Exemple #1
        public static IngredientBinding Create(Guid ingId, Guid recipeId, Single?qty, Units usageUnit, UnitType convType, Int32 unitWeight,
                                               Units formUnit, Single equivAmount, Units equivUnit)
            var rawUnit = KitchenPC.Unit.GetDefaultUnitType(convType);

            if (qty.HasValue && rawUnit != usageUnit)
                if (UnitConverter.CanConvert(usageUnit, rawUnit))
                    qty = UnitConverter.Convert(qty.Value, usageUnit, rawUnit);
                    var ing = new Ingredient
                        Id             = ingId,
                        ConversionType = convType,
                        UnitWeight     = unitWeight

                    var form = new IngredientForm
                        FormUnitType = formUnit,
                        FormAmount   = new Amount(equivAmount, equivUnit),
                        IngredientId = ingId

                    var usage = new Ingredients.IngredientUsage
                        Form       = form,
                        Ingredient = ing,
                        Amount     = new Amount(qty.Value, usageUnit)

                        var newAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(ing, usage);
                        qty = UnitConverter.Convert(newAmt.SizeHigh, newAmt.Unit, rawUnit); //Ingredient graph only stores high amounts
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new DataLoadException(e);

            return(new IngredientBinding
                RecipeId = recipeId,
                IngredientId = ingId,
                Qty = qty.HasValue ? (float?)Math.Round(qty.Value, 3) : null,
                Unit = rawUnit
Exemple #2
        private void CategorizeTaste(Recipe recipe, CategorizationResult result)
            var   totalMass = new Amount(0, Units.Gram);
            float totalSweet = 0f, totalSpicy = 0f;

            foreach (var usage in recipe.Ingredients)
                if (usage.Amount == null)

                if (usage.Ingredient.Metadata == null)

                var meta = usage.Ingredient.Metadata;

                var amt = FormConversion.GetWeightForUsage(usage);
                if (amt == null)

                totalMass  += amt;
                totalSweet += amt.SizeHigh * meta.Sweet;
                totalSpicy += amt.SizeHigh * meta.Spicy;

            if (totalMass.SizeHigh == 0)
                return; // Nothing to calc, exit

            var maxRating   = totalMass.SizeHigh * 4;
            var recipeSweet = totalSweet / maxRating;                      // Pct sweet the recipe is
            var recipeSpicy = totalSpicy / maxRating;                      // Pct spicy the recipe is

            result.TasteSavoryToSweet = Convert.ToByte(recipeSweet * 100); // Scale in terms of percentage
            result.TasteMildToSpicy   = Convert.ToByte(recipeSpicy * 100);
Exemple #3
        public virtual IngredientAggregation AddUsage(IngredientUsage ingredient)
            if (ingredient.Ingredient.Id != this.Ingredient.Id)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can only call IngredientAggregation::AddUsage() on original ingredient.");

            //Calculate new total
            if (this.Amount.Unit == ingredient.Amount.Unit || UnitConverter.CanConvert(this.Amount.Unit, ingredient.Amount.Unit)) //Just add
                this.Amount += ingredient.Amount;
            else //Find a conversion path between Ingredient and Form
                var amount = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(this.Ingredient, ingredient);
                this.Amount += amount;

            return(this); // Allows AddUsage calls to be chained together
Exemple #4
        static void CategorizeTaste(Recipe recipe, CategorizationResult result)
            var   totalMass = new Amount(0, Units.Gram);
            float totalSweet = 0f, totalSpicy = 0f;

            foreach (var usage in recipe.Ingredients)
                if (usage.Amount == null)
                    continue;                   //No amount specified for this ingredient (TODO: Any way to estimate this?)
                if (usage.Ingredient.Metadata == null)
                    continue;                                //TODO: Log if ingredient has no metadata
                var meta = usage.Ingredient.Metadata;

                var amt = FormConversion.GetWeightForUsage(usage);
                if (amt == null)

                totalMass  += amt;
                totalSweet += (amt.SizeHigh * meta.Sweet);
                totalSpicy += (amt.SizeHigh * meta.Spicy);

            if (totalMass.SizeHigh == 0)
                return;                       //Nothing to calc, exit
            var maxRating   = totalMass.SizeHigh * 4;
            var recipeSweet = (totalSweet / maxRating);                     //Pct sweet the recipe is
            var recipeSpicy = (totalSpicy / maxRating);                     //Pct spicy the recipe is

            result.Taste_SavoryToSweet = Convert.ToByte(recipeSweet * 100); //Scale in terms of percentage
            result.Taste_MildToSpicy   = Convert.ToByte(recipeSpicy * 100);
        public Single?Amt;          //Optional amount of ingredient, expressed in default units for ingredient

        public PantryItem(Ingredients.IngredientUsage usage)
            IngredientId = usage.Ingredient.Id;

