protected int Save() { if (intID == 0) { // oForecast.DeleteAnswer(intForecast, intPlatform); intID = oForecast.AddAnswer(intForecast, intPlatform, 0, intProfile); } // Check to see if step is done int intDone = 0; if (ddlModels.SelectedIndex > 0) { int intModel = Int32.Parse(ddlModels.SelectedItem.Value); oForecast.UpdateAnswerModel(intID, intModel); if (panVirtual.Visible == true) { oForecast.DeleteWorkstation(intID); oForecast.AddWorkstation(intID, Int32.Parse(ddlRam.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlOS.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlRecovery.SelectedItem.Value), 0, Int32.Parse(ddlHardDrive.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlCPU.SelectedItem.Value)); if (ddlRam.SelectedIndex > 0 && ddlOS.SelectedIndex > 0 && ddlHardDrive.SelectedIndex > 0 && ddlCPU.SelectedIndex > 0 && (boolProduction == false || ddlRecovery.SelectedIndex > 0)) { intDone = 1; } } else { intDone = 1; } } return(intDone); }
protected int Save() { if (intID == 0) { // oForecast.DeleteAnswer(intForecast, intPlatform); intID = oForecast.AddAnswer(intForecast, intPlatform, 0, intProfile); } int intVendor = Int32.Parse(lblVendor.Text); if (intVendor == 0) { intVendor = oForecast.AddAnswerVendor(Int32.Parse(ddlPlatforms.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlTypes.SelectedItem.Value), txtMake.Text, txtModel.Text, txtWidth.Text, txtHeight.Text, txtAmp.Text, txtOther.Text); } else { oForecast.UpdateAnswerVendor(intVendor, Int32.Parse(ddlPlatforms.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlTypes.SelectedItem.Value), txtMake.Text, txtModel.Text, txtWidth.Text, txtHeight.Text, txtAmp.Text, txtOther.Text); } oForecast.UpdateAnswerVendor(intID, intVendor); // Check to see if step is done int intDone = 0; if (txtMake.Text.Trim() != "" && txtModel.Text.Trim() != "" && txtWidth.Text.Trim() != "" && txtHeight.Text.Trim() != "" && txtAmp.Text.Trim() != "") { intDone = 1; } return(intDone); }
protected void btnAddHost_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { int intAnswer = oForecast.AddAnswer(0, Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]), Int32.Parse(ddlHost.SelectedItem.Value), intProfile); oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, 0, 0, "", 0, "", "", txtName.Text, Int32.Parse(ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlClass.SelectedItem.Value), 0, Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnEnvironment.UniqueID]), Int32.Parse(ddlMaintenance.SelectedItem.Value), 0, 0, Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text), 0); oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text), Int32.Parse(ddlConfidence.SelectedItem.Value), -999); Response.Redirect(Request.Path + "?add=true"); }
protected void btnNext_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { int intRequest = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rid"]); int intItem = Int32.Parse(lblItem.Text); int intNumber = Int32.Parse(lblNumber.Text); DataSet dsToday = oForecast.GetAnswersDay(intWorkstationPlatform, intProfile, 1); int intQuantity = 0; foreach (DataRow drToday in dsToday.Tables[0].Rows) { intQuantity += Int32.Parse(drToday["quantity"].ToString()); } int intTotal = Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text) + intQuantity; if (intTotal <= intMaxWorkstationsPerDay) { // Add Answer if (intAnswer == 0) { intAnswer = oForecast.AddAnswer(0, intWorkstationPlatform, 0, intProfile); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); } oForecast.UpdateAnswerService(intAnswer, intRequest); int intClass = 0; DataSet dsClasses = oClass.Gets(1); foreach (DataRow drClass in dsClasses.Tables[0].Rows) { if (drClass["prod"].ToString() == "1" && drClass["pnc"].ToString() != "1") { intClass = Int32.Parse(drClass["id"].ToString()); break; } } oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, 0, 0, "", 0, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"], "", txtName.Text, Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnParent.UniqueID]), intClass, 0, intCore, 0, 0, 0, Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text), 0); // Add Model oForecast.UpdateAnswerModel(intAnswer, intModelVirtual); oForecast.DeleteWorkstation(intAnswer); oForecast.AddWorkstation(intAnswer, Int32.Parse(ddlRam.