public override void OnAfterSubmit(FormData formData, FormSubmittedData submittedFormData, string formXml, CmsEventArgs eventArgs) { var formFieldDataItem = submittedFormData.DataItems.ToList().FirstOrDefault(x => x.FieldName == "EktFormId"); //act upon the form submit results }
public override void OnAfterSubmit(FormData formData, FormSubmittedData submittedFormData, string formXml, Cms.Extensibility.CmsEventArgs eventArgs) { // first we need to retrieve the EktGUID from the ecm cookie. dxhManager = new DxHUserConnectionManager(Cms.Framework.ApiAccessMode.LoggedInUser); string siteURL = Ektron.Cms.Common.EkFunctions.GetURLBase(commonApi.RequestInformationRef.HostUrl, Convert.ToInt32(commonApi.RequestInformationRef.HostPort), commonApi.RequestInformationRef.HttpsProtocol == "on", Convert.ToInt32(commonApi.RequestInformationRef.HostSSLPort), false) + commonApi.RequestInformationRef.SitePath; string visitorId = commonApi.RequestInformationRef.ClientEktGUID; long userId = eventArgs.RequestInformation.UserId; submittedFormData.DataItems = injectFormFields(submittedFormData, formData.Id, visitorId); string[] strKeyValues = new string[2] { "dxhvisitorguid|" + visitorId.ToString(), "siteURL|" + siteURL }; #region EktronFormServiceClient if (DxHUtils.IsDxHActive()) { var dxhFormServiceBinding = new NetTcpBinding { Security = { Mode = SecurityMode.None } }; var existingConnection = DxHUtils.GetDxhUrl(); var url = string.Format(FormServiceEndpoint, existingConnection.EndPoint.ToLower().Replace("/contextbus", "/")); var dxhFormServiceEndPoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(url)); var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IEktronFormService>(dxhFormServiceBinding, dxhFormServiceEndPoint); var efsClient = channelFactory.CreateChannel(); try { ((IClientChannel)efsClient).Open(); efsClient.submitFormData(formData, submittedFormData, strKeyValues); ((IClientChannel)efsClient).Close(); channelFactory.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { EkException.LogException(ex, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); ((IClientChannel)efsClient).Abort(); } finally { switch (((IClientChannel)efsClient).State) { case CommunicationState.Opened: ((IClientChannel)efsClient).Close(); break; case CommunicationState.Opening: case CommunicationState.Closing: break; case CommunicationState.Faulted: ((IClientChannel)efsClient).Abort(); break; } } } #endregion base.OnAfterSubmit(formData, submittedFormData, formXml, eventArgs); }
private FormFieldDataItem[] injectFormFields(FormSubmittedData submittedFormData, long formId, string visitorId) { bool bFoundFormId = false; bool bFoundFormDataId = false; bool bFoundhubspotusertoken = false; bool ishubspot = false; string hubspotcookie = string.Empty; int iIncrementer = 2; // number of fields to inject includes formid, formdataid, hubspotusertoken int j = 0; // another counter if (this.GetTargetObjectDefinitionId(formId).ToLower() == "") { iIncrementer++; ishubspot = true; if (HttpContext.Current != null) hubspotcookie = (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["hubspotutk"] != null ? HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["hubspotutk"].Value : ""); if (submittedFormData.DataItems.Any(p => p.FieldName.ToLower().Equals("dxhhubspotusertoken"))) { string cookievalue = submittedFormData.DataItems.Single(p => p.FieldName.ToLower().Equals("dxhhubspotusertoken")).DataValue.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookievalue)) { submittedFormData.DataItems.Single(p => p.FieldName.ToLower().Equals("dxhhubspotusertoken")).DataValue = hubspotcookie; } iIncrementer--; bFoundhubspotusertoken = true; } } // iterate through all of the fields to find dxhformid and/or dxhformdataid. // if they are found we will check if they have values. If they have no values // we will fill them in. for (int i = 0; i < submittedFormData.DataItems.Count(); i++) { if (submittedFormData.DataItems[i].FieldName.ToLower().Equals("dxhformid")) { if (submittedFormData.DataItems[i].DataValue.ToString().Equals(string.Empty)) { submittedFormData.DataItems[i].DataValue = formId.ToString(); } iIncrementer--; bFoundFormId = true; } else if (submittedFormData.DataItems[i].FieldName.ToLower().Equals("dxhformdataid")) { if (submittedFormData.DataItems[i].DataValue.ToString().Equals(string.Empty)) { submittedFormData.DataItems[i].DataValue = submittedFormData.Id.ToString(); } iIncrementer--; bFoundFormDataId = true; } } // we create a new array based on the original field count + any additional fields needed // which may include formid, formdataid FormFieldDataItem[] dataItems = new FormFieldDataItem[submittedFormData.DataItems.Count() + iIncrementer]; for (j = 0; j < submittedFormData.DataItems.Count(); j++) { dataItems[j] = submittedFormData.DataItems[j]; } if (!bFoundFormId) { // we create a field to contain the formid. This is so the Connector won't have to manipulate data // in order to send these data points to the contextbus Ektron.Cms.FormFieldDataItem ffdiFormId = new Ektron.Cms.FormFieldDataItem(); ffdiFormId.FieldName = "DxHFormId"; ffdiFormId.DataValue = formId.ToString(); dataItems[j++] = ffdiFormId; } if (!bFoundFormDataId) { // we create a field to contain the formdataid. This is so the Connector won't have to manipulate data // in order to send these data points to the contextbus Ektron.Cms.FormFieldDataItem ffdiFormSubId = new Ektron.Cms.FormFieldDataItem(); ffdiFormSubId.FieldName = "DxHFormDataId"; ffdiFormSubId.DataValue = submittedFormData.Id.ToString(); dataItems[j++] = ffdiFormSubId; } if (!bFoundhubspotusertoken && ishubspot) { // we create a field to contain the formdataid. This is so the Connector won't have to manipulate data // in order to send these data points to the contextbus Ektron.Cms.FormFieldDataItem hubspotusertoken = new Ektron.Cms.FormFieldDataItem(); hubspotusertoken.FieldName = "DxHHubSpotUserToken"; hubspotusertoken.DataValue = hubspotcookie; dataItems[j++] = hubspotusertoken; } return dataItems; }
private string GeneratePartReportData(string ReportID, FormData FormInfo, FormSubmittedData[] Data, bool CanDelete, bool NeedHeading) { string strFormsURL; string strFormsPath; string strManifestURL; string strManifestFilePath; string strXsltFilePath; System.Xml.XmlDocument objReport; System.Xml.XmlNode objNode; try { if (ReportID == "") { return "ERROR: Please select a report."; } else if (!Information.IsNumeric(ReportID)) { return "ERROR: Invalid report ID: " + ReportID; } strFormsURL = m_refContentApi.QualifyURL(m_refContentApi.AppPath, "controls/forms/"); strFormsPath = Server.MapPath(strFormsURL); strManifestURL = m_refContentApi.FullyQualifyURL(strFormsURL + "FormReportsManifest.xml"); strManifestFilePath = strFormsPath + "FormReportsManifest.xml"; objReport = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); objReport.Load(strManifestFilePath); objNode = objReport.SelectSingleNode("/*/Reports/Report[" + ReportID + "]"); if (objNode == null) { return "ERROR: Could not find report in FormReportsManifest.xml. Report: " + ReportID; } objNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("xslt/@src"); if (objNode == null) { return "ERROR: The report does not have a specified XSLT file in FormReportsManifest.xml. Report: " + ReportID; } strXsltFilePath = m_refContentApi.QualifyURL(strFormsPath, objNode.Value); string strXml; strXml = m_refContentApi.EkModuleRef.SerializeFormData(FormInfo, Data, null); System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList objXsltArgs = new System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList(); //'fill in the dynamic data for the fieldlist for this report (if apply). string sUpdatedXSLT = ""; string sUpdatedFieldList = strFormsPath + "UpdateFieldList.xslt"; objXsltArgs.AddParam("baseURL", string.Empty, m_refContentApi.FullyQualifyURL("")); objXsltArgs.AddParam("LangType", string.Empty, Convert.ToString(m_refContentApi.ContentLanguage)); sUpdatedXSLT = m_refContentApi.XSLTransform(strXml, sUpdatedFieldList, true, false, objXsltArgs, false); strXml = m_refContentApi.XSLTransform("<root/>", sUpdatedXSLT, false, false, objXsltArgs, false, true); if (true == CanDelete) { //a version for export report - first page of a short report objXsltArgs = new System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList(); objXsltArgs.AddParam("canDelete", string.Empty, "false"); objXsltArgs.AddParam("checkmarkUrl", string.Empty, m_refContentApi.FullyQualifyURL(m_refContentApi.QualifyURL(m_refContentApi.AppImgPath, "../UI/Icons/check.png"))); objXsltArgs.AddParam("includeHeading", string.Empty, "true"); string sExport; sExport = m_refContentApi.XSLTransform(strXml, strXsltFilePath, true, false, objXsltArgs, false); sExport = Regex.Replace(sExport, "</?(?i:pre)(.|\\n)*?>", string.Empty); //Defect # 45861 - Removing PRE tags ExportResult.Text = sExport; // sExcelPrefix + sExport + sExcelSuffix; } else { ExportResult.Text = ""; } ExportResult.Visible = false; objXsltArgs = new System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList(); objXsltArgs.AddParam("canDelete", string.Empty, CanDelete ? "true" : "false"); objXsltArgs.AddParam("checkmarkUrl", string.Empty, m_refContentApi.FullyQualifyURL(m_refContentApi.QualifyURL(m_refContentApi.AppImgPath, "../UI/Icons/check.png"))); objXsltArgs.AddParam("includeHeading", string.Empty, NeedHeading ? "true" : "false"); //if (SaveXmlAsFile) //{ // // Save XML as file for debugging purposes. // string strXmlFilePath; // strXmlFilePath = "Sample" + FormInfo.Title.Replace(" ", "") + "Data.xml"; // strXmlFilePath = m_refContentApi.QualifyURL(strFormsPath, strXmlFilePath); // System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(strXmlFilePath); // sw.Write(strXml); // sw.Close(); // sw = null; //} return m_refContentApi.XSLTransform(strXml, strXsltFilePath, true, false, objXsltArgs, false); } catch (Exception) { return ""; // EkException.ThrowException(ex); } finally { objNode = null; objReport = null; } }
private string DisplayReport(string ReportID, FormData FormInfo, FormSubmittedData[] Data, bool CanDelete) { return GeneratePartReportData(ReportID, FormInfo, Data, CanDelete, true); }