Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a roof over the rectangular profile of the walls we created earlier.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddRoof(List <Wall> walls)
            // Hard coding the roof type we will use.
            // E.g., "Basic Roof: Generic - 400mm"

            const string roofFamilyName        = "Basic Roof";
            const string roofTypeName          = Util.Constant.RoofTypeName; //  Util.Constant.RoofTypeName
            const string roofFamilyAndTypeName = roofFamilyName + ": " + roofTypeName;

            // Find the roof type

            RoofType roofType = (RoofType)ElementFiltering.FindFamilyType(_doc, typeof(RoofType), roofFamilyName, roofTypeName, null);

            if (roofType == null)
                    "Add roof",
                    "Cannot find (" +
                    roofFamilyAndTypeName +
                    "). Maybe you use a different template? Try with DefaultMetric.rte.");

            // Wall thickness to adjust the footprint of the walls
            // to the outer most lines.
            // Note: this may not be the best way,
            // but we will live with this for this exercise.

            //double wallThickness = walls[0].WallType.CompoundStructure.Layers.get_Item(0).Thickness; // 2011
            double wallThickness = walls[0].Width;

            double     dt  = wallThickness / 2.0;
            List <XYZ> dts = new List <XYZ>(5);

            dts.Add(new XYZ(-dt, -dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(dt, -dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(dt, dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(-dt, dt, 0.0));

            // Set the profile from four walls

            CurveArray footPrint = new CurveArray();

            for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                LocationCurve locCurve = (LocationCurve)walls[i].Location;
                XYZ           pt1      = locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(0) + dts[i];
                XYZ           pt2      = locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(1) + dts[i + 1];
                Line          line     = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);

            // Get the level2 from the wall

            ElementId idLevel2 = walls[0].get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.WALL_HEIGHT_TYPE).AsElementId();
            //Level level2 = (Level)_doc.get_Element(idLevel2); // 2012
            Level level2 = (Level)_doc.GetElement(idLevel2); // since 2013

            // Footprint to morel curve mapping

            ModelCurveArray mapping = new ModelCurveArray();

            // Create a roof.

            FootPrintRoof aRoof = _doc.Create.NewFootPrintRoof(footPrint, level2, roofType, out mapping);

            foreach (ModelCurve modelCurve in mapping)
                aRoof.set_DefinesSlope(modelCurve, true);
                aRoof.set_SlopeAngle(modelCurve, 0.5);
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
                WaitCursor    waitCursor = new WaitCursor();
                UIApplication app        = commandData.Application;
                Document      doc        = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
                Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application createApp = app.Application.Create;
                Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Document    createDoc = doc.Create;

                using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc))
                    t.Start("Create Little House");

                    // Determine the four corners of the rectangular house:

                    double width = 7 * LabConstants.MeterToFeet;
                    double depth = 4 * LabConstants.MeterToFeet;

                    List <XYZ> corners = new List <XYZ>(4);

                    corners.Add(new XYZ(width, 0, 0));
                    corners.Add(new XYZ(width, depth, 0));
                    corners.Add(new XYZ(0, depth, 0));

                    #region Test creating two levels
                    Level          levelBottom = null;
                    Level          levelMiddle = null;
                    Level          levelTop    = null;
                    List <Element> levels      = new List <Element>();

                    Filter filterType
                        = createApp.Filter.NewTypeFilter(

                    doc.get_Elements(filterType, levels);
                    foreach (Element e in levels)
                        if (null == levelBottom)
                            levelBottom = e as Level;
                        else if (null == levelMiddle)
                            levelMiddle = e as Level;
                        else if (null == levelTop)
                            levelTop = e as Level;

                    BuiltInParameter topLevelParam
                        = BuiltInParameter.WALL_HEIGHT_TYPE;

                    Line      line;
                    Wall      wall;
                    Parameter param;

                    ElementId   topId = levelMiddle.Id;
                    List <Wall> walls = new List <Wall>(8);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        line = createApp.NewLineBound(
                            corners[i], corners[3 == i ? 0 : i + 1]);

                        wall = createDoc.NewWall(
                            line, levelBottom, false);

                        param = wall.get_Parameter(topLevelParam);
                        param.Set(ref topId);

                    topId = levelTop.Id;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        line = createApp.NewLineBound(
                            corners[i], corners[3 == i ? 0 : i + 1]);

                        wall = createDoc.NewWall(
                            line, levelMiddle, false);

                        param = wall.get_Parameter(topLevelParam);
                        param.Set(ref topId);

                    List <Element> doorSymbols
                        = LabUtils.GetAllFamilySymbols(
                              app, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors);