            //Need to convert IngredientUsage into proper Pantry form
            if (usage.Amount != null)
                var toUnit = Unit.GetDefaultUnitType(usage.Ingredient.ConversionType);
                if (UnitConverter.CanConvert(usage.Form.FormUnitType, toUnit))
                    Amt = UnitConverter.Convert(usage.Amount, toUnit).SizeHigh; //Always take high amount for pantry items
                else //Find conversion path
                    var amount = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(usage.Ingredient, usage);
                    Amt = UnitConverter.Convert(amount, toUnit).SizeHigh; //Always take high amount for pantry items
                Amt = null;
Exemple #6
        private void CategorizeNutrition(Recipe recipe, CategorizationResult result)
            float totalGrams  = 0;
            float totalFat    = 0;
            float totalSugar  = 0;
            float totalCal    = 0;
            float totalSodium = 0;
            float totalCarbs  = 0;

            var noMatch = false;

            // First, convert every ingredient to weight
            foreach (var usage in recipe.Ingredients)
                // No amount specified for this ingredient
                if (usage.Amount == null)
                    noMatch = true;

                var meta = usage.Ingredient.Metadata;

                if (meta == null)
                    noMatch = true;

                var amount = FormConversion.GetWeightForUsage(usage);
                if (amount == null)
                    noMatch = true;
                    continue; // Cannot convert this ingredient to grams, skip it

                var grams = amount.SizeHigh;
                totalGrams += grams;

                if (!(meta.FatPerUnit.HasValue && meta.SugarPerUnit.HasValue && meta.CaloriesPerUnit.HasValue &&
                      meta.SodiumPerUnit.HasValue && meta.CarbsPerUnit.HasValue))
                    noMatch = true;
                    totalFat    += (meta.FatPerUnit.Value * grams) / 100f;      // Total fat per 100g
                    totalSugar  += (meta.SugarPerUnit.Value * grams) / 100f;    // Total sugar per 100g;
                    totalCal    += (meta.CaloriesPerUnit.Value * grams) / 100f; // Total Calories per 100g
                    totalSodium += (meta.SodiumPerUnit.Value * grams) / 100f;   // Total sodium per 100g
                    totalCarbs  += (meta.CarbsPerUnit.Value * grams) / 100f;    // Total carbs per 100g

            result.USDAMatch = !noMatch; // Set to true if every ingredient has an exact USDA match

            // Set totals
            result.NutritionTotalFat      = (short)totalFat;
            result.NutritionTotalSugar    = (short)totalSugar;
            result.NutritionTotalCalories = (short)totalCal;
            result.NutritionTotalSodium   = (short)totalSodium;
            result.NutritionTotalCarbs    = (short)totalCarbs;

            // Flag RecipeMetadata depending on totals in recipe
            if (!noMatch)
                result.NutritionLowFat     = totalFat <= (totalCal * 0.03);     // Definition of Low Fat is 3g of fat per 100 Cal
                result.NutritionLowSugar   = totalSugar <= (totalCal * 0.02);   // There is no FDA definition of "Low Sugar" (Can estimate 2g of sugar per 100 Cal or less)
                result.NutritionLowCalorie = totalCal <= (totalGrams * 1.2);    // Definition of Low Calorie is 120 cal per 100g
                result.NutritionLowSodium  = totalSodium <= (totalGrams * 1.4); // Definition of Low Sodium is 140mg per 100g
                result.NutritionLowCarb    = totalCarbs <= (totalCal * 0.05);   // No definition for Low Carb, but we can use 5g per 100 Cal or less
Exemple #7
        public void TestFormConverter()
            //Form conversions (Unit ingredients)
            var unitIng = new Ingredient()
                ConversionType = UnitType.Unit, UnitWeight = 200
            };                                                                              //Ingredient sold by units (unit weighs 200g)
            var unitIng_UnitForm = new IngredientForm()
                FormAmount = new Amount(50, Units.Gram), ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormUnitType = Units.Unit
            };                                                                                                                                       //Form expressed in units (unit in this form weighs 50g)
            var unitIng_WeightForm = new IngredientForm()
                ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormUnitType = Units.Ounce
            };                                                                                                 //Form expressed by weight
            var unitIng_VolForm = new IngredientForm()
                FormUnitType = Units.Cup, ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormAmount = new Amount(20, Units.Gram)
            };                                                                                                                                     //Each cup weighs 20g)

