public void SubmitPrivacySectionData()
            PrivacyResponseDto PrivacySection = null;
            //20120524 | Tirumala Raju | RFG 2.7 | QC:5995 |Start
            //Submission via Webservice causes wrong data in RI file for privacy optins
            bool? IsEmailOption = null;
            bool? IsPhoneOption = null;
            bool? IsPostOption = null;
            bool? IsOptOut = null;

            string EmailPreference = string.Empty;

            FormSubmissionPrivacySectionLabels ObjPrivacyLabels = new FormSubmissionPrivacySectionLabels();

            if (HashPrivacyFields != null)
                if (HashPrivacyFields.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry Items in HashPrivacyFields)
                        if (Items.Key.ToString() == "aid_o_" + ObjPrivacyLabels.Privacy_Email)
                            string[] ArrayEmail = new string[1];
                            string Email = string.Empty;
                            if (Items.Value != null)
                                if (Items.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayEmail = Items.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayEmail[0] != null)
                                        Email = ArrayEmail[0];

                            //if (Email.ToLower() == "yes")
                            //    IsEmailOption = true;
                            IsEmailOption = Email.ToLower().Trim().Equals("email_yes") ? true : false;

                        if (Items.Key.ToString() == "aid_o_" + ObjPrivacyLabels.Privacy_Phone)

                            string[] ArrayPhone = new string[1];
                            string Phone = string.Empty;
                            if (Items.Value != null)
                                if (Items.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayPhone = Items.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayPhone[0] != null)
                                        Phone = ArrayPhone[0];

                            //if (Phone.ToLower() == "yes")
                            //    IsPhoneOption = true; ;
                            IsPhoneOption = Phone.ToLower().Trim().Equals("phone_yes") ? true : false;
                        if (Items.Key.ToString() == "aid_o_" + ObjPrivacyLabels.Privacy_Post)

                            string[] ArrayPost = new string[1];
                            string Post = string.Empty;
                            if (Items.Value != null)
                                if (Items.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayPost = Items.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayPost[0] != null)
                                        Post = ArrayPost[0];

                            //if (Post.ToLower() == "yes")
                            //    IsPostOption = true;
                            IsPostOption = Post.ToLower().Trim().Equals("post_yes") ? true : false;
                        if (Items.Key.ToString() == "aid_o_" + ObjPrivacyLabels.Privacy_OptOut)
                            //if (Items.Value.ToString() == "Yes")
                            //    IsOptOut = true;
                            IsOptOut = Items.Value.ToString().ToLower().Equals("yes") ? true : false;
                        if (Items.Key.ToString() == "aid_o_" + ObjPrivacyLabels.Privacy_Email_Pref)

                            string[] ArrayEmailPref = new string[1];
                            string EmailPref = string.Empty;
                            if (Items.Value != null)
                                if (Items.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayEmailPref = Items.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayEmailPref[1] != null)
                                        EmailPref = ArrayEmailPref[1];

                            EmailPreference = EmailPref;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailPreference.Trim()))
                EmailPreference = EmailPreferences.Html.ToString();
            else if (EmailPreference == "html")
                EmailPreference = EmailPreferences.Html.ToString();
            else if (EmailPreference == "text")
                EmailPreference = EmailPreferences.Text.ToString();

            PrivacySection = new PrivacyResponseDto(Convert.ToInt64(ResponseID), IsEmailOption, IsPhoneOption, IsPostOption, (EmailPreferences)Enum.Parse(typeof(EmailPreferences), EmailPreference), IsOptOut);

        public void SubmitCrmData(string CountryCode, string LanguageCode,int Company_Code)
            #region init variables and flex fields
            string address1 = string.Empty;
            string address2 = string.Empty;
            string address3 = string.Empty;
            string businessCode = string.Empty;
            string businessSiebel63 = string.Empty;
            string companyName = string.Empty;

            //RFG 2.11 | Added by Raju
            string companyWebsite = string.Empty;  
            string companyRevenue = string.Empty;
            string companyRevenueCode = string.Empty;
            string countryCode = string.Empty;
            string county = string.Empty;
            string customerId = CustomerID;
            string emailAddress = string.Empty;
            string firstName = string.Empty;
            string flexField1 = string.Empty;
            string flexField10 = string.Empty;
            string flexField11 = string.Empty;
            string flexField12 = string.Empty;
            string flexField13 = string.Empty;
            string flexField14 = string.Empty;
            string flexField15 = string.Empty;
            string flexfield2 = string.Empty;
            string flexField3 = string.Empty;
            string flexField4 = string.Empty;
            string flexField5 = string.Empty;
            string flexField6 = string.Empty;
            string flexField7 = string.Empty;
            string flexField8 = string.Empty;
            string flexField9 = string.Empty;
            string jobCode = string.Empty;
            string jobSiebel63 = string.Empty;
            string jobTitle = string.Empty;
            string lastName = string.Empty;
            string personalTitle = string.Empty;
            string postcode = string.Empty;
            string pwd = string.Empty;
            string telephoneCountry = string.Empty;
            string telephoneArea = string.Empty;
            string telephoneNumber = string.Empty;
            string telephoneExt = string.Empty;
            string faxCountry = string.Empty;
            string faxArea = string.Empty;
            string faxNumber = string.Empty;
            string faxExt = string.Empty;
            string mobileCountry = string.Empty;
            string mobileNumber = string.Empty;

            string town = string.Empty;
            string worldSize = string.Empty;
            string worldSize63 = string.Empty;
            string countryName = string.Empty;
            EmailPreferences? emailPreferences = null;
            string EmailPref = null; 

            string CamaignCode = string.Empty;
            string WaveCode = null;  //QC 6166
            string JumpId = null;
            string languageFK = string.Empty;
            string languageName = string.Empty;

            string numberOfEmployees = string.Empty;

