public void LoadFrame(FrameInfoCP thisFrame)
            if (thisFrame.SectionList.Count != 3)
                throw new BasicBlankException("Must have 3 sections, not " + thisFrame.SectionList.Count);
            _thisGrid = new Grid();
            int x;

            for (x = 1; x <= 3; x++)
                GridHelper.AddLeftOverColumn(_thisGrid, 1);
                if (x < 3)
                    GridHelper.AddLeftOverRow(_thisGrid, 1);// for equal
            BlankBowlingBorderXF mainOne = new BlankBowlingBorderXF();

            Grid.SetRowSpan(mainOne, 2);
            Grid.SetColumnSpan(mainOne, 3);
            Label thisLabel = new Label();

            thisLabel.BindingContext = thisFrame;
            Binding thisBind = new Binding(nameof(FrameInfoCP.Score));
            var     thisCon  = new BowlingConverterXF();

            thisBind.Converter  = thisCon;
            thisLabel.TextColor = Color.White;
            thisLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, thisBind);
            thisLabel.FontSize = 10;
            GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisLabel, 1, 0);
            Grid.SetColumnSpan(thisLabel, 3); // use all 3 columns
            thisLabel.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center;
            int SectionSize = 20;             // trial and error

            for (x = 1; x <= 3; x++)
                BlankBowlingBorderXF thisBlank = new BlankBowlingBorderXF();
                thisBlank.WidthRequest  = SectionSize;
                thisBlank.HeightRequest = 13;
                GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisBlank, 0, x - 1);
                thisLabel                   = new Label();
                thisLabel.TextColor         = Color.White;
                thisLabel.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center;
                thisLabel.FontSize          = 10;
                thisLabel.HeightRequest     = 13;
                thisLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(SectionInfoCP.Score)));
                thisLabel.BindingContext = thisFrame.SectionList[x]; // not 0 based because of dictionary.  the key starts with 1
                GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisLabel, 0, x - 1);
            Content = _thisGrid;
        public void SavedFrame(FrameInfoCP thisFrame)
            var thisFirst = _thisGrid !.Children[1];
            var thisLabel = (Label)thisFirst; // this should be fine.

            thisLabel.BindingContext = thisFrame;
            for (var x = 1; x <= 3; x++)
                thisLabel = FindLabel(0, x - 1);
                thisLabel.BindingContext = null; //this may have to be done (?)
                thisLabel.BindingContext = thisFrame.SectionList[x];
 private void LoadPlayerFrames()
     PlayerList !.ForEach(items =>
         10.Times(x =>
             FrameInfoCP thisFrame = new FrameInfoCP();
             3.Times(y =>
                 SectionInfoCP thisSection = new SectionInfoCP();
                 thisSection.Score         = "0";
                 thisFrame.SectionList.Add(y, thisSection);
             items.FrameList.Add(x, thisFrame);