public string DoRename(FriendlyTorrentFileInfo torrentFileInfo, int itemIndex = 0) { try { StringBuilder newNameSb; string extension = Path.GetExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName); if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } else { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } string result = Regex.Unescape(Regex.Replace(newNameSb.ToString(), RegexFindText, ReplaceText)); newNameSb = new StringBuilder(result); if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb.Append(extension); } return(newNameSb.ToString()); } catch { return(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } }
// update all the new file name previews in FileNamesOldNewListView private void UpdateFileRenameListView() { ResetOldNewFileNameValues(); if (FileNamesOldNewListView.Items.Count > 0) { FileNamesOldNewListView.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); } if (Globals.RenameRules.Count > 0) { ToggleLoadingPanels(true); FileNamesOldNewListView.BeginUpdate(); foreach (IRenameRule renameRule in Globals.RenameRules) { if (renameRule.Enabled) { foreach (ListViewItem torrentFileItem in FileNamesOldNewListView.Items) { FriendlyTorrentFileInfo torrentFileInfo = (FriendlyTorrentFileInfo)torrentFileItem.Tag; torrentFileInfo.NewestName = renameRule.DoRename(torrentFileInfo, torrentFileItem.Index); torrentFileItem.SubItems[1].Text = torrentFileInfo.NewestName; if (torrentFileItem.Text != torrentFileInfo.NewestName) { torrentFileItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(235, 235, 255); } else { torrentFileItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); } } } } FileNamesOldNewListView.EndUpdate(); ToggleLoadingPanels(false); } }
public string DoRename(FriendlyTorrentFileInfo torrentFileInfo, int itemIndex = 0) { try { StringBuilder newNameSb; string extension = Path.GetExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName); if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } else { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } string oldNameStr = newNameSb.ToString(); string insertNumber = (itemIndex + NumberSequenceStart).ToString($"D{NumberSequenceLeadingZeroes + 1}"); if (Prefix) { newNameSb.Insert(0, NumberSequence ? insertNumber : InsertText); } else if (Suffix) { newNameSb.Append(NumberSequence ? insertNumber : InsertText); } else if (Position && PositionIndex != -1) { if (PositionRightToLeft) { newNameSb.Insert(newNameSb.Length - PositionIndex, NumberSequence ? insertNumber : InsertText); } else { newNameSb.Insert(PositionIndex, NumberSequence ? insertNumber : InsertText); } } else if (BeforeText && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BeforeTextStr)) { newNameSb.Insert(oldNameStr.IndexOf(BeforeTextStr), NumberSequence ? insertNumber : InsertText); } else if (AfterText && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AfterTextStr)) { newNameSb.Insert(oldNameStr.IndexOf(AfterTextStr) + AfterTextStr.Length, NumberSequence ? insertNumber : InsertText); } else if (ReplaceFileName) { newNameSb.Clear().Append(NumberSequence ? insertNumber : InsertText); } if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb.Append(extension); } return(newNameSb.ToString()); } catch { return(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } }
// load list of files of the selected torrent private async Task LoadTorrentFilesList() { ToggleLoadingPanels(true); Globals.SelectedTorrentFiles.Clear(); TorrentFileListTreeView.Nodes.Clear(); // prepare torrent file paths for TorrentFileListTreeView display List <string> torrentPaths = new List <string>(); foreach (TransmissionTorrentFiles torrentFile in Globals.SelectedTorrent.Torrent.Files) { FriendlyTorrentFileInfo friendlyTorrentFileInfo = new FriendlyTorrentFileInfo(torrentFile, Globals.SelectedTorrent.Torrent); torrentPaths.Add(item: friendlyTorrentFileInfo.InitialPath); } // populate TorrentFileListTreeView foreach (TreeNode node in GenerateTorrentFilesTreeViewItems(torrentPaths).Nodes) { node.Checked = true; TorrentFileListTreeView.Nodes.Add(node); } // update UI state TorrentFileListTreeView.BeginUpdate(); rootNode = TorrentFileListTreeView.GetNodeAt(0, 0); rootNode.Checked = true; rootNode.Expand(); TorrentFileListTreeView.EndUpdate(); await TorrentFileListTreeView.UpdateCounters(); ToggleLoadingPanels(false); }
