private static string GetGroupLine(FrameworkRef framework)
     return(String.Format("\t\t\t\t{0} /* {1} */,",
                          framework.FileRefId, framework.Name));
    private static void AddFrameworksToXCodeProj(string xCodeProjPath, List <FrameworkRef> frameworks)
        string pbxProj = Path.Combine(xCodeProjPath, "project.pbxproj");

        string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(pbxProj);

        Regex            idRegex = new Regex(@"^\s+(?<id>[0-9A-F]{24})\s+/\*.*?\*/ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = (?<fileref>[0-9A-F]{24})", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
        HashSet <string> usedIds = new HashSet <string>();

        // Remove frameworks that are already in the pbxproj;
        // Save used framework IDs
        foreach (string line in lines)
            for (int i = frameworks.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                if (line.Contains(frameworks[i].Name))

                Match m = idRegex.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)

        // Change the IDs of the new frameworks if necessary
        for (int i = 0; i < frameworks.Count; ++i)
            FrameworkRef fr = frameworks[i];

            while (usedIds.Contains(fr.Id))
                fr.Id = GenerateNewFrameworkId();

            while (usedIds.Contains(fr.FileRefId))
                fr.FileRefId = GenerateNewFrameworkId();

        // Iterate over the lines again, this time adding the remaining framework refs
        string currentSection              = string.Empty;
        bool   addedToBuildFile            = false;
        bool   addedToFileReferences       = false;
        bool   addedToFrameworksBuildPhase = false;
        bool   addedToGroup = false;

        List <string> output = new List <string>(lines.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
            string line = lines[i];

            // Copy the line to output

            // Search for a section start, e.g. "/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */"
            bool sectionStart = false;
            if (line.StartsWith("/* Begin"))
                currentSection = line.Split(' ')[2];
                sectionStart   = true;
            else if (line.StartsWith("/* End"))
                currentSection = string.Empty;

            if (sectionStart && currentSection == "PBXBuildFile")
                foreach (var framework in frameworks)
                    string projline = GetBuildFileLine(framework);
                addedToBuildFile = true;

            if (sectionStart && currentSection == "PBXFileReference")
                foreach (var framework in frameworks)
                    string projline = GetFileReferenceLine(framework);
                addedToFileReferences = true;

            if (currentSection == "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase" &&
                line.Contains("files = ("))
                foreach (var framework in frameworks)
                    string projline = GetFrameworksBuildPhaseLine(framework);
                addedToFrameworksBuildPhase = true;

            if (currentSection == "PBXGroup" &&
                line.Contains("children = (") &&
                i >= 2 &&
                lines[i - 2].Contains("/* CustomTemplate */"))
                foreach (var framework in frameworks)
                    string projline = GetGroupLine(framework);
                addedToGroup = true;

        LogErrors(addedToBuildFile, addedToFileReferences, addedToFrameworksBuildPhase, addedToGroup);

        File.WriteAllLines(pbxProj, output.ToArray());
 private static string GetFileReferenceLine(FrameworkRef framework)
     return(String.Format("\t\t{0} /* {1} */ = {{isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = {1}; path = {2}/{1}; sourceTree = SDKROOT; }};",
                          framework.FileRefId, framework.Name, framework.Path));
 private static string GetFrameworksBuildPhaseLine(FrameworkRef framework)
     return(String.Format("\t\t\t\t{0} /* {1} in Frameworks */,",
                          framework.Id, framework.Name));
 private static string GetBuildFileLine(FrameworkRef framework)
     return(String.Format("\t\t{0} /* {1} in Frameworks */ = {{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = {2} /* {1} */; }};",
                          framework.Id, framework.Name, framework.FileRefId));
	private static string GetGroupLine (FrameworkRef framework)
		return String.Format("\t\t\t\t{0} /* {1} */,",
			framework.FileRefId, framework.Name);
	private static string GetFrameworksBuildPhaseLine (FrameworkRef framework)
		return String.Format("\t\t\t\t{0} /* {1} in Frameworks */,",
			framework.Id, framework.Name);
	private static string GetFileReferenceLine (FrameworkRef framework)
		return String.Format("\t\t{0} /* {1} */ = {{isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = {1}; path = {2}/{1}; sourceTree = SDKROOT; }};",
			framework.FileRefId, framework.Name, framework.Path);
	private static string GetBuildFileLine (FrameworkRef framework)
		return String.Format("\t\t{0} /* {1} in Frameworks */ = {{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = {2} /* {1} */; }};",
			framework.Id, framework.Name, framework.FileRefId);