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlOS.SelectedItem.Value), 0, 0, Int32.Parse(ddlHardDrive.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlCPU.SelectedItem.Value)); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); // Add Commitment Date oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, DateTime.Today, intConfidence, intProfile); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); oRequestItem.UpdateForm(intRequest, true); Response.Redirect(oPage.GetFullLink(intPage) + "?rid=" + intRequest.ToString()); } else { Response.Redirect(oPage.GetFullLink(intPage) + "?rid=" + intRequest.ToString() + "&qty=" + intQuantity.ToString()); } }
protected int Save() { if (intID == 0) { // oForecast.DeleteAnswer(intForecast, intPlatform); intID = oForecast.AddAnswer(intForecast, intPlatform, 0, intProfile); } // Check to see if step is done int intDone = 0; if (ddlModels.SelectedIndex > 0) { intDone = 1; int intModel = Int32.Parse(ddlModels.SelectedItem.Value); oForecast.UpdateAnswerModel(intID, intModel); } return(intDone); }
private void Save(int intRequest) { int intItem = Int32.Parse(lblItem.Text); int intService = Int32.Parse(lblService.Text); int intNumber = Int32.Parse(lblNumber.Text); DataSet dsToday = oForecast.GetAnswersDay(intWorkstationPlatform, intProfile, 1); int intQuantity = 0; foreach (DataRow drToday in dsToday.Tables[0].Rows) { intQuantity += Int32.Parse(drToday["quantity"].ToString()); } int intTotal = Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text) + intQuantity; if (intTotal <= intMaxWorkstationsPerDay) { // Add Answer if (intAnswer == 0) { intAnswer = oForecast.AddAnswer(0, intWorkstationPlatform, 0, intProfile); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); } oForecast.UpdateAnswerService(intAnswer, intRequest); oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, 0, 0, "", 0, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"], "", txtName.Text, Int32.Parse(ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlClass.SelectedItem.Value), 0, intCore, 0, 0, 0, Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text), 0); // Add Model oForecast.UpdateAnswerModel(intAnswer, intModelVMware); oForecast.DeleteWorkstation(intAnswer); oForecast.AddWorkstation(intAnswer, Int32.Parse(ddlRam.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlOS.SelectedItem.Value), (chkDR.Checked ? 1 : 0), Int32.Parse(radEmployee.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlHardDrive.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlCPU.SelectedItem.Value)); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); // Add Commitment Date oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, DateTime.Today, intConfidence, intProfile); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); if (boolReqDenied) { oService.UpdateSelectedApprove(intRequest, intService, Int32.Parse(lblNumber.Text), 0, 0, DateTime.Now, ""); } } else { Response.Redirect(oPage.GetFullLink(intPage) + "?rid=" + intRequest.ToString() + "&qty=" + intQuantity.ToString()); } }
protected int Save() { int intDone = 1; oForecast.DeleteAnswerPlatform(intID); foreach (string strForm in Request.Form) { if (strForm.StartsWith("hdnQ_")) { if (intID == 0) { int intPlatform = Int32.Parse(lblPlatform.Text); intID = oForecast.AddAnswer(intForecast, intPlatform, 0, intProfile); } int intQuestion = Int32.Parse(strForm.Substring(5)); string strInitalDisplay = GetDisplay(intQuestion); if (strInitalDisplay == "inline") { string strTemp = Request.Form[strForm]; int intAnswer = 0; int intCustom = 0; if (strTemp.Contains("|")) { while (strTemp != "") { if (strTemp.Contains("_")) { intAnswer = Int32.Parse(strTemp.Substring(0, strTemp.IndexOf("_"))); } else { intAnswer = Int32.Parse(strTemp.Substring(0, strTemp.IndexOf("|"))); } strTemp = strTemp.Substring(strTemp.IndexOf("|") + 1); intCustom = Int32.Parse(oForecast.GetResponse(intAnswer, "custom")); if (intCustom > 0) { oForecast.AddAnswerPlatform(intID, intQuestion, intAnswer, Request.Form["hdnC_" + intAnswer.ToString()]); } else { oForecast.AddAnswerPlatform(intID, intQuestion, intAnswer, ""); } } } else if (strTemp != "" && strTemp != "0") { intAnswer = Int32.Parse(strTemp); intCustom = Int32.Parse(oForecast.GetResponse(intAnswer, "custom")); if (intCustom > 0) { oForecast.AddAnswerPlatform(intID, intQuestion, intAnswer, Request.Form["hdnC_" + intAnswer.ToString()]); } else { oForecast.AddAnswerPlatform(intID, intQuestion, intAnswer, ""); } } else { if (oForecast.GetQuestion(intQuestion, "required") == "1") { DataSet dsAffects = oForecast.GetAffectsByAffected(intQuestion); foreach (DataRow drAffect in dsAffects.Tables[0].Rows) { int intQ = Int32.Parse(drAffect["questionid"].ToString()); DataSet dsAnswer = oForecast.GetAnswerPlatform(intID, intQ); bool boolOK = false; foreach (DataRow drAnswer in dsAnswer.Tables[0].Rows) { string strDisplay = oForecast.GetAffects(intQ, intQuestion, Int32.Parse(drAnswer["responseid"].ToString())); if (strDisplay != "") { strDisplay = (strDisplay == "1" ? "inline" : "none"); } if (strDisplay == "none") { boolOK = true; } } if (boolOK == false) { intDone = 0; } } } } } } } bool boolRecoveryOne = oForecast.IsDROneToOne(intID); bool boolRecoveryMany = oForecast.IsDRManyToOne(intID); bool boolRecoveryNone = oForecast.IsDROver48(intID, false); int intRecovery = (boolRecoveryNone ? 0 : (boolRecoveryOne ? Int32.Parse(lblQuantity.Text) : (boolRecoveryMany ? Int32.Parse(lblRecovery.Text) : 0))); oForecast.UpdateAnswerRecovery(intID, intRecovery); if (boolProduction == true) { oForecast.EnforceRecovery(intID, intDRHourQuestion, intDRHourResponse, intDRRecoveryQuestion, intDRRecoveryResponse, Int32.Parse(lblQuantity.Text)); } return(intDone); }
protected void btnNext_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { int intRequest = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rid"]); int intItem = Int32.Parse(lblItem.Text); int intNumber = Int32.Parse(lblNumber.Text); DataSet dsToday = oForecast.GetAnswersDay(intWorkstationPlatform, intProfile, 1); int intQuantity = 0; foreach (DataRow drToday in dsToday.Tables[0].Rows) { intQuantity += Int32.Parse(drToday["quantity"].ToString()); } int intTotal = Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text) + intQuantity; if (intTotal <= intMaxWorkstationsPerDay) { if (intWorkstation == 0) { // Add Answer if (intAnswer == 0) { intAnswer = oForecast.AddAnswer(0, intWorkstationPlatform, 0, intProfile); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); } oForecast.UpdateAnswerService(intAnswer, intRequest); int intClass = Int32.Parse(ddlClass.SelectedItem.Value); oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, 0, 0, "", 0, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"], "", txtName.Text, Int32.Parse(ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Value), intClass, 0, intCore, 0, 0, 0, Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text), 0); // Add Model oForecast.UpdateAnswerModel(intAnswer, intModelVMware); oForecast.DeleteWorkstation(intAnswer); oForecast.AddWorkstation(intAnswer, Int32.Parse(ddlRam.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlOS.SelectedItem.Value), (chkDR.Checked ? 1 : 0), Int32.Parse(radEmployee.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlHardDrive.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlCPU.SelectedItem.Value)); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); // Add Commitment Date oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, DateTime.Today, intConfidence, intProfile); oForecast.UpdateAnswerStep(intAnswer, 1, 1); // Manager and Cost Center int intCostCenter = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.Form[hdnCostCenter.UniqueID], out intCostCenter); oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intAnswer, "", "", 0, intCostCenter, 0, Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnManager.UniqueID]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Create Workstation Record int intOS = Int32.Parse(ddlOS.SelectedItem.Value); int intSP = 0; Int32.TryParse(oOperatingSystems.Get(intOS, "default_sp"), out intSP); DataSet dsDomains = oDomain.GetClassEnvironment(intClass, intCore); int intDomain = 0; if (dsDomains.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { intDomain = Int32.Parse(dsDomains.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()); } intWorkstation = oWorkstation.AddVirtual(intRequest, intAnswer, intNumber, 1, intModelVMware, intOS, intSP, intDomain, Int32.Parse(ddlRam.SelectedItem.Value), (chkDR.Checked ? 1 : 0), Int32.Parse(radEmployee.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlHardDrive.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlCPU.SelectedItem.Value), 1, 1); Redirect("&id=" + intWorkstation.ToString() + "&menu_tab=2"); } else { Update(); if (rptAccounts.Items.Count > 0) { oRequestItem.UpdateForm(intRequest, true); Redirect(""); } else { Redirect("&menu_tab=2&accts=0"); } } } else { Redirect("&qty=" + intQuantity.ToString()); } }
