Exemple #1
        public static string GetMenuUrl(this UrlHelper urlHelper, Type treeType, string nodeId, FormDataCollection queryStrings)
            var actionUrl = urlHelper.GetUmbracoApiService("GetMenu", treeType)

            //now we need to append the query strings
            actionUrl += "id=" + nodeId.EnsureEndsWith('&') + queryStrings.ToQueryString("id");
        public static string GetTreeUrl(this UrlHelper urlHelper, Type treeType, string nodeId, FormDataCollection queryStrings)
            var actionUrl = urlHelper.GetUmbracoApiService("GetNodes", treeType)

            //now we need to append the query strings
            actionUrl += "id=" + nodeId.EnsureEndsWith('&') + queryStrings.ToQueryString("id");
            return actionUrl;
Exemple #3
        public static string GetTreeUrl(this UrlHelper urlHelper, Type treeType, string nodeId, FormDataCollection queryStrings)
            var actionUrl = urlHelper.GetUmbracoApiService("GetNodes", treeType)

            //now we need to append the query strings
            actionUrl += "id=" + nodeId.EnsureEndsWith('&') + queryStrings.ToQueryString("id",
                                                                                         //Always ignore the custom start node id when generating URLs for tree nodes since this is a custom once-only parameter
                                                                                         // that should only ever be used when requesting a tree to render (root), not a tree node
        /// <summary>
        /// This will go and get the root node from a controller tree by executing the tree's GetRootNode method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appTree"></param>
        /// <param name="formCollection"></param>
        /// <param name="controllerContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This ensures that authorization filters are applied to the sub request 
        /// </remarks>
        internal static async Task<Attempt<TreeNode>> TryGetRootNodeFromControllerTree(this ApplicationTree appTree, FormDataCollection formCollection, HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
            var foundControllerTreeAttempt = appTree.TryGetControllerTree();
            if (foundControllerTreeAttempt.Success == false)
                return Attempt<TreeNode>.Fail(foundControllerTreeAttempt.Exception);
            var foundControllerTree = foundControllerTreeAttempt.Result;
            //instantiate it, since we are proxying, we need to setup the instance with our current context
            var instance = (TreeController)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(foundControllerTree);

            //NOTE: This is all required in order to execute the auth-filters for the sub request, we 
            // need to "trick" web-api into thinking that it is actually executing the proxied controller.

            var urlHelper = controllerContext.Request.GetUrlHelper();
            //create the proxied URL for the controller action
            var proxiedUrl = controllerContext.Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + 
                urlHelper.GetUmbracoApiService("GetRootNode", instance.GetType());
            //add the query strings to it
            proxiedUrl += "?" + formCollection.ToQueryString();
            //create proxy route data specifying the action / controller to execute
            var proxiedRouteData = new HttpRouteData(
                new HttpRouteValueDictionary(new {action = "GetRootNode", controller = ControllerExtensions.GetControllerName(instance.GetType())}));
            //create a proxied controller context
            var proxiedControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext(
                new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, proxiedUrl))
                    ControllerDescriptor = new HttpControllerDescriptor(controllerContext.ControllerDescriptor.Configuration, ControllerExtensions.GetControllerName(instance.GetType()), instance.GetType())
            instance.ControllerContext = proxiedControllerContext;
            instance.Request = controllerContext.Request;
            //invoke auth filters for this sub request
            var result = await instance.ControllerContext.InvokeAuthorizationFiltersForRequest();
            //if a result is returned it means they are unauthorized, just throw the response.
            if (result != null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(result);
            //return the root
            var node = instance.GetRootNode(formCollection);
            return node == null
                ? Attempt<TreeNode>.Fail(new InvalidOperationException("Could not return a root node for tree " + appTree.Type)) 
                : Attempt<TreeNode>.Succeed(node);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a proxy to a controller for a specified action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controllerType">The type of the controller.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="querystring">The querystring.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of the controller.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>Creates an instance of the <paramref name="controllerType"/> and initializes it with a route
        /// and context etc. so it can execute the specified <paramref name="action"/>. Runs the authorization
        /// filters for that action, to ensure that the user has permission to execute it.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task <object> GetApiControllerProxy(Type controllerType, string action, FormDataCollection querystring)
            // note: this is all required in order to execute the auth-filters for the sub request, we
            // need to "trick" web-api into thinking that it is actually executing the proxied controller.

            var context = ControllerContext;

            // get the controller
            var controller = (ApiController)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(controllerType)
                             ?? throw new Exception($"Failed to create controller of type {controllerType.FullName}.");

            // create the proxy URL for the controller action
            var proxyUrl = context.Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority)
                           + context.Request.GetUrlHelper().GetUmbracoApiService(action, controllerType)
                           + "?" + querystring.ToQueryString();

