Exemple #1
		void RecursiveCopy( FolderInfo folder, string path )
				string s = folder.Name + ":" + MatchPath.AbsoluteDirectoryPath( path ?? string.Empty );
				status.update.current = s;
				if( debug ) { Log( ".u.recursive copy [{0}]", s ); }

				//..check if cancelled
				if( IsCancelRequested )
					throw new Exception( "Update cancelled." );
				if( ! folder.IsIncludedFolder( path ) )
					if( debug ) { Log( ".u.not included", path ); }
				string fp = PathCombine( folder.Root, path );
				if( debug ) { Log( ".u.folder path [{0}]", fp ); }
#if __MonoCS__
						Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo i = new Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo( fp );
						if( ! i.Exists || ! i.IsDirectory )
					if( ! DirectoryExists( fp ) )
						throw new Exception( "Folder path does not exist." );

					string cp = PathCombine( current, folder.Name, path );
					if( debug ) { Log( ".u.current path [{0}]", cp ); }
						if( debug ) { Log( ".u.create current directory" ); }
						DirectoryCreate( cp );

						//..copy all included files at this level
						if( debug ) { Log( ".u.-----> files [{0}]", MatchPath.AbsoluteDirectoryPath( path ?? string.Empty ) ); }
						foreach( string n in Ctrl.ListFiles( fp ) )
								status.update.current = folder.Name + ":" + MatchPath.AbsoluteDirectoryPath( path ?? string.Empty ) + n;
								if( IsCancelRequested )
									throw new Exception( "Update cancelled." );
								string pn = PathCombine( path, n );
								if( debug ) { Log( ".u.file [{0}]", pn ); }
								if( folder.IsIncludedFile( pn ) )
									if( debug ) { Log( ".u.is included" ); }
									string fpn = PathCombine( fp, n );
#if __MonoCS__
										Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo i = new Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo( fpn );
										if( i.Exists && i.IsRegularFile )
											string cpn = PathCombine( cp, n );
												if( debug ) { Log( ".u.copy folder file to current" ); }
												FileCopy( fpn, cpn );
												LogStatus( StatusType.Created, folder.Name, path, n );
												Interlocked.Increment( ref status.update.created );
											catch( Exception ex )
												ex.Data[ExCurrentFilename] = cpn;
												Log( "Update {0}", Except.ToString( ex, debug ) );
												Interlocked.Increment( ref status.update.skipped );
												LogStatus( StatusType.Skipped, folder.Name, path, n );
									catch( Exception ex )
										ex.Data[ExFolderFilename] = fpn;
							catch( Exception ex )
								ex.Data[ExFilename] = n;

						//..recursively copy all subdirectories at this level
						if( debug ) { Log( ".u.-----> directories [{0}]", MatchPath.AbsoluteDirectoryPath( path ?? string.Empty ) ); }
						foreach( string n in Ctrl.ListDirectories( fp ) )
							string pn = PathCombine( path, n );
							if( debug ) { Log( ".u.directory [{0}]", pn ); }
							RecursiveCopy( folder, pn );
					catch( Exception ex )
						ex.Data[ExCurrentPath] = cp;
				catch( Exception ex )
					ex.Data[ExFolderPath] = fp;
			catch( Exception ex )
				ex.Data[ExPath] = path;
				Msg( "Update: {0}", Except.ToString( ex, debug ) );
Exemple #2
		void ScanFolder( FolderInfo folder, string path )
				//..record current location
				string s = MatchPath.AbsoluteDirectoryPath( path ?? string.Empty );
				status.scan.current = folder.Name + ":" + s;
				if( debug ) { Log( ".s.scan path [{0}]", s ); }
				Interlocked.Increment( ref status.scan.folders );

				//..check if cancelled
				if( IsCancelRequested ) { throw new Exception( "Scan cancelled." ); }
				if( ! folder.IsIncludedFolder( path ) )
					if( debug ) { Log( "  .s.not included" ); }

