Exemple #1
    protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            Patient pt = new Patient();

            string ptTitle     = pt[Patient.PtTitle].ToString().ToUpper();
            string ptFirstName = pt[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString().ToUpper();
            string ptGender    = pt[Patient.PtGender].ToString().ToUpper();

            string greeting = "";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptTitle))
                greeting = ptTitle;
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptFirstName))
                greeting = ptFirstName;
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptGender))
                if (ptGender.Equals("MALE"))
                    greeting = "Mr.";
                else if (ptGender.Equals("FEMALE"))
                    greeting = "Ms.";

            this.Date.Text                = DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString();
            this.PatientName.Text         = pt[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString().ToUpper() + " " + pt[Patient.PtMiddleName].ToString().ToUpper() + " " + pt[Patient.PtLastName].ToString().ToUpper();
            this.PatientGreetingName.Text = greeting + " " + pt[Patient.PtLastName].ToString().ToUpper();

            string addrLine1 = pt[Patient.PtAddress1].ToString() + " " + pt[Patient.PtAddress2].ToString();
            string addrLine2 = pt[Patient.PtCity].ToString() + ", " + pt[Patient.PtState].ToString() + pt[Patient.PtPostalCode].ToString();

            this.PatientAddress.Text = addrLine1.ToUpper() + "<br/>" + addrLine2.ToUpper();

            FollowUpDA da = new FollowUpDA();
            this.PhysicianName.Text = da.GetMostRecentTreatingPhysician(PatientId);

Exemple #2
    protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CoverLetterXmlFileName))
                if (CoverLetterXmlFileName.Contains(".xml"))
                    LetterDataSource.DataFile = "~/Modules/FollowUp/LongitudinalFollowUp/" + CoverLetterXmlFileName;
                    LetterDataSource.DataFile = "~/Modules/FollowUp/LongitudinalFollowUp/" + CoverLetterXmlFileName + ".xml";

                Patient pt = new Patient();

                string ptMRN       = pt[Patient.PtMRN].ToString();
                string ptTitle     = pt[Patient.PtTitle].ToString().ToUpper();
                string ptFirstName = pt[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString().ToUpper();
                string ptGender    = pt[Patient.PtGender].ToString().ToUpper();

                string greeting = "";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptMRN))
                    identifier.Text = "MRN:  " + ptMRN;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptTitle))
                    greeting = ptTitle;
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptFirstName))
                    greeting = ptFirstName;
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptGender))
                    if (ptGender.Equals("MALE"))
                        greeting = "Mr.";
                    else if (ptGender.Equals("FEMALE"))
                        greeting = "Ms.";

                this.Date.Text                = DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString();
                this.PatientName.Text         = pt[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString().ToUpper() + " " + pt[Patient.PtMiddleName].ToString().ToUpper() + " " + pt[Patient.PtLastName].ToString().ToUpper();
                this.PatientGreetingName.Text = greeting + " " + pt[Patient.PtLastName].ToString().ToUpper();

                string addrLine1 = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt[Patient.PtAddress1].ToString()) ? pt[Patient.PtAddress1].ToString() : String.Empty;
                addrLine1 = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(addrLine1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt[Patient.PtAddress2].ToString()) ? addrLine1 + " " + pt[Patient.PtAddress2].ToString() : addrLine1;

                string addrLine2 = pt[Patient.PtCity].ToString();
                addrLine2 = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt[Patient.PtCity].ToString()) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt[Patient.PtState].ToString()) ? addrLine2 + ", " + pt[Patient.PtState].ToString() : addrLine2;
                addrLine2 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt[Patient.PtCity].ToString()) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt[Patient.PtState].ToString()) ? addrLine2 + pt[Patient.PtState].ToString() : addrLine2;
                addrLine2 = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(addrLine2) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt[Patient.PtPostalCode].ToString()) ? addrLine2 + " " + pt[Patient.PtPostalCode].ToString() : addrLine2 + pt[Patient.PtPostalCode].ToString();

                this.PatientAddress.Text = addrLine1.ToUpper();
                this.PatientAddress.Text = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(addrLine1) ? this.PatientAddress.Text + "<br/>" + addrLine2.ToUpper() : addrLine2.ToUpper();