            PersonalResponseDto ResponseDto = null;
            FormSubmissionPersonalSectionLabels ObjPersonalLabels = new FormSubmissionPersonalSectionLabels();
            FormSubmissionPrivacySectionLabels ObjPrivacyLabels = new FormSubmissionPrivacySectionLabels(); //QC:6159 & 6160

            // EmailPreferences? emailPreferences = null;

            if (HashPersonalFields != null)
                if (HashPersonalFields.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry Item in HashPersonalFields)
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Address1)
                            address1 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Address2)
                            address2 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Address3)
                            address3 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.PreferredLanguage)
                            string[] ArrayPreferredLanguage = new string[1];
                            if (Item.Value != null)
                                if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayPreferredLanguage = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayPreferredLanguage[0] != null)
                                        languageFK = ArrayPreferredLanguage[0];
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.CompanyName)
                            companyName = Item.Value.ToString();

                        //RFG 2.11 | Added by Raju
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.CompanyWebsite)
                            companyWebsite = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.CompanyRevenue)
                            string[] ArrayCompanyRevenue = new string[1];
                            if (Item.Value != null)
                                if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayCompanyRevenue = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayCompanyRevenue.Length > 0)
                                        if (ArrayCompanyRevenue[0] != null)
                                            companyRevenueCode = ArrayCompanyRevenue[0].ToString();
                                        if (ArrayCompanyRevenue[1] != null)
                                            companyRevenue = ArrayCompanyRevenue[1].ToString();

                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Email_Address)
                            emailAddress = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Email_Pref)
                            string[] ArrayEmailPref = new string[1];
                            //string EmailPref = string.Empty;
                            if (Item.Value != null)
                                if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayEmailPref = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayEmailPref[0] != null)
                                        EmailPref = ArrayEmailPref[0];

                            if (EmailPref.ToLower() == "html")
                                emailPreferences = EmailPreferences.Html;

                            if (EmailPref.ToLower() == "text")
                                emailPreferences = EmailPreferences.Text;
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.County)
                            county = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Country_code)
                            string[] ArrayCountry = new string[1];
                            if (Item.Value != null)
                                if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayCountry = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayCountry[0] != null)
                                        countryCode = ArrayCountry[0];
                            if (countryCode == "")
                                countryCode = CountryCode;
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.JobCode)
                            string[] ArrayJob = new string[1];
                            if (Item.Value != null)
                                if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayJob = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayJob[0] != null)
                                        jobCode = ArrayJob[0];
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Business_Code)
                            string[] ArrayBusinessCode = new string[1];
                            if (Item.Value != null)
                                if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayBusinessCode = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayBusinessCode[0] != null)
                                        businessCode = ArrayBusinessCode[0];
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.FirstName)
                            firstName = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.JobTitle)
                            jobTitle = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.LastName)
                            lastName = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.WorlSize_Code)
                            string[] ArrayWorldSize_fk = new string[1];
                            if (Item.Value != null)
                                if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                    ArrayWorldSize_fk = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayWorldSize_fk.Length > 0)
                                        if (ArrayWorldSize_fk[0] != null)
                                            worldSize = ArrayWorldSize_fk[0].ToString();
                                        if (ArrayWorldSize_fk[1] != null)
                                            numberOfEmployees = ArrayWorldSize_fk[1].ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Title)
                            string[] ArrayTitle = new string[1];

                            if (Item.Value != null)
                                if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
                                    ArrayTitle = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                    if (ArrayTitle.Length > 0)
                                        if (ArrayTitle[1] != null)
                                            personalTitle = ArrayTitle[1].ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.PostCode)
                            postcode = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Telephone_Country)
                            telephoneCountry = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Telephone_Area)
                            telephoneArea = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Telephone)
                            telephoneNumber = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Telephone_Extn)
                            telephoneExt = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Fax_Country)
                            faxCountry = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Fax_Area)
                            faxArea = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Fax)
                            faxNumber = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Fax_Extn)
                            faxExt = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Mobile_Country)
                            mobileCountry = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Mobile)
                            mobileNumber = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_p_" + ObjPersonalLabels.Town)
                            town = Item.Value.ToString();
                        #region flexfileds
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield1)
                            flexField1 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield2)
                            flexfield2 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield3)
                            flexField3 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield4)
                            flexField4 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield5)
                            flexField5 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield6)
                            flexField6 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield7)
                            flexField7 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield8)
                            flexField8 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield9)
                            flexField9 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield10)
                            //flexField10 = Item.Value.ToString();   //RFG 2.12 QC:6946
                            flexField10 = Item.Value.ToString().Equals("") ? null : Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield11)
                            flexField11 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield12)
                            flexField12 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield13)
                            flexField13 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield14)
                            flexField14 = Item.Value.ToString();
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.flexfield15)
                            flexField15 = Item.Value.ToString();

