/** Return the ingredient that is sized for the layer specified */
    public GameObject GetContainerModelByType(FoodContainerType inType)
        foreach (FoodContainer ingredient in _PickupIngredients)
            if (ingredient.cont == inType)
                //Spawn the ingredient in world and return to caller
                GameObject newIngredient = Instantiate(ingredient.gameObject);

 public void NavigateTo(ViewType type, FoodContainerType foodContainerType, int selectedItem)
     var root = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame;
     String url = views[type].ToString() + "?container=" + ContainerTypes[foodContainerType] + "&selectedItem=" + selectedItem;
     if (root != null) root.Navigate(new Uri(url, UriKind.Relative));
        void Register(FoodContainerType type, String name)
            if (ContainerTypes.ContainsKey(type)) //update
                ContainerTypes[type] = name;

            ContainerTypes.Add(type, name); //add