                FollowUpDA da = new FollowUpDA();
                this.PhysicianName.Text = da.GetMostRecentTreatingPhysician(PatientId);
                PatientPhysicianDa ptPhDa = new PatientPhysicianDa();
                DataSet            ptPhDs = ptPhDa.FormGetPatientPhysicians(PatientId, "", "Dynamic");
                DataView           ptPhDv = new DataView(ptPhDs.Tables[0]);
                if (ptPhDv.Count > 0)
                    ptPhDv.Sort = PatientPhysician.EnteredTime + " DESC ";

                    this.PhysicianName.Text = ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhFirstName].ToString() + " " + ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhMiddleName].ToString() + "  " + ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhLastName].ToString() + "  " + ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhSuffix].ToString();

                    this.PhysicianInfo.Text = String.Empty;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhLevel].ToString()))
                        this.PhysicianInfo.Text = this.PhysicianInfo.Text + ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhLevel].ToString() + " Physician<br/>";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhInstitution].ToString()))
                        this.PhysicianInfo.Text = this.PhysicianInfo.Text + ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhInstitution].ToString() + "<br/>";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhWorkPhone].ToString()))
                        this.PhysicianInfo.Text = this.PhysicianInfo.Text + "Phone: " + ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhWorkPhone].ToString() + "<br/>";
                        physicianWorkPh         = ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhWorkPhone].ToString();

                    // if physician has a signature image stord, add to Letter
                    // image file should be stored as Images/FormImages/PhysicianSig_[PhLastName][PhFirstName].jpg
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhFirstName].ToString()) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhLastName].ToString()))
                        string signaturesSourceFolder = Server.MapPath("../../../Images/FormImages/");
                        string signatureFileName      = "PhysicianSig_" + ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhLastName].ToString() + ptPhDv[0][Physician.PhFirstName].ToString() + ".jpg";
                        string signaturePath          = signaturesSourceFolder + signatureFileName;

                        if (File.Exists(signaturePath))
                            SignatureImage.ImageUrl = signaturePath;
                            SignaturePH.Visible     = true;

                /// Add institution logo based on web.config variable to Xsl params.
                /// Institution logo should be stored in the format AbbreviatedName_FormLogo.gif, ie MSKCC_FormLogo.gif.
                string logoUrl = "../../../Images/FormImages/" + CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("institutionShortName") + "_FormLogo.gif";
                HeaderLogo.Src = Server.MapPath(logoUrl);;

        ExternalContent.Visible = false;
Exemple #3
        private DataTable SetFollowUpLetterList()
            // need to validate string is actual date
            DateTime processDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ProcessDate.Text);

            // procedure can be entered from UI too
            string procedureType = ProcedureType.Text;

            _redirectPath += "&proc=" + procedureType + "&processDate=" + processDate.ToShortDateString();

            FollowUpDA da = new FollowUpDA();
            DataTable  lastSurveyPatientsDt = new DataTable();

            lastSurveyPatientsDt = da.GetPatientsLastSurveySentList(procedureType, FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyShortName(ddlSurveyType.SelectedValue));

            DataTable  fuLetterPatientsDt = new DataTable();
            DataColumn dc0  = new DataColumn("PatientId");
            DataColumn dc1  = new DataColumn("PtName");
            DataColumn dc2  = new DataColumn("PtMRN");
            DataColumn dc3  = new DataColumn("Surgeon");
            DataColumn dc4  = new DataColumn("FUMonth");
            DataColumn dc5  = new DataColumn("SurveyName");
            DataColumn dc6  = new DataColumn("SentDate");
            DataColumn dc7  = new DataColumn("Address1");
            DataColumn dc8  = new DataColumn("Address2");
            DataColumn dc9  = new DataColumn("City");
            DataColumn dc10 = new DataColumn("State");
            DataColumn dc11 = new DataColumn("Zip");
            DataColumn dc12 = new DataColumn("LastName");
            DataColumn dc13 = new DataColumn("FirstName");


            // HERE: remove patients who have completed the survey within 20 days after it was sent to them
            foreach (DataRow dr in lastSurveyPatientsDt.Rows)
                int      pId            = Int32.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString());
                DateTime surveySentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionDate].ToString());

                // we have the surveySent actionItem is "NAME x Month Sent"
                string surveySentActionItem = dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionItem].ToString();

                string surveyType = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyNameFromActionItem(surveySentActionItem);
                string month      = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyMonthNoFromActionItem(surveySentActionItem);