                        0 < doorSymbols.Count,
                        "expected at least one door symbol"
                        + " to be loaded into project");

                    FamilySymbol door
                        = doorSymbols[0] as FamilySymbol;

                    XYZ midpoint = LabUtils.Midpoint(
                        corners[0], corners[1]);

                    FamilyInstance inst0
                        = createDoc.NewFamilyInstance(
                              midpoint, door, walls[0], levelBottom,

                    midpoint.Z = levelMiddle.Elevation;

                    FamilyInstance inst1
                        = createDoc.NewFamilyInstance(
                              midpoint, door, walls[4], levelMiddle,
                    #endregion // Test creating two levels

                    // Determine the levels where the walls will be located:

                    Level levelBottom = null;
                    Level levelTop    = null;

                    if (!LabUtils.GetBottomAndTopLevels(doc, ref levelBottom, ref levelTop))
                        message = "Unable to determine wall bottom and top levels";
                    Debug.Print(string.Format("Drawing walls on '{0}' up to '{1}'",
                                              levelBottom.Name, levelTop.Name));

                    // Create the walls:

                    BuiltInParameter topLevelParam = BuiltInParameter.WALL_HEIGHT_TYPE;
                    ElementId        levelBottomId = levelBottom.Id;
                    ElementId        topLevelId    = levelTop.Id;
                    List <Wall>      walls         = new List <Wall>(4);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        Line line = Line.CreateBound(corners[i], corners[3 == i ? 0 : i + 1]);
                        //Wall wall = createDoc.NewWall( line, levelBottom, false ); // 2012
                        Wall      wall  = Wall.Create(doc, line, levelBottomId, false); // 2013
                        Parameter param = wall.get_Parameter(topLevelParam);

                    // Determine wall thickness for tag offset and profile growth:

                    //double wallThickness = walls[0].WallType.CompoundStructure.Layers.get_Item( 0 ).Thickness; // 2011
                    //double wallThickness = walls[0].WallType.GetCompoundStructure().GetLayers()[0].Width; // 2012
                    double wallThickness = walls[0].WallType.Width; // simpler and more direct property available in 2012

                    // Add door and windows to the first wall;
                    // note that the NewFamilyInstance() api method does not automatically add door
                    // and window tags, like the ui command does. we add tags here by making additional calls
                    // to NewTag():

                    FamilySymbol door = LabUtils.GetFirstFamilySymbol(doc, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors);
                    if (null == door)
                        LabUtils.InfoMsg("No door symbol found.");
                    FamilySymbol window = LabUtils.GetFirstFamilySymbol(
                        doc, BuiltInCategory.OST_Windows);

                    if (null == window)
                        LabUtils.InfoMsg("No window symbol found.");

                    XYZ    midpoint  = LabUtils.Midpoint(corners[0], corners[1]);
                    XYZ    p         = LabUtils.Midpoint(corners[0], midpoint);
                    XYZ    q         = LabUtils.Midpoint(midpoint, corners[1]);
                    double tagOffset = 3 * wallThickness;

                    //double windowHeight = 1 * LabConstants.MeterToFeet;
                    double windowHeight = levelBottom.Elevation + 0.3 * (
                        levelTop.Elevation - levelBottom.Elevation);

                    p = new XYZ(p.X, p.Y, windowHeight);
                    q = new XYZ(q.X, q.Y, windowHeight);
                    View view = doc.ActiveView;

                    door.Activate(); // 2016

                    FamilyInstance inst = createDoc.NewFamilyInstance(
                        midpoint, door, walls[0], levelBottom, StructuralType.NonStructural);

                    midpoint += tagOffset * XYZ.BasisY;

                    //IndependentTag tag = createDoc.NewTag(
                    //  view, inst, false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,
                    //  TagOrientation.Horizontal, midpoint ); // 2017

                    IndependentTag tag = IndependentTag.Create(
                        doc, view.Id, new Reference(inst),
                        false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,
                        TagOrientation.Horizontal, midpoint); // 2018

                    IList <FamilyPointPlacementReference> fpprefs = inst.GetFamilyPointPlacementReferences();
                    IList <Reference> refs = inst.GetReferences(FamilyInstanceReferenceType.CenterLeftRight);

                    //IndependentTag tag = IndependentTag.Create( doc,
                    //  view.Id, refs[0], false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,
                    //  TagOrientation.Horizontal, midpoint ); // 2018

                    window.Activate(); // 2016

                    inst = createDoc.NewFamilyInstance(p, window,
                                                       walls[0], levelBottom, StructuralType.NonStructural);

                    p += tagOffset * XYZ.BasisY;