public string DoRename(FriendlyTorrentFileInfo torrentFileInfo, int itemIndex = 0) { try { StringBuilder newNameSb; string extension = Path.GetExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName); if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } else { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } if (DeleteEntireFileName) { newNameSb.Clear(); if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb.Append(extension); } return(newNameSb.ToString()); } int fromDelimiterPos = 0; int toDelimiterPos = 0; if (FromDelimiter) { fromDelimiterPos = newNameSb.ToString().IndexOf(FromDelimiterStr); } if (ToDelimiter) { toDelimiterPos = newNameSb.ToString().IndexOf(ToDelimiterStr); } int removeStartIndex = FromPosition ? FromPositionIndex : fromDelimiterPos + (!KeepDelimiters ? 0 : FromDelimiterStr.Length); int removeLength = ToPosition ? (ToPositionIndex - removeStartIndex) : (toDelimiterPos + ToDelimiterStr.Length) - removeStartIndex - (!KeepDelimiters ? 0 : ToDelimiterStr.Length); if (DeleteToEnd) { removeLength = newNameSb.Length - removeStartIndex; } newNameSb.Remove(removeStartIndex, removeLength); if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb.Append(extension); } return(newNameSb.ToString()); } catch { return(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } }
private void ResetOldNewFileNameValues() { FileNamesOldNewListView.BeginUpdate(); foreach (ListViewItem torrentFileItem in FileNamesOldNewListView.Items) { FriendlyTorrentFileInfo torrentFileInfo = (FriendlyTorrentFileInfo)torrentFileItem.Tag; torrentFileInfo.NewestName = torrentFileInfo.InitialPath; torrentFileItem.SubItems[1].Text = torrentFileItem.Text; torrentFileItem.Tag = torrentFileInfo; torrentFileItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); } FileNamesOldNewListView.EndUpdate(); }
// generate TorrentFileListTreeView file, directory nodes // for reference public TreeNode GenerateTorrentFilesTreeViewItems(List <string> paths) { var rootNode = new TreeNode(); foreach (var path in paths.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Trim()))) { var currentNode = rootNode; var pathItems = path.Split('/'); bool isFile = false; foreach (var item in pathItems) { if (pathItems.ToList().IndexOf(item) == pathItems.Length - 1) { isFile = true; } var tmp = currentNode.Nodes.Cast <TreeNode>().Where(x => x.Text.Equals(item)); if (tmp.Count() > 0) { currentNode = tmp.Single(); } else { TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(item); // determine node type if (isFile) { FriendlyTorrentFileInfo torrentInfo = new FriendlyTorrentFileInfo(Globals.SelectedTorrent.Torrent.Files[paths.IndexOf(path)], Globals.SelectedTorrent.Torrent); treeNode.ImageIndex = 0; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 0; treeNode.Tag = torrentInfo; treeNode.ToolTipText = torrentInfo.InitialPath; } else { treeNode.ImageIndex = 1; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 1; treeNode.Tag = "Folder"; } currentNode.Nodes.Add(treeNode); currentNode = treeNode; } } } return(rootNode); }
public string DoRename(FriendlyTorrentFileInfo torrentFileInfo, int itemIndex = 0) { try { StringBuilder newNameSb; string extension = Path.GetExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName); if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } else { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } string result; if (AllOccurrences) { if (CaseSensitive) { newNameSb.Replace(RemoveText, ""); } else { result = Regex.Replace(newNameSb.ToString(), Regex.Escape(RemoveText), "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); newNameSb = new StringBuilder(result); } } else if (FirstOccurrence) { int index; if (CaseSensitive) { index = newNameSb.ToString().IndexOf(RemoveText, StringComparison.InvariantCulture); } else { index = newNameSb.ToString().IndexOf(RemoveText, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } if (index != -1) { newNameSb = (index < 0) ? newNameSb : newNameSb.Remove(index, RemoveText.Length); } } else if (LastOccurrence) { int index; if (CaseSensitive) { index = newNameSb.ToString().LastIndexOf(RemoveText, StringComparison.InvariantCulture); } else { index = newNameSb.ToString().LastIndexOf(RemoveText, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } if (index != -1) { newNameSb = (index < 0) ? newNameSb : newNameSb.Remove(index, RemoveText.Length); } } if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb.Append(extension); } return(newNameSb.ToString()); } catch { return(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } }
private async Task RenameTorrentFiles() { int success = 0, timeout = 0, failed = 0, current = 1, total = FileNamesOldNewListView.Items.Count; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { TotalFilesLabel.Text = $"Total files: {FileNamesOldNewListView.Items.Count}"; RenamingProgressBar.Maximum = total; }); for (int i = 0; i < FileNamesOldNewListView.Items.Count; i++) { if (!isAbortedOrFinished) { string curFilePath = null, newFileName = null; TorrentInfo torrent = null; Globals.RequestResult renameResult = Globals.RequestResult.Unknown; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { ListViewItem fileItem = FileNamesOldNewListView.Items[i]; FileNamesOldNewListView.Items[i].EnsureVisible(); FriendlyTorrentFileInfo friendlyTorrentFileInfo = (FriendlyTorrentFileInfo)fileItem.Tag; curFilePath = friendlyTorrentFileInfo.InitialPath; newFileName = friendlyTorrentFileInfo.NewestName; torrent = friendlyTorrentFileInfo.ParentTorrent; CurrentFileRenameLabel.Text = $"File {current} of {total}: {FileNamesOldNewListView.Items[i].Text}"; if (RenamingProgressBar.Value + 2 <= RenamingProgressBar.Maximum) { RenamingProgressBar.Value += 2; RenamingProgressBar.Value--; } else { RenamingProgressBar.Maximum++; RenamingProgressBar.Value += 2; RenamingProgressBar.Value--; RenamingProgressBar.Maximum--; } }); if (curFilePath != null && newFileName != null && torrent != null && (curFilePath != newFileName)) { renameResult = await Globals.SessionHandler.RenameTorrent(curFilePath, newFileName, torrent); switch (renameResult) { case Globals.RequestResult.Success: success++; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { FileNamesOldNewListView.Items[i].ImageIndex = 3; SuccessFilesLabel.Text = $"Success: {success}"; }); break; case Globals.RequestResult.Timeout: timeout++; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { FileNamesOldNewListView.Items[i].ImageIndex = 4; TimedOutFilesLabel.Text = $"Timed out: {timeout}"; }); break; case Globals.RequestResult.Error: failed++; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { FileNamesOldNewListView.Items[i].ImageIndex = 5; ErrorFilesLabel.Text = $"Error: {failed}"; }); break; case Globals.RequestResult.Unknown: Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { FileNamesOldNewListView.Items[i].ImageIndex = 5; }); break; default: MessageBox.Show("An unknown error has occurred. The renaming process will be cancelled.", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); RenamingProgressBar.SetState(1); isAbortedOrFinished = true; break; } } else { success++; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { FileNamesOldNewListView.Items[i].ImageIndex = 3; SuccessFilesLabel.Text = $"Success: {success}"; }); } current++; } else { break; } } }
public string DoRename(FriendlyTorrentFileInfo torrentFileInfo, int itemIndex = 0) { try { StringBuilder newNameSb; string extension = Path.GetExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName); if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } else { newNameSb = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } if (CleanLatinAlphabet) { if (CaseSensitive) { for (int i = 0; i < newNameSb.Length - 1; i++) { if (LatinAlphabet.Contains(newNameSb[i])) { foreach (char c in LatinAlphabet) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < newNameSb.Length - 1; i++) { if (LatinAlphabet.Contains(newNameSb[i].ToString().ToLower())) { foreach (char c in LatinAlphabet) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } foreach (char c in LatinAlphabetUpper) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } } } } } if (CleanDigits) { for (int i = 0; i < newNameSb.Length - 1; i++) { if (Digits.Contains(newNameSb[i])) { foreach (char c in Digits) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } } } } if (CleanBrackets) { for (int i = 0; i < newNameSb.Length - 1; i++) { if (Brackets.Contains(newNameSb[i])) { foreach (char c in Brackets) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } } } } if (CleanSymbols) { for (int i = 0; i < newNameSb.Length - 1; i++) { if (Symbols.Contains(newNameSb[i])) { foreach (char c in Symbols) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } } } } if (CleanUserDefined) { if (CaseSensitive) { for (int i = 0; i < newNameSb.Length - 1; i++) { if (CleanUserDefinedText.Contains(newNameSb[i])) { foreach (char c in CleanUserDefinedText) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < newNameSb.Length - 1; i++) { if (CleanUserDefinedText.Contains(newNameSb[i].ToString().ToLower())) { foreach (char c in CleanUserDefinedText.ToLower()) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } foreach (char c in CleanUserDefinedText.ToUpper()) { newNameSb.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } } } } } if (IgnoreExtension) { newNameSb.Append(extension); } return(newNameSb.ToString()); } catch { return(Path.GetFileName(torrentFileInfo.NewestName)); } }