				//..find out if folder path exists
				string fp = PathCombine( folder.Root, path );
				if( debug ) { Log( ".s.folder path [{0}]", fp ); }
#if __MonoCS__
						Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo i = new Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo( fp );
						if( ! i.Exists || ! i.IsDirectory )
					if( ! DirectoryExists( fp ) )
						throw new DirectoryNotFoundException( "Folder path does not exist." );

					//..find out if path exists in current
					string cp = PathCombine( current, folder.Name, path );
					if( debug ) { Log( ".s.current path [{0}]", cp ); }
						if( ! DirectoryExists( cp ) ) 
							if( debug ) { Log( ".s.current path absent, copy everything" ); }
							//..when the folder does not exist in current, copy everything without comparing
							ScanQueue( ActionType.Copy, folder, path, null );

						List<string> a;

						//..scan files first
						if( debug ) { Log( ".s.-----> files [{0}]", MatchPath.AbsoluteDirectoryPath( path ?? string.Empty ) ); }
						a = new List<string>( Ctrl.ListFiles( cp ) );
						foreach( string n in Ctrl.ListFiles( fp ) )
								if( IsCancelRequested )
									throw new Exception( "Scan cancelled." );
								Interlocked.Increment( ref status.scan.files );
								string pn = PathCombine( path, n );
								if( debug ) { Log( ".s.file [{0}]", pn ); }
								if( folder.IsIncludedFile( pn ) )
									if( debug ) { Log( ".s.is included" ); }
									string fpn = PathCombine( fp, n );
#if __MonoCS__
										Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo i = new Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo( fpn );
										if( i.Exists && i.IsRegularFile )
											string cpn = PathCombine( cp, n );
												FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( fpn );
												FileInfo ci = new FileInfo( cpn );
												if( debug ) { Log( ".s.compare folder file [{0}]\n          with current [{1}]", fpn, cpn ); }
												if( ! ci.Exists || ! ctrl.FileDateMatches( fi.LastWriteTimeUtc, ci.LastWriteTimeUtc ) || (fi.Length != ci.Length) )
													if( debug ) { Log( ".s.file has changed" ); }
													ScanQueue( ActionType.Copy, folder, path, n );
												ListFilenameRemove( a, n );
											catch( Exception ex )
												ex.Data[ExFolderFilename ] = fpn;
												ex.Data[ExCurrentFilename] = cpn;
												Log( "Scan {0}", Except.ToString( ex, debug ) );
												Interlocked.Increment( ref status.update.skipped );
												LogStatus( StatusType.Skipped, folder.Name, path, n );
									catch( Exception ex )
										ex.Data[ExFolderFilename] = fpn;
							catch( Exception ex )
								ex.Data[ExFilename] = n;
						if( a.Count > 0 )
							if( debug ) { Log( ".s.flag deleted files for removal" ); }
							foreach( string n in a )
								if( debug ) { Log( ".s.deleted file [{0}]", n ); }
								ScanQueue( ActionType.Delete, folder, path, n );

						//..scan folders second
						if( debug ) { Log( ".s.-----> directories [{0}]", MatchPath.AbsoluteDirectoryPath( path ?? string.Empty ) ); }
						a = new List<string>( Ctrl.ListDirectories( cp ) );
						foreach( string n in Ctrl.ListDirectories( fp ) )
							if( IsCancelRequested )
								throw new Exception( "Scan cancelled." );
							string pn = PathCombine( path, n );
							if( debug ) { Log( ".s.directory [{0}]", pn ); }
							ScanFolder( folder, pn );
							ListFilenameRemove( a, n );
						if( a.Count > 0 )
							if( debug ) { Log( ".s.flag deleted directories for removal" ); }
							foreach( string n in a )
								if( debug ) { Log( ".s.deleted directory [{0}]", n ); }
								ScanQueue( ActionType.Delete, folder, PathCombine( path, n ), null );
					catch( Exception ex )
						ex.Data[ExCurrentPath] = cp;
				catch( Exception ex )
					ex.Data[ExFolderPath] = fp;
			catch( Exception ex )
				ex.Data[ExPath] = path;
				Msg( "Scan: {0}", Except.ToString( ex, debug ) );