private bool Save() { if (intID == 0) { intPlatform = Int32.Parse(ddlPlatform.SelectedItem.Value); intID = oForecast.AddAnswer(Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["parent"]), intPlatform, 0, intProfile); } bool boolOverride = false; bool boolAlready = false; if (radYes.Checked && oForecast.GetAnswer(intID, "override") == "1") { boolAlready = true; } else if (radYes.Checked) { boolOverride = true; } int intApplicationID = Int32.Parse(ddlApplications.SelectedItem.Value); ServerName oServerName = new ServerName(0, dsn); int intSubApplicationID = 0; if (oServerName.GetSubApplications(intApplicationID, 1).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && Request.Form[hdnSubApplication.UniqueID] != "") { intSubApplicationID = Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnSubApplication.UniqueID]); } int intOverride = (boolAlready == true ? 1 : (boolOverride == true ? (radBreakYes.Checked ? 1 : -1) : 0)); int intClass = Int32.Parse(ddlClass.SelectedItem.Value); bool boolName = true; if (intOverride == 1) { if (radBreakYes.Checked == true) { int intName = 0; if (oClass.Get(intClass, "pnc") == "1") { intName = oServerName.GetNameFactory(txtDeviceName.Text); } else { intName = oServerName.GetName(txtDeviceName.Text); } if (intName == 0) { boolName = false; } else { oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intID, intOverride, 1, txtChange.Text, intName, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"], "", txtName.Text, Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnLocation.UniqueID]), intClass, (chkTest.Checked ? 1 : 0), Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnEnvironment.UniqueID]), Int32.Parse(ddlMaintenance.SelectedItem.Value), intApplicationID, intSubApplicationID, Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text), (radResiliencyYes.Checked ? 1 : 0)); } } else { oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intID, intOverride, 0, "", 0, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"], "", txtName.Text, Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnLocation.UniqueID]), intClass, (chkTest.Checked ? 1 : 0), Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnEnvironment.UniqueID]), Int32.Parse(ddlMaintenance.SelectedItem.Value), intApplicationID, intSubApplicationID, Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text), (radResiliencyYes.Checked ? 1 : 0)); } } else { oForecast.UpdateAnswer(intID, intOverride, 0, "", 0, Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"], "", txtName.Text, Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnLocation.UniqueID]), intClass, (chkTest.Checked ? 1 : 0), Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnEnvironment.UniqueID]), Int32.Parse(ddlMaintenance.SelectedItem.Value), intApplicationID, intSubApplicationID, Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text), (radResiliencyYes.Checked ? 1 : 0)); } if (boolName == true) { // Set up the forecast steps done table to check if a certain step of a forecast is done. DataSet dsSteps = oForecast.GetSteps(intPlatform, 1); DataSet dsStepsDone = oForecast.GetStepsDone(intID, 0); if (dsSteps.Tables[0].Rows.Count != dsStepsDone.Tables[0].Rows.Count) { int intCount = 0; foreach (DataRow drStep in dsSteps.Tables[0].Rows) { intCount++; oForecast.AddStepDone(intID, intCount, 0); } } } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "save", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Please enter a valid device name!\\n\\nThe device name you entered was not found\\n\\nIf you think this device exists, please contact your ClearView administrator');<" + "/" + "script>"); } return(boolName); }