                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.campaign_code)
                            CamaignCode = Item.Value.ToString();
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CamaignCode.Trim()))
                                CamaignCode = null;
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.wavecode)
                            WaveCode = Item.Value.ToString();
                            //QC6166 | Tirumala Raju
                            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WaveCode.Trim()))
                            //    WaveCode = null;
                        if (Item.Key.ToString() == ObjPersonalLabels.JumpId)
                            JumpId = Item.Value.ToString();
                            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JumpId.Trim()))
                            //    JumpId = null;

            //20120803 | Tirumala Raju | RFG 2.8 | QC:6159 & QC:6160 |Start
            if (HashPrivacyFields != null)
                foreach (DictionaryEntry Item in HashPrivacyFields)
                    if (Item.Key.ToString() == "aid_o_" + ObjPrivacyLabels.Privacy_Email_Pref)
                        string[] ArrayEmailPref = new string[1];
                        if (Item.Value != null)
                            if (Item.Value.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                                ArrayEmailPref = Item.Value.ToString().Split(',');
                                if (ArrayEmailPref[0] != null)
                                    EmailPref = ArrayEmailPref[0];

                        emailPreferences = EmailPref.Trim().ToLower() == "html" ? EmailPreferences.Html : EmailPreferences.Text;
            //20120308 | Tirumala Raju | RFG 2.8 | QC:6159 & QC:6160  |End

            if (countryCode == String.Empty)
                countryCode = CountryCode;

            if (CamaignCode != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CamaignCode.Trim()))
                    CamaignCode = null;

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WaveCode))
            //    WaveCode = null;

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JumpId))
            //    JumpId = null;

            if (worldSize != null)
                if (worldSize.Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                    QuestionnaireDto QT = null;
                    QT = new QuestionnaireDto(
                        QuestionnaireType.Questionnaire, null, null, countryCode, LanguageCode,
                        null, false, DateTime.Now, null, false,
                        null, false, false, false, null, false,
                        false, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, DateTime.Now, null, null, false, null, null,
                        null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false, null, 0, null,false,0,0,false,0,0,null,0,0,0,2);

                    if (worldSize.Trim() != string.Empty.ToString())
                        numberOfEmployees = ResponseFacade.GetSelctedText(QT, "WorldSize", worldSize);

            //RFG 2.11
            if ((companyRevenue != null) && (companyRevenue.Trim() != string.Empty))
                QuestionnaireDto QT = null;
                QT = new QuestionnaireDto(
                    QuestionnaireType.Questionnaire, null, null, countryCode, LanguageCode,
                    null, false, DateTime.Now, null, false,
                    null, false, false, false, null, false,
                    false, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, DateTime.Now, null, null, false, null, null,
                    null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false, null, 0, null,false,0,0,false,0,0,null,0,0,0,2); //Balakumar Sprint2

                companyRevenue = ResponseFacade.GetSelctedText(QT, "CompanyRevenue", companyRevenueCode);
            //try to translate into CRM english value... for the namevalue passed and from state_locals where in_country_fk and in_language_Fk = questionnaire settings?
            //if possible overwrite value from county otherwise leave it as it was
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(county))
                StandardCountyDto sCounty = FormRegistry.ResponseDao.GetStandardCountyByLocalName(county, CountryCode, LanguageCode, countryCode);
                if (sCounty != null)
                    county = sCounty.CountyName;

            SiebelLanguageDto sLanguage = FormRegistry.ResponseDao.GetSiebelLanguage(languageFK);
            if (sLanguage != null)
                languageFK = sLanguage.LanguageFK;
                languageName = sLanguage.LanguageName;
            PersonalCrmRecordDto ResponsePersonalCrm = null;
            //Comapany Value------RFG:2.20
            ResponsePersonalCrm = new PersonalCrmRecordDto(Convert.ToInt64(ResponseID), address1, address2, address3,
                             string.Empty, companyName,companyWebsite,companyRevenue, county, countryCode, emailAddress, emailPreferences.ToString(),
                             firstName, JumpId, jobTitle, languageFK, lastName, numberOfEmployees,
                             personalTitle, postcode, string.Empty, string.Empty, telephoneCountry, telephoneArea, 
                             telephoneNumber, telephoneExt, faxCountry, faxArea, faxNumber, faxExt, mobileCountry,
                             mobileNumber, town, WaveCode, customquestionssummary.ToString(), flexField10, flexField11, flexField12, flexField14, null, languageName,Company_Code);//††† 20120410 Parthasarathy | RFG 2.6  Support Sub_bu capture †††  RFG 2.9