            var unitIng_UnitUsage = new IngredientUsage()
                Amount = new Amount(4, Units.Unit), Form = unitIng_UnitForm, Ingredient = unitIng
            var unitIng_WeightUsage = new IngredientUsage()
                Amount = new Amount(300, Units.Gram), Form = unitIng_WeightForm, Ingredient = unitIng
            var unitIng_VolUsage = new IngredientUsage()
                Amount = new Amount(160, Units.Tablespoon), Form = unitIng_VolForm, Ingredient = unitIng
            };                                                                                                                                    //10 cups

            var unitIng_UnitAmt   = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(unitIng, unitIng_UnitUsage);
            var unitIng_WeightAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(unitIng, unitIng_WeightUsage);
            var unitIng_VolAmt    = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(unitIng, unitIng_VolUsage);

            Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, unitIng_UnitAmt.SizeHigh); //4 units in this form should convert to 1 unit of ingredient
            Assert.AreEqual(Units.Unit, unitIng_UnitAmt.Unit);

            Assert.AreEqual(2.0f, unitIng_WeightAmt.SizeHigh); //300g of this form should convert to 1.5 units of ingredient, however we round up to whole units
            Assert.AreEqual(Units.Unit, unitIng_WeightAmt.Unit);

            //TODO: Fix
            //Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, unitIng_VolAmt.SizeHigh); //10 cups of this form should convert to 1 unit of ingredient
            //Assert.AreEqual(Units.Unit, unitIng_VolAmt.Unit);

            //Form conversions (Volume ingredients)
            var volIng = new Ingredient()
                ConversionType = UnitType.Volume
            };                                                             //Ingredient sold by volume
            var volIng_UnitForm = new IngredientForm()
                FormUnitType = Units.Unit, ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormAmount = new Amount(5, Units.Teaspoon)
            var volIng_WeightForm = new IngredientForm()
                FormUnitType = Units.Ounce, ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormAmount = new Amount(2, Units.Teaspoon)

            var volIng_UnitUsage = new IngredientUsage()
                Amount = new Amount(2, Units.Unit), Form = volIng_UnitForm, Ingredient = volIng
            var volIng_WeightUsage = new IngredientUsage()
                Amount = new Amount(0.25f, Units.Pound), Form = volIng_WeightForm, Ingredient = volIng
            };                                                                                                                                    //4oz

            var volIng_UnitAmt   = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(volIng, volIng_UnitUsage);
            var volIng_WeightAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(volIng, volIng_WeightUsage);

            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, volIng_UnitAmt.SizeHigh);
            Assert.AreEqual(Units.Teaspoon, volIng_UnitAmt.Unit);

            Assert.AreEqual(8.0f, volIng_WeightAmt.SizeHigh);
            Assert.AreEqual(Units.Teaspoon, volIng_WeightAmt.Unit);

            //Form conversions (Weight ingredients)
            var weightIng = new Ingredient()
                ConversionType = UnitType.Weight
            };                                                                //Ingredient sold by weight
            var weightIng_UnitForm = new IngredientForm()
                ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormUnitType = Units.Unit, FormAmount = new Amount(100, Units.Gram)
            var weightIng_VolForm = new IngredientForm()
                ConversionMultiplier = 1, FormUnitType = Units.Cup, FormAmount = new Amount(50, Units.Gram)

            var weightIng_UnitUsage = new IngredientUsage()
                Amount = new Amount(5, Units.Unit), Form = weightIng_UnitForm, Ingredient = weightIng
            var weightIng_VolUsage = new IngredientUsage()
                Amount = new Amount(144, Units.Teaspoon), Form = weightIng_VolForm, Ingredient = weightIng
            };                                                                                                                                        //3 cups

            var weightIng_UnitAmt = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(weightIng, weightIng_UnitUsage);
            var weightIng_VolAmt  = FormConversion.GetNativeAmountForUsage(weightIng, weightIng_VolUsage);

            Assert.AreEqual(500.0f, weightIng_UnitAmt.SizeHigh);
            Assert.AreEqual(Units.Gram, weightIng_UnitAmt.Unit);

            Assert.AreEqual(150.0f, weightIng_VolAmt.SizeHigh);
            Assert.AreEqual(Units.Gram, weightIng_VolAmt.Unit);