public static void SetHighStock(FreightCartStation station, ItemBase item, int stock) { if (item == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Freight cart window trying to set high stock for null item!"); } int lowstock = FreightCartManager.instance.GetLowStock(station.NetworkID, station.massStorageCrate, item); FreightCartManager.instance.UpdateRegistry(station.NetworkID, station.massStorageCrate, item, -1, stock); // Decrease request amount if offer amount goes below it to prevent cart looping if (stock < lowstock) { FreightCartWindow.SetLowStock(station, item, stock); } if (!WorldScript.mbIsServer) { NetworkManager.instance.SendInterfaceCommand(InterfaceName, InterfaceSetHighStock, stock.ToString(), item, station, 0f); } FreightCartWindow.dirty = true; station.MarkDirtyDelayed(); station.RequestImmediateNetworkUpdate(); }
public override bool ButtonClicked(string name, SegmentEntity targetEntity) { FreightCartStation station = targetEntity as FreightCartStation; if (name.Contains("registry")) // drag drop to a slot { int slotNum = -1; int.TryParse(name.Replace("registry", ""), out slotNum); //Get slot name as number List <FreightRegistry> registries = FreightCartManager.instance.GetFreightEntries(station.NetworkID, station.massStorageCrate); if (slotNum > -1) // valid slot { FreightCartWindow.RemoveRegistry(station, registries[slotNum].FreightItem); } return(true); } else if (name == "hopitemoffer") { if (station.HopperInterface.OfferItem == null) { return(true); } FreightCartWindow.SetHopperOfferItem(station, null); this.manager.RedrawWindow(); return(true); } else if (name == "hopitemrequest") { if (station.HopperInterface.RequestItem == null) { return(true); } FreightCartWindow.SetHopperRequestItem(station, null); this.manager.RedrawWindow(); return(true); } else if (name.Contains("switchlowstock")) { this.ChooseLowStock = true; this.manager.RedrawWindow(); return(true); } else if (name.Contains("switchhighstock")) { this.ChooseLowStock = false; this.manager.RedrawWindow(); return(true); } else if (name.Contains("decreasestock")) { int slotNum = -1; int.TryParse(name.Replace("decreasestock", ""), out slotNum); //Get slot name as number List <FreightRegistry> registries = FreightCartManager.instance.GetFreightEntries(station.NetworkID, station.massStorageCrate); if (slotNum > -1) // valid slot { int amount = 100; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) { amount = 10; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)) { amount = 1; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt)) { amount = 1000; } int stock; if (this.ChooseLowStock) { stock = registries[slotNum].LowStock - amount; if (stock < 0) { stock = 0; } FreightCartWindow.SetLowStock(station, registries[slotNum].FreightItem, stock); return(true); } else { stock = registries[slotNum].HighStock - amount; if (stock < 0) { stock = 0; } FreightCartWindow.SetHighStock(station, registries[slotNum].FreightItem, stock); return(true); } } } else if (name.Contains("increasestock")) { int slotNum = -1; int.TryParse(name.Replace("increasestock", ""), out slotNum); //Get slot name as number List <FreightRegistry> registries = FreightCartManager.instance.GetFreightEntries(station.NetworkID, station.massStorageCrate); if (slotNum > -1) // valid slot { int amount = this.ModifierItemCount(); int stock; if (this.ChooseLowStock) { stock = registries[slotNum].LowStock + amount; FreightCartWindow.SetLowStock(station, registries[slotNum].FreightItem, stock); return(true); } else { stock = registries[slotNum].HighStock + amount; FreightCartWindow.SetHighStock(station, registries[slotNum].FreightItem, stock); return(true); } } } else if (name == "hopofferdown") { int amount = station.HopperInterface.OfferLimit - this.ModifierItemCount(); if (amount < 0) { amount = 0; } FreightCartWindow.SetHopperOffer(station, amount); return(true); } else if (name == "hopofferup") { int amount = station.HopperInterface.OfferLimit + this.ModifierItemCount(); if (amount > station.HopperInterface.Machine.TotalCapacity) { amount = station.HopperInterface.Machine.TotalCapacity; } FreightCartWindow.SetHopperOffer(station, amount); return(true); } else if (name == "hoprequestdown") { int amount = station.HopperInterface.RequestLimit - this.ModifierItemCount(); if (amount < 0) { amount = 0; } FreightCartWindow.SetHopperRequest(station, amount); return(true); } else if (name == "hoprequestup") { int amount = station.HopperInterface.RequestLimit + this.ModifierItemCount(); FreightCartWindow.SetHopperRequest(station, amount); return(true); } else if (name.Contains("searchcancel")) { this.ItemSearchWindow = false; this.SearchResults = null; UIManager.mbEditingTextField = false; UIManager.RemoveUIRules("TextEntry"); this.EntryString = ""; GenericMachinePanelScript.instance.Scroll_Bar.GetComponent <UIScrollBar>().scrollValue = 0.0f; this.manager.RedrawWindow(); return(true); } else