                // and want to get the equivalent letterSent ActionItem: for now it is "NAME x Month Letter Sent"
                string letterSentActionItem = FollowUpUtil.GetActionItemToLog(pId, month, surveyType, false);

                if (processDate > surveySentDate.AddDays(20)) //expected to receive survey within 20 days of processdate
                    // if expected survey was not received, send letter to patient only if not already sent before
                    if (da.GetSurveyByActionItem(pId, surveySentActionItem).Rows.Count == 0 && da.LetterAlreadySent(pId, letterSentActionItem) == false)
                        // get the (full) survey name to display in the list of results
                        string selectedSurvey = ddlSurveyType.SelectedValue;
                        string surveyFullName = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyFullName(int.Parse(month), selectedSurvey);

                        // patient is due for a follow up letter
                        DataRow fuRow = fuLetterPatientsDt.NewRow();
                        fuRow["PatientId"]  = pId.ToString();
                        fuRow["LastName"]   = dr[Patient.PtLastName].ToString();
                        fuRow["FirstName"]  = dr[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString();
                        fuRow["PtName"]     = dr[Patient.PtLastName].ToString() + ", " + dr[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString();
                        fuRow["PtMRN"]      = dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString();
                        fuRow["Surgeon"]    = da.GetMostRecentTreatingPhysician(pId);
                        fuRow["FUMonth"]    = month.ToString();
                        fuRow["SurveyName"] = surveyFullName;

                        DateTime dt;
                        dt = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionDate].ToString());
                        fuRow["SentDate"] = dt.ToShortDateString(); //last survey sent date
                        //fuRow["SentDate"] = dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionDate].ToString(); //last survey sent date

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(letterSentActionItem))
                            fuRow["SurveyName"] = fuRow["SurveyName"].ToString() + "<BR>Invalid Action Name";

                        // retrieve additional patient data
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString()))
                            PatientDa ptDa     = new PatientDa();
                            DataTable ptInfoDt = ptDa.GetPatientByMRN(dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString());
                            if (ptInfoDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                fuRow["Address1"] = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtAddress1].ToString();
                                fuRow["Address2"] = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtAddress2].ToString();
                                fuRow["City"]     = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtCity].ToString();
                                fuRow["State"]    = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtState].ToString();
                                fuRow["Zip"]      = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtPostalCode].ToString();


                        // NOTE: all patients get the same follow up letter, but this could change?
                        _redirectPath += "&" + dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString() + "=" + month + "_Follow Up Letter";

                CreateBatchButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "window.location.href='" + _redirectPath + "'");

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a report of surveys OR letters sent by date range
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="physicianName"></param>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataView GetReportsDataView()
            DateTime startDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartDateField.Value) ? DateTime.Parse(StartDateField.Value) : DateTime.Today;
            DateTime endDate   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndDateField.Value) ? DateTime.Parse(EndDateField.Value) : DateTime.Today;
            string   procType  = this.ProcedureType.SelectedValue;

            string actionItem;

            if (this.GetFormType() == "Survey")
                actionItem = "%" + this.GetFormType() + "% Month Sent";
                actionItem = "%Month " + this.GetFormType() + " Sent";

            FollowUpDA da = new FollowUpDA();
            DataTable  followUpReportTable = da.GetFollowUpReportList(procType, startDate.ToShortDateString(), endDate.ToShortDateString(), actionItem);

            // now we need to create a new datatable so we can loop and add the column for Completed Date
            DataTable myTable = new DataTable();

            string[] colNames = new string[] { "PatientId", "Patient", "Survey", "Month", "Treating Physician", "Sent Date", "Received Date" };
            foreach (string colName in colNames)
                myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(colName));

            foreach (DataRow dr in followUpReportTable.Rows)
                DataRow newRow = myTable.NewRow();
                string  ptName = dr[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString() + " " + dr[Patient.PtMiddleName].ToString() + " " + dr[Patient.PtLastName].ToString();
                newRow["PatientId"] = dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString();
                newRow["Patient"]   = ptName;

                newRow["Treating Physician"] = da.GetMostRecentTreatingPhysician(int.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString()));

                string actionItemStr = dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionItem].ToString();
                string actionId      = dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionId].ToString();

                string fuMonth = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyMonthNoFromActionItem(actionItemStr);
                newRow["Month"] = fuMonth;

                string formName = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyNameFromActionItem(actionItemStr);

                if (this.GetFormType() == "Letter")
                    formName += " " + "Follow Up Letter";

                newRow["Survey"]    = formName;
                newRow["Sent Date"] = DateTime.Parse(dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionDate].ToString()).ToShortDateString();

