Exemple #1
 void AddRelations(TableNode tn, NDO.Mapping.Class cl)
     foreach (RelationNode rn in tn.RelationNodes)
         Relation rel = rn.Relation;
         // This is for FkRelations, which must exist as entries in the
         // tree in order to delete the relation mapping.
         if (rel.RelationDirection == RelationDirection.DirectedToMe)
         if (rn.RelatedTableNode.Table.Skipped)
         NDO.Mapping.Relation r = cl.AddStandardRelation(rel.FieldName, rn.RelatedTableNode.Table.Namespace + "." + rn.RelatedTableNode.Table.ClassName, rel.IsElement, string.Empty, false, false, null);
         r.RelationName = rel.RelationName;
         ForeignIntermediateTableRelation fitr     = rel as ForeignIntermediateTableRelation;
         NDO.Mapping.ForeignKeyColumn     fkColumn = (NDO.Mapping.ForeignKeyColumn)r.ForeignKeyColumns.First();
         if (fitr == null)
             fkColumn.Name = rn.Text;
             fkColumn.Name = fitr.ForeignKeyColumnName;
             NDO.Mapping.MappingTable mtable = new NDO.Mapping.MappingTable(r);
             r.MappingTable = mtable;
             NDO.Mapping.ForeignKeyColumn cfkColumn = mtable.NewForeignKeyColumn();
             cfkColumn.Name      = fitr.ChildForeignKeyColumnName;
             mtable.ConnectionId = cl.ConnectionId;
             if (((DatabaseNode)tn.Parent).Database.OwnerName != string.Empty)
                 mtable.TableName = ((DatabaseNode)tn.Parent).Database.OwnerName + "." + fitr.TableName;
                 mtable.TableName = fitr.TableName;
Exemple #2
        public void MapIntermediateTable(TableNode tn)
            IntermediateTable     it  = new IntermediateTable(tn.Text);
            IntermediateTableNode itn = new IntermediateTableNode(it, tn);

            IList tableNodes = databaseNode.TableNodes;


            IntermediateTableWizardModel model = new IntermediateTableWizardModel(itn, tableNodes);

            IWizardController controller = ApplicationController.wizardControllerFactory.Create
                                               ("IntermediateTableWizController", "IntTblWiz", "Intermediate Table Wizard");
            //controller.FrameSize = new Size(544, 416);
            DialogResult r = controller.Run(model);

            if (r == DialogResult.OK)
                DatabaseNode parent = (DatabaseNode)tn.Parent;
                //tn.Parent.Nodes. Remove(tn);
                int index = parent.Nodes.IndexOf(tn);
                tn.Parent.Nodes.Insert(index, itn);
                itn.TreeView.SelectedNode = itn;
                itn.Nodes.Add(tn);                  // This ensures persisting the column nodes with file/save.
                RelatedTableInfo rti0     = it[0];
                RelatedTableInfo rti1     = it[1];
                TableNode        relTn0   = null;
                TableNode        relTn1   = null;
                RelationNode     relNode0 = null;
                RelationNode     relNode1 = null;
                foreach (TableNode loopTn in tableNodes)
                    if (loopTn.Text == rti0.Table)
                        relTn0 = loopTn;
                        if (rti0.RelationDirection != RelationDirection.DirectedToMe)
                            ForeignIntermediateTableRelation fitr = new ForeignIntermediateTableRelation(rti0, tn.Text);
                            relNode0 = new RelationNode(fitr, relTn0);
                    if (loopTn.Text == rti1.Table)
                        relTn1 = loopTn;
                        if (rti1.RelationDirection != RelationDirection.DirectedToMe)
                            ForeignIntermediateTableRelation fitr = new ForeignIntermediateTableRelation(rti1, tn.Text);
                            relNode1 = new RelationNode(fitr, relTn1);
                if (relNode0 != null)
                    relNode0.RelatedTableNode = relTn1;
                if (relNode1 != null)
                    relNode1.RelatedTableNode = relTn0;