                    //tag = createDoc.NewTag( view, inst,
                    //  false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,
                    //  TagOrientation.Horizontal, p ); // 2017

                    tag = IndependentTag.Create(
                        doc, view.Id, new Reference(inst),
                        false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,
                        TagOrientation.Horizontal, p); // 2018

                    inst = createDoc.NewFamilyInstance(q, window, walls[0],
                                                       levelBottom, StructuralType.NonStructural);

                    q += tagOffset * XYZ.BasisY;

                    //tag = createDoc.NewTag( view, inst,
                    //  false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,
                    //  TagOrientation.TAG_HORIZONTAL, q ); // 2011

                    //tag = createDoc.NewTag( view, inst,
                    //  false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,
                    //  TagOrientation.Horizontal, q ); // 2012

                    tag = IndependentTag.Create(
                        doc, view.Id, new Reference(inst),
                        false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,
                        TagOrientation.Horizontal, p); // 2018

                    // Grow the profile out by half the wall thickness,
                    // so the floor and roof do not stop halfway through the wall:

                    double w = 0.5 * wallThickness;
                    corners[0] -= w * (XYZ.BasisX + XYZ.BasisY);
                    corners[1] += w * (XYZ.BasisX - XYZ.BasisY);
                    corners[2] += w * (XYZ.BasisX + XYZ.BasisY);
                    corners[3] -= w * (XYZ.BasisX - XYZ.BasisY);
                    CurveArray profile = new CurveArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        //Line line = createApp.NewLineBound( // 2013

                        Line line = Line.CreateBound( // 2014
                            corners[i], corners[3 == i ? 0 : i + 1]);


                    // Add a floor, a roof and the roof slope:

                    bool  structural = false;
                    Floor floor      = createDoc.NewFloor(
                        profile, structural);

                    List <Element> roofTypes
                        = new List <Element>(
                                  doc, typeof(RoofType),

                    Debug.Assert(0 < roofTypes.Count,
                                 "expected at least one roof type"
                                 + " to be loaded into project");

                    // Ensure that we get a valid roof type.
                    // In Revit 2013, the first one encountered
                    // is sloped glazing with zero entries in
                    // its compound layers; actually, the entire
                    // compound structure is null:

                    //RoofType roofType = null;
                    //foreach( RoofType rt in roofTypes )
                    //  CompoundStructure cs = rt.GetCompoundStructure();
                    //  if( null != cs
                    //    && 0 < cs.GetLayers().Count )
                    //  {
                    //    roofType = rt;
                    //    break;
                    //  }

                    RoofType roofType = roofTypes
                                        .Cast <RoofType>()
                                        .FirstOrDefault <RoofType>(typ
                                                                   => null != typ.GetCompoundStructure());

                    ModelCurveArray modelCurves
                        = new ModelCurveArray();

                    FootPrintRoof roof
                        = createDoc.NewFootPrintRoof(profile,
                                                     levelTop, roofType, out modelCurves);

                    // Regenerate the model after roof creation,
                    // otherwise the calls to set_DefinesSlope and
                    // set_SlopeAngle throw the exception "Unable
                    // to access curves from the roof sketch."


                    // The argument to set_SlopeAngle is NOT an
                    // angle, it is really a slope, i.e. relation
                    // of height to distance, e.g. 0.5 = 6" / 12",
                    // 0.75  = 9" / 12", etc.

                    double slope = 0.3;

                    foreach (ModelCurve curve in modelCurves)
                        roof.set_DefinesSlope(curve, true);
                        roof.set_SlopeAngle(curve, slope);

                    // Add a room and a room tag:

                    Room room = createDoc.NewRoom(levelBottom,
                                                  new UV(0.5 * width, 0.5 * depth));

                    //RoomTag roomTag = createDoc.NewRoomTag(
                    //  room, new UV( 0.5 * width, 0.7 * depth ),
                    //  null ); // 2014

                    RoomTag roomTag = createDoc.NewRoomTag(
                        new LinkElementId(room.Id),
                        new UV(0.5 * width, 0.7 * depth),
                        null); // 2015

                    //doc.AutoJoinElements(); // todo: remove this, the transaction should perform this automatically

                    //LabUtils.InfoMsg( "Little house was created successfully." );

