Exemple #1
        /// <seealso cref="Parser.GetHeaderInfo()" />
        public override HeaderInfo GetHeaderInfo()
            var xndTitle  = XmlConfig.SelectSingleNode("/config/moduleName");
            var strTitle  = xndTitle.InnerText;
            var clrColour =
                    (Int32)(UInt32.Parse(xndTitle.Attributes["colour"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null) | 0xff000000));
            var tpsPosition = (TextPosition)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextPosition), xndTitle.Attributes["position"].Value);

            var xndImage = XmlConfig.SelectSingleNode("/config/moduleImage");

            if (xndImage != null)
                var strImagePath = xndImage.Attributes["path"].Value;
                var imgImage     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(strImagePath)
          ? Fomod.GetScreenshotImage()
          : new Bitmap(Fomod.GetImage(strImagePath));
                var booShowImage = Boolean.Parse(xndImage.Attributes["showImage"].Value) && (imgImage != null);
                var booShowFade  = Boolean.Parse(xndImage.Attributes["showFade"].Value);
                var intHeight    = Int32.Parse(xndImage.Attributes["height"].Value);
                if ((intHeight == -1) && booShowImage)
                    intHeight = 75;
                return(new HeaderInfo(strTitle, clrColour, tpsPosition, imgImage, booShowImage, booShowFade, intHeight));
            var imgScreenshot = Fomod.GetScreenshotImage();

            return(new HeaderInfo(strTitle, clrColour, tpsPosition, imgScreenshot, imgScreenshot != null, true,
                                  (imgScreenshot != null) ? 75 : -1));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Reads a plugin's information from the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_xndPlugin">The configuration file node corresponding to the plugin to read.</param>
        /// <returns>The plugin information.</returns>
        protected override PluginInfo parsePlugin(XmlNode p_xndPlugin)
            var         strName = p_xndPlugin.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
            var         strDesc = p_xndPlugin.SelectSingleNode("description").InnerText.Trim();
            IPluginType iptType;
            var         xndTypeDescriptor = p_xndPlugin.SelectSingleNode("typeDescriptor").FirstChild;

            switch (xndTypeDescriptor.Name)
            case "type":
                iptType =
                    new StaticPluginType(
                        (PluginType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PluginType), xndTypeDescriptor.Attributes["name"].InnerText));

            case "dependencyType":
                var ptpDefaultType =
                iptType = new DependencyPluginType(ptpDefaultType);
                var dptDependentType = (DependencyPluginType)iptType;

                var xnlPatterns = xndTypeDescriptor.SelectNodes("patterns/*");
                foreach (XmlNode xndPattern in xnlPatterns)
                    var ptpType =
                        Enum.Parse(typeof(PluginType), xndPattern.SelectSingleNode("type").Attributes["name"].InnerText);
                    var cdpDependency = loadDependency(xndPattern.SelectSingleNode("dependencies"));
                    dptDependentType.AddPattern(ptpType, cdpDependency);

                throw new ParserException("Invalid plaug type descriptor node: " + xndTypeDescriptor.Name +
                                          ". At this point the config file has been validated against the schema, so there's something wrong with the parser.");
            var   xndImage = p_xndPlugin.SelectSingleNode("image");
            Image imgImage = null;

            if (xndImage != null)
                var strImageFilePath = xndImage.Attributes["path"].InnerText;
                imgImage = Fomod.GetImage(strImageFilePath);
            var pifPlugin = new PluginInfo(strName, strDesc, imgImage, iptType);

            var xnlPluginFiles = p_xndPlugin.SelectNodes("files/*");


            var xnlPluginFlags = p_xndPlugin.SelectNodes("conditionFlags/*");


Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Reads a plugin's information from the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_xndPlugin">The configuration file node corresponding to the plugin to read.</param>
        /// <returns>The plugin information.</returns>
        protected virtual PluginInfo parsePlugin(XmlNode p_xndPlugin)
            var         strName           = p_xndPlugin.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
            var         strDesc           = p_xndPlugin.SelectSingleNode("description").InnerText.Trim();
            IPluginType iptType           = null;
            var         xndTypeDescriptor = p_xndPlugin.SelectSingleNode("typeDescriptor").FirstChild;

            switch (xndTypeDescriptor.Name)
            case "type":
                iptType =
                    new StaticPluginType(
                        (PluginType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PluginType), xndTypeDescriptor.Attributes["name"].InnerText));

            case "dependancyType":
                var ptpDefaultType =
                iptType = new DependencyPluginType(ptpDefaultType);
                var dptDependentType = (DependencyPluginType)iptType;

                var xnlPatterns = xndTypeDescriptor.SelectNodes("patterns/*");
                foreach (XmlNode xndPattern in xnlPatterns)
                    var ptpType =
                        Enum.Parse(typeof(PluginType), xndPattern.SelectSingleNode("type").Attributes["name"].InnerText);
                    var cdpDependency = loadDependency(xndPattern.SelectSingleNode("dependancies"));
                    dptDependentType.AddPattern(ptpType, cdpDependency);
            var   xndImage = p_xndPlugin.SelectSingleNode("image");
            Image imgImage = null;

            if (xndImage != null)
                var strImageFilePath = xndImage.Attributes["path"].InnerText;
                imgImage = Fomod.GetImage(strImageFilePath);
            var pifPlugin = new PluginInfo(strName, strDesc, imgImage, iptType);

            var xnlPluginFiles = p_xndPlugin.SelectNodes("files/*");

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Displays a selection form to the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   The items, previews, and descriptions are repectively ordered. In other words,
        ///   the i-th item in <paramref name="p_strItems" /> uses the i-th preview in
        ///   <paramref name="p_strPreviews" /> and the i-th description in <paramref name="p_strDescriptions" />.
        ///   Similarly, the idices return as results correspond to the indices of the items in
        ///   <paramref name="p_strItems" />.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="p_strItems">The items from which to select.</param>
        /// <param name="p_strPreviews">The preview image file names for the items.</param>
        /// <param name="p_strDescriptions">The descriptions of the items.</param>
        /// <param name="p_strTitle">The title of the selection form.</param>
        /// <param name="p_booSelectMany">Whether more than one item can be selected.</param>
        /// <returns>The indices of the selected items.</returns>
        public int[] Select(string[] p_strItems, string[] p_strPreviews, string[] p_strDescriptions, string p_strTitle,
                            bool p_booSelectMany)
            Image[] imgPreviews = null;
            if (p_strPreviews != null)
                imgPreviews = new Image[p_strPreviews.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < p_strPreviews.Length; i++)
                    if (p_strPreviews[i] == null)
                        imgPreviews[i] = Fomod.GetImage(p_strPreviews[i]);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (!((e is FileNotFoundException) || (e is DecompressionException)))
                            throw e;
                //for now I don't think the user needs to be able to detect this.
                // i don't think it is severe enough to be an exception, as it may be
                // intentional, and if it is a bug it should be readily apparent
                // during testing.

                /*if (intMissingImages > 0)
                 * {
                 * m_strLastError = "There were " + intMissingImages + " filenames specified for preview images which could not be loaded";
                 * }*/
            var sfmSelectForm = new SelectForm(p_strItems, p_booSelectMany, imgPreviews, p_strDescriptions);

            sfmSelectForm.Text = p_strTitle;
            var intResults = new int[sfmSelectForm.SelectedIndex.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < sfmSelectForm.SelectedIndex.Length; i++)
                intResults[i] = sfmSelectForm.SelectedIndex[i];