Exemple #1
 private void Initialize(FractalScript parent, int childIndex)
     mesh                    = parent.mesh;
     material                = parent.material;
     maxDepth                = parent.maxDepth;
     depth                   = parent.depth + 1;
     childScale              = parent.childScale;
     transform.parent        = parent.transform;
     transform.localScale    = Vector3.one * childScale;
     transform.localPosition = childDirections[childIndex] * (0.5f + 0.5f * childScale);
     transform.localRotation = childOrientations[childIndex];
Exemple #2
    // Establishes variables for new children objects which were set for original object
    // Just put all the variables up there in here. Just set variable = parent.variable if u wanna keep it the same
    void InitializeObjects(FractalScript parent, int childIndex)
        meshs     = parent.meshs;
        materials = parent.materials;

        maxDepth = parent.maxDepth;
        // Increases the depth of the object ensuring the recursive (shout out to big J) loop caused by the creation of multiple instances of this script is stopped eventually
        depth = parent.depth + 1;

        // sets childScale for new object
        randomChildScale   = parent.randomChildScale;
        originalChildScale = parent.originalChildScale;
        if (randomChildScale)
            childScale = parent.originalChildScale * Random.Range(minChildMultiplier, maxChildMultiplier);
            childScale = parent.childScale;

        spawnProbablility = parent.spawnProbablility;

        maxRotationSpeed = parent.maxRotationSpeed;

        maxTwist = parent.maxTwist;

        //  this nests the new object in the parent
        transform.parent = parent.transform;

        // sets the scale of the object equal to (1,1,1) * childscale
        transform.localScale = Vector3.one * childScale;
        // Moves the new block up 0.5 + half the block size relative to the parent object
        transform.localPosition = childDirections[childIndex] * (0.5f + 0.5f * childScale);
        // Adjusts rotation so that blocks are not created inside of each other.
        transform.localRotation = childOrientations[childIndex];