                    //#region Test setting BaseOffset and LimitOffset
                    //// 11334196 [Failed to set Room.BaseOffset and Room.LimitOffset properties]
                    //double h = 0.123;
                    //room.BaseOffset = -h;
                    //room.LimitOffset = h + h;
                    //#endregion // Test setting BaseOffset and LimitOffset


            catch (Exception ex)
                message = ex.Message;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a roof over the rectangular profile of the walls we created earlier.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddRoof(Document rvtDoc, List <Wall> walls)
            // Hard coding the roof type we will use.
            // e.g., "Basic Roof: Generic - 400mm"
            const string roofFamilyName        = "Basic Roof";
            const string roofTypeName          = Util.Constant.RoofTypeName;
            const string roofFamilyAndTypeName = roofFamilyName + ": " + roofTypeName;

            // Find the roof type
            RoofType roofType =
                    rvtDoc, typeof(RoofType), roofFamilyName, roofTypeName, null
                    ) as RoofType;

            if (roofType == null)
                    "Add roof", "Cannot find (" + roofFamilyAndTypeName +
                    "). Maybe you use a different template? Try with DefaultMetric.rte.");

            // Wall thickness to adjust the footprint of the walls
            // to the outer most lines.
            // Note: this may not be the best way.
            // but we will live with this for this exercise.
            //Dim wallThickness As Double = _
            //walls(0).WallType.CompoundStructure.Layers.Item(0).Thickness() ' 2011
            double wallThickness = walls[0].WallType.GetCompoundStructure().GetLayers()[0].Width;

            // 2012
            double     dt  = wallThickness / 2.0;
            List <XYZ> dts = new List <XYZ>(5);

            dts.Add(new XYZ(-dt, -dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(dt, -dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(dt, dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(-dt, dt, 0.0));

            // Set the profile from four walls
            CurveArray footPrint = new CurveArray();

            for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                LocationCurve locCurve = (LocationCurve)walls[i].Location;
                XYZ           pt1      = locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(0) + dts[i];
                XYZ           pt2      = locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(1) + dts[i + 1];
                Line          line     = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);

            // Get the level2 from the wall.

            ElementId idLevel2 = walls[0].get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.WALL_HEIGHT_TYPE).AsElementId();

            //Level level2 = (Level)_doc.get_Element(idLevel2); // 2012
            Level level2 = rvtDoc.GetElement(idLevel2) as Level; // since 2013

            // Footprint to model curve mapping.

            ModelCurveArray mapping = new ModelCurveArray();

            // Create a roof.

            FootPrintRoof aRoof = rvtDoc.Create.NewFootPrintRoof(
                footPrint, level2, roofType, out mapping);

            // Set the slope.

            ///new mapping

            LocationCurve wallCurv1 = (LocationCurve)walls[1].Location;
            // set the gable roof slope

            ModelCurveArray mappingNew  = new ModelCurveArray();
            ModelCurve      gableCurve1 = mapping.get_Item(1);
            ModelCurve      gableCurve2 = mapping.get_Item(3);

            double a = wallCurv1.Curve.Length / 2.00;
            double b = 4.00;

            //double angleB = Math.Truncate( Math.Acos((c * c + a * a - b * b)/(2 * c * a)) * 100 ) / 100; // Math.PI * 180;

            /* The value is a 'slope' measurement. For example, 0.5 is one unit of rise for each 2 units of run.
             * this creates a slope of 26.57 degrees
             * (the arctangent of 0.5)
             * double angleBDegrees = angleBRadians * 180 / Math.PI;
             * double c = Math.Truncate(Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b) * 100) / 100;
             * double c = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
             * double a = Math.Truncate(gableCurve1.GeometryCurve.Length /2.00 * 100) / 100;
             * //double a = gableCurve1.GeometryCurve.Length / 2.00;
             *           //double n = wallCurv2.Curve.Length;
             * ////
             * //double c = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
             * //double angleB = Math.Acos(c);
             *          //find double slope A use pythagorum theroum
             * // set lines a and b, find c
             * //double b = 4.00; // height should be 4' from center
             * ////// <<<hey hey hey hey hey hey herrrreeeeeeeeee <<<<<<<<<<
             * /////LocationCurve wallCurv2 = (LocationCurve)walls[3].Location;

            double angleBRadians = Math.Atan(b / a);

            double angleB = Math.Tan(angleBRadians);

            TaskDialog.Show("Test Values",
                            "lenght a: " + a +
                            " length b: " + b +
                            " radians: " + angleBRadians +
                            " angle B: " + angleB);

            aRoof.set_DefinesSlope(gableCurve1, true);
            aRoof.set_SlopeAngle(gableCurve1, angleB);
            aRoof.set_DefinesSlope(gableCurve2, true);
            aRoof.set_SlopeAngle(gableCurve2, angleB);

            #region note text and abandoned code

            //foreach (ModelCurve modelCurve in mapping)
            //  aRoof.set_DefinesSlope(modelCurve, true);
            //  aRoof.set_SlopeAngle(modelCurve, 0.5);

            // Performed automatically by transaction commit.
Exemple #4
        void f(Document doc)
            // Before invoking this sample, select some walls
            // to add a roof over. Make sure there is a level
            // named "Roof" in the document.

