Exemple #1
            public static PointF Dimensions; //The dimensions of the game
            public game_obj(uint Width, uint Height, uint FrameRate, string Name)
                FrameRateController.Initialize(FrameRate);                    //Controls the Framerate to be at 60 FPS

                Components           = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); //Form Setup
                this.AutoScaleMode   = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
                this.Text            = Name;
                this.Width           = (int)Width;
                this.Height          = (int)Height;
                this.Visible         = true;
                this.MinimizeBox     = false;
                this.MaximizeBox     = false;
                this.StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
                this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                this.BackColor      = Color.Black;
                this.DoubleBuffered = true;
                this.Paint         += Game_Paint;

                this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(Game_KeyDown); //Keyboard Input Handler setup
                this.KeyUp   += new KeyEventHandler(Game_KeyUp);

                Dimensions = new PointF(Width, Height);      //Sets the dimensions of the game
                XInputWrapper.XboxController.StartPolling(); //Start checking the XBoxController for input and updating the state

                this.FormClosing += (object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) =>
                    running = false;
        // 初期化
        private void AboutDialog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // ウィンドウサイズはここで指定する
            ClientSize = new Size(width: 400, height: 225);

            // フィールドの初期化
            controller = new FrameRateController(owner: this, fps: 60);
            device     = new GraphicsDevice(this);
            manager    = new TaskManager(capacity: 50);
            rand       = new Random();

            // 固定表示するタスクを生成
            manager.Add(new Background());
            manager.Add(new PanelLayer(color: Color.FromArgb(192, 128, 128, 128), x: 16.0f, y: 32.0f, width: 368.0f, height: 96.0f, priority: 0.9f));
            manager.Add(new IconLayer(x: 32.0f, y: 48.0f, priority: 0.95f));
            manager.Add(new TextLayer(text: AssemblyInfo.Title, emSize: 10.0f, color: Color.White, x: 112.0f, y: 48.0f, priority: 0.95f));
            manager.Add(new TextLayer(text: $"Version {AssemblyInfo.Version.ToString(3)}", emSize: 10.0f, color: Color.White, x: 112.0f, y: 70.0f, priority: 0.95f));
            manager.Add(new TextLayer(text: AssemblyInfo.Copyright, emSize: 10.0f, color: Color.White, x: 112.0f, y: 92.0f, priority: 0.95f));

            // メインループの実行
            controller.RunAsync(() =>