Exemple #1
        private void clearAll()
            // We assume no-one else is using this FreeNAS server right now. We delete everything on it. >:D
            // We do, however, avoid deleting anything beginning with 'blade', so its sort-of safe to run this on
            // the production FreeNAS install, if no-one else is using it, and the only iscsi info you want to keep
            // begins with this string.

            FreeNASWithCaching foo = new FreeNASWithCaching(nashostname, nasusername, naspassword);

            foreach (iscsiTarget tgt in foo.getISCSITargets().Where(x => !x.targetName.StartsWith("blade")))

            foreach (iscsiExtent ext in foo.getExtents().Where(x => !x.iscsi_target_extent_name.StartsWith("blade")))

            foreach (iscsiTargetToExtentMapping tte in foo.getTargetToExtents())
                var tgt = foo.getISCSITargets().SingleOrDefault(x => x.id == tte.iscsi_target);
                var ext = foo.getExtents().SingleOrDefault(x => x.id == tte.iscsi_extent);
                if (tgt == null || ext == null)

Exemple #2
        public void canInvalidateThings()
            // Here, we use a second FreeNAS instance to modify data on the server. We then invalidate the first, and ensure that
            // the differences are seen.
            string testPrefix = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            FreeNASWithCaching uut       = new FreeNASWithCaching(nashostname, nasusername, naspassword);
            FreeNAS            directNAS = new FreeNAS(nashostname, nasusername, naspassword);

            // Make a test file to export
            using (SSHExecutor exec = new SSHExecutor(nashostname, nasusername, naspassword))
                exec.startExecutable("touch", nastempspace + "/testfile");
            // Add a targets, extents, and target-to-extents
            iscsiTarget tgt = directNAS.addISCSITarget(new iscsiTarget()
                targetName = testPrefix, targetAlias = "idk lol"

            directNAS.createTargetGroup(directNAS.getPortals()[0], tgt);
            iscsiExtent ext = directNAS.addISCSIExtent(new iscsiExtent()
                iscsi_target_extent_name = testPrefix,
                iscsi_target_extent_type = "File",
                iscsi_target_extent_path = nastempspace + "/testfile"

            directNAS.addISCSITargetToExtent(tgt.id, ext);

            // The uut should now be out-of-date
            Assert.AreNotEqual(uut.getExtents().Count, directNAS.getExtents().Count);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(uut.getISCSITargets().Count, directNAS.getISCSITargets().Count);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(uut.getTargetToExtents().Count, directNAS.getTargetToExtents().Count);

            // Invalidate the uut and check that it is then up-to-date.
            Assert.AreEqual(uut.getExtents().Count, directNAS.getExtents().Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(uut.getISCSITargets().Count, directNAS.getISCSITargets().Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(uut.getTargetToExtents().Count, directNAS.getTargetToExtents().Count);
Exemple #3
        public void extentDeletionImpliesTTEDeletion()
            string testPrefix = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            FreeNASWithCaching foo = new FreeNASWithCaching(nashostname, nasusername, naspassword);

            int origExtentCount = foo.getExtents().Count;
            int origTargetCount = foo.getISCSITargets().Count;
            int origTTECount    = foo.getTargetToExtents().Count;

            // Make a test file to export
            string filePath = nastempspace + "/" + testPrefix;

            using (SSHExecutor exec = new SSHExecutor(nashostname, nasusername, naspassword))
                exec.startExecutable("touch", filePath);

            iscsiTarget tgt1 = foo.addISCSITarget(new iscsiTarget()
                targetName = testPrefix
            iscsiExtent ext1 = foo.addISCSIExtent(new iscsiExtent()
                iscsi_target_extent_name = testPrefix,
                iscsi_target_extent_type = "File",
                iscsi_target_extent_path = filePath

            iscsiTargetToExtentMapping tte1 = foo.addISCSITargetToExtent(tgt1.id, ext1);



            Assert.AreEqual(origTTECount, foo.getTargetToExtents().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(origTargetCount + 1, foo.getISCSITargets().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(origExtentCount, foo.getExtents().Count());