                // Add Survey completed date, if it exists (we check the Surveys table)
                string completedDate = string.Empty;

                //DataTable dtRec = da.GetSurveyReceived(Int32.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString()), actionItemExpr);

                DataTable dtRec = da.GetSurveyByActionItem(Int32.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString()), actionItemStr);

                if (dtRec.Rows.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtRec.Rows[0][Survey.SurveyDate].ToString()))
                    completedDate = DateTime.Parse(dtRec.Rows[0][Survey.SurveyDate].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
                    completedDate = "--";

                newRow["Received Date"] = completedDate;

                // Finally add new row to datasource

        private DataTable SetFollowUpList()
            // get user input
            DateTime processDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(ProcessDate.Text);
            string   selectedSurvey = ddlSurveyType.SelectedValue;
            string   procedureType  = ddlProcedure.Text;

            _redirectPath += "&proc=" + procedureType + "&processDate=" + processDate.ToShortDateString();

            FollowUpDA da             = new FollowUpDA();
            DataTable  surgPatientsDt = new DataTable();

            // return all patients with PtContactStatus as selected
            surgPatientsDt = da.GetActivePatientsForQOLFollowUp(processDate.ToShortDateString(), procedureType, selectedSurvey);

            DataTable  fuPatientsDt = new DataTable();
            DataColumn dc0          = new DataColumn("PatientId");
            DataColumn dc1          = new DataColumn("PtName");
            DataColumn dc2          = new DataColumn("PtMRN");
            DataColumn dc3          = new DataColumn("DueDate");
            DataColumn dc4          = new DataColumn("FUMonth");
            DataColumn dc5          = new DataColumn("ProcName");
            DataColumn dc6          = new DataColumn("ProcDate");
            DataColumn dc7          = new DataColumn("Surgeon");
            DataColumn dc8          = new DataColumn("SurveyName");
            DataColumn dc9          = new DataColumn("Address1");
            DataColumn dc10         = new DataColumn("Address2");
            DataColumn dc11         = new DataColumn("City");
            DataColumn dc12         = new DataColumn("State");
            DataColumn dc13         = new DataColumn("Zip");
            DataColumn dc14         = new DataColumn("LastName");
            DataColumn dc15         = new DataColumn("FirstName");


            // remove patients who don't belong;
            foreach (DataRow dr in surgPatientsDt.Rows)
                DateTime surgDate = (DateTime)dr[Procedure.ProcDate];

                int  daysPriorToDueDate = -15;
                int  daysAfterDueDate;
                int  month, previousMonth;
                bool breakLoop = false;

                //-- processingdate < scheduledSurgeryDate
                //-- AND PreOP has not been sent before
                //-- AND processDate is no earlier than 30 days before due date
                //-- AND IF it was sent before, make sure it was not 14 days or less ago
                //-- THEN Send PreOp

                if (processDate < surgDate) //means PRE-OP
                    DateTime dueDate         = surgDate.AddDays(-14);
                    string   surveyShortType = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyFullName(-1, ddlSurveyType.SelectedValue); //month is -1 since pre-op
                    int      pId             = Int32.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString());

                    DataTable dt = GetThisLastSurveySentRecord(surveyShortType, 0, pId);

                    //1. survey has not been sent before and processdate is no earlier than 30 days before duedate
                    //2. survey was sent before, we will send again if it was sent out more than 14 days ago and has not been received yet

                    if ((SurveyAlreadySent(surveyShortType, 0, pId) == false && processDate > dueDate.AddDays(-30)) ||
                        (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && da.GetSurveyByActionItem(pId, dt.Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionItem].ToString()).Rows.Count == 0 && DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionDate].ToString()) < processDate.AddDays(-14)))
                        string surveyName = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyFullName(0, surveyShortType);

                        DataRow fuRow = fuPatientsDt.NewRow();
                        fuRow["PatientId"]  = pId.ToString();
                        fuRow["LastName"]   = dr[Patient.PtLastName].ToString();
                        fuRow["FirstName"]  = dr[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString();
                        fuRow["PtName"]     = dr[Patient.PtLastName].ToString() + ", " + dr[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString();
                        fuRow["PtMRN"]      = dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString();
                        fuRow["DueDate"]    = dueDate.ToShortDateString();
                        fuRow["FUMonth"]    = "Pre-Op";
                        fuRow["ProcName"]   = dr[Procedure.ProcName].ToString();
                        fuRow["ProcDate"]   = surgDate.ToShortDateString();
                        fuRow["Surgeon"]    = da.GetMostRecentTreatingPhysician(pId);
                        fuRow["SurveyName"] = surveyName;

