// Interval, Timer, Delay, Sample, Throttle, Timeout

        public static IObservable <Unit> NextFrame(FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
            return(FromMicroCoroutine <Unit>((observer, cancellation) => NextFrameCore(observer, cancellation), frameCountType));
 public static IObservable <long> IntervalFrame(int intervalFrameCount, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
     return(TimerFrame(intervalFrameCount, intervalFrameCount, frameCountType));
 /// <summary>
 /// MicroCoroutine is lightweight, fast coroutine dispatcher.
 /// IEnumerator supports only yield return null.
 /// </summary>
 public static IObservable <T> FromMicroCoroutine <T>(Func <IObserver <T>, IEnumerator> coroutine, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
     return(FromMicroCoroutine <T>((observer, cancellationToken) => WrapToCancellableEnumerator(coroutine(observer), cancellationToken), frameCountType));
 /// <summary>
 /// MicroCoroutine is lightweight, fast coroutine dispatcher.
 /// IEnumerator supports only yield return null.
 /// </summary>
 public static IObservable <T> FromMicroCoroutine <T>(Func <IObserver <T>, CancellationToken, IEnumerator> coroutine, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
     return(new UniRx.Operators.FromMicroCoroutineObservable <T>(coroutine, frameCountType));
 /// <summary>
 /// Wait command in during target frame counts.
 /// </summary>
 public static IObservable <Unit> BatchFrame(this IObservable <Unit> source, int frameCount, FrameCountType frameCountType)
     if (frameCount < 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("frameCount must be >= 0, frameCount:" + frameCount);
     return(new UniRx.Operators.BatchFrameObservable(source, frameCount, frameCountType));
 /// <summary>
 /// MicroCoroutine is lightweight, fast coroutine dispatcher.
 /// IEnumerator supports only yield return null.
 /// If publishEveryYield = true then publish OnNext every yield return else return once on enumeration completed.
 /// </summary>
 public static IObservable <Unit> FromMicroCoroutine(Func <CancellationToken, IEnumerator> coroutine, bool publishEveryYield = false, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
     return(FromMicroCoroutine <Unit>((observer, cancellationToken) => WrapEnumerator(coroutine(cancellationToken), observer, cancellationToken, publishEveryYield), frameCountType));
Exemple #7
 public static IObservable <TSource> ThrottleFirstFrame <TSource>(this IObservable <TSource> source, int frameCount, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
     if (frameCount < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frameCount");
     return(new UniRx.Operators.ThrottleFirstFrameObservable <TSource>(source, frameCount, frameCountType));
Exemple #8
 public static IObservable <T> DelayFrameSubscription <T>(this IObservable <T> source, int frameCount, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
     if (frameCount < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frameCount");
     return(new UniRx.Operators.DelayFrameSubscriptionObservable <T>(source, frameCount, frameCountType));
Exemple #9
 public static IObservable <long> TimerFrame(int dueTimeFrameCount, int periodFrameCount, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
     return(FromMicroCoroutine <long>((observer, cancellation) => TimerFrameCore(observer, dueTimeFrameCount, periodFrameCount, cancellation), frameCountType));
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// MicroCoroutine is lightweight, fast coroutine dispatcher.
 /// IEnumerator supports only yield return null.
 /// </summary>
 public static IObservable <T> FromMicroCoroutine <T>(Func <IObserver <T>, IEnumerator> coroutine, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update)
     return(FromMicroCoroutine <T>((observer, _) => coroutine(observer)));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish target property when value is changed. If source is destroyed/destructed, publish OnCompleted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fastDestroyCheck">If true and target is UnityObject, use destroyed check by additional component. It is faster check for lifecycle but needs initial cost.</param>
        public static IObservable <TProperty> ObserveEveryValueChanged <TSource, TProperty>(this TSource source, Func <TSource, TProperty> propertySelector, FrameCountType frameCountType, IEqualityComparer <TProperty> comparer, bool fastDestroyCheck)
            where TSource : class
            if (source == null)
                return(Observable.Empty <TProperty>());
            if (comparer == null)
                comparer = UnityEqualityComparer.GetDefault <TProperty>();

            var unityObject   = source as UnityEngine.Object;
            var isUnityObject = source is UnityEngine.Object;

            if (isUnityObject && unityObject == null)
                return(Observable.Empty <TProperty>());

            // MicroCoroutine does not publish value immediately, so publish value on subscribe.
            if (isUnityObject)
                return(ObservableUnity.FromMicroCoroutine <TProperty>((observer, cancellationToken) =>
                    if (unityObject != null)
                        var firstValue = default(TProperty);
                            firstValue = propertySelector((TSource)(object)unityObject);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            return EmptyEnumerator();

                        return PublishUnityObjectValueChanged(unityObject, firstValue, propertySelector, comparer, observer, cancellationToken, fastDestroyCheck);
                        return EmptyEnumerator();
                }, frameCountType));
                var reference = new WeakReference(source);
                source = null;

                return(ObservableUnity.FromMicroCoroutine <TProperty>((observer, cancellationToken) =>
                    var target = reference.Target;
                    if (target != null)
                        var firstValue = default(TProperty);
                            firstValue = propertySelector((TSource)target);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            return EmptyEnumerator();
                            target = null;

                        return PublishPocoValueChanged(reference, firstValue, propertySelector, comparer, observer, cancellationToken);
                        return EmptyEnumerator();
                }, frameCountType));
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Publish target property when value is changed. If source is destroyed/destructed, publish OnCompleted.
 /// </summary>
 public static IObservable <TProperty> ObserveEveryValueChanged <TSource, TProperty>(this TSource source, Func <TSource, TProperty> propertySelector, FrameCountType frameCountType, IEqualityComparer <TProperty> comparer)
     where TSource : class
     return(ObserveEveryValueChanged(source, propertySelector, frameCountType, comparer, false));
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Publish target property when value is changed. If source is destroyed/destructed, publish OnCompleted.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fastDestroyCheck">If true and target is UnityObject, use destroyed check by additional component. It is faster check for lifecycle but needs initial cost.</param>
 public static IObservable <TProperty> ObserveEveryValueChanged <TSource, TProperty>(this TSource source, Func <TSource, TProperty> propertySelector, FrameCountType frameCountType = FrameCountType.Update, bool fastDestroyCheck = false)
     where TSource : class
     return(ObserveEveryValueChanged(source, propertySelector, frameCountType, UnityEqualityComparer.GetDefault <TProperty>(), fastDestroyCheck));