Exemple #1
     * Called when a tower bullet strikes a nutrient
    public void OnBulletCollision()
        Absorb();                               // call the absorb function

        // emit effect particles unless the nutrient was fat1
        if (m_BodyColor != Fats1Color)
            foodBlobEffectParticles = (FoodBlobEffectParticles)Instantiate(effectParticleParent); // create the particles
            path = this.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <FollowITweenPath> ();           // add particles to the path
            float pathPos = path.pathPosition;                                                    // set the position the particles are on the path
            foodBlobEffectParticles.createParticles(m_BodyColor);                                 // set the color of the emitted particles
            foodBlobEffectParticles.transform.position = gameObject.transform.parent.position;
            foodBlobEffectParticles.transform.rotation = gameObject.transform.parent.rotation;

        if (m_BodyColor == Fats1Color)                                     // if the color of the nutrient was fat1 we need to turn it white
            nutrientManager.ChangeColor(this, Color.white);                // changes the color
            ((Behaviour)gameObject.GetComponent("Halo")).enabled = true;   // adds a slight glow effect to the nutrient
        else                                                               // if the nutrient was not fat1 we handle getting ready to destroy the nutrient
            ((Behaviour)gameObject.GetComponent("Halo")).enabled = false;  // make sure the halo is not enabled
            isDead        = true;                                          // set the flag to indicate the nutrient is dead
            m_TargetColor = new Color(92f / 255f, 64f / 255f, 51f / 255f); // set the new target color for fading
            IsTargetted   = true;                                          // set the isTargetted flag so a tower doesn't try to shoot at this nutrient again

        m_TrueColor = m_BodyColor;              // set this to help with fading
Exemple #2
     * function that handles spawning the food blob
    private void SpawnBlob()
        // instantiate a blob
        GameObject blob = (GameObject)Instantiate(SpawnType, SpawnPoint, Quaternion.identity);

        // add an itween path to the blob

        path = blob.GetComponent <FollowITweenPath>();
        path.nutrientSpeed = speed;                                     // set the food blob's speed on the path

        blobScript = blob.GetComponent <FoodBlob>();                    // get the script on the foodblob
        // call the function to generateenzymes on the blob
        blobScript.GenerateEnzymes(minNutrients, maxNutrients, availableColors);
Exemple #3
  * function to set the path position where the effect particles should start following the path
 public void setPathPosition(float position)
     path = gameObject.GetComponent <FollowITweenPath> ();           // get the itween path script
     path.pathPosition = position;                                   // set the path position