                        // retrieve additional patient data
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString()))
                            PatientDa ptDa     = new PatientDa();
                            DataTable ptInfoDt = ptDa.GetPatientByMRN(dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString());
                            if (ptInfoDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                fuRow["Address1"] = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtAddress1].ToString();
                                fuRow["Address2"] = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtAddress2].ToString();
                                fuRow["City"]     = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtCity].ToString();
                                fuRow["State"]    = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtState].ToString();
                                fuRow["Zip"]      = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtPostalCode].ToString();


                        // 0 used for PreTx surveys
                        // _redirectPath += "&" + dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString() + "=0_" + surveyName.Replace(" ", "");
                        _redirectPath += "&" + dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString() + "=0_" + surveyName;

                // rules for distribution: 1 dimension contains send month; 2 dimension contains number of days before due date in which survey should be received
                //int[,] surveyMonths = { { 1, 21 }, { 3, 30 }, { 6, 45 }, { 12, 60 }, { 18, 75 }, { 24, 75 }, { 30, 75 }, { 36, 75 }, { 48, 75 }, { 60, 75 } };

                // rules for new distribution: 1 dimension contains send month; 2 dimension contains number of days before due date in which survey should be received
                int[,] surveyMonths = { { 1, 21 }, { 3, 21 }, { 6, 21 }, { 12, 21 }, { 18, 30 }, { 24, 30 }, { 30, 30 }, { 36, 30 }, { 48, 30 }, { 60, 30 } };

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    // retrieve send month
                    month = surveyMonths[i, 0];

                    daysAfterDueDate = surveyMonths[i, 1];
                    DateTime dueDate = surgDate.AddMonths(month);

                    if (dueDate >= processDate.AddDays(daysPriorToDueDate) && dueDate <= processDate.AddDays(daysAfterDueDate))
                        breakLoop = true;

                        string currentSurveyDueName = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyFullName(month, selectedSurvey);
                        //string previousSurveyName = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyFullName(previousMonth, selectedSurvey);

                        // if 1) current survey was not already sent AND 2) At least 1 of the previous 3 surveys have been sent AND received
                        if (!SurveyAlreadySent(currentSurveyDueName, month, Int32.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString())) &&
                            PassesSurveyReceivedRule(surveyMonths, i, dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString(), selectedSurvey))
                            // patient is due for a month survey
                            DataRow fuRow = fuPatientsDt.NewRow();
                            string  pId   = dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString();
                            fuRow["PatientId"]  = pId;
                            fuRow["LastName"]   = dr[Patient.PtLastName].ToString();
                            fuRow["FirstName"]  = dr[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString();
                            fuRow["PtName"]     = dr[Patient.PtLastName].ToString() + ", " + dr[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString();
                            fuRow["PtMRN"]      = dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString();
                            fuRow["DueDate"]    = dueDate.ToShortDateString();
                            fuRow["FUMonth"]    = month.ToString();
                            fuRow["ProcName"]   = dr[Procedure.ProcName].ToString();
                            fuRow["ProcDate"]   = surgDate.ToShortDateString();
                            fuRow["Surgeon"]    = da.GetMostRecentTreatingPhysician(Int32.Parse(pId));
                            fuRow["SurveyName"] = currentSurveyDueName;

                            // retrieve additional patient data
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString()))
                                PatientDa ptDa     = new PatientDa();
                                DataTable ptInfoDt = ptDa.GetPatientByMRN(dr[Patient.PtMRN].ToString());
                                if (ptInfoDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    fuRow["Address1"] = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtAddress1].ToString();
                                    fuRow["Address2"] = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtAddress2].ToString();
                                    fuRow["City"]     = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtCity].ToString();
                                    fuRow["State"]    = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtState].ToString();
                                    fuRow["Zip"]      = ptInfoDt.Rows[0][Patient.PtPostalCode].ToString();


                            _redirectPath += "&" + dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString() + "=" + month + "_" + currentSurveyDueName;

                    if (breakLoop)

            CreateBatchButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "window.location.href='" + _redirectPath + "'");
