public async Task getData() { progress = new Android.App.ProgressDialog(Activity); progress.Indeterminate = true; progress.SetProgressStyle(Android.App.ProgressDialogStyle.Spinner); progress.SetCancelable(false); progress.SetMessage("Please wait..."); progress.Show(); dynamic value = new ExpandoObject(); value.DesignationId = desig_Id; string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value); try { JsonValue item = await restService.FrequentList(Activity, json, geolocation).ConfigureAwait(false); freq = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FrequentList> >(item); db.InsertFrequentList(freq); if (freq.Count > 0) { adapter = new FrequentAdapter(Activity, freq); } gv.Adapter = adapter; progress.Dismiss(); } catch (Exception ex) { progress.Dismiss(); } progress.Dismiss(); }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View rootView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.frequent, container, false); gv = rootView.FindViewById <GridView>(Resource.Id.gv); prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(Activity); desig_Id = prefs.GetString("DesignationId", ""); geo = new Geolocation(); db = new DbHelper(); con = new InternetConnection(); geolocation = geo.GetGeoLocation(Activity); Boolean connectivity = con.connectivity(); if (connectivity) { getData(); } else { freq = db.GetFrequentList(); if (freq.Count > 0) { adapter = new FrequentAdapter(Activity, freq); } else { Toast.MakeText(Activity, "Couldn't find data for frequents. Please connect to the internet", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } gv.Adapter = adapter; } return(rootView); }