if (name.Contains("itemicon")) { int slotNum = -1; int.TryParse(name.Replace("itemicon", ""), out slotNum); //Get slot name as number if (slotNum > -1) { switch (eSearchType) { case SearchType.Registry: FreightCartWindow.AddRegistry(station, this.SearchResults[slotNum]); break; case SearchType.HopperOffer: FreightCartWindow.SetHopperOfferItem(station, this.SearchResults[slotNum]); break; case SearchType.HopperRequest: FreightCartWindow.SetHopperRequestItem(station, this.SearchResults[slotNum]); break; } this.SearchResults = null; this.ItemSearchWindow = false; this.EntryString = ""; GenericMachinePanelScript.instance.Scroll_Bar.GetComponent <UIScrollBar>().scrollValue = 0.0f; return(true); } } else if (name == "namenetwork") { this.SetNetworkID = true; this.Redraw(targetEntity); return(true); } else if (name == "stationname") { this.SetName = true; this.Redraw(targetEntity); return(true); } else if (name == "namestorage") { this.SetInventoryName = true; this.Redraw(targetEntity); return(true); } else if (name == "networkidcancel") { this.SetNetworkID = false; this.SetName = false; this.SetInventoryName = false; UIManager.mbEditingTextField = false; UIManager.RemoveUIRules("TextEntry"); this.EntryString = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(station.NetworkID)) { GenericMachinePanelScript.instance.Hide(); return(true); } this.manager.RedrawWindow(); } else if (name == "setfreight") { this.SetFreightItems = true; this.manager.RedrawWindow(); return(true); } else if (name == "freightdone") { this.SetFreightItems = false; this.manager.RedrawWindow(); return(true); } else if (name == "increasecarts") { int amount = 1; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) { amount = 10; } FreightCartWindow.SetCartAssignment(station, station.AssignedCarts + amount); return(true); } else if (name == "decreasecarts") { int amount = 1; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) { amount = 10; } FreightCartWindow.SetCartAssignment(station, station.AssignedCarts - amount < 0 ? 0 : station.AssignedCarts - amount); return(true); } else if (name == "toggleload") { FreightCartWindow.ToggleLoadStatus(station, !station.mbWaitForFullLoad ? "Full" : "Any"); return(true); } else if (name == "toggleoffer") { FreightCartWindow.ToggleOfferAll(station, !station.OfferAll ? "All" : "registry"); return(true); } else if (name == "togglecarttier") { FreightCartWindow.ToggleCartTier(station, station.CartTier); return(true); } return(false); }
public static NetworkInterfaceResponse HandleNetworkCommand(Player player, NetworkInterfaceCommand nic) { FreightCartStation station = as FreightCartStation; string command = nic.command; if (command != null) { if (command == InterfaceRemoveReg) { FreightCartWindow.RemoveRegistry(station, nic.itemContext); } else if (command == InterfaceSetLowStock) { int stock = -1; int.TryParse(nic.payload ?? "-1", out stock); FreightCartWindow.SetLowStock(station, nic.itemContext, stock); } else if (command == InterfaceSetHighStock) { int stock = -1; int.TryParse(nic.payload ?? "-1", out stock); FreightCartWindow.SetHighStock(station, nic.itemContext, stock); } else if (command == InterfaceAssignedCarts) { int carts = 0; int.TryParse(nic.payload ?? "-1", out carts); FreightCartWindow.SetCartAssignment(station, carts); } else if (command == InterfaceCartTier) { int carttier = 0; int.TryParse(nic.payload ?? "2", out carttier); FreightCartWindow.ToggleCartTier(station, carttier); } else if (command == InterfaceHopperHigh) { int offer = -1; int.TryParse(nic.payload ?? "-1", out offer); FreightCartWindow.SetHopperOffer(station, offer); } else if (command == InterfaceHopperLow) { int request = -1; int.TryParse(nic.payload ?? "-1", out request); FreightCartWindow.SetHopperRequest(station, request); } else if (command == InterfaceToggleLoad) { FreightCartWindow.ToggleLoadStatus(station, nic.payload); } else if (command == InterfaceToggleOffer) { FreightCartWindow.ToggleOfferAll(station, nic.payload); } else if (command == InterfaceAddReg) { FreightCartWindow.AddRegistry(station, nic.itemContext); } else if (command == InterfaceSetNetwork) { FreightCartWindow.SetNetwork(station, nic.payload); } else if (command == InterfaceSetName) { FreightCartWindow.SetStationName(station, nic.payload); } else if (command == InterfaceSetInventoryName) { FreightCartWindow.NameInventory(station, nic.payload); } else if (command == InterfaceCopyFreight) { FreightCartWindow.CopyFreight(station); } else if (command == InterfacePasteFreight) { FreightCartWindow.PasteFreight(station); } else if (command == InterfaceHopperOffer) { FreightCartWindow.SetHopperOfferItem(station, nic.itemContext); } else if (command == InterfaceHopperRequest) { FreightCartWindow.SetHopperRequestItem(station, nic.itemContext); } } return(new NetworkInterfaceResponse { entity = station, inventory = player.mInventory }); }