            // create proxy route data specifying the action & controller to execute
            var proxyRoute = new HttpRouteData(
                new HttpRouteValueDictionary(new { action, controller = ControllerExtensions.GetControllerName(controllerType) }));

            // create a proxy request
            var proxyRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, proxyUrl);

            // create a proxy controller context
            var proxyContext = new HttpControllerContext(context.Configuration, proxyRoute, proxyRequest)
                ControllerDescriptor = new HttpControllerDescriptor(context.ControllerDescriptor.Configuration, ControllerExtensions.GetControllerName(controllerType), controllerType),
                RequestContext       = context.RequestContext,
                Controller           = controller

            // wire everything
            controller.ControllerContext        = proxyContext;
            controller.Request                  = proxyContext.Request;
            controller.RequestContext.RouteData = proxyRoute;

            // auth
            var authResult = await controller.ControllerContext.InvokeAuthorizationFiltersForRequest();

            if (authResult != null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(authResult);

        /// <summary>
        /// This will go and get the root node from a controller tree by executing the tree's GetRootNode method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appTree"></param>
        /// <param name="formCollection"></param>
        /// <param name="controllerContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This ensures that authorization filters are applied to the sub request
        /// </remarks>
        internal static async Task <Attempt <TreeNode> > TryGetRootNodeFromControllerTree(this ApplicationTree appTree, FormDataCollection formCollection, HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
            var foundControllerTreeAttempt = appTree.TryGetControllerTree();

            if (foundControllerTreeAttempt.Success == false)
                return(Attempt <TreeNode> .Fail(foundControllerTreeAttempt.Exception));

            var foundControllerTree = foundControllerTreeAttempt.Result;
            //instantiate it, since we are proxying, we need to setup the instance with our current context
            var instance = (TreeController)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(foundControllerTree);

            //NOTE: This is all required in order to execute the auth-filters for the sub request, we
            // need to "trick" web-api into thinking that it is actually executing the proxied controller.

            var urlHelper = controllerContext.Request.GetUrlHelper();
            //create the proxied URL for the controller action
            var proxiedUrl = controllerContext.Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) +
                             urlHelper.GetUmbracoApiService("GetRootNode", instance.GetType());

            //add the query strings to it
            proxiedUrl += "?" + formCollection.ToQueryString();
            //create proxy route data specifying the action / controller to execute
            var proxiedRouteData = new HttpRouteData(
                new HttpRouteValueDictionary(new { action = "GetRootNode", controller = ControllerExtensions.GetControllerName(instance.GetType()) }));

            //create a proxied controller context
            var proxiedControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext(
                new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, proxiedUrl))
                ControllerDescriptor = new HttpControllerDescriptor(controllerContext.ControllerDescriptor.Configuration, ControllerExtensions.GetControllerName(instance.GetType()), instance.GetType())

            if (WebApiVersionCheck.WebApiVersion >= Version.Parse("5.0.0"))
                //In WebApi2, this is required to be set:
                //      proxiedControllerContext.RequestContext = controllerContext.RequestContext
                // but we need to do this with reflection because of codebase changes between version 4/5
                //NOTE: Use TypeHelper here since the reflection is cached
                var controllerContextRequestContext = TypeHelper.GetProperty(controllerContext.GetType(), "RequestContext").GetValue(controllerContext);
                TypeHelper.GetProperty(proxiedControllerContext.GetType(), "RequestContext").SetValue(proxiedControllerContext, controllerContextRequestContext);

            instance.ControllerContext = proxiedControllerContext;
            instance.Request           = controllerContext.Request;

            if (WebApiVersionCheck.WebApiVersion >= Version.Parse("5.0.0"))
                //now we can change the request context's route data to be the proxied route data - NOTE: we cannot do this directly above
                // because it will detect that the request context is different throw an exception. This is a change in webapi2 and we need to set
                // this with reflection due to codebase changes between version 4/5
                //      instance.RequestContext.RouteData = proxiedRouteData;
                //NOTE: Use TypeHelper here since the reflection is cached
                var instanceRequestContext = TypeHelper.GetProperty(typeof(ApiController), "RequestContext").GetValue(instance);
                TypeHelper.GetProperty(instanceRequestContext.GetType(), "RouteData").SetValue(instanceRequestContext, proxiedRouteData);

            //invoke auth filters for this sub request
            var result = await instance.ControllerContext.InvokeAuthorizationFiltersForRequest();

            //if a result is returned it means they are unauthorized, just throw the response.
            if (result != null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(result);

            //return the root
            var node = instance.GetRootNode(formCollection);

            return(node == null
                ? Attempt <TreeNode> .Fail(new InvalidOperationException("Could not return a root node for tree " + appTree.Type))
                : Attempt <TreeNode> .Succeed(node));