to throwBuffer
                throwBuffer.Add(new FrisbeeLocation(temp.rot, temp.pos, currentThrowTime, 0F, 0F, temp.wasSeen));
            //Debug.Log("ThrowBuffer: " + throwBuffer[throwBuffer.Count - 1].rotSpeed.ToString());
     * Buffers BUFFERCAPACITY number of previous FrisbeeLocations
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("r"))
            throwMode = 0;

        Vector3 currentPosition = new Vector3(trackingTarget.position.x, trackingTarget.position.y, trackingTarget.position.z);

        //add current FrisbeeLocation to back of queue
        //buffer has not yet reached full capacity
        bool  isSeen   = customRB.isSeen();
        float currTime = Time.time;

        if (isSeen && useOptitrackTimestamp)
            currTime = customRB.time();

        if (captureBuffer.Count < BUFFERCAPACITY - 1)
            captureBuffer.Add(new FrisbeeLocation(trackingTarget.localRotation, trackingTarget.localPosition, currTime, isSeen));
        else //buffer has reached BUFFERCAPACITY
            captureBuffer.RemoveFront(); //remove oldest FrisbeeLocation
            captureBuffer.Add(new FrisbeeLocation(trackingTarget.localRotation, trackingTarget.localPosition, currTime, isSeen));

        //0 = playback , 1 = waiting for throw + playback , 2 = throw in progress
        //Buffer first 2.5 seconds
        if (Time.time > scriptStartTime + 2.5F)
            HandleModeChanges(currentPosition);         //change mode when appropriate
        if (Throwing())
            // Throw has begun, add FrisbeeLocations to throwBuffer
            //Throw has begun, throwBuffer timestamps increment from zero
            FrisbeeLocation temp             = captureBuffer.Get(captureBuffer.Count - 1);
            float           currentThrowTime = temp.time - throwStartTime;

            throwBuffer.Add(new FrisbeeLocation(temp.rot, temp.pos, currentThrowTime, 0F, 0F, temp.wasSeen));

    //Detect if z-distance is greater than ending threshold (virtual wall)
    //Calculate speeds
    void HandleEnd(Vector3 position)
        if (position.z > threshold.ending)
            Debug.Log("hit max throw z-distance at: " + position.ToString("F3"));

            if (throwBuffer.Count > speedCalculationFrames * 2 + 10)
                for (int i = speedCalculationFrames; i < throwBuffer.Count - speedCalculationFrames; i++)
                    FrisbeeLocation temp   = throwBuffer[i + speedCalculationFrames];
                    FrisbeeLocation prev   = throwBuffer[i - speedCalculationFrames];
                    float           fSpeed = Vector3.Distance(temp.pos, prev.pos) / (temp.time - prev.time);

                    //this is experimental, we are not absolutely sure if this is the correct way to calculate rpm
                    float a = (Quaternion.Inverse(prev.rot) * temp.rot).eulerAngles.y;
                    float b = (Quaternion.Inverse(temp.rot) * prev.rot).eulerAngles.y;

                    float rSpeed = Mathf.Abs((Mathf.Min(a, b) / 360F) / (temp.time - prev.time));
                    rSpeed = rSpeed * 60F;

                    throwBuffer[i].forwardSpeed = fSpeed;
                    throwBuffer[i].rotSpeed     = rSpeed;

                //set beginning and end speeds
                for (int i = 0; i < speedCalculationFrames; i++)
                    throwBuffer[i].forwardSpeed = throwBuffer[speedCalculationFrames].forwardSpeed;
                    throwBuffer[i].rotSpeed     = throwBuffer[speedCalculationFrames].rotSpeed;
                for (int i = throwBuffer.Count - speedCalculationFrames; i < throwBuffer.Count; i++)
                    throwBuffer[i].forwardSpeed = throwBuffer[throwBuffer.Count - speedCalculationFrames - 1].forwardSpeed;
                    throwBuffer[i].rotSpeed     = throwBuffer[throwBuffer.Count - speedCalculationFrames - 1].rotSpeed;

            throwMode = 0;
            nextThrow = Time.time + throwRate;
Exemple #5
 // Updates the RecordingFrisbee location from csv file. Scaling and offset left for manual adjustment
 void UpdatePosition()
     if (animIndex < locationList.Count)
         if (locationList[animIndex] != null)
             FrisbeeLocation location = locationList[animIndex];
             frisbeeModel.transform.localRotation = location.rot;
             frisbeeModel.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Scale(location.pos - new Vector3(0F, 0F, 0F), posScale);
         animIndex  = (int)(rateTimer / (1 / 100F)); //presumes 100fps
         rateTimer += Time.deltaTime * speed;
         animIndex = 0;
         rateTimer = 0F;
         moving    = false;
Exemple #6
    // Simulates the frisbee with empirically based model in the z and y-axis, and simple constant velocity on the x-axis
    void simulateFrisbee()
        FrisbeeLocation cutoff      = null;
        int             cutoffIndex = 0;

        //Find a cutoff point where the frisbee is likely to still be in mid-flight
        foreach (FrisbeeLocation loc in throwBuffer)
            //cutoff default simulationBegin is 0.7 times the travel distance from throw start to throw end
            if (loc.pos.z - throwBuffer[0].pos.z > simulationBegin * (throwBuffer[throwBuffer.Count - 1].pos.z - throwBuffer[0].pos.z))
                cutoff = loc;

        if (cutoff != null)
            //Calculate the velocities and angle to ground plane
            FrisbeeLocation prevLoc          = throwBuffer[cutoffIndex - 4];
            double          vz0              = (cutoff.pos.z - prevLoc.pos.z) / (cutoff.time - prevLoc.time);
            double          vy0              = (cutoff.pos.y - prevLoc.pos.y) / (cutoff.time - prevLoc.time);
            double          vx0              = (cutoff.pos.x - prevLoc.pos.x) / (cutoff.time - prevLoc.time);
            Vector3         forwardDirection = cutoff.pos - prevLoc.pos;
            float pitch = Vector3.Angle(forwardDirection, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(forwardDirection, Vector3.up));

            //window of numerical integration is set to 0.001s
            List <FrisbeeLocation> simulated = pred.simulate3D(cutoff.pos.x, cutoff.pos.y, cutoff.pos.z, vx0, vy0, vz0, pitch, 0.001F);

            /*Debug.Log("Simulation len: " + simulated.Count);
             * Debug.Log("ThrowBuffer len: " + throwBuffer.Count);
             * Debug.Log("Cutoff and prev y-pos: " + cutoff.pos.y + " " + prevLoc.pos.y);
             * Debug.Log("Cutoff and prevloc timestamps" + cutoff.time + " " + prevLoc.time);
             * Debug.Log("Simulation parameters: " + cutoff.pos.y + " " + vz0 + " " + vy0 + " " + pitch);*/
            endingSpeedText.text = "Ending speed before simulation: " + cutoff.forwardSpeed.ToString("F1") + " m/s";
Exemple #7
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
         moving    = true;
         animIndex = 0;
         rateTimer = 0F;
         beginTime = Time.time;
     //Begin steady
     else if (Time.time < beginTime + 2.5F)
         FrisbeeLocation location = locationList[0];
         frisbeeModel.transform.localRotation = location.rot;
         frisbeeModel.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Scale(location.pos - new Vector3(0F, 0F, 0F), posScale);
     //Update the position from locationList
     else if (moving)