            Level level
                = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
                  .Where <Element>(e =>
                                   !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Name) &&
                  .FirstOrDefault <Element>() as Level;

            RoofType roofType
                = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
                  .FirstOrDefault <Element>() as RoofType;

            // Get the handle of the application
            Application application = doc.Application;

            // Define the footprint for the roof based on user selection
            CurveArray footprint = application.Create

            UIDocument uidoc = new UIDocument(doc);

            ICollection <ElementId> selectedIds
                = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

            if (selectedIds.Count != 0)
                foreach (ElementId id in selectedIds)
                    Element element = doc.GetElement(id);
                    Wall    wall    = element as Wall;
                    if (wall != null)
                        LocationCurve wallCurve = wall.Location as LocationCurve;

                    ModelCurve modelCurve = element as ModelCurve;
                    if (modelCurve != null)
                throw new Exception(
                          "Please select a curve loop, wall loop or "
                          + "combination of walls and curves to "
                          + "create a footprint roof.");

            ModelCurveArray footPrintToModelCurveMapping
                = new ModelCurveArray();

            FootPrintRoof footprintRoof
                = doc.Create.NewFootPrintRoof(
                      footprint, level, roofType,
                      out footPrintToModelCurveMapping);

            ModelCurveArrayIterator iterator
                = footPrintToModelCurveMapping.ForwardIterator();

            while (iterator.MoveNext())
                ModelCurve modelCurve = iterator.Current as ModelCurve;
                footprintRoof.set_DefinesSlope(modelCurve, true);
                footprintRoof.set_SlopeAngle(modelCurve, 0.5);
        public void AddRoof(Document rvtDoc, List <Wall> walls)
            // Hardcoding the roof type we will use.
            // e.g., "Basic Roof: Generic - 400mm"

            const string roofFamilyName        = "Basic Roof";
            const string roofTypeName          = "Generic - 9\"";
            const string roofFamilyAndTypeName = roofFamilyName + ": " + roofTypeName;

            // Find the roof type

            RoofType roofType = (RoofType)ElementFiltering.FindFamilyType(

            if (roofType == null)
                    "Add roof",
                    "Cannot find (" +
                    roofFamilyAndTypeName +
                    "). Maybe you use a different template? Try with DefaultMetric.rte.");

             * Wall thickness to adjust the  footprint of the walls
             * to the outer most lines.
             * Note: This may not be the best way,
             * but we will live with this excercise.
             * DIM wallThickness as Double
            double wallThickness = walls[0].WallType.GetCompoundStructure().GetLayers()[0].Width;

            double     dt  = wallThickness / 2.0;
            List <XYZ> dts = new List <XYZ>(5);

            dts.Add(new XYZ(-dt, -dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(dt, -dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(dt, dt, 0.0));
            dts.Add(new XYZ(-dt, dt, 0.0));

            // set the profile from four wals
            CurveArray footPrint = new CurveArray();

            for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                LocationCurve locCurve = (LocationCurve)walls[i].Location;
                XYZ           pt1      = locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(0) + dts[i];
                XYZ           pt2      = locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(1) + dts[i + 1];
                Line          line     = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);

            ///new mapping
            Curve      getCurveOne     = footPrint.get_Item(1);
            Curve      getCurveTwo     = footPrint.get_Item(3);
            CurveArray gabledFootprint = new CurveArray();


            // get the lvl2 from wall

            ElementId idlvl2 = walls[0].get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.WALL_HEIGHT_TYPE).AsElementId();
            Level     lvl2   = rvtDoc.GetElement(idlvl2) as Level;

            ModelCurveArray mapping = new ModelCurveArray();                                               // footprint to model curve mapping
            FootPrintRoof   aRoof   = rvtDoc.Create.NewFootPrintRoof(footPrint, lvl2, roofType, out mapping);

            //double offsetValue = 10;

            foreach /*set the slope */ (ModelCurve modelCurve in mapping)
                aRoof.set_DefinesSlope(modelCurve, true);
                aRoof.set_SlopeAngle(modelCurve, 0.5);
                //aRoof.set_Offset(modelCurve, offsetValue);

            /* performed automatically by transaction commit.
             * rvtDoc.Regenerate();
             * rvtDoc.AutoJoinElement();